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A Cry for Help [Manzo]

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#51Lee Nakamura 

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:31 pm

Lee Nakamura
She felt embarrassed and humiliated. Never has she ever been so red in the face, not even in front of Kazimir. The flamed haired girl zipped up her brother's cloak while looking away from Manzo. She was a little ticked for some unknown reason. LeeAnn turned her head around hearing him come back into the room. Though his comment popped few veins. "What did you just call me?!" she hissed. Then she remembered, not to bite hand the feeds her. Quickly, she went quite to not start anything.

"Nevermind...let's just go" she said quietly. LeeAnn did not want to step on any toes. This was the first time anyone had gotten her to listen to any command. For some reason, this guy was nothing to sneeze at. Probably a person she would not want to piss off. This reminded her of her mother, which made a lot of sense. She remained with her arms crossed against her chest and blushing in the cheeks. LeeAnn walked beside Manzo, staring at the ground.

Tail 7: 71/100

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:50 pm


WORDS:212   | TAG: @LeeAnn  

As they made their way out of his apartment he noticed that she had horrible posture, and was constantly looking down for no reason. That certainly wasn't gonna do, not now, not ever. He quickly turned around and faced her. Putting his finger up to her chin, causing her eyes to meet his. His facial expression showed nothing but displeasure in how she was acting and carrying herself. He shook his head a sighed. Quickly he went into his pocket and pulled out his pack of mini cigars, putting one into his mouth and lightning it. Blowing smoke in her face while attempting to figure out how exactly he could remedy this.

He put his hands on her shoulders and set them back into the correct position. One hand then shifted to her lower back to adjust it into the proper arch. Her chest now out, her butt doing the same, her shoulders back and her head held high. and their eyes meeting. "You're not allowed to mope, and you're not allowed to slouch. I won't be seen in public with you if you don't learn to carry yourself with an ounce of confidence and self respect." He said as he took another drag from his cigar and began walking again.

Power Is Beauty At Its Purest

"Begone, with the thunder clap"
- Manzo Mattori

credit to nat of adoxography.

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 LGnxHvk
#53Lee Nakamura 

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:01 pm

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn as taken aback. She was slouching? What? He quickly fixed her posture making her think back to the times she was younger with her mother. It was ingrained into her until the kidnapping. All those lessons on confidence and being proud just washed down the drain. The young fox's ears tilted a little confused. He fixed her shoulders and propered up her chest making her look more proud. This made her a bit nervous and looked into his eyes. He did not look pleased. She wanted to say something, but did not.

He gave her a little lecture as she wanted to look small and sad, but didn't. She gave him a single nod and remained quiet. Obedient, like a dog. Though, she knew thats not what he wanted her to think like. LeeAnn walked slower pace as her ears folded back a little nervous. She shook her head and tried to look proud. On the inside, she was scared out of her mind. "Where are we going exactly" she asked him.

Tail 7: 73/100

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:12 pm


WORDS:140   | TAG: @LeeAnn  

Where they were going shouldn't even be a question she should be asking. It should be obvious to her, they were going to go get her a new wardrobe. Though he supposed it would have to be spelled out for her, since he knew she was only acting confident and was probably scared shitless on the inside. It was only natural though, she was completely out of her comfort zone and was becoming a new person to boot. So maybe she did need a little helping hand. Though he wouldn't be offering his hand for much longer she would have to learn how to be a person, a real person.

"The first place you and I are going is to get you new bras and underwear. I brought my measuring tape so we can get everything to fit correctly."


Power Is Beauty At Its Purest

"Begone, with the thunder clap"
- Manzo Mattori

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Manzo on Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#55Lee Nakamura 

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:22 pm

Lee Nakamura
It should of been obvious. LeeAnn was observant, but in this new...skin she was not yet used to it. He spoke to her directly being blunt as one could. What caught her off guard was the measuring tape. The kitsune's ears folded backwards again out of embarressment, but said nothing and only stayed quiet. A simple nod and "Okay" came from her in response. She really didn't know what to say or do. All this was hitting her so fast, she couldn't process the whole thing let alone get used to her true form.

She thought about the types of clothing she wanted to wear and the clothing she imagined him picking out ofr her. Now the under clothes, she looked away a little annoyed, but stayed quiet, not wanting to piss him off.

Tail 7: 74/100

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#56Lee Nakamura 

A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Empty Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:43 pm

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn proceeded to look back at Manzo and sighed. She just wanted to get this over with. It was like ripping off a bandaid. The fact she now had no clothes what-so-ever meant she was now free. She held her brother's cloak tightly in her grasp, wishing he were here. Now more than ever, the kitsune was a bit scared out of her mind. She feared the worst. What he might do to her or just simply say something that might trigger an anxiety attack. Thoughts bubbled into her mind playing a game with it.

"Okay" was all she managed to say. Really, Manzo was someone she feared. Someone who could put her in her place much like a dog. She was the council's dog for years and plaything. LeeAnn obediently followed Manzo leading the way.

Tail 7: 77/100


A Cry for Help [Manzo] - Page 3 Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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