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Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster]

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Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:49 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 300 -
Atani dashed through the woods, leaving Rinni behind to tend to the fawn. Though its injuries were healed, it was still weak. If there were more enemies of Hildegard out there, there was always a chance they would return to finish the job. Though she doubted they would be so cruel as to strike down a baby deer-- there was no chance it would grow to aid Hildegard before someone took the throne-- one could never be too careful. It was Atani's hope that the baby deer had only been injured by accident. It hopefully was only caught in the crossfire, which was why it was not found dead among its parents. If that was indeed the case, that told Atani that whoever this culprit was, they were careless. She knew from hunting in the forests of Athalran that deer could sometimes be difficult to hit for the average archer. To get close enough to one to slash with a blade would take an impressive amount of speed. Deer were quick, but not that quick. Catching up to the parents would have been the hardest part in the killer's attack. After that, the animal had little defensive capabilities. It could thrash around all it wanted, but an experienced hunter would know not to aim for the baby. Very rarely was a fawn ever injured in this way.

As she ran through the woods, her footsteps were all but silent. If the culprit heard her coming, there was a chance they could think the footsteps were nothing more than forest animals skidding across the leaves, terrified of the dangerous humans with sharp blades. She knew from experience that the sounds of elves were often difficult to detect. Both her distance from the killer and her position relative to him were indiscernible.
Post 1
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:11 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 303 -
Not only that, but her scent was completely masked. Like Rinni, there was always the chance that this killer also had the ability to detect scents. It could be how they were able to track down animals so swiftly. It could also be why they decided to flee each scene so quickly after murdering the animals. They might have heard Rinni and her coming, sure, but they might have also sniffed out their presence. As she made a note of to herself before, you could never be too careful. In times of tense political struggle that frankly seemed on the brink of a civil war, it was vital to consider every possible contingency; however, that said, there was no way Atani was going to sit down and create a plan. With the speed of this killer, there was no room for hesitation.

That was actually good for someone like Atani. She tended to act on impulse. Sometimes, such as in the case with how many of her past quests went, it could end up making her solutions to problems rather... Sloppy, to say the least. But nine times out of ten, her solutions were successful. They were by no means the most elegant-- probably a disgrace to the stereotypes of most Blue Pegasus mages-- but they were efficient. It got the job done, and as long as it was done one way or another, it was still a win in her book. Perhaps her guildmaster Alisa Vollan would disagree with some of the paperwork she likely had to do from the destruction caused by reckless mages, but what difference did it make in the end? The guild was wealthy. It had a steady flow of funds from the towns it protected. The guild was still good in the eyes of the Magic Council.
Post 2
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:20 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 302 -
Things would have to change when Atani joined the guild LeeAnn planned on creating... Or rather, if Atani joined the guild. Although the elf knew Lee had the resources to create a guild, there was a lot more involved than just paperwork to be sent to the Magic Council. There needed to be a building, a town willing to accept such an organization, and most importantly, members. Whatever Lee had in mind could not be founded upon herself, a wood elf, and a werewolf with no names to them. They all belonged to Blue Pegasus, but none were even close to be strong enough to be considered the Ace of the exquisite guild. That honor fell upon Manzo. The Woodland Dragon Slayer. Though she and Manzo had a deep connection to one another, she doubted that would be enough to sway him into leaving with her... Not that she wanted to anyway. She didn't believe this guild LeeAnn was planning on creating had the same ideals as the Slayer.

Atani shook her head just thinking about the whole ordeal. Her swift running slowed as she came across what looked like a tall, climbable tree. The girl ran up to it and scaled the trunk, hands grasping onto branches above, and feet effortlessly pushing off the branches below. It was an activity that came natural to Wood Elves like her who were raised in a forest. As such, it did not take long for her to reach a point where she could see above the treetops. Arm wrapped around the thicker part a branch and foot anchored in a nook in the trunk, she leaned to stick her body out and peered at the mapping of the forest beneath her. A breeze rushed through the leaves, making it appear that there was movement.
Post 3
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:31 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 302 -
Well, to say 'appear' would be false. There was indeed movement, but it was caused by forces of nature. It was not, unfortunately, caused by the culprit Atani was in pursuit of. While she waited for the breeze and the rustling of the leaves to stop, she tried the spell she had cast while she was with Rinni. The first time she used it, it was at the scene of the deer killings. She used it to try and track the murderer, but to no avail. This time, she was hopeful something would catch her radar. It would make sense for the culprit to flee so soon after attack. But, there were no more animal noises. No cries of pain. There was no reason for the culprit to still be fleeing with such speed lest they somehow knew she was trying to catch up with them... That is, if she even was.

The elf's fingers were crossed that she was headed in the right direction. She had little time to check for footprints, but there were broken twigs and bent bushes that marked what appeared to be a quick, tactless run. It was either made from a large animal who was scared, or it was made from the culprit. It was hard to say in the beginning, but considering she had not run into a wolf or bear as of yet, her money was on the person (or people for that matter) who had killed the two adult deer and injured the fawn. It soon dawned on Atani that there was the possibility she could be running after multiple enemies of Hildegard. She had assumed it was only one due to the injuries sustained. They appeared to be made from a blade, but multiple people could wield the same type of weapon.
Post 4
template by punki of adoxography

Spell Cast:

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:50 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 301 -
No, if there were multiple people, then surely there would have been more of a trail. More obvious signs that someone had passed through. She probably would have at least seen one set of footsteps in that case, though with all the different races and magics that populated Fiore, Bosco, Stella, or any other countries that decided to join in the power scramble, it was impossible to tell what was a plausible explanation. At the matter's crux, the only thing that was certain was to expect the unexpected. Expect anything. A new race? Sure. Kitsunes, for instance, were not unheard of in Fiore. They were far more common in Joya, but overall were a rare species to begin with. The same was likely true for other countries... Only, Atani wouldn't even know what they would be called. She did not speak Boscan, nor did she speak Stellan. The former of the two would be of the greatest use to her at the moment.

Perhaps there was an elven town not too far away. No matter the settlement, no matter the country, all Wood Elves spoke Val'Elvarin. It would be strange to encounter one who did not. If she was just able to find one, then perhaps some of her kind would be able to lend a hand. Get her acquainted with this foreign country. Be able to tell her more about the issues the non-humans faced under human Boscan rule. After all, if she was going to vouch for Hildegard's position on the throne, she had to have a better understanding of the issues the youngest of the Sachsenwalds aimed to fix. But for now, that would have to wait. She was still trying to find the people (or person) responsible for killing the deer, and injuring the fawn and bird.
Post 5
template by punki of adoxography

Spell Cast:

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:24 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 307 -
All the thoughts that went through the elf's mind after casting her sensory spell, all the thoughts about the potential of her enemy, her lack of information, and her hopes to see an elven town, they only lasted a matter of minutes. Not even three had passed before something came across her sensory spell. She felt a vibration in the air. Not the vibration of swaying plants or scurrying animals, but the vibration of something larger. Harsher. Their movements were more calculated. They did not move with the certain natural spirit that woodland animals possessed. From her position up high, she could tell the general direction where this entity was, but she could not make out much more than that. She was unable to detect its form, what race it was, whether it carried a weapon or not. It was entirely possible that this person was Rinni-- Perhaps she ran into trouble. But still, it required her attention.

Atani began to descend the tree. She did it with just as much ease as she did when she initially scaled it. The moment her feet touched the forest floor, she took off in the direction of the unique vibration. It was difficult to make out amongst the chaos the other movement of the forest caused. It was difficult to put into words, but it was almost like white noise. Very thick white noise. Like a sort of tinnitus that overpowered nearly all other noise, but it was not something she could hear. It was something she could feel. As she drew closer to her target though, that white noise deafened. Eventually, the signal became clear as day. And then, she got close enough where she did not need to use the spell at all. The elf dispelled it upon seeing a flash of black dart through the trees.
Post 6
template by punki of adoxography

Spell Cast:

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:57 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 303 -
From inspection, it appeared not to be as fast as her. Whoever the dark figure was, was likely familiar with the woods. It was an advantage someone rarely had over her, but this conflict had been going on for a bit before she decided to join in on the efforts. The figure could have either had more experience in that regard, or they could have been one of the locals. If so, then there could be some conflict there. She could not speak Boscan, and she did not believe Fiorian was a commonly taught language in the land. She would expect the nobles to no it for negotiations with foreigners, but for the average citizen, it had just as much use as Boscan had in Fiore. Needless to say, that use was very little. Atani was not even among one of the 'average' Fiorian citizens. She was a Wood Elf, and she was a mage. Not once did she consider she would need to learn Boscan for potential foreign conflicts. She didn't imagine many Boscan folks either thought Fiorians would be rushing over to give their aid. This was a rather peculiar situation indeed.

It did not take Atani long to catch up with the person dressed in black. Although they had the advantage of familiarity with the forest, she had the advantage of speed, and it seemed between the two, she had the better upper hand.

"Stop!" she called. From the ring on her finger, she summoned her Great Wood Elven Bow-- this was quite the handy ring she had gotten her hands on-- and drew her string back; however, she did not yet plan on attacking. Similar to her encounter with Raymus, she did not yet produce an arrow on her weapon. She hoped the person would take note of that.
Post 7
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:41 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 308 -
The figure froze in its tracks. From the body form alone, she could tell that it was a young woman. Tight black clothes emphasized the girl's curves. She wore a hood to hide her identity in the thick Boscan forest. She slowly turned on her heels and took a defensive stance. A blood-stained dagger was held in one hand. Her other remained at ready in case of provocation.

"You forgot to notch your arrow," the girl sneered. Her amber eyes were sharp. A curl of auburn hair fell loose in front of her face. Her nose was sprayed with a sea of freckles, and her voice was thick with a Boscan accent. Yet, as evidenced by her sentence, she spoke Fiorian. Atani was in luck.

"I'm guessing you're the one killing all these forest animals?" She ignored the Boscan girl's question. It was time to get straight to the point.

"I may be," she shrugged, shoving her dagger further forward to emphasize the animal blood spattered across the blade. "I'm guessing an elf like you would have a problem with that."

"I might." Atani stared at the Boscan girl with equally sharp eyes. Their gazes of amber and emerald met. There was a mutual understanding between them, who each other really were. Most people would assume Atani to be in support of Hildegard, given her elven blood. The frustration about killing forest animals only solidified that assumption in the Boscan girl. Atani, however, could not even begin to guess who this girl supported. Clearly it was not Hildegard, and Wilhelm was out of the running. That left Reiner, Brunhild, and Cassia. Whoever of the three it was though, that didn't matter much in the moment. None of the remaining competitors were allied with Hildegard. They all had a stake in making sure Hilde did not take the throne. She hoped the person would take note of that.
Post 8
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:40 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 300 -
An arrow slowly began to materialize onto her bow as the elf gripped the weapon tighter. Anger fueled within her as the girl in front of her had nothing but a smirk across her face. Paired with a bloody dagger, it was clear that the assassin didn't care much for what she did in the wild. It was something Atani could never understand. Though she often tried to see the world through others' lenses, bringing needless harm to nature was one thing she could never reason. There was a difference between survival and greed, essential killing and needless poaching. Atani had no issue slaying a beast that was terrorizing a village or hunting to gather meat, but she did have a problem with what was going on now in Bosco and Stella.

"You know, you didn't have to harm that baby deer."

"Wait, is that what this is about?" The Boscan girl laughed. "It was going to die on its own without its parents anyway. Plus, one less beast for Hildegard to control, you know?"

Atani gritted her teeth. The arrow began to materialize faster. "It won't even be out of its fawn stage by the time this struggle for the throne is over."

"Oh, I doubt that." Atani arched a brow. How could this all not be over in a matter of months? She would be astonished if the country would let itself go without a leader for even a quarter of a year-- that was a long time to live without clear rules and regulations, both for the citizens of Bosco and for the neighboring countries who had to engage in foreign affairs. The confusion was evident on Atani's face, and it seemed the Boscan girl recognized it. She opened her mouth to reply to the Wood Elf.
Post 9
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:01 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 300 -
"You see, you Fiorians just don't understand." The girl with auburn hair and amber eyes let out a heavy sigh. She relaxed her stance and bent down to wipe the blood off her dagger's blade on the forest floor. "One of the Sachsenwalds will take the throne soon. You are correct. But what about in the future?"

Atani tilted her head to the side. "The future?" Though it seemed the young Boscan woman was less threatening than before, the elf did not yet let her aim on her relax. Still, she was curious what she had to say. As a foreigner to this country, there was still much she did not know. All she knew was that her people were being oppressed in this country, and Hildegard could be a remedy to that.

"Say Ihre Hoheit Brunhild takes the throne. Do you think Prinzessin Hildegard will do nothing? No, she hates her sister. She will continue to cause chaos throughout the land until changes happen."

"You call making sure elves and demi-humans have rights chaos?"

The girl rolled her amber eyes. "No, but you see my point. Bosco doesn't need any more retaliation after this. Our country won't be able to handle civil discourse."

"I take it you're hoping Brunhild will take the throne in that case?" With all that was said, it seemed that was where the Boscan girl leaned. However, she had yet to mention anything about something being Illumin's will or whatnot. Something she had heard those religious zealots say time and time again in this country, though perhaps she was not one of the religious fanatics. Maybe she was just racist towards non-humans, or maybe she honest to gods preferred the Divine's style of ruling: the theocracy which promised expansion into other territories outside of Bosco.
Post 10
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:21 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 301 -
The Boscosi girl's nose twitched and wrinkled. The corners of her mouth trembled as if trying to hide a smile. Eventually, she could not hold it back anymore. "That crazy zicke?" She burst out laughing. It took the girl a few moments to calm herself and finally rub off the dirt she used to cleanse her dagger from blood. "No, I'd be damned if she took the throne. My loyalty is to Reiner. He may be a bastard, but he has sound ideas for the country."

That, admittedly, was something Atani could agree on. Of the Sachsenwalds, Hildegard, Cassia, and Reiner were among her top choices. Wilhelm, though he was once allied with Hildegard herself, was someone she never wanted to seize the throne. Likewise, she detested everything Brunhild the 'Divine' stood for. Even her title was a mockery of itself. Though she respected people no matter their religion, there was always a point where it could be taken too far. Brunhild had crossed that line long ago and continued to stray further and further away from it. Now, the people who did not belong to the Illumin religion were suffering because of it. They would suffer even more if she became the new ruler of Bosco.

"I won't argue with you on that," she replied in agreement. "However, I can't condone how you're showing your support for him. Animal life is precious, and not every woodland creature will aid Hildegard in the way you think."

"Says the Fiorian," she scoffed. The Boscosi girl briefly stretched and shook her muscles loose before returning to her fighting stance. "You have no idea how this royal family has behaved over the years."

Atani kept her mouth shut. It would be unwise to argue with the girl, for she was right. Atani didn't know.
Post 11
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:45 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 302 -
"You're right, I don't." Atani tightened her grip on her bow. "But that doesn't change anything. I'll still protect the animals here, whether they're actually helping Hildegard or not."

The girl sighed and shook her head full of auburn curls. A hand went to the left side of her temples and she shut her eyes. A firey magic circle appeared beneath the Boscan's feet. A glowing orange aura surrounded her. Runes that were etched into the dagger glowed to life in the same color.

"You're hopeless," she muttered before letting her hand fall from her forehead. The girl opened her eyes, which too seemed to have a similar glint to them. Atani prepared an arrow on her bow. Unfortunately, it seemed negotiations were out of the question. They only thing left to do was resort to fighting. If this girl's actions couldn't be stopped through reason, they had to be stopped through force.

She dashed at Atani, dagger held at ready in an offensive position. The nature mage let the magical arrow fly in her direction. With a swift slash of her weapon, the arrow was cut in two. It didn't even so much as dull the dagger's blade. Atani bit her lip and lunged back. Pushing off with her feet, she sprung into a back flip. Her final position was at a safer distance from the hunter. Once again, she let an arrow fly, but it was of a weaker variety than the first. Just as expected, the girl sliced through it with ease.

"Come on, is that all a supporter of Hildegard's got? I thought elves were better fighters than that!"

Atani leapt two metres into the air, landing gracefully on a branch overhead. And then another metre, similarly landing on a branch higher up, never once losing her footing.
Post 12
template by punki of adoxography

Arrow Shot [B-Rank] 2 post cd
Arrow Shot [C-Rank] 1 post cd

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:32 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 306 -
The girl remained below on the forest floor. Despite the fact that Atani now had the high ground, the Boscosi girl remained completely unfazed by it. In fact, if Atani was not mistaken, she would even say that she was slightly amused by her actions.

"Running away won't do you any good!" she called from down below. The elf did not reply. She did not even feel the slightest bit provoked to. She was not running away, and she would not jump back down to the ground to appease Reiner's supporter. This girl was clearly a close combat fighter, and she was a ranged fighter. At least, she would be until she was able to get a better control of her magic. Even then, she fared better with archery than she did with hand-to-hand or blade-to-blade combat. In the moment, she was simply playing to her advantage. She wasn't about to go and let the girl have at her on the ground. And she certainly wasn't about to go and run away, though she very much could if things went too far south; however, she wanted to at least teach this girl a lesson. Make it so that she wouldn't even think to come and harm animals in the forest again. Not as long as she and other supporters of Hildegard were there to protect those who could not protect themselves.

To prove her point of not meaning to run away, Atani notched another arrow on her bow. A weak arrow. She didn't intend to harm the girl, at least not too badly. Not severely enough that she wouldn't be able to heal her after the fight-- if the girl wanted that anyway. In any case, she let the arrow fly. From her position up high, it was likely the girl would slice through it again.
Post 13
template by punki of adoxography

Arrow Shot [D-Rank] 0 post cd
Arrow Shot [B-Rank] 1 post cd
Arrow Shot [C-Rank] 0 post cd

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:50 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 302 -
She did. With just as much ease as she did the other arrows, the girl's dagger sliced her arrow in half like butter. Since they were made of magic, they fizzled into the air. Neither its tip nor its shaft even had the chance to fall to the ground before disappearing. The smug smirk on the girl's face all but confirmed Atani's suspicions.

The girl she was fighting, the girl with the hood and daggers, she didn't know how to dodge. She knew her way around a knife, sure, but it would have been far more efficient to dodge out of the way from her arrows as opposed to demolishing them with her dagger. Doing so would dull the vast majority of blades. Even if the weapon was magical, all magic had its limits. And when magic clashed with magic, there was a sort of neutrality. A leveling of the playing field. This Reiner supporter though had the illusion that she had the upper hand, even when she was unable to dodge Atani's easy shots; she had actually been keen to make them easy to miss to test her opponent's abilities.

While the auburn haired girl looked smug in her unknowingly trivial efforts, Atani's face remained emotionless like stone. She was not complacent, nor frightened, nor excited. Unless this young woman had another trick up her sleeve, the winner of the fight was already decided. It would simply be a matter of time until Atani was able to beat her up enough for her to realize that she was messing with the wrong Wood Elf.

In the meantime, it was the freckled girl's turn to take the offensive. From a pocket hidden somewhere among the dark folds of her clothes, the girl pulled out what looked like a set of throwing knives.
Post 14
template by punki of adoxography

Arrow Shot [B-Rank] 0 post cd

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:46 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 255 -
Atani only had time to see a quick glint of silver from behind the folds of the girl's clothes before she threw a set of knives in her direction. There were three in total. None of them were difficult to dodge, but it entailed her leaping from her branch atop the tree and safely rolling to a halt on the forest floor. After the roll, the elf tucked onto one knee and took aim with her bow. It did not take long for her to lock onto her target and fire an arrow. This time, she wasn't messing around. She was done testing with warning shots. She knew the capabilities of this girl, her speed with daggers, and most importantly, her lack of ability to dodge. Her reaction times were quick with her hands, but with the rest of her body, not so much. It seemed she worked too hard with deftness and not enough with overall coordination. A rookie mistake, but one that she was so far able to compensate for well. But unfortunately, not well enough.

The arrow pierced the girl's shoulder. Not the one holding her dagger unfortunately. While she wasn't able to dodge the hit overall, she was at least able to make it such that Atani's arrow did not wound her dominant side. That said, it seemed this girl was more resilient than the pirates she had faced in the past. While a shot like that would have crippled some, the same could not be said for the Boscosi woman.
Post 15
template by punki of adoxography

Arrow Shot [B-Rank] - 2 post cd

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:20 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 254 -
"Nice shot," she grumbled. Out of instinct, the amber eyed girl reached to rip the arrow out of her shoulder, but seemed surprised to see that the only trace of the projectile was the puncture wound in her flesh. Atani could see the mild look of surprise across her face. The girl knew that the arrow was clearly made of magic from all the others she destroyed with her dagger, but for one reason or another, she still expected it to be impaled in her skin. It was possible she was unfamiliar with that sort of magic, but she would have expected a girl like her using that sunset orange aura to know better. Strange.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore. Please, just leave the woods." Atani was being sincere. She truly did not want to bring any more harm to the foreigner (or rather she was the foreigner in this case). It would set a bad tone for the rest of her stay in Bosco. The elf never wished for her first trip into the woods in the new country to result in combat, but she knew going in that it was a possibility. That was why she came prepared with her ring to equip any item as necessary, the most important of which was her bow as was proved in these past several minutes. Again, however, she had hoped that such a weapon would not be of such importance to her that day. If only she could just use her healing.
Post 16
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:06 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 253 -
The girl took her bloodied hand away from her shoulder and flicked the blood off. Its droplets spattered to the forest floor, marring the dead leaves. It was now evidence for what went down in the woods that day. The look in her eyes already told Atani what answer that freckled Boscan was going to give. She didn't need to speak a word in reply, but she did anyway.

"And leave you to recruit more animal forces for your princess? Never."

That wasn't even why Atani was there, but there would be no use in arguing with the girl who supported Reiner the Bastard. Though the two siblings were not considered rivals, their ideals clashed. While Hildegard believed that nature was sacred and should only be used for practical purposes such as supplying housing for demi-humans and Wood Elves, Reiner believed that nature was humans' for the taking. If he were to take the throne, he would not hold back in conquering Stellan lands to use their resources, most likely to build up unnecessary weaponry. Atani could not stand that point of view. She wished for nature to be left alone. To fall in the hands of either militarism or capitalism was nothing short of a death sentence. Not that a human like the one she was fighting would care about something like that anyway. Unless they lived among the nature spirits and Wood Elves like she did, there was very little hope in persuading otherwise. Because what's a few trees to them?
Post 17
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:19 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 252 -
It's always just a few trees. Cutting down a few trees here and a few trees there surely wouldn't cause any harm. But piled on top of each other again and again with that same line of thinking, and suddenly you had a large problem on your hands. And who is going to take the time to plant saplings to replace all the trees that were cut down too? In the present time, thankfully, deforestation did not seem like a large problem. There were places such as Worth Woodsea and Orchidia which were blossoming with life left and right. Certain forests like the one in Dahlia had the natural protection of werewolves and fearsome beasts which warded off others. But if populations kept expanding, well, let's just say it's a lot easier to cut down trees than it is to remove heaps of stone.

Wood Elves took no issue with living in harmony with nature. Rather than chopping down trees to make room for homes, they built tree houses. Rather than blocking the flow of water for their convenience, they built bridges over obstacles and used water magic to their advantage. They would never think to displace the idle river water spirits, nor would they think to displace any other sort of peaceful creature that lived in the streams. Or for that matter, the rest of the forest. Harming nature in that sense came with severe consequences. Perhaps not always legal consequences, but with the elven pantheon? None wished to anger them.
Post 18
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:28 pm


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 252 -
This was especially true for Atani who had come into possession of Anthares' Guardian Circlet. Anthares himself was the living embodiment of what it meant to be a Wood Elf, what it meant to be a guardian of the forest. Every Wood Elf knew of him. Though he was the guardian of Athalran, his legacy carried on. In his dying breaths, woodland spirits came to his aid. According to the legend, he himself had been turned into a spirit to be the guardian of the forest for as long as life let him. With the circlet, she would be able to tap into his spiritual power. Just from possessing the mythical object, she was able to use his treasured ability to converse with all living creatures-- a rare trait she had always wished to possess as a Wood Elf, but not one that she had been able to actually use until recently. With claiming the circlet, however, came an enhanced responsibility. Though Atani had never planned on harming nature before, with Anthares' legacy at her fingertips, it was paramount that she made it her greatest efforts to prevent others from harming it as well. To just let this Reiner supporter go and continue to slaughter animals would be a disgrace to the Woodland Guardian himself.

So, no. She wouldn't just let this girl continue to kill raptors and orphan fawn. But at the same time, she wasn't going to sit there and forcefully recruit animals to Hildegard's side like the Boscan thought.
Post 19
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:28 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 252 -
Hildegard didn't want just any forest animal by her side. The most she believed they could safely do for her was spy on the others. Probably not the siblings themselves, but their supporters? That seemed more likely. It was important to know if anyone was on the move, threatening to burn down places of worship to the elven pantheon or smoldering the forest to cut down on food and home supplies for the surrounding fauna. Allowing that to happen would send the message that Hildegard is incapable of stopping threats to Bosco. Most importantly, it would convey that she is incapable of stopping threats to the very minorities she promised to protect and uphold the rights to. She could even lose demi-human and wood elven support in that case, which was a significant portion of people in the princess's sphere of influence. Losing their support would be a heavy hit to the green-haired Half Elf.

Atani's lips twitched to a slight frown as she looked at the young woman in front of her. The look of fury in her eyes told her that she truly believed that Atani, as a supporter of Hildegard, would force animals into servitude for the princess. Or at the very least, she would capture them so that The Beastmaster could do it herself. If only the girl's magic allowed her to have mind reading capabilities. Then, she would have been able to hear that internal monologue, that entire explanation as to why the Boscan's preconceptions were incorrect.
Post 20
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:44 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 250 -
"I don't suppose there is anything I could say to convince you I'd do otherwise." Atani sighed. She already expected the Boscosi woman's answer to be a resounding 'No.' But, if there was even a sliver of a chance this could end without further combat, she would try and make it so. The response she did finally receive all but confirmed that; however, it was a response she had not quite expected.

"From a silver-tongued elf like you? Ha."

The healer was taken aback. Silver-tongued elf? She quirked a brow. Wood Elves weren't particularly known for being deceptive. Their Dark Elf brethren, sure, but the folk whose sworn duty was to protect nature? Whose culture actively stigmatized worshiping the Vhaladar, the dark elven gods and goddesses? One for thievery and deception was among that accursed set of deities. Perhaps humans had a... different view of her kind. A warped view. Atani would have loved to correct the young woman, but her words would be wasted. Such an opinion was even more difficult to change than the misconception that she was in the woods to build Hildegard's army. If she couldn't convince the amber-eyed girl of that, there was no chance she would listen to her now.

"I see this isn't going to go anywhere then." The elf drew back her bow. The freckled Boscan drew her dagger. As much as Atani hated it, this was going to end in further bloodshed.

"Oh, it is. Just not how you wanted it."
Post 21
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:15 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 250 -
For once, the girl was correct. This would not end how she wanted it. She wanted their encounter to end peacefully. She wanted the Boscosi girl to leave the woods, promising not to return and kill more innocent animals. Peace, however, was not an option. Atani couldn't say she was surprised. The way this girl acted, she had fully expected for this to end up badly, but it was still worth a shot to try. Unfortunately, she was not as good with deescalating situations as she would have liked. It was just not the same conversing with humans as it was her fellow Wood Elves.

"Whatever you say." She sighed once more. With all that said, the Boscan girl dashed forward. A trail of orange light streamed behind her. Atani dashed backward and fired off another arrow. It was a powerful one that struck the girl in her leg. She yelped in pain and grasped her thigh. She grit her teeth and looked to Atani again. Her eyes had that same firey rage. Shaking off the injury, she pursued the mage but ran noticeably slower than she did before. Blood began to seep out of her wound, making an even blacker stain that grew ever so larger against her dark clothes. Despite being inflicted with not one but two wounds whereas Atani still remained with none, she still seemed hellbent on somehow coming out as the victor in this fight. At this rate, she would just end up harming herself.
Post 22
template by punki of adoxography

Arrow Shot [A-Rank]

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:25 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 251 -
Atani had already struck both the girl's shoulder and thigh. The leg wound cut deeper than the arm's, but even so, it had not incapacitated the young Boscosi woman to the point where she could not fight. In fact, she could even run, albeit far slower than before. There was still that crazed look in her eyes. The more elf stared into them, the more the look verged on murderous. And she had the audacity to call Brunhild the Divine insane. She must have been a truly devout follower of Reiner. So devout that it blinded her from the true intents of others. For example, the elf's own. In the amber eyed girl's mind, there was no way that someone who supported the rival Hildegard could be doing anything of peaceful intent in the forest. It was a shame she was so misled.

The girl continued to rush at Atani. The gap was closing between them. There was no way Atani could safely fire her bow at this range. From the speed the girl with the daggers was traveling at, and from the speed the mage knew herself to lunge at, leaping backwards wouldn't provide her with enough distance either. In addition, the clearing they were in was rather small. The only place she could gain enough distance was back into the trees, which would just make aiming that much harder. Alternatively, she could leap into the trees like before, but she had a feeling the Boscan would not allow that.
Post 23
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:17 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 254 -
Besides, the girl had throwing knives. Atani couldn't remember if she went to retrieve the ones that had missed Atani in the initial attack, but regardless of whether that was the case or not, she assumed the Boscan girl wouldn't have gotten rid of all her projectiles just to get her out of the trees. To throw all her knives so recklessly in a last ditch effort to inflict some amount of damage would be idiotic at best, especially so early on in the fight. No, there were definitely more tricks up this girl's sleeve. Whatever they were, it would be harder for Atani to avoid them now. By the second, the two were drawing closer and closer into what would doubtlessly be melee combat. It was something that Atani expected her opponent had the upper hand on. She herself did not possess any close-ranged weapon. The only thing she could do was fight hand-to-hand... or resort to her magic.

Magic was an easy thing to use. That said, she didn't want it to get out of hand. In Bosco, her abilities were unknown to the locals. But in Fiore, especially in the town of Hargeon where her guild resided, people knew her to be an S-Class mage. Even so, the only feature she possessed that was reminiscent of an S-Class mage was her ability to cast advanced healing spells. Of those, she had only trained hardest with the water element since that was the one she possessed for the longest period of time.
Post 24
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Empty Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:42 am


Atani Tathvir
Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel
- 252 -
Ironically, it was the element she was least comfortable with. Though it was the most potent in terms of power, it was the element she had the least natural control over. Water was fluid. It was ever changing. In essence, she supposed it paired well with her personality in some regards. The Wood Elf was a highly adaptable free spirit. Wherever her travels took her, she could adjust to the new environment with ease. It was reflective in her battles as well. The girl was a quick thinker. She didn't need much time to prepare before an attack. In fact, she preferred to think on her feet in the heat of battle in lieu of lurking back to think out a plan. The element of water was perfectly aligned with that. Perhaps that was one of the reasons Gaeriel thought her to be a natural water mage.

But she wasn't originally a water mage. Though she did not have her memories from years before, to her recollection, the first element she was able to gain control of was nature. It felt the most natural for her to control. It came far easier than water ever did, but for one reason or another, she lost her ability to use it for a while. But then, she unlocked the ability to use it once more, but not to the same capacity as she did when she lived in Athalran. It was still very weak, but she at least was able to be in control.
Post 25
template by punki of adoxography

Bastard Hunters [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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