The blood witch ran through, and found herself to be blue. She was all alone now in the world, her family was doomed. In gloom and in spite, she brought out a light. She made way through the darkness, and came upon a carcass. A skeletal figure, told her to take seat. Orders from the dead? She'd play along, and moved her feet. She looked at the head, a skull of white bone. Perhaps she would fuck it. Perhaps it would moan. She wondered to no one, and sat at the chair. Here in the darkness, she could only stare. So stare she did now, with no time for the how. The skeleton did bow, and Maido, Sia broke vow. Before her, a tub. It had wonderful grub. A cauldron of blood, and eyeballs of mud. The size of an apple, she found them quite dapple. She pulled up her hair and tied it in bun. For now, she'd play games, and have her some fun.
She tightened the bow and brought her face low, revealing her fangs, the gaming bells rang, she bobbed her head in, sanguine and blood thinned. Her motive was clear, she was to bring cheer. The skeleton laughed and Sia tried harder. Could it be, perhaps, that she would be lead to slaughter? Her garter was black, an ancient taboo. She moved for the eyeballs, and tried to pick them from the stew. Would she succeed? Or would she fall short? It didn't matter, of course, it was a devil's retort. The game was still fun, regardless of buns. Eyeballs instead of apples? My, what a game well done. She bobbed her head in, and continued her approach. Were she to succeed or fail, the darkness would still encroach. The dark mist enveloped, and surrounded the game. Would she bite eyeballs, or be covered in shame?