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Seventh Game: Toxic

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#1Island Master 

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 06:49

Island Master

Seventh Game: Toxic

Everyone was sitting in a circle while being tied to a chair. There was a large circular table in the middle with three buttons: high, medium, and low. Each participant had a mask attached to their face that was connected to a device behind their chair. The device contained a large vessel that would be filled up with a toxic gas during the challenge. Once it was filled up with enough toxic gas, it would break the filter and corrode the wearer's intestines.

Roll: No statistics involved.

Extra: In your post you must clearly state whether you pressed on High, Medium, or Low. Clearly, it is not allowed to edit your topic.

Since this game has no maximum amount of rounds, it would be nice if everyone posts as fast as possible.

Once every participant has posted, everyone may post again. There is no posting order.

Sudden Death may be applied if two Survivors have the highest amount of toxic gas in their vessel for a long time.

Details: Each time the user must state whether they click on High, Medium, or Low before they roll.

  • High - The user believes they will roll 80 or higher (20% chance of being correct). If the user is correct, their vessel will not be filled up with any toxic gas.
  • Medium - The user believes they will between 20 and 80 (60% chance of being correct). If the user is correct, their vessel will only be filled up with one batch of toxic gas.
  • Low- The user believes they will roll 20 or lower (20% chance of being correct). If the user is correct, their vessel will not be filled up with any toxic gas.

Should the user not guess correctly, their vessel will be filled up with three batches of toxic gas. The challenge continues till one person is six batches of toxic gas ahead from the next runner up.


  • A has 7 batches of toxic gas in his vessel.
  • B has 9 batches of toxic gas in his vessel.
  • C has 5 batches of toxic gas in his vessel.
  • D has 6 batches of toxic gas in his vessel.
  • E has 15 batches of toxic gas in his vessel.

In this case, the challenge would end because E is 6 batches of toxic gas ahead of the next runner up which is B with 9. E dies.

Timer: 24 hours per phase, unless everyone posts faster. In that case, it will be 24 hours after the 6th person posted. If someone misses the timer, they will receive 9 batches of toxic gas in their vessel. Furthermore, if someone is the last poster out of the six Survivors two times in a row, they will receive 2 batches of toxic gas.


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 07:06

The mask was enough to suffocate him. This wasn't the Momijigari mask as usual, but a mask that was meant to kill him – to suffocate him, too. Masami, like a child he was, has been hoping he'd live until this moment. Whoever was in charge of this game was more than sadistic... they haven't gotten enough. Thus, Masami pushed the 'High' button in front of him, hoping that he'd get it correctly. There's no other choice than these three, but he had hoped that this button would cooperate well with him. He was unable to get off of the chair, either.

Seventh Game: Toxic  Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 07:06

The member 'Masami' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 50

#4Mary Wraith 

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 07:30

Mary Wraith
Whisked away into yet another deranged and deadly game, the gloomy woman found herself strapped to a chair. A mask covered her face, leaving her unable to even speak. Panic slowly crept through her veins like icy water. Her gaze focused on the table in front of her. Three buttons... All labeled differently... Was it another puzzle? If it was, she had never seen one like it. Carefully she reached towards the buttons, yet hesitated when her trembling hand hovered over them. W-which one should she pick? What did each one do? And what would happen if she chose incorrectly? As seconds ticked by and the panic grew unbearable, she forced herself to press the button labeled 'Low'.

Seventh Game: Toxic  FvMuB6

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 07:30

The member 'Mary Wraith' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 38


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 12:45

The next game wasn’t as straight forward as the other ones had been, it was more of a gamble this time. Nuala didn’t know what to make of it, nor what to think, but it seemed that her options weren’t that great this time, as they had been with the other games. Nuala had a mask attached to her face, and if she lost this game this would certainly lead to death. She was sitting on a chair and before her was a desk with some buttons on it: high, medium and low. Nuala figured that all she had to do was to pick a button, so she hoped for the best, heaved a sigh and pressed the medium button.


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 12:45

The member 'Nuala' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 62


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 19:02

This was not a pleasant experience in the slightest. Panicking for a moment when he saw himself in this predicament, Zane took a few moments to calm down before looking around to see what his options were. His eyes moving towards a nearby desk, he found a trio of buttons. One low, one medium, one high. Zane wasn't sure as to exactly what these buttons were supposed to do, but he figured that they'd most likely do something or another to help potentially get him out of this mess when he considered how the challenges had gone so far. Taking a chance, Zane pushed the high button in front of him. His fingers were crossed - in a figurative sense, that is. Hopefully this would work in his favor.


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 19:02

The member 'Zane' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 65


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 23:51


There we go... Twisted game numberrr... Seven? Yeah, Seven... Honestly by now it almost felt tricky to tally up just how many of them they'd had. This time, Alisa found herself strapped around a circular table with nothing but three buttons before her, and a vague indication to click high, medium or low. In the end, it felt as thought it all came down to dumb luck, to see how long one could survive while potentially inhaling toxic gas. The filter in front of them wouldn't hold on for long, so, without wasting too much time, Alisa pressed the middle button, opting for the safer, medium option. They were all toast if they stayed here for longer... So, her only hope for survival was somebody dying before she did.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seventh Game: Toxic  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Fri 24 Jul 2020, 23:51

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 25

#12Rinni Faithe 

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 09:52

Rinni Faithe
Where was she now? Rinni had one moment been crying over Ko and Lucian, the next waking up tied to a chair around a table with five other people. The other survivors. She recognized Masami instantly. Her Guildmate and friend. But was he? She wasn't sure who to trust anymore. She saw a couple of other faces she'd seen in passing but never spoke to, and then there was Mary. How was that girl even still alive during this hell? She looked so ghostly and fragile compared to the others.

She had no time to dwell on the others, however, as she noticed on the table in front of her were three buttons. What was this? Another puzzle? Or was she literally gambling for her life here? She felt her heart drumming in her chest as she gingerly reached out and pushed the Medium button. hoping not to die here.

Seventh Game: Toxic  Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 09:52

The member 'Rinni Faithe' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 72

#14Rinni Faithe 

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 10:06

Rinni Faithe
Nothing seemed to happen, but her werewolf senses picked up a strange smell filling her mask. It was light, subtle, but it was definitely there. What was that? Poison? She felt bile rising in her throat as panic set in. Were they going to be slowly poisoned until someone died? She had to get out of here. But there was no escape. All she could do was push the damn buttons and hope for the best. Why was this happening to them? Why out of all the people in Fiore... hell... in Earthland... were they being made to suffer like this? Made to die horribly? Rinni willed herself not to throw up as dread hit her hard. Instead, she pushed the button marked low.

Seventh Game: Toxic  Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 10:06

The member 'Rinni Faithe' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 92


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 11:33

Nuala decided not to gamble with her life. Picking the medium option was obviously the best choice, but she was also tempted to take a risk - but maybe not just yet. There weren’t many options for her, three to be exact and somehow she felt that even if she took the safe route and stayed consistent, it would eventually lead to her demise. But the Voidling was tired, exhausted and not quite ready yet to make a huge gamble, so she remained with the safe choice - she was going to pick the medium button again. Pressing the medium button, Nuala could only hope that she would at the very least survive longer than someone else. The purple-haired woman pressed down on the medium button again.


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 11:33

The member 'Nuala' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 28


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 16:37

Masami pushed the 'Low' bottom in front of him. Now that he's becoming more intoxicated with poison, Masami didn't want to risk it... or would he? Does it even still matter if he would die due to poison? It'd be a miracle if he still lived, though, but we'll never entirely know for sure unless this whole phase is finished. His senses were clogging up and his hand didn't want to push any button anymore, however he still forced himself to. Hopefully, by the time this ends, all his efforts trying to live wouldn't go to any sort of waste at all.

Seventh Game: Toxic  Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 16:37

The member 'Masami' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 97


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 19:53


Well... Everything worked out alright so far. At least, she wasn't dead yet... Really, that's all a girl can hope for when strapped to a vat of toxic gas with nothing but a mask to keep her safe, with no real clue of just how long the mask might even hold in the face of such a relentless onslaught. But in the end, Alisa had no intention of finding out as she.

"Why change the winning recipe hmm...?", she mumbled to herself, keep her clarity even in such a high tension, adrenaline fueled scenario, hitting the middle button again without hesitation. After all, if it worked the first time, then it was bound to work again, right?

She could see how each and every last one of her opponents were still very much in the game. She couldn't afford to make even a single mistake, or else she could hardly ensure her own survival in the end.

+1 toxic

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seventh Game: Toxic  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 19:53

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 40


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 20:03

Zane clearly made the wrong choice, panicking a little for a bit before trying to calm himself down, at least to the extent someone could be reasonably calmed down in said situation. He could do this. As long as he tried different things he could most likely find a way out of this particular predicament. Last time he hit the high button, so now he'd go to the button right next to it. Zane's finger pressed on the button that was labeled medium as his mask filled with a bit more gas, though less than what entered it before. It seemed that it would be what would happen should he press the medium button, something he'd have to keep in mind for the future.


Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sat 25 Jul 2020, 20:03

The member 'Zane' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 92

#24Mary Wraith 

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sun 26 Jul 2020, 00:03

Mary Wraith
Mary’s puzzlement only grew when seemingly nothing happened. The bings didn’t tighten or loosen... And the chair stayed put. Mysterious. Her head was beginning to spin, but she wasn’t sure if it was the panic running rampant... Or something else. Struggling to gather her wits, she reached for the next button. If the one on that side had done nothing... Then maybe... Nono, that was something called a... Oh dear, now even the term escaped her mind. Some sort of fallacy? W-well, perhaps not the most important thought right now. Swallowing the clump of dread clogging her throat with an audible gulp, she closed her eyes, prayed for the best and... pressed the button labeled 'High'.

Seventh Game: Toxic  FvMuB6

Seventh Game: Toxic  Empty Sun 26 Jul 2020, 00:03

The member 'Mary Wraith' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 9

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