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Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne]

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Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:01 pm

WC : 455
Tags : @Jolyne
To say they would be crying would be a lie. Whether it was out of fear or excitement on the other hand is a different story.

What happened basically, was after the ordeal in Sakura Alley, Étaoin returned to that one weapons store, and decided to finally buy the blade that they had their feline purple eyes on. Only now, they were in a situation and had no alibi for this ordeal. Usually, they could be like; Oh this? I was threatened to do this, it is not my fault good sir! That was mostly because, ninety percent of the time when Étaoin had physically hurt someone, they were in fact on a mission to claim the reward given for said quest. This one was different, because there was no mission, and yet Étaoin just wanted to try out the newly looted blade, that had a deafening effect to it, the young mage wanted to test that quirk out to it’s best potential, and agreeably so did not think about the aftermath and the consequences said actions could possibly bring upon them.

“Well… shit.” Standing there in their slightly splattered outfit, cat ears and black beret askew. They still were not sure on why they were wearing this outfit, but that’s a topic for another time. Étaoin let out a deep sufferable sigh. “I am so so, so screwed!”

Even though they were in the quartet, sometimes things do indeed get out of control, what with the gang and mafias, but other times, like this one, it is very different, and that is due to the fact that Étaoin was not apart of any said gang or mafia, and well even though they enjoyed hurting people, and now with this brand spanking new weapon they could have the time of their life, Étaoin still had to think about the effect it would have on the Syndicate, and it was only now they took this into thought, somehow they had to get out of this and not get caught in the process by the law.

“Crap crap…” Glancing around the shipment yard, hiding their dagger in the sheath around their thigh, then back to the two bodies leaning against one of the containers visibly panicking for once in their life, at doing something bad which was surprisingly strange, yet understandable. “Man, Kisei or Azu would know what to do… Why did I do this alone?”

To put it simply, yes Étaoin was crying. Not from the fear but instead it was from the adrenaline of being able to test their blade out finally, but also because they were in big trouble and needed to find a way out of this grave they’ve finally dug for themselves.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#2Jolyne Atreides 

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:30 am

Jolyne Atreides

It seemed as though this day would go rather decently, while there had been a bit of excitement of late the Lich really just had taken the day off to avoid the tedium of working for the rich. It was a tiring task for one such as herself to undertake, she cared for the smaller plants and seedlings of the forest and likewise she cared for the weak and the poor of humanity. This being the case it drug her down on a daily basis, which was why she had acquiesced to taking a day off for once.

Though she still wore her full equipment Jolyne's medallion, hidden beneath the volcanic armor that covered her chest, shoulders and parts of her arms, would still sparkle in it's many colors though it was seen by none. Her cleaver was sheathed, though along with her rings and earrings it gave enough shine for the woman to still feel a bit fancy despite her original headgear which she had fashioned more into a cowl and crown at this point. While overall dark, her outfit would still allow her to get a bit fancy though she eventually would desire to switch up the ghoulish plate armor.

It was rather curious when she happened upon a younger looking person garbed in feline ears and seemingly crying though their face did not display too much sorrow. Perhaps they were trying to mask the pain? Oh, no, they were probably upset about the two people they had killed. While Jolyne's hopes were it was in self defense, she could not entirely rule out that she may be facing a murderer looking for their next victim. Hopefully her queer nature and bony disposition would dissuade one if such was the case, after all dismantling her would not lead towards any fun really for someone of such an inclination.

"Three questions if I may my dear. Question the first, why hath thou donned cat ears? Question the second, why art thou shedding tears darling? Question the third, mighst thee have slain those two men yonder, if so, why would this be the case? Ah, my apologies it seems as though I asked you four." Starting out nervously and falling back into her vocal tick the Lich would speak loudly but not loud enough for other's to hear as to give the other person away. No, instead it was at such a volume that they would be able to hear here but her words would soon become undiscernible thereafter. Quite the curious case of a crazed cat, or perhaps just a person fending for their life? Jolyne Atreides strove to find out before she jumped to any conclusions. Though truthfully from the looks of the corpses, the Plant Mage did not particularly care about turning someone in for killing gang members or armed dock workers. If she was not concerned about a possible scuffle involving herself she would be rather impressed more than slightly guarded.


Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:13 am

WC : 550
Tags : @Jolyne
Amongst their panicking internally and externally they seemed to have forgotten to keep an check on their surroundings as soon they were approached by someone, or something to say the least. Flinching, Étaoin stumbled a little away from the skeleton? Fingers twitching for their weapon, only to pause at the questions asked, though albeit confused, it seemed the skeleton did not want to harm them in any way, but instead just wanted to know what was going on. Glancing between the bodies and the skeleton, Étaoin felt their brows crease in worry. They did not know this person, and in a way did not feel safe talking to them, due to not knowing if they would be turned in for the murders or if the stranger would berate them about the situation. Étaoin in general had their guard up, but sadly it was wavering and that meant soon enough the mage would be vulnerable, which they can't allow.

“I… Who?” The feline eyes seemed to almost glow, the amethyst shade of purple made Étaoin’s eyes seem like jewels depending on the lighting around them. “Uhmm…” Stunned for a moment, Étaoin was more confused than worried now. There were two dead bodies and the first question they were asked by this stranger was about their outfit? Come to think of it, Étaoin still didn't remember why they were in this outfit, they didn’t even know what they were meant to be doing before all this happened, except buying the blade that caused the situation. “I don't... remember?”

The young mage looked at themselves and frowned. This wasn’t unusual, they were used to seeing blood and things like that, death in general, but for some reason this was bugging them and they weren’t sure on why? Was Étaoin actually having an identity crisis? There were two sides of a coin, so could it be a possibility, they never had explored the facts about identity in general, and that was mainly because they had always been the persona that others wanted Étaoin to be.

Flinching again at the name used, Étaoin frowned and lowered their gaze from the stranger. “I am not crying!” Bristling again at the accusation of crying, did they seem to be crying, Étaoin couldn’t know, they haven’t cried since they were taken by that mage all those years ago. What was it like to cry again? “Of course I killed them, there is no one else here to kill these two.” Snorting, Étaoin folded their arms across their torso, the pale skin glowing against the red splattered shirt. “It was fun… For a while.” Lifting their head back to the stranger, “Then after, I realised I didn't think of the consequences this would bring.” Étaoin frowned. “Who are you anyway?”

Tilting their head, if they got a reply, then Étaoin would give out one of their two names that they used, but that is all, confidentiality and all. Étaoin couldn’t let the word get out. They can't burden their friends with this mess up. ‘How embarrassing, to be caught in the act, Étaoin.’ Berating themself in their thoughts, Étaoin continued to keep their guard up, but the androgyn also tried to relax their racing mind. Calming themselves down, whilst not telling too much, and keeping their attitude in check.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#4Jolyne Atreides 

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:37 am

Jolyne Atreides

It must have simply been a fashion choice Jolyne decided upon hearing the words from the other person, not that the Lich would judge anyone's desires for cloth materials. It certainly seemed as though the situation while not handled may not quite be as dark as could be first imagined, at least Jolyne had not been stabbed yet. While her face had been neutral the whole time when they started denying the crying the Plant Mage's face twisted into remorse and she apologized quickly. "Ah there was something in your eye, no need to say anymore." Quite the flinching thing, the Lich wondered just who they were and why they were acting tough to someone who had caught them in the act of murder. Being a bit dark in her humors she found the crossing of arms adorable though the words that came with it were admitting manslaughter for funsies.

"Jolyne Atreides of the guild Fairy Tale, what consequences does a person fear after diving into a game of death ? Might I know that person's name?" the skeleton tapped her finger on her chin while falling into a squatting position with her heels still on the ground. This would show the other person there that she was not going to reach for the cleaver by her side, but it also helped alleviate her hips which would be sore from walking all day if such a thing mattered to an undead abomination such as herself.

"Anywho, I am supposed to keep the law around here did you choose your victims or are you killing indiscriminately? If the latter then I simply cannot allow it and we shall have to change our exchange of words to ones of blades. I would prefer to avoid that as I think there's a bit more to you than someone who just kills for fun, that did not seem like the full truth to me. I could be wrong though, if so please tell me before you try to stab me as well because I will warn you, my armor is explosive." While she must have become long winded in her old age the Lich kept a calm smile while she slowly tapped her armor at the end of her monologue. Truly she did not want to try and take someone in so she was hoping that Étaoin chose their targets with some degree of care as the cycle of life was an important thing to balance and killing the innocent or the weak was usually not something she was eager to look past.

While she was lenient she was not a fool and thus had to be ready for if Étaoin was a random killer and thus would have to be taken in for the safety of the townsfolk. After coming to life she had truly met a mixed bag of people, but thus far she had usually figured out where she stood with them quickly. Not so was it with the person she met on this day, they were quite a bit more mysterious than those she had bumped into prior.


Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:09 pm

WC : 500
Tags : @Jolyne
Now that they were put on the spot, the teen wasn’t quite sure on what to do anymore. They knew that there were a few people here who knew them, some good and some bad, and then there was that person who confronted Azure. Kurisa had distracted them from the situation, so Étaoin wasn’t completely sure what was going on with those two, but generally speaking, the young mage didn’t want to get involved with those people, it would be bad for the guild, if they got taken in by the law. Plus there was the fact of their little brother, Masami would be upset if he found out that Étaoin had killed for no reason, Étaoin didn’t want to upset their brother in any way, he was working hard enough as it was, Masami didn’t need anymore stress. Étaoin knew why they killed these men, and making up more lies obviously was not going to work against this mage of good.

Taking a deep breath, they glanced at the bodies and frowned a little, before turning back to the other. “I… have a friend…” Étaoin muttered quietly, “But… I made a promise not to tell who.” Lowering their arms to their side, soon shoving their hands into their short pockets. Éta shrugged and wrinkled their nose. “They give me jobs, so I just do them, they owe me after all.”

The other reason was mainly just because, soon enough Étaoin would be leaving Hosenka, to return to the north with Azure, after all it was why their partner came to the city in the first place, and what a better way to leave, than making sure that the city shouldn’t mess with the people that Étaoin is acquainted with or would call a friend. Hopefully Kurisa didn’t find out, after all she was Masami’s mother, and the last thing Éta wanted was to trouble those two, although thinking about it, Étaoin was doing it anyway by killing these two men.

“I am…”

Étaoin paused. They didn’t know which name to hand out, after all they were known as Étaoin usually, but in Hosenka when it came to jobs, they used the name Rynn, so if they said Rynn, would this mage figure out that they had murdered more than these two men? That they helped the crime syndicate that dwelled within the underground acts of Hosenka? They could use Miji, but that would taint the precious name that Masami had given them, and it was not on their list of objectives. An alias was in need, but they had none, for Étaoin had used up all their aliases. Were they taking too long to answer? Would this become suspicious? Étaoin couldn’t have this person become suspicious, but with how Éta’s past had been, they have been called multiple names, and out of all the names Étaoin and Rynn stuck the most, so gaining one more name couldn’t really hurt could it? Just another alias to the list.

“I’m Nithe.”

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#6Jolyne Atreides 

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:14 pm

Jolyne Atreides

A friend, it sounded a bit more like an employer and had Jolyne caught that right that they had been owed a debt by the person giving them jobs? It all added up a bit odd to the Lich who tried to digest the story while understanding what she heard, it could be quite possible and rather probable based on how well they had hid their crime. While not the sharpest tool in the shed the Plant Mage was rather clever when it came to reading others, and while the other person was still mysterious they were quite a bad liar. As they followed up with a long pause before their name Jolyne would assume that the name was in fact as fake one, the pause was in such a way as though someone were trying to remember the name of a book rather than their own. Would it be better to pry at this point? If one lied they did not desire for conflict most of the time, most of the time it was to avoid conflict. While the member of Fairy Tale could not let murders occur all willy nilly in the streets, she also figured she could deliver a message to this Nithe and if it was not well received re-strategize from there.

"Very well Nithe, clean up your damn mess better while I play lookout and talk at you. That is not a suggestion, someone else might come up, and by then it won't matter what I think. After this tell your friend to consult with the local guilds before taking such drastic action, it's one thing if you are hunting down violent criminals but a whole other matter if it is political opponents or random civilians. I doubt anyone would enjoy another person trying to take jurisdiction of their region like that is all, play it smart and make sure you're not caught this damn easily" While she spoke the Lich would walk a bit down the alleyway to where she could get the best view of anyone coming in from likely areas and kept her voice so low that only the youth donned in cat ears could hear.

Not entirely a threat the advice would be delivered in a concerned rather than harsh tone further indicating that the Lich meant more to pass on a couple of lessons than have this person focusing on causing trouble here due to how they were treated. Even if Nithe had given a few false responses to questions leading Jolyne to lean towards them being a bit of a silver tongue. "If you do come back to the region do tell me about your friend, and perhaps you could make up a name on the spot for them as well." ever a person to push the envelope the Lich jibbed at the other person who was hopefully close to finishing up the cleaning. After all who knew when someone else would come moseying along as the mage from Fairy Tale had. This person seemed overall well enough, though without a proper lead the Lich was still cautious about Nithe.


Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:20 pm

WC : 505
Tags : @Jolyne
Stretching, just to set their hands behind their head as the good mage continued to talk, Éta all but hummed, a small smile playing along their lips. So the pile of bones had caught on, and realised that most of it was a lie, honestly ever since being taken in by that mage, they guessed they deserved the possible berating on their actions. It was a bit sloppy of them, maybe they could ask Masami for some acting tips, so it wouldn’t happen, then again their little brother may ask questions on why, so Étaoin might just have to figure it out for themselves and learn as they go. Nodding to the probable not intended advice that Jolyne had easily handed out, Étaoin went on their way to dispose of implied corpses. “Ha~i. I shall clean now~” Dropping their hands, Étaoin soon grabbed the ankles of the bodies and hummed, looking around the area, before dragging the corpse towards another area.

Sniffing the air a little, they could smell salt, which meant water was close by, but how close was unknown. It was an option to just dump the men into a body of water and watch them sink. Blinking, Étaoin dropped the legs of the corpse and thought for a second, only to pause because their spells weren’t strong enough to do that idea, so now they were in a situation. They may be strong, but it got tiring dragging dead corpses around, but Jolyne is keeping a lookout so they had to get rid of them. Maybe they could just dump them in one of the containers and be done with it. Hauling the body over their shoulder, Étaoin got to work, on finding that water, and once they were done with that little odd job, the young mage just returned and received a jab from the elder mage. Humming, they also seemed to sense a little bit of could that possibly be snark? A chuckle left Étaoin at the amusing thought that this Jolyne was using Étaoin’s number one trait against themselves.

“Alas, you may have caught up on my half lie… but the name was not a lie.” A grin laced their lips, showing the small canines, as their eyes seemed to gleam even more in the dim lighting of the alleyway. “For Nithe is just another name of my actual name~ Sweet Jolyne of Fairy Tail.” Snickering, Étaoin just twirled a strand of their long pine coloured strands, around their finger as they nodded once more to the elder. “And I may pass the message on, but a name shall not be given, after all...” Frowning, Éta tilted their head, raising their shoulders in a slight shrug. “It’s not fun telling information, just to end up dead right?” The underworld of crime was a dangerous game to play, but a thrill on it’s own and well, Étaoin has always played the game, so why would they stop now, because this good mage of the law suggested to do so?

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#8Jolyne Atreides 

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:59 pm

Jolyne Atreides

Jolyne was uncertain of how to take the other person that was there, still it was clear they were not some dire threat to her. That would be a simpler situation as opposed to now, where the Lich was clueless as how to take them. What have they spoke that were lies, and what did they speak that was truth? The Paladin simply did not know, instead Jolyne would take an innocent until proven guilty approach to that situation. Ironic given they had caught Nithe red handed in the act of murder, still it was something that the woman had a hard time gauging yet on the youth.

The gleam on the eye's of Nithe was far more interesting than their words, it seemed like excitement to the Skeleton who relished in such a prospect although it was in service of a half truth. While not total approval, the Lich always admired others when they relished things with glee. The next line made Jolyne think the name was an anagram for the person's actual name though she had no way of proving such a thing and stored it in her mind for later should she bump into them again. "I'm glad you find me sweet, though I do not know if that is the correct adjective for one who allows another to hide their sins" a chuckle followed the end of the sentence as she could not help but laugh over her involvement of a cover up. If a tree stubbed it's toe and nobody was around, would it have actually screamed? Dangerous business while the King's thumb was still upon the area but that was something Jolyne strove to rectify.

Cocking her head to the side Jolyne would ask in response to Nithe's last line, "Why would you end up dead? If I wanted to kill you Nithe, I probably would have done it already wouldn't I? But hey, if your friend ever ends up running out of work for you, come on back and I'll set you to work stabbing some nobles instead." The Lich laughed at the end masking whether she spoke her true intentions or not. Regardless if she had it was a bit of doubling down upon a risky situation, but what was unlife without risk? It took all types to change the world, and though someone such as Nithe should probably never end up policing the public perhaps they would be rather suited for the dirty work of protecting the public. Still Jolyne doubted it, this was simply a byproduct of her having taken a liking to the curious 'Nithe'. She was simply not used to someone who would go to such extremes and be so unpolished, it was a tier of tenacity and gusto that the Lich did not often see.

Affixing her eyeless sockets upon Nithe she would ask, "So what now? Or do you still think I am going to kill you? If so perhaps you should try to kill me first." The Lich would be standing and speaking in a soft and playful tone, while it was possible that the other person would attempt to kill her Jolyne doubted it.


Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:37 pm

WC : 404
Tags : @Jolyne
It wasn’t as if Étaoin didn’t find the skeleton an amusement to be around, though still accompanying the undead person, they continued with caution. Humming at the suggestion, it wasn’t in Étaoin’s liking to kill on first approach, the person either had to have done something extremely stupid or piqued Étaoin’s hate and resentfulness to require a death sentence. “Nope. I’m just cautious when it comes to Hosenka, who knows what lies around the corner… Especially in this area of the city.” Setting their hands behind their head, Étaoin smiled a small smile at their new skeletor friend. “And anyway, who cares if you help me cover up my pass time? As long as you don't tell, I won't…” Leaning to one side slightly, Étaoin let out a mindful hum, before speaking up. “Going by that route, it means it never happened in the end, because who else would know for it to get around?” They weren’t smart but they knew how to keep rumours at bay, and things a secret, after all they had been hiding their biggest secret yet for almost ten years.

“Hmmm… What now indeed?” Glancing at their slightly stained clothing, Étaoin pouted, gesturing at the blood. “First… I need to do something about this. I shoulda brought my jacket with me.” Since they are technically male, they could go shirtless till they found a store, but then Étaoin wasn’t too fond of showing skin, well, mostly their chest area, legs were fine on the best of days, but then even then, sometimes showing off their legs was too much to bare. Scratching their head, Étaoin shrugged, turning their purple gaze towards Jolyne, “Then who knows, whatever you wanna do, I guess I’ll follow along, unless you have other plans of course, Jolyne?” Then back down at the shirt, picking at the buttons that held it together. “You intrigue me, not just because you helped me out, but in general. You don’t seem like the usually goody-two-shoes type that I come across sometimes who are on the side of the law.” They didn’t want to harm or attack Jolyne, in fact it was probably the complete opposite, Étaoin would prefer to befriend the helping hand of a stranger, rather than attack. Why attack someone who helped cover up your crime, unless they planned to use it for blackmail, but then Étaoin would just deal with that when the time arrived.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#10Jolyne Atreides 

Étaoin Loots A Dagger [Private | Jolyne] Empty Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:20 am

Jolyne Atreides

Nodding along the Lich would shrug and offer a response, "While it may be dingy now, I have faith that soon this place will be turned around. We simply have to provide the people with better economic options other than mob work and mugging." Jolyne's words would carry tones of concern about other's being forced into lives that they probably would not desire to otherwise choose. Unlike most 'good' people, she did not enjoy taking down those who were viewed as 'evil' and always remembered them as a person...until they raised her ire beyond the point of her rationality. "Oh, it happened, do not forget your deeds or you will not grow from them. If this is your job, learn from your mistakes" her words were kind despite them being about murder.

"Do you mind wearing shawls or dresses Nithe? I have a few at the place I am staying in while I am here, the guild hall was being rebuilt while I was in Magnolia so all of my stuff is there. While they might be a bit long, they should work better than blood soiled clothing. I just do not have many things aside from those since becoming bone. No need to show off my quads in pants when there are no quads left after all" the Lich laughed at her final words, while she did not fully trust the person she was talking with she also did not distrust them. If this were not a temporary domicile Jolyne may not have invited them in, but for now the kindness would not come back to bite her as hard as it could.

Literally waving off the idea that she had other plans the skeleton would listen to her companion's words as they spoke. What the purple eyed individual said next evoked the largest laugh yet from the Mage from Fairy Tale. "Oh, oh my yes, well I suppose so huh. I do not really follow the letter of the law, I spent my time within the organization of the Rune Knights and I saw the corruption. Nothing should ever be hidden when it comes to those in power, yet, it always is the case with this current system. I really do not care about the action as much as I care about the series of events leading up to that action. I refuse to give pity to the merchant who raised their prices when a starving child steals from them. As far as I am concerned, those in power take more than they need and those without power receive less than they should get. Anyone who supports that is not really good. So, as long as you had good reasons for killing those two, why should I care Nithe? Now, if I find out you've lied to me well...then I don't think I would be as willing to accept you had good reason and would need more convincing but luckily I don't think you're a liar."

A coy smile crept across the skeleton's face regardless of if they were walking back to her apartment or just away from the crime scene. The Lich was enjoying messing with this new person that she had met, while she had no plans to blackmail them, she certainly was not going to miss the chance to prod a bit more.

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