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Dance of the Dead [Q/S]

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#1Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Fri Jul 19, 2019 1:26 pm

Faye Morgan


It’s a nice night~ Looking up above her see that the moon and stars were in full view above her head, despite the chill that night time usually inflicted upon you, Faye Morgan was actually quite enjoying it right now. The weather hot, while she did not really wilt beneath it to any particular degree that refreshing coolness that the dark offered to her was rather a pleasant thing to relish, as was the view that stretched out above her big blue eyes.

Mama always used to say there was a man that lived on the moon~ The vista of the vixen enlarged now that she was away from the lights of the city, Miss Morgan let out a soft sigh as her glistening gaze scanned the black blanket that was covered in such beautiful looking gems, before allowing her focus fall onto the large, white moon that stood out from all the other bright shapes in the sky. The view above her head one that made her rather reminiscent as she moved along in a set of denim rompers over an off the shoulder white blouse, that sapphire-like stare became a little misty as she remembered herself staring up at the night sky as a little girl, alongside her mother.

But she never did tell me his name? The skies above certainly  fascinating sight to behold at any time of the day but never more so than a clear night, Faye could well remember her mother telling her stories of the stars and the moon, enjoying them all but always feeling curious about the place really. Perhaps someday managing to whip a wind up strong enough to carry her to all the glowing objects above her, maybe once she did so then the sapphire sylph would have her own stories to tell her wise matriarch? Wouldn’t that be something…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#2Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:06 am

Faye Morgan


I think I’m starting to get close? Slowing her gait to a practical stop as she spied some strange looking fellows walking through the woodland with smouldering torches in hand and rather suspicious outfits to boot, Miss Morgan paused in place as she spied the shady characters walking through the woods for one specific reason. They were why she was here.

Yeah, they definitely look like odd people to me… Those robes and such aren’t what one would wear to a woodland tea party, that’s for sure? The sapphire sylph out in the woods not for a simple stroll but rather sent out by the Rune Knights, or at least the request that they had made for help, though reconnaissance was perhaps not the most obvious choice for someone who was most commonly seen as a dancing girl, as a member of Blue Pegasus she couldn’t simply ignore the call to arms. Apparently some bunch of wicked fellows trying to gather people together and perform some risky ritual or something, with the world still in ‘recovery’ from those demon attacks, the last thing people needed was more trouble being stirred up, and so the fair femme knew she had to act.

Now, I just have to get follow them to their meeting without being seen? Pushed into action perhaps partly because she felt a little bit guilty for letting her guild mates march to Astera to confront the incursion that had occurred whilst Master Belladonna had kept her back, though this mission was a little beyond her usual ‘comfort zone’, Miss Morgan guessed she might just have more skill in it than one might have expected from a daydreaming dancer. Used to being the centre of attention on a stage, the wind magic that the young woman could whip up was useful for helping her to be a little more sneaky than usual and she had spent enough time in the wilds with her mother to know how to get around it without causing too much of a stir, with the cover of the night she might just manage to slip through the woods and do her spot of spying without any trouble, right?

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#3Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:57 am

Faye Morgan


“Hey, you!”

Perhaps the stealth part of the operation not getting off to a terribly swimming start when Miss Morgan found a sharp tone from behind catching her ear as she stalked after the small group that she had found in the woods, after jolting the girl turned around and found yet another oddly robed individual looking toward her and wearing a strong sense of suspicion on his face.

Busted! Already…? Torch held aloft as he scrutinized her features and a frown rather clearly visible in his expression as the sapphire sylph returned some of that scrutiny, the heart of our heroine sank as she found herself confronted by someone who was a good head or more taller than her and broad enough in his robes that he looked quite the challenging target to overcome, forcing the femme to instinctively gather  little of her mana in case he attacked her right there though. However, neither her head nor her heart would be in a fight, should it happen.

“O-Oh, hello there!” Not the type who particularly enjoyed a good tussle, while instruction from her mother, the feistier one at least, had led to Faye being rather handy in terms of battle she never really wanted to engage enemies, at least not if she could avoid it. Heart hammering in her chest as a flight or fight response kicked in because of her panicking, the easy-going girl opted for a different approach to either, however. Not exactly a pacifist but the type of person who preferred to avoid violence where she could, while the wind witch might have been readily capable of summoning a squall that was sizeable enough to send this sentry flying from her, instead she opted for a response a little more suited to her inclination and hopefully the success of her mission as well…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#4Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:31 pm

Faye Morgan


“You scared me there…” Not the type who would break skulls and ask their questions later but certain that if she ran then she would only make herself more suspicious, while it was perhaps to be considered an irregular approach to being caught snooping through the woods, Miss Morgan elected for a simple show of friendliness as she was challenged, and just a hint of vulnerability as well.
“Goodness gracious, my heart is pounding…” Lifting her hand to her chest and letting out a long breath to try and steady her nerves as she tried to play her presence off casually, while the mission she was given specifically dictated a stealthy approach, the startled sylph hoped that she might just be able to ad lib her way to success in a more abstract fashion.

“Well, what are you doing here?”

Apparently her peaceful gambit at least seeming to earn her a stay of execution so to speak at the very least, as she decided to exploit talents as an actress that she had polished a little on stage but never really mastered, Faye hoped that charm and a little luck would see her through this challenging encounter. Things weren’t easy, though.

“Oh, just uh… Just…” Certainly possessing a wealth of imagination that she had fostered as an eccentric and self-interested child, unfortunately what the teen hadn’t polished up to any high degree was her ability to cope under pressure, and in this case that absence of experience was rapidly proving to be what could be a deciding factor in her safety and the success of the mission. Needing to come up with an excuse for her presence to ward off the attention of this stranger and what she assumed would be the interest and aggression from his similarly robed friends, Miss Morgan felt her head emptying of all ideas and simply blurted out the first thing that seemed to remain in it, hoping it would be enough to ward off the attention of the man in front of her…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#5Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:56 am

Faye Morgan


“Honestly? I… Wanted to join you guys?” The girl in the woods finding that she was grasping at straws somewhat, after noting the way that the patience of her ‘partner’ seemed to be wearing thin, she let loose the first idea that came into her head and hoped it wouldn’t seem too suspicious. Not the best liar in the world though her performance artistry coming with a hint of acting, while this was a discipline in which Faye had little practice in really, it was down to the man who grilled her to see just how well her lie would go down, and luckily it wasn’t wholly a lost cause.

“…You did?”

The man opposite her seeming to take his time to digest the words that she spat out in a slight sense of panic, it appeared the usual breezy and easy tone of Miss Morgan did a lot to conceal the sense of alarm she felt, as her breathy and girlish tone complete with slightly off kilter head tilt seemed to ‘sell’ the statement she had made a lot better than she had expected.

“Y-Yes, I uh…” The response that she gave at least seeming to disarm the stranger a bit, perhaps because no one had that quirky and eccentric edge quite like the sapphire siren, though the question of the torch-bearing man still carried plenty of suspicion about it, he did at the very least seem open to being convinced by Faye of her intention. And that made her job easy.
“Heard it from my friend Jenny, who said her brother’s next door neighbours girlfriend had spoken to her cousin’s sister in law, and they mentioned that you guys were looking for new recruits, and so… Here I am?” Running with the lie she had made even if it did make her feel a little guilty for being so deceptive, the blue beauty continued to ramble in her customarily daydream-filled tone as she exploited her imagination to aid her improvisation skills, deploying a lovely mix of information and vagueness that would hopefully help to overwhelm this inquisitive individual just enough to let him drop his guard that bit more…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#6Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:50 am

Faye Morgan


“Oh? So, what’s this girl’s name then?”

This fellow not the easiest nut to crack, however, or at the very least having enough sense about him to ask the important questions, after unloading her chain of vague individuals Faye was suddenly asked to confirm her story by giving a specific name. And that felt no easy task.

“Oh, it’s…” Certainly facing the metaphorical ‘crunch’ here, all it would take was the wrong choice of name and everything would be over. Doing some good work so far but no amount of improvisation or breezy dialogue seeming like it would be enough to hit the mark on this occasion, all that Miss Morgan could count on right now was good fortune; the luck that would lead her to one name out of thousands which would see her slipping into this venue without issue or otherwise find herself likely being chased through the woods by a horde of angry cultists. Everything came down to this moment.

“Betty?” Unsure of exactly why she picked this particular name out of the bunch but realizing the moment that she said it that it simply had a right feeling about it, while this could have been the ‘evidence’ of some latent sixth sense or simply the fact that she recognised that such a broadly used name had a sort of ‘shotgun effect’ of accuracy, but ultimately there felt something right about the choice. However, the real test coming from the man in front of her, whether this test would come out as a pass or fail was entirely in the hands of the stranger and fate as well one supposed, and despite the good feeling that Faye possessed it could all come crashing down around her in but a moment…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#7Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:16 pm

Faye Morgan


“Oh, you know Betty?”

Whether it was luck or judgement the answer unclear even to Miss Morgan, but the simple fact that she managed to get the critical question correct one that filled her with no shortage of relief, as the body language of the torch bearer relaxed and his tone lost no small degree of his hostility the girl let out a small sigh as she realized she was not going to be attacked. Or at least, not yet, it seemed.

“Oh well not directly but, you know how it is these days?” Shaking her head as she opted to play along with the little ploy that she had performed with even more conviction now, though she was rarely seen as the sharpest knife in the drawer so to speak, it seemed she had a talent for acting that she did not recognise. No small amount of strategy employed as she denied the idea that she knew this stranger directly so that should she run into her there would be a smaller chance of her ‘cover’ being blown, Faye surprised even herself with the speed of her thinking, though she supposed that maybe a life as a dancer needing to change her pace and position on the fly might have prepared her just a little for this improvisational excellence. That would be the only explanation she could think of.

I guess I just lucked out with the guy that found me? Not able to take all of the credit, however, as she expected that much of the ‘success’ that she had found was down to the person who had helped her with it, though it made the breezy beauty a little bit said to realize she was pulling the wool over this man’s eyes she knew it was for the greater good. After all, she wouldn’t be here if these people were all above board, now would she?

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#8Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:00 pm

Faye Morgan


“Ah, right, right.
Well, it’s probably dangerous for a young girl like yourself to be walking through the woods on her own, without a torch at the very least, so you better come with me I suppose?
The name’s Greg, by the way…”

The next part of her endeavour seeming almost like taking candy from the proverbial baby, once she had allayed the suspicion of the torchbearer almost all of his hostility seemed to evaporate in an instant and he almost sounded rather sweet really.
I feel a bit bad for lying though, he seems… Almost like a good guy? Showing a sudden sense of protectiveness that made it seem such a shame that he had elected to join this dark cult, this strange but almost caring man was someone who certainly didn’t seem like he should be getting caught up in some dark ritual, or being thrown into the cells or something as a result of his association really.

“Oh, thank you so much! I’m Amy…?” Never embarking upon this mission with the hope that she might bump into someone who would, accidentally, lead her right into the den of the lion so to speak, as the guy who was apparently called Greg showed such a gentle side, Miss Morgan couldn’t help but wonder if she should give him a little warning or something when the ‘bust’ was going to happen. It certainly rather a bad thing to do because of how it might lead to this group escaping and such but at the same time a great swell of sympathy for the man who had found her, feeling rather tempted by the idea.

“I was getting a little lost, honestly?” This often the problem that plagued Faye the most really, even when she dealt with ‘bad guys’ she had a hard time seeing them as bad, really. A forgiving soul who liked to see the good in people no matter how well hidden it was, with such a readily apparent demonstration of kindness and compassion on full display, there was no way that the breezy beauty could write him off now, was there? And this left her rather conflicted as she followed after him in the forest…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL
#9Faye Morgan 

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:23 pm

Faye Morgan


“Yeah, these woods can be a bit of a problem, at night especially?
You should have really tried to find someone to go with?”

Greg the torchbearer certainly seeming to have at the very least a casual concern after ‘Amy’ now that he had accepted her as one of his own, as the girl followed after him through the dark forest, the level of conflict that she felt did not diminish in the slightest. It kind of a comfort to have him by her side really, though the sapphire sylph was rarely the type to find much fear in the night, having someone to talk to at the very least seemed to calm a few of her nerves about the task she was on.

“Yeah, I know, but with this kind of thing…” Perfectly happy to just ‘chat it up’, so to speak, even if everything she was saying was built around a lie the blue beauty tried not to focus on that fact all that much. It only seeming to make her feel worse when she considered the fact that she was deceiving this guy, while she had shown a little talent in the art of deception, Miss Morgan wasn’t exactly thrilled about it either.

“It’s hard to know who you can trust?” A heavy sentiment of irony lacing her words as their conversation continued, though the breezy teen might have rationalized her duplicity as something that was for both their benefit, that didn’t make it an easier pill to swallow. Certainly managing to make sure one of them didn’t come away from their earlier conversation in a bad way with the little act she had put on, which seemed like a good thing at the time, as the duo moved through the increasingly sinister looking trees that surrounded them it seemed like every moment that Faye spent with her companion made her feel more and more like she would be betraying him later on. It was crazy really, but honestly by this point the sylph really did think that the man by her side was more misguided at most rather than malevolent…

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Dance of the Dead [Q/S] O246FIL

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