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Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1

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Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:49 pm


Tempris finally reached the boat. The church had inform her that Reiner's forces have been hindering their efforts to push win over the masses and it was time for a little intervention. There were a few task handed to her but overall, she was free to do whatever she felt was needed to bring down the bastard's forces influence. The girl looked at her papers filled with notes. The most... interest item on the list was something she was familiar with, mines.

So apparently Reiner planned to use technology to win over the people but to do so, he needed to obtain a huge supply of resources. Many of these mines were located in Stella which explained why she had to travel to the country. In truth, Tempris had grown to like the area after her and Fala threw that celebration. Just thinking about it sparked a fire in her own heart which added in the warm radiance of the sun blanketing her back from behind. However, there would be no celebrations this time. Now was the time for fire, fury, and retribution. Best of all, she had no limits.

Tempris herself wore her red veil with a gold cloth over her forehead. Her red dress was outline in gold with the symbol of Illumin over her chest. On her back was a hook for her sword and she had all her gear on. Her skirt was much simpler this time giving the type of work she was going to do.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:01 am


The Trip over the sea was not to long. The captain mentioned something about being blessed by good wins. Tempris could only thank Illumin through sending a quick prayer. However, she had much to be grateful for so she kept it as broad as possible. The day was devoted to work. The night was devoted to thanks. Her eyes scanned the environment hoping to find any sign of land or action. Still, her attention would dip into the bobbing waves as brief squirts of foam along with the occasional sign of life pulled at the girls curiosity.

She rarely spent time over the waters. In fact, she normally despised it remembering the raining nights which stole her precious fire away. However, she was determine to avoid returning to her memories. She wanted, no... needed, to living in the day, in the light. There was so much love to go around. There was no point in seeking out the times she was forsaken. After about an hour, the boat was reaching the dock. The Captain ranged the bell and his most important, and only, rider would step off. Tempris thanked the man and prayed for him to have a safe voyage back. He would not wait for her like the time before. He couldn't. This mission had to be started as discrete as possible. If anyone caught on to her goals, then she could be delayed... or worst, caught. When she was ready to return, she would go to the normal port.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:09 am


There she could safety sail back with the other travelers hidden from accusing eyes. It was something she was use to by now. Ever since leaving the rune knights, she had to watch out for those who might find interest in delaying the inevitable. Without the protection of the rune knight's crest to shield her. People, or should we say idiots, felt the need to bother her. Very few of those people are still suffering as Tempris was a kind and forgiving girl. She cared not for your race, skin color, occupation, or even beliefs. All that matter was that you were suffering. People suffered, drowned in the very sin they were born into and only flames could peel away the lies and bring truth. Truth truth will they be free and meet Illumin to be giving a new and better existence.

Tempris pulled out her paper which had the notes. The most interesting thing to do was destroy the mines, however there was a more interesting thing that could potentially benefit the divine as well. Appearing good ole Reiner was capturing the people of Stella and using them as forced labor for these mines. The poor souls deserved better. They deserved a baptism of fire to be free from their slavery. However, before they leave this world, maybe showing the truth behind this bastard's actions would further take away his favor. So Tempris would began to think. How could she best cut off his supplies and save the people.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:39 am


She made her way onto the path. The land was quiet though she was coming from an unused port. She still expected to find some form of life though she could not complain. It would make it much easier to do the assignment. The walk to the mines was going to be a long walk. Base on the map she was carrying, it would take approximately 20 minutes. However, most of the following activates of choosing would be in the vicinity of that area... for now. Who knows, she might get bored and decide to go somewhere else. Tempris slapped her cheeks however, dismissing the thought. This was not about fun, it was about saving hurting Reiner the Bastard for his sacrilege against the church, against brunhild, against the divine. So Tempris started her journey.

About 10 minutes in, signs of life poked out of the deep quiet, and we are not talking bout some random bunny or birb. Tempris saw a merchant Carrying a cart filled with various stone only upon closer expectation. It was not just a merchant. It was not even a merchant at all... at least not a merchant carrying the cart. No, it was a poorly dressed woman. She had faded rags covering her head to toe and a collar around her neck. She had red hair, green eyes, scars on her cheeks, and a foundation of dirt caked over her thin face. It was clear she was not eating well by her thin frame.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:45 pm


The girl's rags formed what could only be described as a large tunic and a poor skirt made by tying a rope around her waist and cutting off the excess portions of the tunic. Her arms and legs were covered in dirt, as if she was rolling around in a mine or something. On her feet were a couple of wraps, maybe bandages, but her toes and heels were visible.

The merchant however did not have a spec of heretical dirt on her person. In fact, she looked as if she just come out of a doll box. She had on an orange top hat with a blue ribbon. Light blue frills danced around the top and under the rim before becoming a transparent veil. This veil tinted the woman's pale face, which probably never felt the warmth or love of the sun directly; her devilish red eyes; plum purple lips; crystal white teeth, and the top of her golden necklace. The rest of that gem fell flat in a V shape opening on her orange blazer lying flesh along her sky blue under shirt. The gem was finely sculpted purple amethyst. Her blazer had blue stripes running down and connecting with her orange slacks which mimic the color palate and pattern of her blazer. The only dirty thing on her person were her dark blue boots, but too the disappointment of the woman, she was unable to fly so she had to walk through the dirty soil.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:09 pm


The three were the only people on this road, besides the assortment of rocky material in the cart. So Tempris grinned and when the two reached her, she stopped in the middle.
"Smol child. I suggest you move. Time is money and I'm sure you lack the funds to recoup me the jewels for any further delay."
Tempris fought the urge to just laugh. Clearly the woman did not know who she was dealing with, the danger her words just put her and her little cart runner in. But Tempris was a hunter who enjoyed playing with her food first.
"Oh, sorry. I was just lost... I was looking for the mines."
The woman rolled her eyes. She quickly pointed behind her unknowingly taking her eyes off the threat. It was at that brief moment Tempris walked up and grabbed the cart. The cart puller went to stop Tempris, but the fiery glare of the girl force the woman to hesitated. Tempris could see the woman's instincts and brain argue about what to do. It wasn't every day that one is threaten by a random child in the middle of nowhere. So Tempris decided to help her out. As the merchant turned back around sensing her products being threaten, Tempris ripped a rope off of the cart prevent the woman from pushing it further.

"There... Illumin wills your freedom. Let not another sinner dictate your path, actions, destiny. I hope you use this gift wisely and not waste it."

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:33 pm


Tempris would then turn to the merchant who was storming towards the girl, not yet processing the feat the small one just accomplish. Her face turned purple under the veil, but if the girl was to remove the hat, the merchant's face would probably be bright pink. Shoot, Tempris would understand. If someone came over and broke her things, she would probably light them on fire. Sadly, that is what Reiner basically did to Brunhild and so it Tempris was the match that would light Reiner on fire. It just so happened that this merchant would not only be wood, but her little "assistant" would be the embers which spread said fire across the land. By spread fire, she meant tarnish the bastards name and praise Brunhild.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING BRAT. THIS IS NO GAME." The merchant shrieked.

The other woman would take a couple steps back weighing her options further stunned by the girl's weird words. Well, to Tempris they were holy and her way of trying to sound divine. To the woman, it was just off putting but still, she managed to get the jest. The girl was attempting to free her from the merchant. Only, could she do it. If she ran off now and the girl was defeated, then she would get recaptured. However, if she did not attack the girl, then she would get punished. Still, her instincts screamed that she needed to run. The only problem was she did not know why.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:14 pm


Growing up with her background, the woman decided to trust her instances. Even if the girl was defeated, there was not a 100 percent chance to get captured again. Plus, when will a blessing like this ever happen again. She missed her family, her children, her wife, her life. This was not the time to try and save self. So with hope and a huge leap of faith, she turned around.
"Thank you child. Please be safe. I will be sure spread word of you and your divine's greatness." With that the woman ran off, out into the barren lands. This left the only two important players. The heretical Merchant, and the devoted Zealot.

Tempris jumped back a couple feet giggling. The Merchant's scowl only grew as the girl took away her free labor. It was difficult enough fighting off the resistance and their attacks on her trade route. It was even more difficult capturing these free fighters without severally injuring them so that they could even work. It was most difficult finding one of those captured persons who was a strong and able body for this type of work. Finally, it was just hard to break them into obeying fighting back. That woman was a gold mine, a gem in the rough for all those conditions. Yet, this tiny brat just ruined it all. She costed her so much money, so now it was time to lash out her angry and fury.
"If you want to play..."

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:41 pm


"With the adults, You better be ready to lose like one you little devil." The woman pulled out a her cane which was glowing with light magic. Tempris covered her face while back peddling pretending to be scared. However the girl was only taunting the woman. The woman would lunge at Tempris but Tempris would just side step her, watching her cane hit the ground.
"Oh no. Your stick got dirty." She giggled while moving around the cart. "Its so unbecoming of a woman of your class to carry around such a dirty stick."

The merchant growled trying to chase after the irritating little girl. It was weird, for the merchant that the girl would suddenly grow a little faster right as she was about to hit her. This little game caused the merchant's blood to boil more and more. She kept swing her cane down but she only hit the ground, the dirty heretical ground. All while the girl spoke in her little cuties annoying voice.
"Awww, you almost got me that time miss. What if you hit me? I don't want to be hit. I'll tell my mommy." Tempris's fluctuated her voice so that she sounded really whiny and innocent but this innocents was fake, completely disingenuous. Tempris knew she was faking and doing a poor job of acting. The woman knew she was faking and just mocking her. Like this was not a child's game. The woman was so fed up now.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:43 pm


The woman was done trying to be nice. All she wanted to do was blunder the small girl a few times. Maybe break a limb or two. Probably knock out all her teeth. But now, now the woman was going to do something darker. she probably had high blood pressure given the annoyance of the girl. It was time to murder this girl. So the merchant dashed up to the girl but this time she went wide and swung horizontally. "GOT YOU YOU LITTLE BITCH"

Tempris however, just limbo under strike but she was not well verse in the art of the limbo so she sort of fell, but upon hitting the ground, she rolled out the way. It would of been a perfect time for the merchant to strike. However, in their current strike, they managed to mess up enough to cause a great deal of shock. Their cane hit their cart and the cart exploded in light magic. The merchant froze, stunned that she managed to destroy her own stuff. Senseless babble leaked out of her mouth as she fell to her knees. All of that material. All of that jewels. She was ruined. Well, she was not completely ruined. She still had plenty of money in the reserves. In fact, she was just well off to live the rest of her life in luxury. But still, the wasted effort. She could not believe it. All because she could not control her own anger. No, this wasn't her fault.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:29 am


This was the fault of the little girl. She cost the completely well off woman money. She took away her perfect worker. Now she was going to mess up this girl completely. Death was too good. Now it was going to be capture and torture and other dark stuff. Except... the fun and games were over for both sides. A loud auditable giggle and the warm feeling of a hand on her shoulders signal the woman to look back and see the girl she had been trying to kill behind her. She did not know what to do despite having her target in front of her. Once again, she had a chance to strike the girl down but she just couldn't move. The loss was too great. So for the last time, she lost her chance to get her revenge.
"Wow miss. I'm so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to help... I didn't mean to make you destroy your stuff. I just wanted to... you know... break your stuff myself. But its okay because..." Tempris wouldn't get the chance to finish her statement yet.

The woman would scream, lifting her weapon to strike the girl down. However, Tempris was done letting the woman attempt to assault her. She reached out and grabbed the woman's arm before the cane could come down. The woman was startled by the fact that the girl just managed to stop her. She did not even bother to resist.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:22 am


How could she think to resist a child suddenly halting her strike by just grabbing her. Sure she was no warrior. But she was well in shape. She did her morning cardio and a small amount of weight exercises to better shape her own body. She should be stronger than any child that she came across her. But here she was stopped effortless by a little girl. Only that was not where the girl's actions stopped.

Tempris would tighten her grip and then push the woman's arm back slowly. The woman would not react until the she felt the strain on her arm. Then she would try to push back but her arm would not listen. In fact, it just hurt the woman more. She cried in pain as she used her other hand to try and push against the girl. The woman knew it was point less, her arm was going to break. Tears ran down her face and she began to beg for forgiveness. She dropped her weapon, and spun around to buy herself more time before she had to feel a worst pain. Tempris just chuckled but she stopped pushing for a moment.
"But miss. You tried to break me with your stick. Isn't it fair that I break you back? Where is the retribution in letting you go now?"
"Right right. But your a follower of Illumin right, I worship him as well. We are fellow believers of the same faith. So Friends?"

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Empty Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:39 am


Tempris stared at the woman unamused. It was almost comical how many people decided to follow Illumin after meeting her. She wondered if she would make a good missionary for the church. Then again, the thought of walking into the building send shivers down her spines, not that this merchant would see that. All she would see was a innocent smile of a little girl.
Tempris stopped pushing but did not let go. Her thoughts focused more on her dilemma about the church. Sure she would make agree member. She was strong. Everyone around her lied and claimed they would support Illumin. Without continuous babysitting, she was sure she could really build the numbers of worshipers. But then the words of the Divine replayed in her head.

Illumin cannot save those who let themselves be chained with the negative and sinful acts and feelings.

"Oh so we are friends now. Then as my friend, you will help me right? right?" Tempris giggled. She knew this woman was lying. They were not friends. She only wanted to be sparred from the truth, the journey. Yes it was scary, to see the truth after living a life in darkness of a lie, spoiled by sin. Still, such people with such flexible alliances had their uses. It wasn't like she was going to get away from Tempris. Its not like she was going to be able to kill the tiny girl. No, all she could do was be the girl's torch.

Sabotage: Reiner the Bastard 1 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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