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Underground Associates °2 [Rania]

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 Underground Associates °2 [Rania] Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:41 am


It had been an eventful week for the young Paladin. Kenzo and Rania had attended a multitude of missions, all of which were on different levels of difficulty. It was exciting, but also quite dangerous and after her guild mate and friend had gotten injured during one of the more recent quests, Rania decided to let him rest for some time. He needed to recover and during that time she would simply go to take on some missions by herself. Things had really gotten out of hand lately, but that wasn’t what worried Rania. If anything, the woman was quite happy with how skilled she had become with her magic: she was able to save the person she cared about almost immediately, and her spells were potent and strong.

It was really a good thing, and she believed that it was mostly due to her hard practice that she had been able to pull this off. Rania decided to take more quests by herself and become a little bit more independent. Not because she didn’t like working with Kenzo, it was quite the opposite in fact. But she knew that eventually their time together would come to an end and she would have to learn to be on her own. Of course it was much easier to go on job when you had someone strong at your side, someone you could count on, but Rania had been alone for many years before meeting him, so it was time for her to get back to how she used to do things. It’s not like it was going to be a bad thing anyways.

She would consider this yet another training, some sort of challenge for her to overcome. After all, it was important that she could become independent and solve issues on her own.



 Underground Associates °2 [Rania] Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:46 am


Rania wasn’t a very confrontational person, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t approach people if she knew something was wrong. In fact, the Paladin was rather brave and with her iron heart she knew she could overcome anything. Rania was at home the next day, resting from the previous events. She had dropped her friend off at his room after making sure all of his wounds had properly healed. Then, she decided to leave him so he could get the rest that he needed. Rania on the other hand had other plans. She was still physical fit and capable of doing some things, and because of this she wanted to continue working. But first and foremost, she had to turn the quest in.

It was the next day, but past midday when Rania left her hotel. She was dressed in her usual mage gown’s attire and she was carrying her Hierophant Staff along with her. It was a lovely day, the weather was mild and warm, but somehow she could sense a hint of fall in the air. They were nearing the end of August and soon the last bits of summer were approaching. She would have to enjoy this time before the cold winter broke in, but this was never a problem. After being born in Desierto, where there was always hot weather (it was the desert after all), Rania had grown to enjoy the cold winters in Fiore. They made everything rather cozy.

That aside, as she walked down the streets she walked at a slow pace. She was headed towards the office of a man who worked under the inspector. They had a lot of crime going on and Rania was going to report about what had happened yesterday. Then she was going to pick up their reward.



 Underground Associates °2 [Rania] Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:50 am


When Rania arrived at the office, the client who had given her this quest seemed concerned and relieved at the same time. To see her alive and uninjured was apparently something that made him happy, and he even apologized for sending her on such a dangerous mission. Things weren’t as bad as they seemed though and Rania reassured him that she was perfectly fine regardless. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t have taken that mission in first place after all. This was her choice and the consequences were her own to deal with. Still, he seemed to feel rather bad and Rania could only smile at him.

She didn’t speak too much about what had happened at the scene, only that it was done and then she gave him all the information that he needed. Luckily there was plenty of it and it seemed that the gang situation in Hosenka City was slowly improving and becoming better. Of course those organizations had a way to rebuild themselves and even Rania knew that as long as Hosenka stood, there would be crime organizations here. In the end, all they had to do is to keep it at bay and away from the common folk – and Rania was happy to help with that. She accepted the payment and was tasked with going to another place, one that apparently had more for her in store.

Rania was handed the address of a wealthy business man who was allegedly involved in the whole drug business and whatnot in Hosenka. The inspector didn’t tell her what exactly their relation was, but apparently he had requested her presence seeing how well things had gone on their last mission. She supposed that a win was always a win for them, no matter the sacrifices it took. It was an annoying thought but the Paladin played along – for now.



 Underground Associates °2 [Rania] Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:00 am


When Rania arrived at the business man’s office, he invited her in shortly after. It seemed that he was already expecting her and she soon found out that his name was Mr. Takashi. He proceeded to introduce himself to the Paladin and remained polite throughout the entire conversation. Apparently he was someone who owned a business relating to import export. They did business with Joya, which was her mother’s homeland and a country far away from here. It explained why he was so keen on rotting out those gangs, because they ruined his business and made everything more difficult.

Rania totally understood his reasons and then he proceeded to explain how crime was never truly ending in Hosenka. It made a lot of sense if you thought about it, but he then pointed out that it was probably in their common interest to make this place a safe spot for the people who lived here. When Rania said this, she already knew where the conversation was going. He clearly wanted her help, but this was not about the people of Hosenka to him: this was about himself and his own business. From what she could tell, he didn’t seem like the type to care too much about others.

But still, they had a common goal in mind and Rania could work with that. He told her that he needed someone who was able to investigate and report back and forth between him, the gang activities and everything surrounding Hosenka’s import and export business. Rania decided that she could use the job while she was still in Hosenka and the money was a nice extra too. After all Rania was currently saving up money to buy some stronger magical artifacts than the ones she currently possessed. So she agreed with Mr. Takashi.



 Underground Associates °2 [Rania] Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:20 am


Even if it wasn’t entirely ethical, because Mr. Takashi was on his own agenda, it would at the very least allow Rania to help in some way. And that was something she was content with. Rania wanted to expand her horizon after all, and make the most out of her time in Hosenka. The next few hours were spent in idly conversation, during which Mr. Takashi gave the Paladin a good idea how things worked in Hosenka. He also gave her some paperwork, showing her the different names, organizations and gangs in Hosenka and how they all worked together. It helped her figure out who was related to who and which ways she would have to go.

In the end, the conversation ended with something even more useful. It seemed that the businessman was very grateful for Rania’s help and he wanted to thank her by giving her a special potion: an endurance potion. Rania knew that those were magical and that they had the ability to make you much stronger. Well, not immediately, but over time if you took many of them. He jokingly said that she would most definitely need those potions if she kept working with him. She accepted the gift and left the office shortly after, making plans to meet again soon. Now it was mostly up to her to do some detective work and get her way into the crime scene of Hosenka.

But honestly, Rania was fine with that. She was even looking forward to all of it, especially know that she was having a better idea of how it worked. But that could all wait until the next day, because she needed to recover from the previous few days. Today had only been organization and making some associates, but in the next few days she would start moving.


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