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Something Blue {Theo - Quest }

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#1Theo Kaguya 

Something Blue {Theo - Quest } Empty Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:32 am

Theo Kaguya
As part of his daily routine after coming in TK works on the leftover reports and cleans all the other knights gear for them so they can just jump right into it when they arrive though today seemed like he had a lot more reports to organize and send off to their correct locations. “Okay umm where did that stack of Equipment forms go?” he tried to maintain some type of system but it looked like nothing was working out. Soon enough he found the right pial he made a mess of all the others “Okay I have roughly thirty minutes to finish up with this and then clean the gear.”Within a flash it was like thirty minutes had gone by and he was a few reports away from being done with everything. By the time head had made the stacks of reports nearly all the knights had come in and picked up their gear When did we get so far behind with reports and request forms he asked himself picking up one of the stacks and placing them in their correct section of the pickup desk. While on his way to try and clean some of the gear one of the other apprentice knights had been asking some for someone to take over his request with some crazy man find something blue Something Blue...I wonder if it's something, in particular, TK thought.

Theo was asked to assist a ‘Detective’ with a case that he thinks could be related to some of the weirder things that have been happening around the town. He didn’t really think about what the other knights had told him about this person it was one of those things that he wanted to see first hand before taking any side of the story but who knows maybe he could be on to something. The reports had told him that Dex always in the bar sitting at a table alone like he was waiting for some to show up and today would be the day that someone actually does show. Not wanting to stand out too much he put on his business suit which consisted of a black tie, gray shirt, vest, shoes, and black gloves now that he was dressed to do some detective work he made his way other to the bar.  

It wasn’t that hard to spot Dex as he sat in the far back in a booth alone so he walked over “Hello Detective Dex? Theo Kaguya, I’m here to help with the ‘Blue Light’ case” after he introduced himself to the detective he offered him a seat to go over the case The knight had to stop himself from falling asleep several time just to make sure he didn’t miss anything important. By the time that he finished filling him in on the case, the sun starts to go down

That was a lot to go over but then again he’s been on this case for a while… he thought to himself he motioned for the knight to follow him outside. With the afternoon starting to fade out it seemed like they would have to pick it up another day.

WC: 532/1000

#2Theo Kaguya 

Something Blue {Theo - Quest } Empty Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:11 am

Theo Kaguya
Dex started talking about a ball, a big blue ball that appeared by the river during the night and how it made him feel angered and sad when ever he would get close to it though that’s when Theo had stopped paying attention due to being in his own head for most of the rambling that he was doing This was not what I thought this would turn out to be but I’m able to help him with this everyone wins he thought as Dex stopped talking and looked up to the sky. The sun had finished its work and now the moon stood high in the sky the knight yawned as the detective asked him if he felt something to which he replied with “No but I think that’s-” Dex had started to pull him by his arm telling him the Blue orb wasn’t far from them.

Like any person that gets dragged along somewhere anything that Theo said to Dex went in one hear and out the other “Mr. Dex it’s really late are you sure we can’t do this later today?” by the time they had stopped Dex had brought them to the river, Where they saw a blue orb of light, just there plan as day or night in this case. The orb had a hypnotising effect to it the longer TK looked at it like it wanted him to touch it or hold it. I want to know what's behind all he thought to himself as he walked closer to it with Dex quietly and following behind him Its light is so warm and soft kinda like me he thought to himself.

Theo reached his hand out touching the orb giving him what felt like a glimpse into his future, It was of him praying in a church with tears running down his face but then it changed to a pair of winged me fighting above the Era. Before he could even process what had just happen, the orb of light emitted a force and push the two of them back into the rocks behind them. Oh man that hurt. Was that some kind of magic? He thought holding his head, TK’s body felt like it had been put through five fights with Kon from two years ago What was that thing anyway? He asked himself as he turned to see Dex with some blood running down his face “Mr Dex can you hear me?” the knight picked up the wounded man even though his body wasn’t in the best of shape either and made his way back to town.

After an hour they had arrived at a hospital, where they saw one of the town’s key figures Dacol Lubex “Mr. Dacol I require some assistants!” he shouted making sure he didn’t waste too much energy. Dacol hurried over to help the knight with Dex and take him to be treated right way, three hours later Dex had woken up and Dacol agreed to get the report from Dex Finally an end to the nightmare! Theo rushed out the room and hurried back to his apartment. As he ran through the empty streets he felt a sharp pain in his head that was followed by the same vision he had before. Once he arrived home he collapsed into his bed to sleep off this very bazaar night.


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