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Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura)

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#26Aura Chou 

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:47 am

Aura Chou
Her eyes looked lost when she looked at the drink. It had a tangy smell to it, but also sweet nectar. Aura's nose wiggled a little as she smelled it once more. She wondered what kind of effect this had on her since Priscilla was making a big deal about it. She always saw her master drink it and when he did, he was really 'affectionate' to his slaves. She wondered exactly what to do since she wanted to try it out, but she also did not know how she will turn out. She has heard that there were different types of 'drunk'.

There were the affectionate types, angry abusive types, Merry type and finally the sad-cry type that sits there and cries about some traumatic past. She was deep thinking this and slowly held onto the cup. Her lips kissed the rim as she tilted the liquid into her mouth and tasted the toxic yet sweet taste. She wanted to down it all till it was empty. First time usually equals go all the way, right? She questioned the statement. Her body felt hot all of the sudden and her brain went in different directions as her mentality was all over the place. She sat there like stone as her body was taking it all in.

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Xz55h710

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:30 pm

Priscilla would just continue to ensure that her now new little companion was okay. Priscilla would just keep to herself how Aura handled well for not even touching the stuff once. Just in case Priscilla reached other and placed the back of her hand Aura's cheek right check to if she was still there, So far she was zoned out, Not that was a horrible thing. Priscilla was just being if anything still overly motherly because she was looking after some one who for now had no grasp on the reality and the some what danger being free and roaming the lands were.

But freedom for Aura meant a chance for many things aside from Priscilla's internal worry."Aura dear, are you still with me?"Priscilla asked while she had touched the right cheek of her face as she did. Priscilla wanted to remark how she wished she would have taken it slow, Then again Priscilla wanted Aura to do what she wanted too as well.

Priscilla's Bloody Mary would arrive not too long after. Where she would quietly take it and take a small drink. Priscilla was expected Aura to most likely be in shock, Or continue drinking enough that Priscilla would have to carry her back to the where she was staying and either sleep by her or watch her for the rest of the evening.

So far Aura seemed like a rock, Priscilla was starting to wonder if you weren't suppose to give a fox woman drinks like this. So Priscilla would take a ice cube from one of the glasses of water they had, with the hand she had touched Aura's cheek with, then making sure it was in front of Aura's face placed the ice cube on her forehead to see if it would get her moving again or get some kind of reaction, Shock to the system seemed to work for that, All while she took a small sip of her Bloody Mary.

#28Aura Chou 

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 23, 2020 7:21 pm

Aura Chou
Aura could feel her body warm-up, turning hotter within every second as her stomach felt like an oven. She felt like she just was dropped into the colorful abyss where she swam through a pink pool of fizzy alcohol. Her eyes just gazed straight into nothing as she then heard Priscilla. "H-huh?~" She spoke happily and smiled at her friend. She wondered if she was still there with her. Was she here with her? A smile escaped her lips as she drank the rest of it. Her eyes spotted the waitress and wondered more, "Can I have another with more fruit?~" She spoke happily in Fiorian. She spoke slowly, but good enough for her to understand.

Her eyes went back towards Priscilla, "I feel super warm." She described and as soon as her drink came over, she slowly drank another, but soon enough she guzzled it down. "I feel... loose." She slowly went over to the piano as the place had no music. People around here were arguing, being loud and some even just staying away from people. No? No, she changed her mind on the piano. She slowly went over to what she found to be a type of harp guitar. Her eyes looked around to see if she could spot a piano player. "Annnnnnyone a piano player?~" She asked out loud. Her eyes turned pinkish which quickly a man was to respond. "I was known to be quite the player across the seas." He spoke and went to the piano.

She grabbed the thing and leaned against the window and it went quiet as she started. Her voice was melodic and it was like a demon controlled her vocals, her speaking as she spoke in the language everyone understood...

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Xz55h710

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:41 am

Oh so Priscilla was in for a show, Even if she prefered Aura had taken for drinking easy nonetheless maybe that was going to work out nicely in the end. Priscilla would take note of this situation highly, in case later Aura forgot when she woke up the next day.

This was also a moment Priscilla would learn some what the talents Aura did have, For the so far scared fox woman in a new land adjusting, It was an interesting change around what she expected. Music and singing, What a welcome twist.

So far Priscilla was enjoying her bloody mary, slowly but surely would finish it up, thinking over what she wanted next. So Priscilla would order a different drink, Leaning over after getting a waitress she would ask her for."Two Shirley Temples." Priscilla did prefer one drink for herself.

But why did she get the other one? Well she was going to give it to Aura when she was done her wonderful show. Priscilla was just doing the one thing she was still being sure she was always doing.

Watching just in case anything beyond the piano player was going to happen, Yet again the werewolf wanted Aura to be free as she was now, But no one was going to kidnap her or try to do anything to her on Priscilla's watch, The friendly fox had some one who was willing to tear some one to pieces for the sake of keeping her safe. Then again Priscilla could also just be paranoid, So many years of all of the horrible things she had done left her mind shifted to always assuming the horrible things in life could happen, Sadden and limiting on her part, being numb to enjoyment in life did take some thing from Priscilla.

#30Aura Chou 

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:57 am

Aura Chou
She was surely enjoying the music that she was singing and playing. The man sure knew his stuff. It almost reminded her of that ship she was on. The little girl on that boat knew how to play something called a Lyre. Her eyes were beautiful pink and hair of raven silk. What was her name? She too spoke Joyan. She remembered a detail like no other, she had a piece of bamboo in her mouth. The poor girl seemed to have gone through a lot like herself but on a different path. Her eyes spotted Priscilla, a woman who liked to protect girls in need like herself.

After the song was over, people clapped and went onto their own business. Aura walked towards her and sat on the chair next to her in a rather wiggle way as she was drunk. Her head collapsed onto her hand as her elbow was against the table. "Hey... I wondered if you will protect a girl I know - if you find her." She spoke very slowly as she tried to think of words that she will understand herself. "She had bamboo in her mouth. See her, she is like me... we escaped a place of burning within her hearts. An abyss we drown in with the thoughts of our past." She felt like it was so. They were on the pirate ship, but Aura left early. Sometimes she has wished it had not been so.

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Xz55h710

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:23 pm

This seemed to change into a different conversation slowly, one of joy and delight. Expression of Talent and laughter. Watching Aura returning to her chair and settling in. Priscilla would listen, during which time her drinks would arrive quietly picking up her bloody mary, She would finish it because she had been drinking it rather quickly, Surely what an interesting situation. Aura must have really cared for this person if already asking for help when they just barely knew one another.

Even asking in some ones place when they were not here. Then again, Of all people to ask Priscilla was the safest. Aura would be the second person Priscilla has either helped or save in some manner, A third would not be so horrible. Priscilla would pick up one of her two drinks. taking a small sip like she was thinking about it.

It was however Priscilla acting like she was weighting and considering her options. Then she would pet Aura on the head."If I find her I will."Priscilla said with a content and some what happy smile. Then after she had finished petting Aura on the head.

Priscilla would placed the second drink of hers in front of Aura."That is for you, For putting on a wonderful show."Most people if they ever found it Priscilla was like this, Would find it odd that Priscilla was so normal, settled and human.

"She will be found and kept as safe as I can make her, When I do find her."Priscilla added that in, After all it would be when not if, she would have to find this person off of nothing to start with."You   have my word on that."Priscilla had to wonder now, If that settled Aura good enough to be happy, Or the drink Priscilla was just given to her.

#32Aura Chou 

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:49 pm

Aura Chou
Her ears twitched and smiled when Priscilla promised her the promises. She felt like she could not trust anyone with those, but with Priscilla, it was most likely. The alcohol was getting to her as she felt tipsy. The men gazed at her with thirsty eyes as her master did when she wore certain things because she had to. She nodded towards anther drink, gazed at it a few seconds, and then back at her. "I-I think it is time for us to go." She spoke slowly as she was never going to get fluent in Fiorian anytime soon. Aura finished the alcohol Priscilla was so nice enough to give her.

She knew that Priscilla would take her somewhere. Anywhere safe at least. Where was she going to go? No one knows. She leaned against Priscilla as she was about to fall asleep. "I feel... sleepy." The men gazed at her still from the darkness as she was an attractive nine-tailed fox. She was on everyone's - or mostly everyone's bucket list since she was something new. They left the place and to the location, they went as the area smelled like a fresh-mowed lawn. It was a good smell, but the farms were the opposite. "I go... wherever you go, yea?" She mumbled softly in joy since she did not know how to ask in Fiorian. Once she got there, she passed out.


Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Xz55h710

Sniffing Out The Friendly Fox.(Aura) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:32 am

Priscilla would not pity or feel sorry for Aura, she just knew what to do when some one drank too much. Anyone else in Priscilla situation would have thought of something different and entirely. Much like how the various men look at Aura, they did not realize that Aura had a monster after her, A werewolf one who would kill every single monster in the room if they laid a hand on her at this point and Aura had let out a single noise of distress, it would be all it took for Priscilla to be willing to go that far for Aura.

Suki would get the same kind of treatment when Priscilla found her, Under Priscilla watch no one would touch her if Priscilla heard a single noise of distress or fear things would shift.

Priscilla would stare at every single person who looked at Aura and she picked Aura got the drunked Aura to keep both her arms around her hips and resting Aura's head on one of Priscilla's shoulder."Then we return to where we have a bed to sleep."Priscilla would just say. She would keep a free hand by one of her daggers, She would not think it below anyone there looking at Aura to consider following them back.

It did not take long for Priscilla and Aura to return where Priscilla had been staying, Priscilla would just quietly and neatly placed Aura in the bed. Priscilla would join her soon since she was tired and for once in her life, Priscilla felt like she could just sleep in a bed with another person.

Priscilla would write up a few notes, One for Aura and one for some one else Priscilla saved and Aura did not know the face or name of yet. Both would be explaining where she was going, who the other was and that they could trust each other. Along with mentioning where they could meet one another, With Aura's letter would have a few other details about this woman that were important, Same with whom Priscilla was sending her way, The end of it mentioned, that Aura is safe and protected and whom Priscilla sent to make sure Aura is okay was some one Aura could trust, as well as she could trust Aura.

Priscilla would just take all of her gear that she had been wearing during her time with Aura, reinforce the door in case anyone tried to break in while they slept, then for once in her life Priscilla laid in bed next to Aura and slept, it still felt strange, like what she was use too was still in her mind.


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