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The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:55 am

Having to expect being alone once more, Masami arrived at Sieghart Mountains, having himself remove the warm overcoat because of the weather before approaching anything more than ever. This place was exactly like how the map described it: quiet, lonely, warm and sort of windy, but Masami still hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as other travelers said so – they also mentioned a guild positioned in the sky, thus Masami looked up, hoping to spot it as if looking for a certain star in the daylight. From afar heard Masami such groans, automatically assuming that this was some sort of trick. Masami had witnessed tricking rogues in Myras City, and such types of people would pretend to become in pain so that they may steal from those who had tried helping them.

Nevertheless, Masami approached this man as he couldn't help it – the same as the hiker, Masami was still also in pain, except his limbs were covered in bandages and so as his abdominal area if ever exposed. Almost tip-toeing, Masami seemed to peek before completely looking at the man from afar. Guess the mountains weren't so lonely after all, but could have been better. The performer didn't expect meeting an injured man the first time he steps into this part of the North.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:55 pm


As Ragnar pulled the teeth from his tanned arm, teeth that had just recently be ripped from the mouth of a wolf that was laying shattered against a tree mere feet away. Ragnar had hit the beast with his new club he had acquired, and it was so much better then his previous axe that he didn't really miss the old dual bladed thing. As Ragnar picked the shards of teeth out of his arm, squeezing his flesh as his blood oozed out of his arm before a small white shard came to the surface of his tanned flesh. Ragnar reached down, picked up the bone and flicked it into the distance as he went back to look at his wounds.

As Masami looked at Ragnar several things became clear, one this was a monstrous man easily over six and a half feet tall and looked like he weighted as much as a bear. His long brown hair went past his shoulders, and his clothing was a set of leather pants that covered his legs to his knees and a blue cloth that was held between those parts. The belt that held all of this together was covered in fur and metal studs. The man also did not wear any shoes and his feet showed it based on the amount of wear and tear on the bottom of his soles.

As Ragnar turned around to see if there were any more wolves he did manage to spot the person that was spying on him. Picking up his club, a stick that was nearly four feet in length he said to the man " Who are you! What are you doing here!? "

280/1000 WC


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:42 pm

Not gonna lie, Masami flinched when suddenly another man asked them who he was, and what they were doing near him. Compared to the injured Cameron in front of Masami, this man in panic had a larger figure and angry-looking eyes, one of his arms were currently bleeding and his hands held unto a club, which didn't much surprise Masami, thinking that it was a normal deal for people to carry out weapons out in the open. The injured Cameron, however, was still in unease; he held unto Masami's clothes and switched glances from Masami's face to the Skulltaker. "Please, you've gotta help me!" he exclaimed, as if almost crying, "A wolf... in the village... I could barely ran away."

The man pointed at a village, not so far from their current location, and Masami followed the direction of where his finger pointed at. "I was fighting... then... then..." when the Joyan performer felt like the man needed to stop speaking, he placed a finger in front of the injured Cameron's lips to shush him. Albeit this was quite rude, the injured Cameron finally let himself go off of Masami's clothing to weep alone, and now it was Masami's turn to speak this time, thus he turned to who seemed to be the Skulltaker and didn't change his calm expression, trying to hide the fact that the surprises could have almost killed him.

By intention, Masami coughed on his fist twice. "Well, that's the reason. We didn't mean to spy on you, kind sir, so please forgive us." slightly bowing down in courtesy, Masami turned to the direction that the injured Cameron pointed at after raising up, having the intention to help this poor, injured man end... escape such a horridly awkward situation. Thus, Masami pointed at the same direction as well. "I want to help this man, so I'm going to the village." Masami said, his hand still pointing at the same direction. "If you want to go with me, then that's better."

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:39 pm


Ragnar watched the man that had appeared in front of him, not really even noticing the man who fell at his feet and smelled heavily of fear and panic. Ragnar looked the new man up and down as if trying to determine how strong this person should be before he slowly started to piece together who this man is. As he looked him over again he knew that this man was now shushing the injured man that Ragnar had ignored was famous in some way though how Ragnar could not seem to remember. As Ragnar's mind went over who this man could be, and while he did know that he was famous he could not put a name to the face nor could he easily figure out what guild this person represented if at all but then the man spoke.

As he listened to what he had to say he then remembered why he was here as well, he had been sent here by his Lord and told that there was going to be a good and important fight to be hand somewhere around here involving something that had been hunting the people. Ragnar came across the wolf that had minorly wounded his arm but that clearly was not the fight his Lord wanted him to be apart of.

Ragnar's stance calmed down at this moment as he stood back up out of his fighting stance as he said to the man " What is your name? I recognize you from somewhere but I can't seem to put the name to the face... I am here to find something that apparently has been hunting the people in this area, so it appears that we are after the same thing. So I see no reason why we should not be able to easily handle whatever this is. " As Ragnar said this he took a step towards Masami before stopping in front of him as he made it clear by his stance that he would allow the man to lead first and he would follow. There was no reason for him to allow this man he had no mention of having his back, and more importantly, Ragnar could not get over the feeling that he smelled something familiar on him, like the smell of his Lord but not.

665/1000 WC


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:20 pm

Masami was panicking on the inside. He wasn't used to meeting big guys like this one; so far, he has only met an eight-foot lich, but that wasn't questionable as he wasn't human in the first place. Now that this man was right in front of him, intimidating the boy enough to not move from his spot, Masami could see the gap in their heights. He would hate to admit that he couldn't look anywhere else but the big guy's eyes; usually Masami would make quick scans from head to toe, but at the moment he was stuck. "Kita Masami." he simply replied with a gentle smile, tilting his head a little. Being known, for him, was easy to handle... if he was in Joya! He's currently in Fiore, and being known in such a big place just doesn't feel so comfortable for Masami. Nevertheless, he tried not to be rude by answering the man's question calmly, looking completely fine. "How about you?" logic struck Masami, telling him to become aware of the people who are aware of him as well. Now, maybe this man wasn't so bad after all.

'Would have been nice if I can understand rumors, too.' thought Masami right after the last question, understanding how news spread all-over Fiore except Masami's lack of language adaption had caused him to become less updated compared to the rest. The name to the face... which part of the face? Did people spread his photos? How did they even describe Masami's face? 'Darned paparazzis.' thought Masami, still on his position; his neck was getting tired of looking up, but he wasn't aware of it until now.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:45 pm


Ragnar ignored the question as he then decided that it was better to simply walk towards the village rather than answer the questions he was given. As they walked back into the village being lead by the man, Ragnar could not help but notice several things as they neared the village. There was the smell of blood in the air, thick and hot, the next thing he noticed as the fact that there was some furry beast standing over a body in the center of town. Ragnar didn't need to hear the beast to know that he was eating. That was all he needed to know as Ragnar went into a dead run towards this beast. Ragnar was not very quiet about this as the beast turned and tried to got ready to fight.

Ragnar slowed down at this point, as he was told this would be a pretty significant fight as he wanted to take this slow and the wolf sensed weakness then and attempted to pounce on him. The beast was as fast as Ragnar so Ragnar was able to bring his club up and swung it from left to right, leaving his chest open to the beast, and used his reach advantage to try and bring the beast down in a single strike. Unluckily for Ragnar, the beast did manage to dodge his blow by going under the blow and attempted to go for Ragnar's exposed chest. Ragnar then took his right foot and slammed it into the beast's chest, as his bare feet hit the beasts chest he could feel it's chest crack and shatter under the A rank damage that came from the blow. The beast then flew across the snow and down next to the other eaten body and laid there.

Ragnar sighed loudly to himself as he realized this was not going to be the fight he was promised as he looked back at Masami and said " Bring that guy up here! If this was the wolf that was killing people then I am very disappointed! " As Ragnar said this he then turned around and started to leave the village, just disappointed with how sad this fight ended up being.

1011/1000 WC


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:34 pm

'Good, I just shared my name with a frickin' stranger.' thought Masami with a sigh when he watched the big guy lead the way. but it was better for Masami to lag behind him, just like how he was following his guild master, or following his friends lead the way. He had no troubles being the one who followed people rather than the one being followed, slightly pouting at the thought of being ignored. Now, when they reached the village, it was the big guy who moved first – apparently he had noticed something in the air unlike Masami, who had noticed the behavior of the one he was following. Immediately, with two fingers, he drew a line from his neck down to the left palm, then pointed it at the Skulltaker; the magic circle dispersed flames out, which immediately formed into a thread that struck him. It disappeared when it hit the big guy – for the past few times it strengthened Masami's targets, it should work the same. As expected, for Masami, the big guy dealt with the wolf like an easy game, then eventually got pissed and walked off. 'Wow...' thought Masami, being overwhelmed. Time for the next phase, I guess.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」

MANA: 2365/2400

(Make lit. Lost)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 35 MP (-30% from Tier IV INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Other-Buff [Strength]
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post (-1 CD from Demon Soul Magic)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user creates a magic circle by drawing a line from the neck down to the palms using two fingers. Upon choosing a target, the user points the same fingers towards them, the magic circle dispersing into a thin red thread that would vanish upon reaching the said target from the distance, travelling at 20m/s and giving them a C-Rank Strength buff. The inflicted target would be marked by a red jade under their eye that multiply as the buff stacks – the mark will last until the caster decides to stop sustaining the spell.


The Hunt [QUEST; RAGNAR ASGEIR] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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