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Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki]

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#1Suki Lesalt 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:56 pm

Suki Lesalt
Suki sat on a bench made of beautiful dark wood. It had patterns that looked like caramel swirling about within. Her little hands grasped onto the edges as her little feet kicked back and forth impatiently. She wondered where Fujaku was at since they were going on another mission. This was exciting! She was about to get stronger and maybe she will make many brothers, sisters and mamas cause that's what she wanted.

A huge family.

Her pink eyes wandered around the area as she nommed on the bamboo tissue. Her name was carved on the bamboo piece like a tag of a marine or someone from the army on a piece of metal. Was he getting here any time soon? She almost felt hungry, but she skipped it cause she was super excited. 'Did he decide to not come? Was I too much last time?' she nervously thought as she looked for him through the crowd in the Alley of Beauty. It was called something else, but she doesn't know what it meant. What was 'romance'? Something weird she assumed. She picked up the piece of paper and looked over the notes.

Apparently, there were new bodies appearing and she cleaned their place so good that he thought of her. What a nice man. His hair was super crazy, but nice, yes.


 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Sig10
#2Fujaku Nijiiro 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:47 pm

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku smiled behind Suki, he had a gift behind his back and he had to take extra special steps to make sure she disnt see him before he saw her. He smiled and stood up clearing his throat.

"Excuse me for being late Suki-Imouto. I had to get a special gift for you. I thought you would enjoy it."

He revealed from behind his back a small bento box wrapped in cord to keep it from opening. There was enough for the two of them to have lunch together. However, Fujaku had made a special extra box for Suki that contained a box of the most expensive and best mochi he could find in all of Hosenko. Each mochi was a different flavor, with 12 mochi inside of the box it was like those chocolate boxes of mystery flavors he had seen in other areas of Fiore.

He smiled.

"I hope you can forgive me for being so last. Once were done eating well go get that mission done shall we?" He waited for her to respond. He wore his kimono, full of holes and with a faint irony smell that lingered within the fabric itself. No matter how many times he washed it he couldnt get the smell of his fathers blood to leave it.


#3Suki Lesalt 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:15 pm

Suki Lesalt
She squirmed a little bit while she wrapped her arms around herself. She felt afraid that she made him leave her. Oh no! She blinked a few times and nommed on her bamboo tissue more fiercely. Her heart pitter-pattered faster as she then finally saw him through the crowd. He had boxes in his hands. Boxes that were something she can recognize very well! Bento boxes were amazing as she too makes them. She makes very good ones her brother told her, the best ones in the whole world! She went over to him with her arms dragging behind her in the air and stood in front of him.

Suki nodded innocently and looked up at him with her wide pink eyes. "It is alright. I felt scared I scared you away." She spoke in a whiny sweet tone and gazed away, but quickly gazed back up at him. She smelled something strange on his kimono, but the smell was so familiar that she smelled on her clothes as her father --. She shook her head at the thought and hopped a little. "We shall eat on the way." She spoke in her muffling tone due to the bamboo covering her mouth. She felt happy now that he was here and she did not scare him away. She lifted her arms upward to receive the bento. It could be poison, but that was okay. Food was food.



 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Sig10
#4Fujaku Nijiiro 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:49 am

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku laughed as he handed her the bentos for her. He couldnt eat his yet, having only one arm made that harder. But he didnt mind. He was just glad she was being well fed. It seemed she had a good home, based on the spying he had done before hand. He walked beside her.

If she didnt stop him in some way before they reach their final destination, he would kneel and smile at her.

"Suki-Imouto, stay here okay? Eat your bento. I dont want you to see what's down their okay? Let me and the detective handle it." If she tried to insist hed flash her the biggest smile he could. "Hush hush. Open that smaller box. Trust me you'll enjoy it."

He then stood and pet her head, rubbing the top and behind her ears before going to look at the body. He greeted the detective with respect, and accepted the magnifying glass. He set about examining g the first body and speaking with the detective.

While Fujaku was glad the body he had made wasnt the one being investated today, he was not happy there was another murderous person in Hosenka city. It meant it would be harder for him to do his own killings... and he may be a threat to Suki.


#5Suki Lesalt 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:27 pm

Suki Lesalt
They walked together as if her big brother was taking her to places, guarding her. It made her happy, gave her memories that will not be forgotten. It was like a broken record of the past she wanted to forget at the same time. She did not know where her brother was, making her grip her bento box tighter. She hid the sadness and just looked at him with neutral expressions after her happiness of the box. Once they met their destination she felt a stop. It made her tilt her head to look at Fu who was the one that stopped. Was something wrong? Did she do something? They were not quite there yet so why the sudden stop?

Her mind went on, but he spoke to her in words that was comforting. He wanted her to eat while he went to do somethings real quite. Was it a surprise?! She felt excited so she nodded and sat on a bench. Her eyes watched him leave before opening her bento. She could not let anyone watch her eat, not even mama Judith. The fact that she felt ashamed of how she looks, her teeth more specifically made her wear the bamboo. Talking was something she tried to not do. Slowly, after Fu left she ate. The taste was sweet, but a little bitter. That was okay though, what matters is she ate it as it was a gift of thought. If Fu tried to look at her while she ate, he only saw her sitting there with an open box, half-eaten, and bamboo back on to cover her lips.



 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Sig10
#6Fujaku Nijiiro 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:13 pm

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku soon expanded his search area, and upon doing so he found another body. This one buried in trash and disrespected based on the smell of piss that came off of the body. Fujaku growled to himself. Savages piss on a corpse, even he wouldn't go so far.

The body was missing a head, as well finger tips. Whoever did this knew how to cover their tracks. But as Fujaku rolled te body over and saw the marking, he couldnt help but grow angry. The Black Dragons...

He wasnt in the alley anymore, he was on his belly as he watched silently from a distance as his family was slaughtered by members of the Black Dragons who lived in Joya and served under his fathers court. He remembered self tattooing their clan symbol onto his body, only to have that arm removed by Nerva.

He stood up, and went to te detective. He told him what he had learned, and then made it very clear that he wanted in on taking them down. Being so insistent as to seem obsessed by the detective. But after a few more words and exchanging of possibilities, the detective had come to an agreement. He recieved the pay from the detective and headed back toward Suki. He smiled and set the coin purse on her head.

"Dont move, or itll fall. Keep your balance as best you can" Fujaku smiled at her, hiding his earlier anger.


#7Suki Lesalt 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:09 pm

Suki Lesalt
She nomnomed all her food as she could taste the sweet bean paste on some of the food that he put in there. She forgot some of the names like she forgot a lot of things after her incident, but she will be okay with that. She saw something colorful in her bento and wondered what it was. Her her tilted towards the left and picked it up slowly.


She plopped it into her mouth. Slowly, she chewed it as if she was afraid of what it will taste like. Within seconds she hopped a little on the bench and eyes went wide. It was super sweet. "Sugoi.~" She spoke Joyan and organized her bamboo back on. Her eyes cornered left, right, and straight to see no one around. She sighed in relief as she did not want anyone to see her without her bamboo over her mouth. She still felt afraid for anyone to see them. She will be a monster to them perhaps. Maybe Halloween will be a good time to not have it on, yes. She saw Fu come back with a pouch of jewels on her head. It felt funky, but she sat still so it was balancing on her head. Her eyes followed Fu's movements like a quiet sister. Softly, she hummed in an annoyed motion as her eyebrows expressed more than her words. "Mmmmm...".

Her eyes looked at him and then brightened as her head tilted, dropping the bag. It was tied so it was all okay. She grabbed them and stood beside him. Where did he go to get this money? Did he rob someone? What a bad boy. He went on to do stuff without her. He should not be robbing money when they had a -, did he do the mission without her?! "You did mission without me." She spoke muffled and disappointed. They soon left to go back home.




 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Sig10
#8Fujaku Nijiiro 

 Ouroboros Pt. 1 [Fujaku l Suki] Empty Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:59 am

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku understood her annoyance. But he hadnt wanted to subject her to the horrors he had saw. He was thankfully used to it, but he was also no longer a sweet young innocent girl. He feared she would be scared after seeing the bodies.

"Forgive me Suki-Imouto. But the detective needed us to look at victims of the killings. I... did not think it appropriate for you to have to see such horrors. Forgive me for assuming, but it would be wrong of me to allow that." After that he lead Suki back home, learning she had enjoyed the mochi he had bought. He smiled happily when learning that.

He thought for a while as they walked. He was concerned about the black dragons. He wasnt very strong, and he wasnt even sure he still deserved to seek vengeance on them. But after dropping suki off at home he went to where the locals said was dangerous territory. And he simply...waited. he watched as the thugs of te jught began their operations. He wouldnt attack now, but he would learn everything be needed too. He wasnt going to act like he had when he had been defeated. He would learn his enemies movements. Even if he had to crawl like a lowly rat. He walked in the shadows, making sure not to be seen or heard.

By morning he had learned a decent area of the target zone. But there was still more to cover. He got off the roof he had been on and returned to wearing his sandals. He made his way down the street and back to the brothel he had been sleeping at. But he paused, nd looked at the money he had before turning and walking away. He made his way to the store nearby, and bought what food he could. He could sleep in the gutter, but for now he wanted to eat.


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