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Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP

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Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:44 pm


Floor of the Vile Minotaurs

The enemies of this floor are Vile Minotaurs. Standing 2.5 meters tall, these gargantuan monsters boast unparalleled physical strength. Usually wielding large battle axes, these half-men half-bull beasts are able to deal devastating charging attacks against their victims. Even if not the smartest of creatures, their raw power and natural resistance to magic attacks makes them one of the most dangerous monsters to fight.

Floor Description: The Floor of the Vile Minotaurs appears as a gargantuan labyrinth. Magical in nature, the walls of the labyrinth can bend and shape in different forms to ensure that any person inside will never find the way out. The walls extend all the way to the 5-meter-tall ceiling, making sure it is impossible to climb or fly above them.

Objective: As soon as you enter the labyrinth, each of the members of the party will find themselves isolated. A magic bracelet will materialize on each of the adventurer’s arm, with a fractured gem that glows with a faint light. When the bracelet detects another bracelet wearer coming closer, the gem shard will glow brighter. Reunite the 4 gem shards together to dissipate the labyrinth’s illusion and escape through the large door that appears at the end.

Difficulty: Hard or Hardcore

Enemies: There are 4 Vile Minotaurs roaming across the labyrinth. They have particularly strong natural sensory magic, able to sense physical and magic beings in a 25-meter radius. They are equipped with Unique-grade battle axes and boast minor magical resistance. As soon as they detect an intruder coming within their surroundings, they will deal a devastating charge with their horns and are even able to break through the labyrinth's walls.

Hidden Objective: Each participant may roll one dice after each post starting at their 2nd post. Should they roll a number above 95 they claim a Custom Unique. The first person in the team rolling above 95 gets the reward. Others are no longer eligible.

WORDS: 260/2500 | TAG: @BP | ALISA

So... Zagan's dungeon hmm? Alisa knew frighteningly little about the hole she was about to get herself into, all the more reason why she'd chosen to arrive armed and ready, clad in every last piece of equipment she posessed, both for her own protection and... That of her teammates. Sofia had opted out at last moment, and yet, the momentary relief she felt at the thought of her wife not locking herself in here was soon replaced by the same tingle of worry at the thought of her beloved guildmates doing the exact same thing. She didn't know how strong the enemies would be but in the end, Alisa had enough faith in the strongest of Blue Pegasus to call upon them to brave the unknown at her side... And if the worst came to pass, well... Then she'd be there to protect them:

"...So, is everyone ready~...?", she'd ask, pivoting on one heel, turning around, hand on her hip while the other lifted her visor on her head, revealing those vibrant wine red hues as she looked between Daiko, Jan and Ray as they arrived at the meeting place, taking a moment to examine what each of them had brought in for their adventure, and more importantly, the look on each of their faces. They knew just as little of their challenge as Alisa herself did, yet the sculptress for one couldn't help but smile, betraying but the slightest hint of excitement at the thought... It had been much too long since she'd been on a proper adventure after all, running the guild seldom left her enough time for such endeavors

Strength is also Beauty

"And who might you be~?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#2Daiko Flayme 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:04 am

Daiko Flayme
One would think that a previous resident of Worth Woodsea, one who had lived there for over 16 years, would know - at the very least - each apparent landmark in these woods. A huge dungeon like the one that this group from Blue Pegasus had ventured towards couldn’t have been there all along… right? No way, Daiko had never seen it before, and given by Coda’s paranoia at the thought of entering unknown, cramped locations signaled that she hadn’t seen this place either. To think that it had evaded his sight all this time was embarrassing, really.
Anyway, better explore it later than never. He, Jan and Ray, all led by Guildmaster Alisa, had planned to check this place out after catching news of certain hostility escaping the place. There were also rumors from residents in the Oberon Forest that this place harbored some kind of treasure… and all the while Blue Pegasus weren’t poor, going on a treasure hunt did make for some great teambuilding!
Daiko had made sure to come prepared to this spot; his black coat that he bought in Myras donned his figure instead of his signature dark-green, sleeveless trench coat. The Mero Gauntlet sat stuck on his left wrist, and unlike other, previous adventures, the Fire Mage was also wearing a Huntsman Cap. Although Daiko wasn’t a big fan of hats due to the size and untamed nature of his hair, it did make him feel a little bit more agile on his feet.
There was no fear in his heart at the moment. Standing on the soil of Worth Woodsea embedded an impressive amount of courage into his bones, and while tipping his hunter cap at Alisa’s reassurance, his sharp and predatory teeth shone. Two words made it clear.
“I’m ready!”

WC: 298

#3Jan Ren 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:20 am

Jan Ren
Regardless of location, when Jan Ren heard that he was invited to participate in an expidition along with a couple others from Blue Pegasus -- Master Alisa included, he was absolutely delighted. Practically shining with glee and excitement, the Sinese made haste towards Worth Woodsea, an area in this country he had never visited nor heard of before. Needless to say his adventurous side sparked as soon as he'd arrived by the Dungeon entrance,  to greet a close friend in Raymus, too. He was familiar with the bug-eater, but barely by name and face.

"Alright!" He let out, a wide smile on his face. Finally, his time to work together with his guild has come! The guild's name will bask in the spotlight following this event, and his name will be mentioned with them! His reputation will skyrocket, and in no time at all he will have an abundance of cute girls flocking to him!

--Wait, that's not why he came here. ...But if the benefits included that, so be it~

Armed with a brand-new staff, Jan Ren figured he could fill for his part a lot better if he had a weapon at hand -- mostly to keep his distance from, potential offenders. You know, just in case. "Fighting together with Master... It's an honor!" He declared, certain that the rest of the gang felt the same way. Now while usually he'd be against fighting, much preferring knowing where the heck they were going. The fact he was with these three (while oblivious to Daiko's strengths), assurred him more then enough that things will be just fine!

Plus, in his own wish for vanity. It could be great if he could show off a bit in-front of them too.

WC: 294

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#4Raymus Kouris 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:13 am

Raymus Kouris
Hearing of an opportunity to seize a dungeon was wuite a rarity. So naturally the battle hungry werewolf jumped at the chance to help his guild with such a task. This would definetly redeem him after that time when he went to Myras, or rather tried to but got lost and ended up in Marigold. Luckily there in Myras he met his Friend Jan Ren who was also invited to help conquer the dungeon. So this time around Raymus wouldn't be getting lost as they made their way to Worthwoodsea.

Along with the duo of Jan and Ray was of course their guild Master Alisa, who was accompanied by The Bird as Raymus called the dark skined Phoenix Mage. both were kitted out to the nines and even Jan had a fancy staff at his hip. From the looks of things it was only Raymus who was dressed in regular attire. The Blue haired beast was wearing a long Blue jumosuot woth silver shoulderpads and trim. It was tight fit and breathed well making it feel as though he was wearing nothing at all! It was flexible too making it perfect for the Berseker. It would even expand so when he transformed it wouldn't tear or rip. Still other than convenience the clothing offered nothing special like the rest of the group's items. Oh well time would tell if it would matter or not.

"Aye." Raymus said with a nod to his Master's question, how own blood red eyes turning more ferral woth a slit iris. It was time to smash some skulls!

Wc 267

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP VKsDy2Z

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:27 am


WORDS: 580/2500 | TAG: @BP | ALISA

Daiko arrived soon after, then Jan, and finally Raymus, Jan in particular getting a graceful little giggle from the lithomancer's lips, delighted to find them all brimming with morale before the challenge ahead:

"Good to see you all in such high spirits~", giggled the guild master, winking playfully at her three companions as she finally found them all together, each of them betraying much of the same excitement as she did in the same way of hers. Daiko's adventurousness, Jan's eagerness, Ray's ferocity. She felt pretty proud of the team she'd assembled, and knew each of them would have quite the interesting stories to tell Sofia, Manzo and Faris once they got back to the guild hall, "...Then, without further ado... Let us show this dungeon what fiber Blue Pegasus is made of."

And with this bold declaration, Alisa turned around once more, marching head on into the dungeon, lowering the menacing visor over her eyes. She'd gotten everything ready... Everything prepared to clear this dungeon with her teammates, in record time if need be... But the moment they marched inside, something odd happened, out of nowhere, they were wholly envelloped by an all encompassing darkness, and worse, separated:

"Whaaa....!?", Alisa's eyes shot wide, her look of astonishment barely hidden by her visor as she quickly noticed she'd been separated from everyone, and fitted with an odd bracelet the very moment she wandered into the dungeon, a labyrinth, "Everyone...?", she called out, a hopeless attempt before clicking her tongue and marching off, "Guess I'll have to find them sooner rather than later."

The trick to solving a labyrthing laid in clinging to the same wall, always turning in the same direction... That alone wouldn't help her find her companions but it would at least keep her from getting lost, and that's exactly what Alisa did, laying her hand on the smooth stone wall, keeping her senses sharp for any threats.

[Round 2]

Strength is also Beauty

"And who might you be~?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:28 am


dice roll x1

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:28 am

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 92


Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:29 am


puzzle dice roll x1

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:29 am

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 53

#10Daiko Flayme 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:56 am

Daiko Flayme
Confidence rose inside the heart of the Fire Mage merely by looking at his teammates. Jan had geared up and even brought a staff that Daiko hadn’t seen before, and while Ray didn’t equip any apparent, exterior melee weapons, his sleek outfit looked so cool! For a brief second, however… huh… Daiko’s hunch got over him after a couple of seconds as he switched his gaze between their geared Guildmaster and Ray. There was a sharp kind of similarity between them… nah, maybe he was just making things up.
… Then again, those steel plates on their shoulders looked very stylish. Daiko couldn’t help but lift up his right arm to imagine having a plate on his shoulder, thus realizing that it would meddle a bit with his flexibility - and that was a huge factor in his fighting style. Maybe it was just a case of fashion sense, for any divines forbid Daiko had a good taste in fashion.
Anyway, a huge thumbs-up was sent out from the Fire Mage’s hand in response to the group’s proclamations. They were all ready to enter the dungeon in front of them, and Daiko almost sprung over Alisa in excitement. This crazy, mysterious ruin that had eluded his eyes for so long - he was going to expose its secrets here and now!
… Wait, where did this darkness come from? Did all lights go off? And why did it feel so oddly familiar?

There he was, alone in a hallway that looked to be surrounded by a couple of walls. The walls were fairly tall, reached about two-three times his height from what he could approximate. The bad thing was, y’know, he was left alone. His team, whom he had seen mere seconds ago, were all gone just like that. It was a split instant, boom! Gone!
At this point, Daiko was more than familiar with sudden events occurring in shelter of an instant in total darkness. It didn’t mean that he was getting comfortable with it, though, it could gently stop. Please. Coda’s fangs were digging into his hair out of paranoia, for not only was this unexpected, but she already had worries about the hallway that they all aimed for to begin with! She didn’t like this little space around her!
“C-C-Calm down, Coda…” Daiko comforted the raptor on top of his head, gently stroking her vermillion plumage, “It’s… it’s probably some kind of trick. Plan B, then; let’s find the trickster and beat him up!”
Nodding to the Fire Mage’s idea, Coda calmed down a bit and regulated her breathing. Daiko sharpened his sight on the way ahead of him before walking at a steady pace. However, much to his misfortune, three steps into his plan B led to a brick being pushed out of the wall by some mysterious tremor on the left wall. Something had pushed it off… it was like a sledgehammer reeling into the wall from the other side.

WC: 497
TWC: 795

#11Daiko Flayme 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:57 am

Daiko Flayme
Dice Roll x1


Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:57 am

The member 'Daiko Flayme' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 10

#13Jan Ren 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:58 pm

Jan Ren
And so they were off! The charge led by Master Alisa of course, Jan Ren took to the side as he looked around in excitement. He was glad to see how the rest showed the same enthusiasm as he did. With this assortment, this was sure to be a fun expidition, let alone a successful one!

--So he thought.


In an instant of sorts, the Sinese was envelopped in complete darkness, only to find himself separated from the rest of the team once light returned. He'd also figure this wasn't at all where they left off, being placed in a sort of, corridor. Only two available ways, one to the front and the other back; narrow spacing between the walls, probably barely able to hold three to four people at the same time. Looking back, he frantically tried looking for clues to his guildmates' whereabouts; noticing in his quick search, an odd bracelet over his left wrist that he definitely did not wear. Why would he even wear something like this??

"...Then what's the point of coming here together!!?"

He yelled out in frustration, to nobody in particular. Voice echoing through the walls, through the apparent maze. Calm down, Jan Ren. It's nothing. Surely this is just a streak of bad luck, or some mischief spell, he'd thought.

To pave his way through a labyrinth, there were some basic principles he could put into play. Once he'd steeled his mind some, the young man placed his staff on the ground; letting it fall lightly as to decide which direction to go at. Front, or back. If this was a random spot in the maze anyway, then should he backtrack it would make no difference from advancing. With the direction set, the Sinese made sure to walk slowly, using the staff to carve his path into the ground by towing its edge against the flooring.

...And although he'd assumed as much, he couldn't tell for sure. That he unfortunately, wasn't alone there.


Last edited by Jan Ren on Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:07 am; edited 1 time in total

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP 2_1
Clickey for sheety

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:58 pm

The member 'Jan Ren' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 81

#15Raymus Kouris 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:20 pm

Raymus Kouris
Alright! It was time to start tearing shit up! The werewolf was rearing ti go! All fired up and was ready to smash some skulls. Provided the dungeon had some to crack that is. The natiral animalistic side of him almost totally took over as he rushed into the entrance! It was times like these that Raymus could enter his own head and realize he was acting in such an inhumane way. It was helpful at times. Raymus could just switch off and let his other half take over while his more analytic thoughts played in the background. He wouldn't transform into it though. Not yet. Especially not after what happened.

Darkness then poof! Nothing. No sight and no smell. At least not for a few seconds. Then Wham! Back to reality and Ray felt the strain of graity on him all to well again. It stopped him and made him also halt his brutish nature. At least for a moment. He hated having to use his wits to think of what was happening, but yet here he was. Things didn't look good though but Raymus knew what to do. He could manage and look good doing it.

Wc 202+267=469

Roll x1

Last edited by Raymus Kouris on Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Woops forgot a separate post for the roll. Roll x1)

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP VKsDy2Z

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:20 pm

The member 'Raymus Kouris' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 15


Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:40 pm


WORDS: 830/2500 | TAG: @BP | ALISA

Tch... Still nothing... Alisa's brow twitched as she made her way through the labyrinth's walls, running the maze while keeping herself glued to the right side, her hand gliding over the rock, keeping her left hand free as she looked out for both attackers and her allies. She gritted her teeth, betraying her frustration, but remained patient in teh end... Though tempting it may be to simply call out to them and hope for an answer, the Guild Master knew better... They were most likely not alone in this maze, and in that case she'd do best not to boldly announce her presence. She looked at the bracelet on her wrist, wondering what purpose would it serve... Something to help her find her way out, no doubt?

"Ara... Now whatever might that be...", mumbled the sculptress, eyes narrowing as she felt that thumping. Through so many walls, most of which she didn't even know about, she found it nearly impossible to actually pick up how far away the source was... But she could feel it, each trudging, heavy step shooting a mighty rumbling throughout the entirety of the stone walls... Reflexively, Alisa slowed her pace...

She knew the enemy had to be further away than 15 meters, or she'd surely see it through the 3D scanner on her visor... And she also felt like they hadn't seen her yet... Whatever the creature was, it's pace seemed steady and constant, like it was merely going on its daily routine, guarding the maze against interlopers like herself.

[Round 3]

Strength is also Beauty

"And who might you be~?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:40 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 40


Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:42 pm


reroll with puzzle

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:42 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 95

#21Daiko Flayme 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:20 am

Daiko Flayme
The beats from the walls grew in intensity. That was a bad sign, a sign that whatever caused this ruckus was about to approach Daiko. What could have spotted him through the walls like this? For a moment, he considered using one of his oldest spells - Heat-Vision - to try and see if he could get a better view around himself, but the spell was highly situational. It wouldn’t enable him to see through the walls, and atop the ceiling, there were faint candles and torches to illuminate their roads. Heat-Vision saw no purpose here… at least, for now.
Daiko was convinced that whoever pulled this trick on them hadn’t just kidnapped all the others and left him to venture through this labyrinth. If he was to find his teammates, then he would have to rely either on the sounds from their calls or from other senses. Despite his reputation, Daiko didn’t have that good of a sense of smell…
… But Raymus did!
The ground shook once more. Daiko feared that a huge enemy was approaching his position, so he dismissed Coda and let the bird flap her wings and ascend up to the ceiling. She attempted to dig her claws into the upper surface and rest upside down like a bat, but with her anatomy, she wouldn’t find it very comfortable and would have to let go soon.
Now, Daiko could prepare for the enemy. He could hear heavy breathing, and more bricks fell off, signaling that he and whatever was trying to get to him were only one wall apart. He leapt up on the opposite wall and climbed up using his hands and feet, and as he reached the top of the walls where the torches were found, he nodded to Coda whose Gust extinguished their lights and darkened a chunk of the hallway.
And just in time, for a huge behemoth crashed through the other wall. Daiko looked down with his eyes full of magic, his Thermal Vision taking effect. What he saw was a humanoid being that stood at least ten feet tall, likely more, and… strangely, it wore the head and horns of an ox. He didn’t have time to express awe at the sight of this new creature, for it smashed the wall that he was resting upon and almost caused it to shatter. It had already found him! But he swore that he rendered it blinded with the lack of light…
He was in trouble now. He had to keep his Heat-Vision up, but the creature was holding a battle axe in its right hand. As it turned its face up to look at him, Daiko knew that he had to engage in battle. That axe was scary, though, so a fake attack had to be placed.
He leapt and let himself fall to the beast that readied its axe, thinking that Daiko would be some easy kill. With a quick flick, Daiko summoned a razor-sharp feather set ablaze in his right hand, then threw it like a throwing dart at the beast’s face. The rough flames confused it for a moment, letting Daiko land on its shoulders and pummel his left fist wielding the Mero Gauntlet into the monster’s face and jaw.

WC: 543
TWC: 1338

Spells Used (2220 - 50 - 50 = 2120):

#22Daiko Flayme 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:20 am

Daiko Flayme
Dice roll 2x


Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:20 am

The member 'Daiko Flayme' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 70

#24Jan Ren 

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:36 pm

Jan Ren
Left. Right. Right turn. Right turn... And dead end. Of course. Backtracking again, the Sinese returned several turns back, aided well with the dim lighting somehow provided and the trail he left. It also helped that his eyes have grown rather accustomed to the darkness. However, none of this really helped with finding his way out of the maze... And with only having just started his track inside, it was bound to take a while.

Abstaining from making much noise, feeling rather uneasy being accompanied with nothing but his own voice; the Sinese silently made his way sticking to the walls, inevitably thinking all sorts of things up. For instance, maybe he alone was transported and the rest of his mates were all looking for him... Or worse, dead, God Forbid!! Or maybe the labyrinth had no exit... Or perhaps it was infested with monsters! Like this one creature with the bull's head and a man's body, he thought. Just like the one appearing out there in-front...

... ... Oh holy shit, for real??

Halted in his place, eyes widened (taking in the most light he has until now) as the young man gulped down, blood rushing away from his face. The towering monster holding a great battleaxe in both hands, eyes glowing red and huffing aggressively out of his nose. Steam blowing out of his nostrils, the Minotaur was ready to attack. ..."(If I stay still...)" He thought, instinctively drawing back his foot as his weight shifted back. Grip tightening on his staff, Jan Ren would lie to claim he wasn't terrified. Though he wasn't lucky enough to avoid the adversary as the monster roared out mightily, swinging his axe towards the Sinese.


Barely managing to dodge in time, Jan Ren turned tail and narrowly avoided certain death. Running for dear life as a large cloud of dust burst from behind him in the beast's strong impact. And as the Sinese dashed away as fast as possible, the Minotaur hasted to give chase.

Screw trailing, screw this dungeon!! Why was this happening!!?

WC: 342
TWC: 968

Last edited by Jan Ren on Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:09 am; edited 2 times in total

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP 2_1
Clickey for sheety

Floor of the Vile Minotaurs - Hardcore/BP Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:36 pm

The member 'Jan Ren' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 3

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