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The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe]

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The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:36 am


-Do not fret the Night-

"Together, we will arise with the morning light."

It was a glorious morning at the sieghart mountain mining camp, as the sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains, shining through the valleys between them like a blazing star. Not only was it just a solar spectacle, but the day looks clear as there were very few clouds in the sky. The air was cool and crisp to the nose and lung, and had a calming fresh scent to it that would put almost any one at ease.

As he found that he didn't need to sleep much considering his new condition, Aegis found that his time was enjoyed in research and finding out more about the various places around him. While his current location was in the mountains in the north, he thought he would do both some literal and metaphorical digging into the region and places of interest to him. Over the last week or so he had become very familiar with the current head of the mining camp, as well as the elder of the nearby settlements.

Lately there have been some deaths among the miners in certain regions of the current mining shafts. Specifically due through the southern tunnel of their current deepest shaft. Not only for the protection of the further miners, but this also interested him to find out what was causing it, and deal with it if it needed to be dealt with. He had gotten the permission to begin his investigation from the current mine head, but wanted to fully be prepared for what might lie below the central mine.

[Post 1]

PG Quest -15%

WC - 261

#2Tomoe Tanaka 

The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:02 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe spat in the face of such bright and cheery days. Whether it was something he couldn't shake off from his former life under more Vampiric tendencies, the weird night-based ability that the old hag from that fortune telling shop had placed upon him, or his old life as a thief, things involving the shade and acts of subtlety followed him all throughout life. It wasn't as if he was particularly thrilled about that aspect of himself either, however, and in protest shot a loogie projectile from his mouth. It landed smack in the center of a rock, and as he watched it trickle down and presumably grow hotter under the watchful gaze of the sun, he contemplated life. He was that loogie, and at the end of the day, so was everyone else. Just sliding down the rocky slope called life until it hit a soil patch and became absorbed into it, forgotten but no longer looked upon as gross and awful.

"Was there a point to this...?", Tomoe muttered to himself, scratching the back of his head and darting his eyes around in thought.

Right. In his misery, he had forgotten that he was to meet with his friend, the one who could be considered the more true leader of Penumbral Guard. Tomoe had yet to truly speak his piece on the concept of dual leadership, and on why maybe Fiore's the problem if they're too racist - or bone-ist - to accept the idea of a Lich that doesn't plotting world domination. Granted, Tomoe is one of few to say he had met a Lich that plotted world domination and lived to tell about it, but that wasn't the case for most people. There was a difference between these examples of Liches, and the Joyan wanted the world to see that; less because he wanted to see social progress and more because he wanted the royalty to stop being a royal pain in his ass and just accept people as they are so that he could stop pretending to be the leader of a cause he didn't truly believe in.

Apparently someone was killing people in the area, or more specifically, in a nearby mine shaft. Tomoe scoured his thoughts for who it could be, but came up almost completely blank. No, there was definitely nobody that would do any such thing. That would be horrendous, and any dastardly devil that would delight in such things would need to be brought to justice. For that reason, and certainly not for the sake of his own desire to defend himself, Tomoe came armed to the teeth when he heard that his comrade Aegis was readying an investigation.

Upon coming into vision of the not-too-subtle towering Lich, Tomoe began to think somewhat poorly of his own decrease in height since using Kusanagi. For what reason would his own usage of it cause his appearance to change so drastically? For him to become younger and shorter, and to be altered so heavily as to not be recognizable from how he appeared a mere year ago? He had hoped that at the very least his friend had gotten used to seeing him this way, because the reverse certainly wasn't true yet. From total klutz to imposing skeleton-man, it was a bit of a transition for his old friend, to be sure.

"Hey, bud. You ready to bust some heads? Whoever it is that's killin' around here, they ain't gonna be doing it much longer, y'know? You geared for it?", Tomoe inquired after approaching, hoping beyond hope that they wouldn't find anything particularly incriminating for reasons that of course he wouldn't speak up about or reveal to anybody.


The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:33 pm


-Do not fret the Night-

"Together, we will arise with the morning light."

As he was grabbing the last of his gear, Aegis play sit down in the grass in front of him. After a very contained chuckle, Aegis turned to Tomoe "I am always geared, you know this better than anyone!" now taking more serious tone however, "We I have no idea what's going on down there, thus we must to be prepared for anything."

He knelt down, and lays a basic map that the mining head gave him, then points towards the southern location, showing Tomoe where they are generally headed. "From what I have gathered thus far, all the missing persons were last seen, or have been, in this general vicinity." after going over the basic definition and locations in the mine, he started to grab his gear as they were ready to head out.

He then looked over to the small one attempting to hide herself behind a wall but failing quite significantly. "Rashida, you must stay here this time. Keep the airship tended to alright?" she looked on in the largest pout imaginable, but bobbed her head in agreement. "Don't be worried, we will be back soon." giving her a pat on the head. He handed her one of the communication lacrima he had on him. "Let us know if there's any trouble okay?" upon getting an actual task to do while above ground, she perked up a bit.

[Post 2]

PG Quest -15%

WC - 490

#4Tomoe Tanaka 

The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:25 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
"Keep kids outta this, man. Go play 'dad' somewhere without serial killers, yeah?", Tomoe spoke up upon seeing that his ally had brought a child along.

He hadn't seen the kid before, or at least he thought he hadn't. There was a level of familiarity and trust that told Tomoe that they had been travelling together for no small length of time. Despite his words, he let them finish their talk with each other and stood next to the loogie rock.

Like Aegis, Tomoe was ensuring that he had all the gear he would need for a combat-focused objective. He had to make sure that he filled all the bare minimum quota - and as he reached for the handle of the golden blade on his back, he knew that he was already more than ready. Though there was more to it than that, of course. Sheathed on his left hip was a rusted, nearly broken katana that had been properly maintained and oiled despite its status as perhaps the most ineffective sword to ever exist. Tomoe tugged at it to ensure that it was properly fastened before checking his newly acquired and deceptively agile plate mail. Assurance crossed the Joyan's features upon confirming that everything was ready for use to its fullest, finishing by retrieving his helmet from the ground where he had left it to let his hair breathe in the wind. It was no longer time for leisure, but rather to get down to business.

"Let's get to it, alright? We're burnin' daylight here, as nice as that sounds to me. Let's go over there and forcibly rearrange some psycho's facial features - free of charge, of course - until they cry for forgiveness.", Tomoe blurted out, starting to walk in the direction his ally had pointed him in; being truthfully not the greatest with directions, it was a relief that somebody could point him where he needed to go.

"So how's, uh, undeath been treating you so far? Or I assume undeath anyway, being a walking skeleton. What do you... 'do', as a Lich? Any new discoveries about stuff you didn't think about while still covered in flesh and muscles?", Tomoe questioned after some time on the road, wanting to break whatever silence there might be as the moved about.

The Joyan was still wary of any surprise attacks that might be attempted, but nevertheless kept the conversation alive. Multitasking while in potential imminent danger was a task any well-respected and high ranking warrior needed to master, and this would be good practice on top of simply wanting to regroup with an old friend.


The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:33 am


-Do not fret the Night-

"Together, we will arise with the morning light."

"Yes, let us get to it." picking up his pack, he waved towards the airship and Rashida, making their way into the mouth of the mine shaft.

"Hmmmm... if I had to say? It's been very odd. Out of mere habit I occasionally still feel like I need to consume food or drink. Although the largest two changes by far is not needing to sleep, and the size." taking his hands and running them over his chest. "Getting accustomed to that has been... Frustrating. However, not needing to sleep frees up a lot more time to do research and investigations." leaning over his friend slightly and speaking in a slightly intentional pestering way, "Like finding out someone has gotten a bit of a mark on them from when I saw them last." At the end of the spoken sentence, one could swear they saw an invisible eyebrow raise, if he had one to do so. "I won't demand to know what happened, but that is something that needs to be dealt with at some point. I know you understand that, for I don't underestimate your intellect."

Most of the light now was coming from various crystals and lanterns, strewn about every few feet heading deeper into the mountains side. The cave entrance was actually quite extensive and vast, hosting a mirage of mining instruments, magic tools, and various other gadgets and gizmos that the miners may need during their daily efforts. Aegis made sure that Theo was firmly attached just in case, and double-checked the ease of drawing his weapon in case it was needed within a split second. They still had quite a ways to go even before the area began where people went missing, but such a large mine without having another soul in its other than these two, made for a very eerie feeling in the atmosphere.

[Post 3]

PG Quest -15%

WC - 800

#6Tomoe Tanaka 

The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:56 am

Tomoe Tanaka
"Hey, it ain't gonna be a problem. You gotta loosen up a bit, man. Everything I do is for the guild. Nothing more, nothing less.", Tomoe blurted out after the subject of his rising bounty was brought up.

In truth it was the driving force for his own paranoia lately, having been a constant plague on his mind. At any point some aspiring hunter could pounce on him when he was at his most vulnerable, or perhaps an overwhelming force of a wizard challenging him openly and pursuing him if he fled. Those sorts of bounty hunters were cropping up more frequently in the new and modern Fiore following the country's destruction at the hands of angels and demons alike. It was a newer time, it felt like. Wizards were becoming stronger overall and the gap between the weak and the strong only grew more distant. To Tomoe, it was as if he was falling behind the times and couldn't catch up. Thinking about the mere idea of it almost made him breathless, and as he walked his mind could only think on what the future of Fiore held for those who couldn't keep up.

"Let's drop it for now, yeah? How about this: if knights come knockin' at our doorstep with the intent of cuffing me? I'll go quietly. Wouldn't be the first time in the slammer, but I'll manage on my own. As long as it doesn't affect the guild, don't worry about it, man.", Tomoe continued, shrugging his shoulders dismissively in a bid to sidestep Aegis' concern.

Once they delved further into the mine itself, Tomoe tensed up. Anything could be lurking, and while normally he wasn't the most afraid of people, there was no guarantee that it was just people waiting for them. He had seen demons before, and they were nothing like the stories. Much more visceral and violent than anything could ever give them credit for. While the warrior doubted that there was any such demonic threat to be concerned about in some random mine on the Northern tip of Fiore, he nevertheless decided it would be better to be prepared.

Not only was his rusty, nameless blade shorter than Kusanagi, he also cared for it far less. Any accident in which it could be lost or destroyed in such a dark place mattered little to the Joyan, who only truly treasured the golden masterpiece on his back among the gear he possessed. Thus, as they advanced further on, Tomoe drew his sword for no other purpose than simply to have it ready. Walking with it drawn, he scouted for any signs of movement with which he had half a mind to cut down on a moment's notice regardless of who it might be. It wasn't a heroic mindset to have, but it certainly was one of a survivor.


The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:26 pm


-Do not fret the Night-

"Together, we will arise with the morning light."

Aegis sighed while tilting his head as they continued walking at Tomoe's dismissing nature. "I'll leave it for the moment, but it is something to think about. I know your concerned, I can observe at least that much." he looks on, with a look of concern for his friend. " I also realize that the Guild Master was not a position you wanted to uphold, thus I wanted to show my appreciation again for your help. If you ever need assistance with it, or to converse about, consider yourself more than able to ask me."

The continued walk down to the depths of the mine was pretty uneventful even though that they were on guard. Many half collected or fully harvested veins could be seen, creating little enclaves in the wall which posed a hindrance to them as they needed to stop and check each one before pressing on as they were ideal situations and locations for ambushes. Aegis too had drawn out his weapon just in case there wasn't time to do so. Theo seem to also be on edges he was gripped a bit tighter than normal.

"The left passage here seems to be the beginning of the abduction areas." As they got further down in the current shaft, they started to notice that it was very much unkempt compared to the rest of the mine. Tools and resources for bracing walls and roofs, mining gear and equipment, as well as even the floor and surrounding areas were littered with various amounts of debris. "Hold a moment." he said quickly, as he bent down towards the dusty floor. Upon his closer inspection, he noticed that there was wind in the mine currently at their location, and it was causing very slight amounts of dust to roll away from them deeper into the mine.

[Post 4]

PG Quest -15%

WC - 1103

#8Tomoe Tanaka 

The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:35 am

Tomoe Tanaka
"Hey, don't worry about my shit. I'll be fine! Really. Only thing is, the second that it seems alright to hand this position off to ya, I'll gladly do it. Being addressed as 'guild master' by officials and people I pass by in the streets of Marigold freaks me out. Too many eyes.", Tomoe ranted and raved as they moved, discontent with his place as the guild master.

It was one thing if he were simply known as a renowned member of the Penumbral Guard. It was an entirely different world that he was known across the country by those in charge as a guild master. His every action or inaction was something that people could use against him, and the Joyan despised those sorts of smear campaigns. Politics in general were never his style, and the world of wizards was far more political than an outsider looking in would ever expect.

Upon reaching the decisive path, Aegis bent down to observe the floor. Tomoe shrugged, figuring this was important somehow but not bothering to ask questions. As prepared and cautious as he was, the ronin didn't truly expect to find anything down here at all for reasons he wasn't entirely open about sharing.

"Hey, let's get going, eh? This'll be like rippin' off a bandage. The quicker, the better. Let's bop the psycho on the head and turn him in for a fast buck."

Quickly checking over his unsheathed rusty katana one last time to ensure that it wasn't already on the verge of breaking apart, Tomoe moved further towards the left passage with his guard up and his blazing eyes darting across for any sign of movement as he advanced.


The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Fri May 01, 2020 4:58 am



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will arise with the morning light."


As Aegis got down to look at the ground, and the dust that was moving, it was quite a simple task to tell that it was moving towards the left wall. He use his hands to feel along the wall and not too far down there seemed to be some weird disturbances along the wall. This area of the mine was not well lit, the darkness began to encroach as they followed along, Tomoe watching Aegis' back as they went. As we descended further, they came across what looked to be a fresh break into the mine shaft wall. By this time it was quite a bit more cramped, as the walls had been encroaching closer the deeper they went. This seemed to be the entrance to where the air was escaping so Aegis motioned to Tomoe the follow him but to keep quiet.

This side passage was hard to navigate, especially for someone as tall as him. Tomoe seemed to have less of a problem with his size, but didn't enjoy it because you couldn't swing a weapon very easily here. After not too long of walking, the room started to widen and the roof ramped up word. The room itself was made of a subtly different material, although they didn't know, or couldn't recognize, it was. While they were walking into the room, other than being dark, except from their small lights, there wasn't much of scenery or exuberance. As soon as they stepped into the room however, a magic circle on the floor lit up the room.

Not leaving much time for them to respond, a blinding flash of light erupted from underneath them. The light was so bright all they could see was black. After what seems like moments, but also hours, the vision had started to clear for both of them. For them to put into words what they saw was almost indescribable. White tangled skies blended together, but also upheld with spider webs of magic. There seemed to be a large building in the distance, but yet it was right in front of them. Distance was so hard to tell by the amount of change constantly happening. The amount of time that had passed was strange. The time in exploration of this place had been extensive, but yet they had never moved. Suddenly they were back in the room, both having a hard time standing. Even though he didn't have a stomach, Aegis felt like it was moving through his chest and into his neck.

[Post 5]      

PG Quest -15%

WC - 1525


#10Tomoe Tanaka 

The Tower [Aegis / Tomoe] Empty Fri May 01, 2020 6:00 am

Tomoe Tanaka
There was a combination of awe and hopelessness that flooded Tomoe's entire being. It felt like he had become one with the universe's secrets, and that they in turn whispered to him. He felt himself move slow, yet fast. He was far away from everything, yet so infinitely close. Such an experience was only possible with the strongest of magic from a being so far beyond anything a human could hope to match. He had become one with space-time, and existed as a semi-corporeal entity at the moment. Those were the thoughts flowing through Tomoe's head at that time, if time were even to exist in the bounds that he existed within.

And then, like that, it was over. They were back outside, in the real... 'real' world. Flashbacks to the knowledge of a god long forgotten but oh so willing to kill and feast upon any who existed throughout dimensions had filled his mind all at once. This must've been who they were talking about that night a year ago. That was their realm, and they had been discovered. How long would it be before that god would be upon them, hunting them with his limitless power? It was too much for the Joyan to think about, and in a cold sweat, he turned to Aegis with a single glance before backing away from their current location and making his way towards the exit of the mine for some fresh air.

"We need to get the fuck out of here, man. This is above my pay right now, gimme a second to process this shit.", Tomoe stated plainly without an ounce of his usual sarcasm or cynicism, fully dedicated to the idea of regrouping and discussing their next move far away from this mine.

And just like that, he had bolted for the exit.

- Exit -

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