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Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster]

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Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:12 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 254 -
And control-- that was the most important thing to Atani. If she could not be in control, if she could not even trust herself, then how could anyone trust her? She was an S-Ranked mage for Sayha's sake, and she could barely keep her magic under control. It was powerful magic, but it was chaotic all the same. She didn't feel as if she even deserved the designation of S-Rank, not when there was so much wrong with herself, not when there was so much wrong with her magic, not when there was so much wrong with the memories she currently possessed.

Another red flag about something she did not have control over was her own mind. And perhaps that was the most frightening one of them all for Atani. She could train herself to become a better hydromancer, a better theurgist. She could not, however, train her mind. Not in a way that would enable her to retain her memories let alone regain the ones she lost. The feeling of having amnesia was not terrifying, but it was confounding. It made her curious about her past life, before she was 'Atani,' before she was this member of Blue Pegasus. She had a feeling that discovering her past memories would bring a comforting sense of calmness to her, however, she was terrified of it happening yet again. With all that she's built for herself in Fiore thus far, making new relationships and becoming a stronger mage, she couldn't lose control of it. Not again.
Coupon 5/20
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:39 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 253 -
This battle though, at least she could have control over it. She had control over her own body, her own mind, her own magic. The Wood Elf's eyes narrowed at the Boscosi girl who was approaching her. Rather than backing away, Atani stood her ground. She let go of her bow. Rather than it clattering to the ground, it returned to the pocket dimension within her ring. To the average onlooker who did not know of her magic ring's properties though, it would appear that it simply disappeared into the air somewhat akin to the effects of this famed Requip Magic the nature user had heard so much of.

Though she made her bow disappear, clearly hinting towards some sort of magical capacity within herself-- Atani had yet to cast any sort of spell at the moment aside from what was tied to her bow-- her opponent did not seem at all surprised. She wasn't unsurprised either for that matter. The young woman didn't seem to be the slightest bit fazed for that matter. Her amber eyes were locked on Atani and they were filled with the intent to kill.

That was not Atani's intent. Not in the slightest. She already felt bad for creating those bleeding arrow wounds on the girl. Little did the Boscan know, however, she was planning on healing her by the end of the fight. She just wanted to knock some sense into her, but now the paladin feared that there was little sense left to work with.
Coupon 6/20
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:35 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 255 -
Atani could knock all she could, but she feared nobody would be home to answer. There was nothing but rage behind the girl's eyes. She must have truly believed that Reiner the Bastard was best suited to rule Bosco. Either that, or she believed with all her heart that the opposite was true for Hildegard. Maybe the Beastmaster was not popular in the eyes of the country. After all, she supposed what Hildegard had planned for Bosco was vastly different from the previous monarch's rule. She wanted tribal federalism. Regions within Bosco would be capable of governing themselves with Hildegard moreso serving as a central figure.

It was a fair system to Atani. Fiore had a somewhat similar relationship with her own town of Athalran. Wood Elves lived far differently from the majority of persons residing within Fiore. They had different morals, different needs, different ways of life. As such, they needed to be governed differently. Not all the laws of Fiore made sense for the Wood Elves in Athalran. Likewise, not all the laws instituted in Athalran made sense for the humans in Fiore.

She supposed Reiner had a... somewhat similar plan? He at least planned for a republic as opposed to an authoritarian monarchy; however, when it came to the affairs with Stella, he planned on using the conquered lands for mercantile reasons. Raw materials to be used in advancements. Though Hildegard had no intentions of freeing the Stellan lands, she at least was willing to give them representation in her tribal federalism.
Coupon 8/20
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:00 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 253 -
That in and of itself, she supposed, was as close to free as the majority of the Sachsenwald siblings were willing to make the Stellan territories. Although it was not something Atani agreed with, it was still the reality of the situation. None of the siblings were perfect in her eyes, but some were still far better than others. She would much rather have the Stellan people participating in tribal federalism than having their land be used for Boscan technology. Technology that would only further destroy their precious land... It was not hard to see how that could be seen as troublesome through the eyes of a Wood Elf.

Taking calm, controlled breaths, that same Wood Elf braced herself for impact. The Boscosi girl with auburn hair and amber eyes was now within striking distance. The warm orange glow of her aura and dagger gleamed bright even in the light of day. She assumed that it served as some sort of enhancement. Maybe something to let her shrug off pain better. It clearly was not a healing aura, for fresh blood still continued to seep out of her wounds. Perhaps it provided more strength or speed. It was hard to tell in the moment, but this was not something Atani could take lightly. She knew from experience of battling mages that sometimes a little enchantment was all someone needed to change the tides of the battle. One spell could decide the victor. Soon enough, Atani would see the results of just that firsthand.
Coupon 9/20
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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