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#1Crissandra Clearwater 

The newest member joins! Empty Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:08 pm

Crissandra Clearwater
"Ooooooh, I am the last of the giants,
my people are gone from the earth."

Crissandra sang as she made her way through the paths and roadways. She was unaware of his history as a bandit highway, and only traveled it because the nature around it was so intact. She didnt hear the silent foot steps that followed her. Nor did she hear the quiet removal of blades from sheaths. She was oblivious to the danger until she was grabbed and forcefully pinned to the ground. She fought and bit and scratched.

Unable to use her magic she was quickly subdued and beaten hard. Her black hair now matted with blood and her left eye already swelling. She was tied up and gagged, unable to move or resist as they searched through her meager possessions. One touched her face and moved her hair.

"Well well boys look at this! A elf!" The man grabbed her hair and pulled it away for the others to see. "Shell fetch us a good sack of gold at the slave markets."

Hours passed and she was barely awake in the camp. Her body having once again been abused by humans she knew not. She hated every second of it and despite he clam and happy normal nature. She was feeling a mixture of anger, self hatred, and disgust. The men sat around their camp fire eating. Having not even offered her anything besides their sweaty bodies, she was hungry and hurt.

She hated the idea of being these mens property but her fear of abuse kept her from trying to fight free. She could only hope and pray that someone would save her. That the gods would take pity on her.


The newest member joins! Empty Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:23 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @Crissandra_Clearwater | BREEZY  

Clad in her breezy blue blouse, Alisa looked anything but ready to fight. Yet looks could easily decieve when dealing with a woman this powerful... For even though she lacked any real weapons on her person... Her very body was a weapon, honed by countless hours of constant conditioning, and more than enough to deal with all but the fiercest of foes... And her magic came as a pretty close second, even if it often came off as the skill she was most known for, as the head of a light guild and all.

"My~... What a lovely afternoon...", Alisa really hadn't come here to fight... She was only just getting to know the city of Myras, and the wilderness around it, and on a day this pretty, she couldn't help but come out for a little stroll, cooly brushing her hair away from her eyes as that warm summer breeze blew it away, caressing her cheeks like a lover's tender caress until she could only sigh in utter delight... But it was not meant to be, "...Though it feels like you boys have different ideas hmmm?"

Far from Alisa's first rodeo, the sculptress wouldn't be easily ambushed like the bandits would have hoped. She could tell she was being followed, the rustling of leaves behind her, even the odd shadow scurrying away when:

"...Are you coming out or do I have to make you...?", she inquired, glaring over her shoulder, hand on her hip as she slowly singled out each and every one of the bandits... When none came out, she sighed and tapped her foot, covering herself with a glimmering sheen of crystal, a thin, sensitive film that let her pick up even the slighest of sounds and vibrations hitting her, more than enough to pinpoint every last one of her foes even through the foliage, with every little word from her lips.

The moment she singled out each and every last one of them, it was only a matter of moments. Punches, kicks and the odd spell here under, until each and every last one of them had been left in an unconscious mess. Well, most of them... For the moment they saw their buddies dropping like flies, a couple bandits fled as fast as the wind could carry them:

"Ufufu~... Myyy, running with your tails between your legs. And I haven't even touched you yet...", and yet despite the soft faint smile on her face, the look in her eyes was anything but, oozing a ferious killing intent tinged with palpable annoyance, aggravated by the thought of having her leisurly stroll so rudely interrupted, "Following me for so long, but won't even say hello... Hadn't pegged you all for the shy type. But... Running away from a woman is hardly a manly thing to do~"

For all the playfulness of her words, the teasing tone bordering on cruelty when directed towards enemies, Alisa had no intention of letting these bandits get off easy. Myras was under Blue Pegasus' protection now, and she wasn't afraid of making an example of everyone who defiled its beauty... Even if she had to chase them to the ends of the earth... Though she doubted they'd flee any further than their camp, she was actually hoping for that, counting on it even.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The newest member joins! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Crissandra Clearwater 

The newest member joins! Empty Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:00 am

Crissandra Clearwater
The men who had found her were in the camp, drinking an laughing as they kicked and hit her. She was on the ground hog tied. Her cheeks and face bruised purple and yellow. Her nose was bleeding as well and the skin under her clothing was bruised much like her face from their heartless blows.

One had tried to force himself on her again and when she spit his blood from her mouth they dog piled on her for it. Despite the pain she was feeling, there was a glimmer of that fire still in her happy that she had at least drawn blood.

'When I say it doesnt hurt me, it means that I can bear it. Never forget that my Niece. Strength and will come only from within, but people will try to break both of those things. Never let them. Even if you crack, never let them see you break.'

She endured it, the pain as they beat her with fist and foot alike. Insulting her as they did so. Her last thought before her head smacked the ground and she black out was: 'I wont scream, I wont give them that happiness.'

After a while more, they finally stopped and walked away back to the camp fire and their lunch in the pot. But as they did, the sound of screaming could be heard.

"Get the hell up boys! We got to go!" The group panicked and scattered grabbing and taking apart anything they could. Their horses were hitched nearby and the men loaded anything and everything they could. There was nearly 10 men all in total, well 9 and a half after what Crissandra did. The men broke camp and as they got on their horses one man asked about crissandra and what to do with her.

"Leave her!" The leader spoke, his horse was white and black spotted like a cow. "Let the damn wolves have her we cna find better slaves else where now ride damn it!"

The group took off galloping away leaving crissandra in a small puddle of her own blood. She groaned weakly and rolled over. Her body struggled to move and free herself. But she was weak and fading back into unconsciousness.


The newest member joins! Empty Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:31 pm


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @Crissandra_Clearwater | BREEZY  

"Ara... What were they do doing to you...?", as she walked inside the bandit camp, Alisa quickly caught sight of not only the bandits, but a captive elf girl, bound, bruised and beaten, a sight more than enough for Alisa to feel a fury growing between her teeth.

Alisa already thought the worst of these bandits... The fact that they had a battered and bruised, horribly scarred young girl as their captive, having done Gods know what to her. That was merely the straw that broke the camel's back. At that moment, the Guild Master's eyes narrowed into a frigid, homicidal glare as her brisk pace quickly sped up faster and faster:

"How nice of you to group up together for me...", mumbled the sculptress, barely audible to the stamping of hooves and scrambling of feet as the riders all scurried atop their mounts and gallopped as fast as the wind could carry them.

Mind you, horses were fast. These specific horses weren't even particularly slow. But in a matter of just a few paces, Alisa had all but sped up as fast as them, and in a matter of moments, steadily outpaced them. Hot on pursuit, anyone who bothered looking back could immediately realize... They wouldn't stop until all of them were dead. Though Alisa was fast enough to dodge the odd stray arrow, as she zoomed in between the two fastest horses ahead of the herd:

"...After all as you well know... A gang that rides together... Dies together.", and with these menacing statement, the scowling sculptress turned her right foot outwards mid run, propelling herself into a spin and crossing her arms over her chest, her long, flowing raven hair whipping around gracefully with a motion that seemed as much a dance as a show of martial arts footwork.

All too effortlessly, she'd caught up with and intercepted the bandits, and from that advantageous position needed nothing but to unleash a single spell: With those ominous words, the shimmering, crystalline glimmer on her smooth pale skin cracked and thickened in turn, gleaming with a dazzling, mesmerizing light show of crystal and magic circles. Even the frightened bandits couldn't help but look on in awe, perhaps on some level knowing it would be the last show they ever saw:

"Shōma no... Ranseki!!", and at that moment, that hardened cluster of crystals building on the woman's body shattered and burst outwards explosively, shooting sharp, shiny shrapnel in all directions, ripping through flesh and armor of mount and riders alike.

It was over in a flash... Far more merciful to the bandits that they've been to the captive who unwittingly inspired such horrifying bloodlust, the armor piercing ability of Alisa's magic completely neutralized whatever their defenses, piercing flesh and bone and killing everyone within reach... As for the unlucky few who might have survived, well... Alisa paid them no mind as she completed her spin and her feet finally touched the ground. Dead or dying, the'd prove a feast for the carrion feeders of the forest, starting with the very wolves they spoke of... She barely even spared the unsightly mongrels a second glance, flipping her long hair behind her as she calmly marched back to where the girl had been, still struggling with her bonds:

"Come on now... A bandit camp is no place for a young lady~", spoke the sculptress, flashing her that cool, welcoming faint smile, calmly producing a crystalline blade from her left palm to sever what remained of the ropes and offer her a hand, "Can you walk...?"[/b][/color]

And if she didn't, well... Alisa could just as easily carry her, scooping the girl up in her arms like a princess, not the slighest bit drained by the earlier fight. Only the faintest, dewy droplets of sweat yet lingered on that pale, smooth skin, glistening in the sun's gleam.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The newest member joins! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Crissandra Clearwater 

The newest member joins! Empty Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:14 pm

Crissandra Clearwater
She kept struggling as the quick fight happened. Even as they died she was working her wrists free. She was bleeding from them as she was picked up. Her inner eye telling her she was in danger, not realizing it was someone looking to help her. She struggled and slipped free of her binding thanks to her blood. She swung wildly at the person holding her and threw herself away.

She hit the ground groaning but standing up as best she could before falling to the ground again, her ankles still bound. She ripped the gag off and screamed. "DONT TOUCH ME! DONT YOU DARE!" She tried to use magic only to cause herself to puke up blood. She passed out from that, and laid in her own blood out cold. Her body was hurt. They had really taken a beating to her for what she had done. But she was a fighter and seemed not to give up until she couldnt move.

She was a wood elf, her ears told that well enough. If one could smell past the stench of blood, she still smelled of the forest she had come from. Her eyes closed and her body limp she was truely defeated.


The newest member joins! Empty Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:46 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Crissandra_Clearwater | BREEZY  

Alisa spared little thoughts for the bandits after obliterating their gang, especially with an injured victim in her arms. Much to her surprise, the girl was anything but welcoming of her rescuer, and the moment the sculptress tried to pick her up and carry her to safety, the girl shuffled away reflexively, making the lithomancer's eyes shoot wide as part of her instinctively expected some form of retaliation:

"Wha... Calm down now... I'm not here to hurt you. I'm Alisa... What's your name?", spoke the sculptress, raising her palms, smiling soothingly, wondering if the girl would actually lash out at her... She very well might, but, even though Alisa was prepared to defend herself, she scanned the girl head to toe, quickly figuring out a couple of ways to subdue her without hurting her. She needed medical attention, and Myras was the closest possible place she might get it. In the end though, whatever resistance the young elf might have mounted seemingly crumbled under the weight of her injuries and exhaustion in turn. In a flash, Alisa had dashed in and closed whatever distance she put between them, wrapping her arm around her shoulder, "My... Such a handful~..."

Flashing her a soft smile, Alisa showed no real animosity despite the girl's attention, content to pick up exactly where she left off and scoop the mysterious girl into her arms as her body went limp. Unsure whether she'd actually lost consciousness, Alisa merely cooed softly, showing the girl nothing but an almost maternal, protective sort of affection, like a mother bear holding her cub in her arms:

"Don't worry...", she spoke, brushing that loose black hair away from the girl's face, taking a moment to look her over before carrying her back to the city. Even at a slow, walking pace, Alisa had only ventured so far... She'd arrive in a matter of minutes, an hour at best, "...I'll look after you~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The newest member joins! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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