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#26Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:02 am

Faris Iraious
The trials of cooking would be something he would deal with later, After all it was more he wanted to do that in the guild house and he was no where near that currently, it would be on the list of to do eventually, Hopefully he did not forget at all. Chance could be that might depending on what all he was doing, he could get lost exploring again. Then again many things could happen which was that wonderful part of of Faris and his life.

When most likely being wine Faris would end up not know anything he would be buying and learn later how either good he did or how horrible."I will be sure to at least have a fair bit of my own money first."Sure it sounded silly but Faris was building up to trying to build a bit more money he had and he did not know how much wine costs, He assume it could be a lot, That was to happen eventually.

So alas food had arrived and Faris seemed rather delighted and enjoyment. So Faris would not delay quietly picking up his fork and diving into his meal, Faris would not have much trouble, after all his hair was much shorter nothing could get his way."It is good yes."Faris had not said much since getting his food and wine, Generally because Faris seemed to be quiet while eating his meal. But he was happy and enjoying himself. Faris so far manage to at least make a mess of a food and keep table manner to be some how fitting and clean. That worry was not in his mind. Was the delight of these days always going to be life. Internally Faris was laughing how much of a messy eater he use to be.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 25, 2020 2:40 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Well, you needn't worry about that... Being a mage for hire pays surprisingly well in case you haven't noticed~", teased the sculptress, winking knowingly as the hot bundle of pasta sizzled ever so softly on her tongue, enough to blow out a couple heated puffs of air as she kept her hand gracefully over her mouth, before letting out a low, satisfied little hum. Indeed, wine could be quite pricey, but Alisa had long learned otherwise, "And more importantly, you really needn't pay such a hefty price to drink good wine. Many simple minded fall for that simple assumption that price equates to quality... Really, you just need to know what you're doing, or, well... Stick close to somebody who does~"

If he wanted, Alisa would be delighted to show him a thing or two, after all, she'd been growing rather fond of the man's positivity and general appreciation for all the beauty Fiore had to offer. Many people, even those like minded enough to admire everything the world around had to offer, often grow jaded after being exposed to much of the same for too long. Maybe Faris would too, in a couple of years, but for some reason she thought otherwise. With this kind of appetite, the pasta would slowly disappear from their plates inbetween slow, appreciating sips of wine:

"Hmm~... You know i've never set foot in this restaurant before.", confessed the sculptress, leaning back into her chair as she looked around. This early, not many people were actually around, and the two had most of the outdoor area to themselves, leaving the sculptress quite comfortable to simply lean back in her chair as she enjoyed her meal, shooted the occasional curious glance to her companion, "Seems to me it's worth a repeat or two~"[/b][/color]

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#28Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:21 pm

Faris Iraious
It showed even if Faris felt like he had learned a fair amount so far, To learn and change into a new area always still left something to left learn. But that part he had noticed."Such wealth, Is something I might have not expected right away."Just meant Faris needed to adjust slowly to keep himself in control just more slowly and quietly if anything.

So far Faris seemed happy with his food, He also did not seemed to be worrying about burning himself or eating quickly."Most likely the second option, For leaving a hole in my pocket, I already know it a horrible idea."He also did not want to be known as a person who burnt away all of his wealth so quickly on things because he was a fool about it, Alas the wonders of having the guidance he needed, Even if Faris was an adult his slow adjustments to new lands was, So he almost fell for spending a bunch of money pointlessly but was kind of talked out of it.

At least Faris seemed to have some kind of appetite for what he was eating, He was actually enjoying his meal greatly his casual enjoyment did not seemed to slow down either.

With her admission Faris seemed to just say."Well either you just happen know your places well."He could laugh about it."Or it was a lucky gamble."Which could be also be true as well."In Faris' view it was more pure luck most likely, Faris would not have been brave enough to walk in here at all, Since then again this place felt a but too fancy to him. He would not admit this now because he was in a decent spot of enjoyment nothing else really needed to be done here.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:36 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Indeed... It's easy to throw away a lot of money if you're just finding your way around. Wine tasting fairs can help with it though.", it was understandable to make mistakes as a beginner, but with someone lacking the kind of deep pockets to support the endeavor, Faris was understandably wary at the very thought, "Worry not... I'd be happy to join you when the next wine fair comes around~"

After all, it would take him far too long to get to savour all the sights and sounds, all the experiences Fiore had to offer. Even Alisa after a whole lifetime hadn't even come close to it whatsoever. For now, she'd much rather leave him to enjoy a brand new dish, taking the occasional sip inbetween mouthfuls as she chuckled gracefully:

"What can I say~...", letting out a graceful little giggle, that confident, vibrant faint smile widened ever so softly as she brushed her long dark hair behind her shoulder. As receptive to praise as always, the vain Alisa's face all but lit up at the endless flood of compliments from her companion, "...It's a talent~"

Despite her playful words, after the sculptress savoured the next mouthful, she rose an eyebrow and nodded. Indeed, a gamble sounded more like it, but to his credit, she wouldn't need to admit that for him to get it:

"I suppose its the kind of talent you hone after living in one country for so long?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#30Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:27 pm

Faris Iraious
Just as he thought, New land foolishness. At least Faris was not just throwing his money away because he was blinded but wealth. That would be much worst."Just means, I have some other things to learn, Which will be interesting."Faris was not naive either, Alisa just happen to one of the few people to know a fair amount of wine, He also did not know anyone else who did know much about wine, That was his situation of not knowing enough people here.

Then again he could not help."I do not even know wine fair existed, Then again it sounds strange to me."Faris might not exactly what it might mean for a fair really exactly was either, maybe Seven did not have them, Maybe there was something closer to a fair that fair did not know how to connect in his mind. At least he was trying.

At least in some manner the talents of one inspire others. Faris was inspired in that manner, in which he in turn tries to inspire others."I can agree with that, it is inspiring to me because of that."Faris' compliments were more towards a persons character, Appearance stuff was something he seemed to be avoiding.

So far Faris would continue some what enjoying his food still, at least he did not forget for the wine casually drinking it for a moment."Maybe that as well."Something that he should have thought he would have thought about."Eventually that will be something I can say too."Experience was key, That was getting into his mind, Seemed like it was being drilled into his mind, Which was what any guild master would want to do for various inexperienced members, So far Faris would eventually realize that  it might not seem like it, he was in wonderfully good hands and being looked after all.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:03 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

Alisa had to admit, she looked almost surprised by his reaction. Perhaps it just came as a result of living in Fiore for so long, and being a dedicated appreciator of the finest wines the land had to offer, but the existence of yearly fair dedicated to that heavenly ambrosia seemed like the most natural thing in the world:

"Well it seems natural, right~...?", the sculptress cocked her head slightly, brow raising as he imagined Faris might have picked up on it, considering, well... Seven had quite a strong, vibrant tradition for wine, perhaps even older than Fiore's. Alisa cupped her cheek, "Well the harvest comes, merchants need to clear out their stock of last year's wine, and at the same time producers just as easily need to show off the new wines in turn. Really, it merely boils down to killing two birds with one stone, but it's something lovers of wine might appreciate~"

But in the end, nothing made her smile widen as much as his next words. But then, Faris seemed to have a knack for it, as well as probably realized Alisa was so dreadfully partial to praise that she couldn't help but brush that long, silky black hair behind her shoulder:

"Then I suppose that just means you have an eye for talent hmm~...?", she added, shooting him a knowing glance. She'd all but finished her meal by now, and understandably so, after all, Alisa had been running solo quests all afternoon, so it should come as no surprise that she was feeling a bit peckish even though dinner time was still a few hours away. In the end, she placed her fork and knife to the same side as she finished cleaning her plate, merely laying back in her chair, gracefully crossing those long, luscious legs under the table as she casually sipped her wine, "Oh, don't worry... The way I see it, it's only a matter of time. Especially with how much this land piques your interest."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#32Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:07 pm

Faris Iraious
It made sense now, Faris was not exactly for the most embracing of love of wine, If anything that was other members of his family."Huh, That just means I am stuck in my own habits, Rather then other family members..it explains the wine collection at home came and went so quickly."Yes now Faris knew he was fairly bit naive, it was simple and he would just control himself to not worry about it as much, Learning was life and learning was just a part he had to do, He could even laugh about it slightly."Yes, makes sense."He was not down playing anything as always.

The reality of a compliment did freeze Faris a tiny bit, he was trying to act normal even with that compliment he was taking a sip of wine and trying not choke on it slightly. Settling down with him just mention."Yes that you might."Faris already seemed to be back to normal, Which was Faris trying not be embarrassed around his guild master, He can give people compliments easily but not handle it well himself, This situation he just managed to put himself back to normal so quicker then normal.

At least the conversation can be some what, how Faris felt on track anyway."Well, Curious explorer i can easily admit something I am."The new land was a breath of fresh air for Faris, So were some parts of Seven as well, But he might have been around it so much it might not have the same affect as other people would feel about the area to him."The world has much for a person to learn, I am sure any curious enough person would explore as I would."But Faris knew he could be wrong as well he almost seemed to expect it.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:45 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Wine collection, you say~...?", mused the sculptress, her brow raising at the notion, leaning slightly into the table... Surely, whatever collection a Sevese could have would certainly whet her palate at the mere mention, and understandably so, that was exactly what it did, "Seems like something I'd like to see some other time~"

Alisa giggled... So the cool and collected, ever positive young male could have a cute flustered side to him? Her smile widened as she looked him over with that graceful look in her eyes, writing down that mental note to herself as something to keep in mind for later:

"Fufu~... I'll keep that in mind~", teased the sculptress, winking knowingly, making it all too clear how that wasn't the only thing she'd make sure to remember, but then again, she'd already made sure to list Faris as someone she'd like to take along on her adventures, whatever form they may take. But then, he needn't really persuade her any further in that regard, "..Then~... How about we start now~?"

With a teasing tone, the sculptress reached out and rested a hand on his arm, nodding towards the mountainous landscape behind him. Sure... Dinnertime was almost upon them... But after a hearty meal like this... Surely they wouldn't need to eat any more in the next couple of hours or so? Plentiful opportunities to at least do some reconnaissance of the setting for what could very well be their next adventure.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#34Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:33 am

Faris Iraious
It would be an interesting things for Alisa to learn, Just means now Faris had to build up a wine collection, Which would be interesting, Maybe he would have to write home even mentioning."Maybe I should write home and see if my mother would send over some interesting wine for the guild."  Was this a plan from Faris? see what his family has in stock and maybe pull a few innocent strings upon them and maybe get super rare and desired wine from Seven? It could be the case, If Faris knew what he was looking for, After all he seem to just drink whatever was handed to him. But Faris' possible but well intention wine gifting idea would just simply be covered up by."That and I am sure it is better that family knows I am alive."He would laugh about it, It was such a perfect cover in his mind.

Starting now? Faris did not mind that at all. They were done there food anyway, It seemed like a wonderful idea."I do not see why not."Faris' energy would of adventure would return with that, Then again with how easy Faris could be to read as a person, That was something that would expected. After all he could only just sit in one spot for only so long, With his mind wanting to learn so much.

But before he would continue on forward he would try not to react by being touched by his guild master it almost got him to freeze in placeagain but his mind remembered, It was only actual normal vocal compliments that seemed to bother him."Myras has been an interesting city so far."Faris would admit as they started to head off to their adventures, Because they needed to continue their conversations.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:09 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Ohooo~... Now that's an interesting offer if I ever heard one~", teased the sculptress, bow raising with visible intrigue as she folded her arms under her generous bust as her elbows came to rest upon the table. If it was a plan on his part, Alisa clearly liked the sound of it, after all, it was no secret that the tall mage of Blue Pegasus was a lover of wine, through and through, "Oh, that goes without saying of course. I'm sure they'd appreciate any excuse to catch up with you."

In the end, the sculptress couldn't help but wink at him, one hand rising up and cupping her cheek as she looked him over and wondered just how he could go so long without getting in touch with his family. In all fairness, Alisa wasn't much better in that regard, considering she only rarely got in touch with her uncle, much to his chagrin. In the end though, the moment he accepted her proposition, the sculptress called the waiter over, leaving a couple jewels on the table for the food and drinks, plus tip, before pushing back on her chair and getting back up:

"Fufu~... And there's quite a lot more to see. Even I have yet to set foot in much of the city.", added the sculptress, taking but a moment to wait for Faris as he stood back up, ready to stroll back out of the restaurant and back from the way they'd come.

At this hour, Alisa was unlikely to lead him on that big a trip... Even then, they surely had time to have a little look around, to have a chance to prepare their next adventure, if nothing else. Even then, who knows what precious nuggets of information their little recon might yield.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#36Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:30 am

Faris Iraious
Yes all according to Faris' easily broken a part plan. Now he just needed to hope either of his parents did not figure out his scheme."Yes an interesting one Indeed."Faris could play off, was it was good offer? yes all for wine that might be worth it. So worth it if it had worked out. Now Faris just had to plan to work on drinking more wine and the other details with it during that time frame."With other things, they might be delighted."Not wanting to remember the possibly pending nosiness of what his parents would want to know about Faris' life.

But departing was rather simple, It was an interesting place the food was wonderful, Faris did intake a fair amount of information, Faris knew he would just went somewhere far less fancy then here if he where on his own. He would have found something less...well sit down. If anything might have just been, Get food sit under a tree.

Yes, There was always more to see."That is the fun part, There is more to see."That was at least still exciting for Faris, No mountain could be too high in his eyes, until it most likely hit him that he could fall if he was not careful. Even then it might not stop him still at all."Just sometimes, simple distractions take over."It was not like he was saying it was a horrible distraction, just a simple one after all eating and such was a normal need and such as that people needed to eat, Simple enough distraction form exploring. At least to Faris, Alisa most likely did a lot more.

"It isn't all that bad, A guild master is busy. Sometimes your duties might get in the way of what you might want to do in a city."
At least Faris felt that is how it was viewed, he could be wrong.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:25 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Well, I'm sure we can think of plentiful ways to delight them if we want to. Maybe you should be the one sending gifts from Fiore, hmm~?", noted the tall woman, her brow raising as he mused on what he might make of this little suggestion

Alisa for one, had her fair share of ulterior motives here. After all, since Faris spoke to such lengths about his parents, she had a nudging curiosity to actually meet them and find out for herself. Nothing she'd actually bother to bring up, at least not yet. Something they could no doubt discuss at a later date:

"Indeed, there always is~", nodded the woman as he joined her along for her little stroll, as Alisa found herself all but wandering back much of the way she came, when she returned to Myras earlier this afternoon, "...And there's nothing wrong with that. After all, even the most unassuming distractions often turn out far more fruitful than whatever it was you set out to do in the first place~"

Assuming one was only talking about sightseeing after all. For the most part, a focused woman like Alisa knew to keep her eyes set on the prize when the situation called for it but... She'd long outgrown the single-mindedness of her younger days, and knew how more often than not, she'd much rather enjoy the world around her in all its glory:

"Fufu~... Sofia might have something to say about that~", winked the sculptress, thinking back to her wife and how all these months apart had only made her year for her touch all the more. Indeed, a Guild Master was a busy person... No matter what guild. As such, precious moments like these should be relished to the last drop~...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#38Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:45 pm

Faris Iraious
It was a simple point and Faris seemed to had pondered what exactly could that happen"Perhaps, I have to consider what they want."Faris would mention to start with."Since they are different people, It might be a bit tricky."Mostly keeping to himself, his father was far more picky, his mother well that was simple."Maybe it is something else you could help me with when it comes down to finding what could work for them?"Faris not admitting that he had not learned a lot of objects enough by name here, Maybe also Faris was looking for suggestions as well because he was unsure.

It seemed For now Faris could slowly play off of not knowing what to get them, For now it would avoid embarrassment for him, After all his parents did not need to know that he was clueless, not yet anyway, Not unless they themselves chose to move here.

For now Alisa had that point spoken. Faris even laughed about it slightly."This can be true, It also makes me remember I eat things a bit more flavorful in life every once and a while too."Faris was more pointing out his own flaws again, Mostly because he actively changing them and had the right people to change attempt to fix the flaws, Well most of them the water and boats fear was eventually but would be put off.

With the part about Sofia, It seemed Faris did forget slightly, Hopefully if coming face to face with Sofia, She did not learn Faris forgot for a moment Alisa and her were married.Letting out a slight chuckle."Yes she most likely will, Dedication showing she isn't forgotten."Faris hope in his mind this was something that would make sure that he did not get any possibly flack later down the road.


Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:47 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Perhaps, though you have all the time in the world now, don't you~?", chuckled the sculptres, after all, it wasn't as though he had anything or anybody rushing him, even if his parents might have been expecting a gift at some point despite having never said so themselves. In the end though, Alisa didn't really know enough to suggest, merely cupping her chin, as she hummed, "Hmmm, I most certainly could, however, I hardly know what they like now, do I? Perhaps some Fiorian artisanship might catch their eye~?"

And Fiore had plenty of it after all, so really, it was only a matter of picking out what to choose from. Flashing him a cool yet oddly warm smile the whole way, as the two strode casually out of the city, Alisa nonetheless seemed just as engrossed in her surroundings as much as the conversation itself:

"Well you shouldn't lack variety in any way now that you're in Fiore. Quite fairly, I never imagined you would in Seven either, never been there myself but I have an idea or two~", she noted, glancing up as she mused on what she knew of Sevese cuisine, perhaps wondering if she didn't know a lot less than one might expect her to, considering, well, she was married to a woman from that land. Indeed, Sofia had suffered the most from all the work Alisa had to take upon her shoulders as of late, more and more it felt as though she couldn't quite see her spouse nearly as much as she did, "...You should meet her one of these days, seems as though the two of you would have a lot to discuss."

Now that they finally stepped out of town, the sculptress took a long, deep breath, her generous chest heaving up, then down as her eyes fluttered shut once more:

"I'll admit, the air smells fresher here than even in Hargeon~...", she mused, shooting an admiring glance towards the mountain range further away.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#40Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] - Page 2 Empty Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:18 pm

Faris Iraious
Was Faris experiencing the freedom and most likely a pure moment of possible option paralysis? maybe he was and that slight suggestion was helpful, All of the time in the world was wonderful, Maybe also some one may eventually have to ground Faris down too, the well meaning person he was, there were signs."Art? Hmm...That is something easily considered." It seemed fitting and it got him thinking, Then well his mind continued to wonder in general with the various things that could. Now Faris would get lost in his thoughts for now.

She was correct there were really not many limits in Faris' mind, if any most were placed by Faris himself since he might have saw everything in Seven and thought it might not be enough for his parents, He might be too picky or assuming his parents were too, for now his mind was in the right place still.

That mention seemed like it would lead to an interesting path for Faris."I am sure I will eventually, I do plan to meet every single member I can." Not realizing Faris could also easily distract himself, which was to be expected of him almost. Since he was a curious.

Stepping out of the town with Alisa, Faris seemed to feel like it was comfortable and normal for him."I have not noticed the air differences, That might be just form me not realizing it." his mind was lost upon the lands of new and the enjoyment it brought him.

Nonetheless their exploring adventure would start here upon the fresh air mentioned by Alisa, It was the nice bonding process between guild master and new members. Not a worry would really be in Faris' mind while they went out on this mountain hiking trip, Faris as always have enjoying the moments he was having.


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