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A Chance Encounter [Private]

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#1Natsumi Duranndal 

A Chance Encounter [Private] Empty Sat Sep 05, 2020 2:58 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi was walking down the street, minding her own business as she was restraining herself, and her use of magic unsure if there are any oil lamps around, having already cause a few explosion since her arrival, luckily nothing too big and bad.

Looking around at the vendors as she felt a cool breeze touch against her pale skin, the breeze feeling quite pleasent on her skin, a refreshing feel.
Soon sitting on a benche in the middle of a sort of Round crossroad area, multiple vendors lined the sides and she can see other people around, some couples as the sight made her abit sad.
Having spent her entire life without being in a real relationship, not even one of those kiddie relationships as a kid, calling eachother by cute names, being in a relationship even tho it isnt real, and most likely will end in a flash.

Leaning back and looking towards the sky, looking at the night stars as they shine below. Staring as she begun to look for the constellations, lining the stars up to even form her own. having spent her childhood doing so as even tho she grew alot, looks nothing like back then anymore, she still loved book, to read and map the stars as she used to do with her father.

#2Lorelei L Lakefield 

A Chance Encounter [Private] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 9:40 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
Plenty of Dragon Slayers were gathering here in Hosenka it seemed. There were two within the same vicinity of one another. One borne of fire, the other borne of water. One had been here for a while, one had just arrived. Lorelei and Natsumi were fated to meet at some point, every dragon slayer came across each other at some point or another. Call it fate, call it the grand scheme of things, call it what you will, but these slayers of dragons found themselves drawn to situations where they encountered each other.

Today, there was another scene occurring, sometthing that the residents of Hosenka, and those of the Starlight Parade had grown accustomed to seeing. The Pink-haired water dragon slayer was once again on the yun from a local yakuza outfit trying to shake her down, for even more money this time.

The men were all dressed in traditional Joyan style garb, carrying a variety of wooden training weapons, eager to beat the money out of Lorelei. She herself was wearing a blue and white colored yukata, geta sandals clicking along the path as she tried to maintain balance with the strange footwear.

"Come on! I can't even buy my own clothes?!" She belted out at them before turning around and spitting a bubble of water at them, a little magic circle forming in front of her mouth as it shot out with great force. Striking one of the men and causing him to topple over, she skidded to a halt and sighed.

Kicking off the geta, and pulling the yukata away, she revealed her form fitting tank top and shorts. Something to just wear under the normal fashion if she needed to get on the move. Her legs were clad in stirrup stockings, and her arms were covered up to her elbow in a strange form of glove that left her fingers and thumbs exposed.

"Fine, if you want to fight, I'm happy to send your boss another pile of bumps and bruises to explain, 'I AM NOT PAYING YOU'."

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
A Chance Encounter [Private] DSj5Tim
#3Natsumi Duranndal 

A Chance Encounter [Private] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:49 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
NNatsumi was relaxing still as she heard someone scream, not taking a second to hesitate, she got up to go find the source. Seeing a girl in Joyan garb running from some men, about to step in as she saw the girl remove the yukata and geta she was wearing, seeing her in a tanktop and shorts made natsumi blush abit. Thinking the girl was actually cute made her hesitate for a moment, but upon seeing her scream something about not paying made her mad, the idea of grown men harreassing a girl made her mad. Quickly running over as she breathed in, taking a step as the ground cracked abit and she let out a huge roar, a torrent of flames flying pass the girl and heading streight for the yakuza.

The flames were quite hot, as he Fire Dragon's Roar Nova was the strongest roar she had currently in her attacks, but it was strong enough if hit the yakuza would blast them away along with parts of the street. Not worring about the causing damage for once. A huge monstrous roar can be heard as she did it, sounding almost like a genuine dragon roar right infront of them.

#4Lorelei L Lakefield 

A Chance Encounter [Private] Empty Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:34 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
Lorelei sighed, lowering her torso in a slump while her compatriot set out to belt out a powerful gout of flame upon the men that were harassing her. As if being hunted by the yakuza wasn't bad enough, but coming across someone who was gifted with similar powers and just as prone to property damage? it might give her a bit of a bad reputation going forward. Setting herself out to lend a hand as the yakuza fled, Lorelei moved her hand in front of her mouth.

Lurching back for a moment as her cheeks puffed up, she then leaned back forward and with a magic circle forming in front of her face, let loose a torrent of water onto the flames, dousing them to prevent a spread of the fire.

The men had left, and Natsumi and Lorelei were alone, for the time being. "I uh, thank you for that and all, but, wasn't that a little bit excessive?" She asked, trying to motion this way and that, as if to try and indicate there were more people watching, and they could do with finding a different place to talk while the authorities arrived?

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
A Chance Encounter [Private] DSj5Tim
#5Natsumi Duranndal 

A Chance Encounter [Private] Empty Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:04 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi saw the men run away as she laughed
"Yes it was quite much, but sadly I dont have much control over that, I am known to be more destructive. My name is Natsumi Duranndal, it is a pleasure to help out another dragon slayer" She said being able to tell by scent alone as she picked up The Water user, bridal style with such strength. Leaving the scene as she jumped up high, to the roof top of a nearby building.

"Sorry about that, I thought it be good to go to a high place, in case they try to come back. we cam keep a look out"

She said as she grinned like an idiot, wonder a few things as she rarely met others like her.

"Hey mind if i ask a few things, this is the first time meeting another Dragon slayer like me, so...... Did your apetite inscrease, do you also get motion sickness on moving vehicles like trains and boats. She asked curious as she wondered what it was like for other dragon slayers, what other effect the magic took upon others lives. The different type of styles the other elements have, as such how hers were strong and destructive, others might not be.

#6Lorelei L Lakefield 

A Chance Encounter [Private] Empty Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:41 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
Another dragon slayer? She was just like the other girl? Lorelei had to stop her train of thought though, the moment she was scooped up and absconded with! Grasping onto the shoulders of Natsumi, Lorelei squealed as the woman leaped off with her. When they came to a halt on another building, Lorelei squirmed out of that grasp.

"Next time, you ask before you grab someone and go 'FLYING' off with them!" She fumed, taking in a deep breath and putting a hand over her chest. She felt her pulse racing from the sudden adrenaline rush of being whisked away at such a forceful speed.

"Okay, okay, so. Dragon slayers, yeah? I don't really...know much about them. I don't remember much of anything." She admitted while rubbing the back of her neck, gaze cast away to the sidee while her neck was being rubbed.

"So, the thing is a few different points you should know? I have amnesia, I don't remember much of who I was, who I know, or if I have some sort of connection to other dragon slayers? Other than that, it was my thirst more than my hunger. I have never ridden on anything I can remember." She commented while looking away and finding a spot on the edge of the building to sit down on.

"Oh, Lorelei Laguna Lakefield. Trip-L for short or Lore if you know me well enough. My name that is, you told me yours, that's mine."


My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
A Chance Encounter [Private] DSj5Tim

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