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Potion Prepper [Quest | Phoebus]

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Potion Prepper [Quest | Phoebus] Empty Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:57 am

Phoebus arrived at the forest, it was peaceful here like it always is, a good spot to calm your mind and collect your thoughts but this time there was another reason for his visit at Magnolia's forest. He had received a request from a merchant named Khalash to assist in finding some herbs that were required for an experimental potion said to enhance the power of mages. Phoebus was naturally curious for such an elixir and took the request so here he was getting ready to gather some herbs. He closed his eyes and reminisced the merchant's words about how each flower and herb looked and whether he would be able to retrieve them easily. After a short moment he opened his eyes and started heading into the forest, shortly after coming upon the first ingredient which was a lovely curly fern.

He looked at the plant making sure it was young and fresh, cut a few and headed further inside. He was to find a blue lichen now, a kind of an uncommon ingredient he thought and searched for old rotting logs as his client suggested. Phoebus had to do some searching before he managed to spot some on a lone old log, he went closer to have a better look and saw that he stood corrected. The blue lichen was such a beautiful relationship of organisms to watch the fungus component provided protection and support to the green alga growing alongside it which made food via photosynthesis and together spent their lives, he read back mentally through the notes of his father and it was true for this spot appeared to be bathed in sunlight. It had found its happy spot it seemed but a request was a request and so Phoebus ripped a portion of it off and put it in his herb bag continuing further inside the forest for the third component.

Now all that remained was a red leafed vine the rarest of the three ingredients but with some luck he'd be able to spot it as well. Following the old man's advice he headed towards the part of the forest where the biggest trees were located and after some searching he found some at the top of at a tree, it really looked astounding bright blood-like red in contrast to the green, yellow and brown leaves of the other trees. He had to climb and fetch some and that's what he did, a moment later he had taken part of the vine and placed inside his bag and was now on his way back. He didn't rush though, taking a stroll through the house before the sun had set was beautiful and he could still hear the birds chirping about, he chuckled as he left the forest and went back to the streets of Magnolia. He made it to the shop where he gave Khalash the ingredients and patiently waited for the brew, after a while it was ready and he took a sip of the elixir just as the merchant had promised him, he felt a small amount of mana surge through his body, they exchanged goodbyes and Phoebus left with his reward in his pockets.


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