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Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI]

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Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:39 am

Masami had already woken up before the sun rise, it had always been like this. Although he had started to live in Kurisa's condominium or apartment (or whatever that building was called), Masami slept in the Hinoki Theater's dormitory area, where some of the actors and staffs sleep in. He was supposed to meet with Natsumi the next day after friendly sparring last night, but it doesn't seem like she'd be the type to wake this early, too. Therefore, he had grocery shopping in the marketplace, buying treats and snacks for them to consume the moment they meet once more. Before he knew it, the sun has finally risen, and people have awoken from their bed heads. Some of the children woke early to play around the Starlight Parade's square, and it was already lively even though it was still quiet. While waiting, Masami let down a basket of goods, then sat by the grass. He then started meditating in the Joyan way, trying to formulate mana and aura by focusing on his mind, body and soul. This was a technique used by the monks (not the mages, apparently) and Joyan shamans, and it wouldn't hurt to try, no? Masami immediately felt his body stirring up, even if his eyes were closed as to see utter darkness. He'll be like this up until Natsumi finally shows up, at least.

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 523/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#2Natsumi Duranndal 

Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:39 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi woke up early morning for once, unable to move correctly when she has just woken up, sleeping in an inn room, being pretty small as she got to her feet, streatching as she was wearing a black and white nightie. her long hair was a mess as she began walking to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, seeing she was a mess. Reaching into her bag, pulling out a brush as she ran it through her hair, trying to get all the knots out of her hair. Having quite abit of knots in her hair, it took her some time but she managed to get them all out, her white hair flowing down, having abit of a natural curl to it as it was quite beautiful. Noticing how her hair texture was she decides to take a bath before anything else. Turning on the faucet as she used special shampoo and conditioner, used for softer skin and hair. Once done she began to brush her hair once more, using her own flames to dry hair slowly but nicely till it was soft and warm to the touch.

Getting out as she walked over, having a few outfits to choose from, one of her old dresses she used to wear, a black and white dress that no reached to her knees as it used to belong enough to cover her legs which made her realize how much she has grown.
A set of T-shirts and shorts. something for casual wear, basic and comfortable, And lastly another set of T-shirt and shorts mean for exercise, being abit tighter and easier to breathe in, coming with arm and leg warmers, deciding on this outfit, she Begun to put it on.

Once she was dressed and ready, she headed out, softly jogging down the streets, as she was holding some sort of cage covered with a white clothe, heading towards where Masami and her were supposed to meet up. Upon Arrival she sat down next to Masami.

"Hey good to see you are doing fine after our heated battle.

She soon started to write something on a small piece of paper while the cage was placed down next to her, writing about her current situation, where she is and where she will soon be headed, a progress report of some kind as she uncovered the cage to reveal a Pigeon, having a sort of case attached to its leg she took it out.
while handling it propperly she rolled up the note, attaching it to the bird before setting it free, flying away from her in the direction of Marigold.

"Sorry about that, I am sending our guild a progress report, I haven't checked in for quite some time so I wanted to let them know that I will be headed there soon and let them know my current location.
She said as she got up, beginning to streatch her body out.

Fire Dragon's Roar Nova [500/1,400]
Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist [105/525]


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:47 am

Immediately, Natsumi had caught Masami's eye when he felt the same aura as last night's, thus coming back to reality as easily as that. While she was still afar, he waved at her until she approaches him to finally hang out. She had a pigeon inside a cage, held in one hand by the handle, and then Natsumi explained what it was for. Masami had to turn his body in curiosity, "Progress report, huh?" he had asked her, his eyes closely watching the pigeon, which looked back at Masami. He had almost forgotten about progress reports... was Masami required to do such a thing? Although his guild tattoo was in his lower back now, instead of his cheek, the guild emblem is still there as long as he belongs to the guild, meaning he should be responsible for something, right?

"Ah, I have some snacks..." then, Masami handed over Joyan treats that were in the basket. Those were expensive in Fiorian prices, but it must mean reasonable since these are only sold here in Hosenka. Masami wasn't in the mood yet for such treats, so he stood up, leaning close as to gaze at how this pigeon looks like, curious unto how Natsumi is going to send a letter through it. At the same time, Masami stretches his arms to get ready for this morning's short meditating and training.

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 752/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#4Natsumi Duranndal 

Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:24 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi could see the snacks, drooling abit as she wiped her mouth. Looking at the snacks were tempting her, thier scents amplified for her as she wished to devour them, wanting to sink her sharpened teeth into the delectable Joyan snacks.

"No thank you, ever since my training I had a massive apetite and I dont want to eat them all. anyways I am gonna be heading back to marigold soon, do you want to come. I thinkg the guild are having battle matches, I haven't been around the guild so much so I am hoping to catch up with them.

She started streatching, she started to practice fighting, throwing 1-2 combos, throwing in some kicks in as she controlled her breathing. Sweating as she kepts excercising next to Masami as once she was done, she sat down, sweating quite abit as it didnt phase her much.

"So how is owning a theater....sorry I broke the floor, I have trouble controlling my strength at times with my spells.
I do hope one day I can get a house, setting down base in one place would be nice, Tho I rather not destroy everything, oh maybe I wouldn't have to carry all my stuff with me at times.

Fire Dragon's Roar Nova [717/1,400]
Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist [105/525]


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:59 am

Even if she denied Masami's offer, her facial expressions made her obvious, but since she politely refused, looks like Masami has to keep the snacks away per orders. "Man, are all dragon slayers weird 'n all with appetites?" asked Masami while putting the basket away, including the snacks that he had offered. Masami stood up to stretch from top to bottom – for a guy, he was a pretty flexible fellow. "You're going to Marigold? When?" apparently, he had a look of interest and curiosity, but Masami didn't want to immediately leave Hosenka just because his guild mate was going back to their guild's place. Masami has a theater to handle now, and as the owner of Hinoki Theater, it would be rude to leave suddenly, without any warning or foreword.

Finally, Natsumi apologized about the theater's broken floors (that she caused), and she looked genuine enough for Masami to accept the apology and laugh it out. "It's fine, we have mage staffs. Plus, Joyans work at a pretty fast pace... although it was an expensive deal." answered Masami, shaking a palm in front of him. When she talked about owning a house and trying not to destroy anything inside, Masami uncontrollably muttered a small "yikes" sound as he lowers his head in disbelief. With all these missions and requests, it's no doubt that anyone can become rich as hell in a short time span. However, even if Natsumi gets rich, if she ends up destroying the house then it will be such a waste. Masami couldn't even imagine how long the expense paper would be, and trying to imagine it was making his eyes tear up and his spine chill in fear.

He sighed all those thoughts in the end, people were still strolling all around, some had woken up only now. Masami got an idea, so he ran five meters away from Natsumi, and then stood straight. "Try hitting me with a fire spell," he said from afar, "I'll go test my endurance out."

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 1087/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#6Natsumi Duranndal 

Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:35 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi was nervous as she saw how Masami wanted to test his endurance, as she got up, standing apart from him as she streatched once more.

"Are you sure, most of my spells are more destructive, causing explosions, but if your really sure."
She said as she didnt want to question him as soon she took a fighting stance, deciding which spell she should use as she wasnt gonna hold any punches.

She decided to use the strongest spell she had masters, A Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art, of the Crimson lotus strand that were mainly fare more destructive then normal but has to be used up close and personal.

Soon a huge amount of flames surrounded her, breahing in a rythmic fashion. The ground cracking as with a single step she went flying towards masami in a spiral fashioon, flames wrapped around her as the ground where she was is a giant crater. Spinning fast as in masami's eyes she would see a dragon flying towards him.

Soon once close she throws a flurry of punches and if they hit, each one would cause a 1 meter explosion that all together would deal B-Rank damage.

Fire Dragon's Roar Nova [918/1,400]
Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist [105/525]


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:53 pm

As simple as giving a nod, Masami didn't say anything else when Natsumi asked him if he was sure. He was standing abruptly five meters of distance (although Masami didn't actually calculate this, he only ran out, and then assuming that he created the best distance between the two of them) so it should have been obvious that he was ready. At least, the training took place somewhere that was more comfortable – recalling Tomoe Tanaka, the guild master of Penumbral Guard, whom Masami trained with at least once or twice, a safe and lively square is a better training space than a lonely snowy mountain. However, sooner or later, this place will be populated by playing children and working adults, and it will be too crowded for both Masami and Natsumi to continue training.

When she charged at him, Masami thought that it wasn't as fast as his own guild master's swords. That was traumatic, but now that memory had leaned more towards the 'I want to experience that again' than the threatening vibes it gave off. Although Masami knew that he could evade that in a quick motion and counter-attacking, eventually he let Natsumi attack the shield Masami made using his arms—his endurance (mostly statistically) allowed him to avoid getting his limbs broken, and apparently he was still able to use his arms after the attack. While he remained standing still, the explosion caused the ground below them to shake, and the attack also intertwined with the wind, causing Masami's clothes to dance while the two of them remained in-contact.

Looks like he was stronger now, after all. Masami shook both of his arms after pushing Natsumi off and ran his hands down to both said arms, trying to feel any texture or formation change of bones and flesh. They hurt, alright, but his arms seems to be working fine even now. "Ah, that was neat." he muttered out to Natsumi, still trying to process the scenario. Apparently, seeing an example of how Natsumi attacked, he can definitely use that information against her.

The people all-around also saw how this went and their attention diverted towards Natsumi and Masami, even if they didn't completely know who the two kids are. Masami had a reputation and seeing how Natsumi attacked him like that, she was definitely going to be affected by this sort of fame; some of the people who had their attention attracted by the two had stopped a few meters away, still waiting for something to happen. "Oh well, want to continue?" Masami smirked at Natsumi, lunging backwards at most twice or thrice, creating a ten-meter distance. "Pretty sure that you've still got more spells to train, yeah?"

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 1538/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:01 pm

Masami imbued his aura with fire, charging himself with energy. Now, their scenario was starting to get similar to a public action show, and people surrounded them in a circle, giving Masami uncertainty whether the circle was big enough for him and Natsumi to fight, or small enough for him to accidentally attack even the people in one hit. Masami wouldn't like that, but he also wouldn't like to express weakness, now that he had gathered their attention altogether. Then, he charged in, but at the same time, he was called by a child who uttered: "Masami-sama... Masami-sama!"

An honorific title, from a child? Masami stopped midway, "What is it?" he answered with a huff, catching his breath due to the sudden halt of mana surge, and then approaching the child. He bent his knees as he lowered to match the child's height, "Ah, the theater?" he asked when the child merely whispered to him, on and about, "Uwah?! A noble?! I definitely am needed there, the income must be gracious!" he went to pick up the basket of goods, giving Natsumi a portion of it. "Sorry, Natsumi. Got to get some job done. Let's go, kiddo." then, when he charged the second time, he had the child carried in his arms along with the basket, on the way to supervise a small performance for very important people.


Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 1766/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#9Natsumi Duranndal 

Good Morning, Daifuku and Tea [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:08 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi saw Masami go on his way, being exhausted herself. she then leaves, wandering off to do her own thing as she thought about some things.

"Well now that Masami is gone, I wonder what I should do. I wonder what my other guildmates are doing right now, hopfully i get to see some of them soon, I wonder would they be surprised to see how tall I am, and strong. Hopefully some would put up a good fight, MAN the thought of strong opponents excites me so much I cant stand it.

She started to run, excited about everything she has gone through lately, the thought of future fights exciting her to no end. going into a full on sprint through the streets. racing by people as she threw in a jump as well. Soon calming down as she looked around, not knowing where she was. Letting out a deep sigh as she proceeded to try and find her way back.

"I do wonder tho....Tomoe the man I once fought, I wonder how would I match up to him now. I am a dragon slayer after all, I can assume I would make a good opponent


Fire Dragon's Roar Nova [1,123/1,400]
Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist [105/525]

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