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Oh What a Lively Site.(Open)

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Oh What a Lively Site.(Open) Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:38 am

A ever continual part of life, Everything became interesting as the season changed. Winter has arrived upon these lands and Priscilla wanted to take in the season of this area before she returned to Seighart.

Were better to see the season then it mixed upon the trees, the combination of pink of osme of the sakura trees and the white of the snow was always a nice and interesting view to Priscilla.

Plus it would be nice to roam around with her son in these areas for at least one last final time before she set off to wherever she would go next. Besides it would be unknown when Hasani would ever visit this area himself again. Weather that again were ever to happen would be with his mother or not, Was the future to tell.

Priscilla would sit upon a bench upon this area with herself and her son. laughing to herself slightly and talking like the still growing child would understand what she would be saying to him."I will be enjoying this moment, a lot more than you for will for the moment my dear son."Priscilla mention in general sitting on a bench.

Placing her son upon her lap, she would face him towards her face. So Priscilla can ensure she son was not going to get too cold, She did come prepared for the winter for the both of them.

"These moments, I will keep in my heart forever much more then you assume my dear son."
Priscilla then would put her son on the snow covered ground to watch over him, allow him to move freely and see if he would start crawl by himself, Watching over him carefully. After all  he would not get hurt as long as she watched, As long as no stranger would try to do anything to him with her watching. Then again Priscilla knows her mind was slightly overreacting.


Oh What a Lively Site.(Open) Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:51 am

Cold and chill patrols were starting to get annoying to Yugo. He was once acclimated to the temperatures of Icebergia, but he had spent so much time in the warm Fiorian country that he lost the thick blood he once had. He wore a thick coat and pants of Rune Knight design meant as a Winter Uniform and a hat to keep the snow off his head. 

He made his way to the famous cherry blossom alley as his patrol took him through that area. He would stop though on his way through as he saw a young mother and child sitting on a bench. The child was set down in the snow to play, his winter clothing looked warm and made Yugo a bit jealous at the meager cold resistance his uniform provided. He walked forward in a friendly and non aggressive manner and he smiled as he tipped his hat to the mother. 

"Hello Maam. Dont worry theres no issue, I know as a rune knight some people see us and think trouble right away. I just wanted to ask if I could buy you and your child some hot chocolate." He looked at the child again and sighed sadly. As if remembering a life time ago. Even though they were slaves, Yugos mother took every effort to make his life an good one, perhaps if his parents hadn't been killed he would have been a good person instead of a criminal trying to redeem himself. 

"I was a former slave in Seven, and to see a child and mother enjoying their day makes me... very happy. I hope that doesnt come off as weird." He silently thought of that girl he had met so long ago, the one who was starving and that Yugo tossed into a ravine to survive. He reminded himself to travel back to the sieghart mountains. If she had died... he could at least bury what ever remained out of respect. It was the least he could do.


Oh What a Lively Site.(Open) Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:33 am

Oh boy, the exact opposite of something she would want to deal with ever, Rune Knights then again she last heard these knights were long disbanded to new members or something made them go out of the public eye for a while. For now Priscilla can easily deal with what was in front of her. She had no worry about whatever reason he was here, It was oddly innocent and wholesome, A vast different image then what she worried about a lot of the time.

To open up such details with a stranger like Priscilla was a bit strange to her. but everyone was different, She herself would not do the same in return. After all different people were still strangers to one another and she did not open up easily.

Hasani might be too young for said drink, At least in Priscilla's view, After all he was just barely crawling upon his own."I may consider your, Do keep in mind...I happen to be a bit of cautious of strangers and their offerings to my child."Priscilla was just being how she was normally, the phrase momma bear, Of law bearing or not Priscilla still chose what exactly she would happen with her son.

But Priscilla was at ease, She would just continue being polite and nice to this person."So that is was draws a person this day me, It is fine dear i am far use to strangers."For now Yugo had Priscilla watching him, Priscilla would assume nothing of him. It was still a peaceful and wholesome moment for her.


Oh What a Lively Site.(Open) Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:31 pm

Yugo smiled watching the little child play in the snow. The large Demi human smiled and knelt down to be at level with the child. He looked strong in the face, yet gentle at the same time as he was filled with life and knew nothing if pain. Yugo hoped the child never would know pain like he himself had felt. He smiled and undid the pendent on his chest and undid the magical enchantment on it to bind it to himself. 

"This badge meant alot to me. It was the badge I was given when I was given a second chance in this life." He looked at it and then turned to the Mother, he smiled softly and genuinely. "In Icebergia, gifts of potential are best. Something that may help.lead a child to a bright and happy future." He handed the badge to the mother and stood if she took it afterword. 

"Let this be a symbol for him, to help send him on a good path in life." He then tilted his hat once again. "Maam." He turned and began to leave. He hoped that if he kept it, it would keep him from turning to a path like he had, and instead might lead him to the path of a good life.


Oh What a Lively Site.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 4:24 pm

She would not show a sign of it, Priscilla was confused by this, in some way even if her son did not know what was going on, Priscilla herself was far more uncomfortable with this. Mostly because why would she agree to this custom of his?

Priscilla did not stick out her hand to take what given to her, rather the part she was personally felt would kind of slip out of her."I do not understand your intention of even if plain as the words you speak."Which not revealed a problem Priscilla was a person had, She assumed there was far more then just was mentioned to her.

Then again Priscilla was stuck in her own cycle of what life had thrown at her. All Priscilla needed was herself and her son, After in some manner she knew something was amiss enough with her son father was he was no longer around."Just to a mere stranger's child? If your mark of a second chance is given to some one who has not needed one, then what value did you place upon it to start with just to merely throw it away?"It seemed Priscilla express exactly she wanted to, Not sounding mad or upset, Not even annoyed if anything Priscilla sounded disappointed in some manner, with a mixture of coldness with in it.

Yes it was strange to kind of be this way upon a stranger's kindness to her, But there was not a single connection between her, her son and this man, It was far too strange to Priscilla."After all with my son still growing he had not even grown enough to fall to need a second chance, For my son will have a fine life, If you worry about any other child maybe hand your gift to them, For if you believe that it bring that, They will need it more then mine."Priscilla seemed harsh, She knew she was being harsh. Did this man assume Hasani would need that luck for a possible second chance at life before he even needed to live his at all? In some ways even if unintentional, It left Priscilla feeling like she might have been seemingly insulted even if only in reality this man had far better intentions with his idea. It was strange to her and Priscilla did even know this man name either.

Mystery gifts were not Priscilla's fancy, in some ways she was paranoid it could lead to some trouble down the road not only for her but her son as well. Even if being told what it was, It would not lean her thoughts differently. This person was already walking away, Well Priscilla would pick up her son and walk the way opposite, since he was leaving. In life, not all view things the same as intended, this just happens to be the case of that.


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