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Tempris Weapon Mastery

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Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:53 pm


Tempris was finally here. Her goal today was to work on her swordsmanship without any interruptions. Well, there was going to be a small one. She did request assistance to help her with her sword fighting. She promised herself that she would not cleansed them too, since she did not want attention from the ruin knights for helping people. It would have been such a great reward too for the poor souls but it was fine. Just getting enough help would further the ultimate goal of saving the world. Then they would get to feel the love from the flames and Illumin bask everything in his warmth free of sin.

The girl was dressed in a more unique style of clothing. Her veil was a transparent light blue showing her golden hair which was normally hidden from the sun, but it still had the gold cloth which covered her forehead. The reasoning for this was that while being warm was the best feeling ever, there was such thing as too much of a good thing. The last thing the girl wanted to do was faint from overexertion due to wearing ill proper equipment. So, she had this veil made to help prevent that. It was very light and open. Next she had a light blue sleeveless t-shirt with no symbols or markings on it. Her light blue skirt was a bit shorter than normal but she also had on black spats so there was no worry about anything being indecent.
Coupon 30/36

Tempris Weapon Mastery Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:53 pm


If anything, Tempris just really liked having on skirts. She thought they were cute, even if they weren’t the best thing to wear in training. If it became too much of an issue, she would just take it off but she doubted she would have that problem. The last thing she wore was some low-cut shoes. They were incredibly light and new. In fact, it was her first time wearing them. She bought them the last time she was in town and so far, she was not regretting it. Her feet felt so light, as if she was barefooted. Sometimes she found herself double checking feet because of it. It was weird going from always wearing heaving boots to this lighter footwear. Maybe she would need to include this in her normal everyday attire. Now was not the time to think about that. Now was the time to train.

The first thing however that she needed to do was warm ups exercises. It was nothing too complicated but it was an activity she typically did not do. She overheard some people talking about doing them and though maybe she could try it. If it made her improvement better than she would be sure to do them more often. The question now was, what were good warm up exercises. She wrinkled her brain trying to think what could count. She knew these exercises were meant to get her blood running and her heart pumping so it was not just waking up.
Coupon 31/36


Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:54 pm


The question though was what kind of exercise got one’s blood pumping. It would take many seconds of thought but the girl finally thought of something. She remembered seeing people always do a run or at least a run in place when they train and it didn’t look hard. So Tempris decided to do the same thing. She picked up her sword. And started running in place with it on her shoulder. At first she started running hard and was building up a sweat. However, she soon realized, or remembered, that it was suppose to be a warm up not a work out so she stopped. It was stupid and boring. So, she tried to just jog around the tree she used to hold up her weapon. By doing this, she could more easily managed her energy levels and it this was true. Her jog was light and she felt like she could do this all day.

However, she was getting bored. Incredibly bored. She wanted to swing her blade. No better, she wanted to swing her blade at people. No trees, dummies, balloons, or animals. She wanted to purge, to send people to Illumin. She sighed, slowing down to a walk. Maybe it was time to just start training. Nobody was here yet, but she was sure she could find a way to start training now. So, she stopped and looked around to see if there was anything strike about. All she had this big old tree with her.
Coupon 32/36


Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:54 pm


The tree had uses. It could hold up her sword when she did not want to hold it herself. So, she could not just cut it down. Maybe she could but it was be pointless. With nothing else in site, Tempris finally just settled on doing some activities that did not involve hitting things. She picked up her sword with two hands and held it in front of her. Then she raised the sword over her head and came down with it striking the air. See you thought she was going to strike nothing but no, it was the air that was going to be purged by the small girl with the flaming sword. The air had sin in it. After all some of it had to have came out of a sinner’s mouth.

She raised her weapon and then lowered it again. Her mind focused on the many, many heretics that she would get to slay with this training being completed. She would be so strong, so powerful. Her fires and resolved with greatly grow in power as her physical strength improved. But would it be enough. Would she be able to take down great evils of the world like the heathen Gunter von Wolf or would she be able to get revenge on the man who beat her up and called her a child. Not to mention he threw her sword up a tree. She could only pray that Illumin would allow her to obtain the strength needed.
Coupon 33/36


Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:54 pm


Tempris brought the sword down again. This time though she let the weapon hit the ground exploding the grass and dirt into holy fire and flames. It was at this time that the people Tempris asked to help her trained her sword fighting. There was a burly man of dark skin and huge muscles. He had on a white eye patch, a black tank top, grey pants and boots, and a black belt. His name was Simon. Next to him was a girl who was an inch or two shorter with tan skin, purple lipstick on a face that screamed leave me alone, black hair tied into a pony tail, a crop top that was skin tight and purple like her lipstick, black pants similar to Simon without the belt and more form fitting, and boots with a slight heel on them. Her name was Nemu. Last but not least unless you were talking about his size was a pale boy probably the age of 15. He had red hair, a face covered in freckles, a green coat to hid his scrawny body, a black shirt, black shorts and boots. He also carried a bag with him with 4 wooden swords. His name was Jeremy.

Tempris inquired about the wooden swords and the three laughed. Sure, Tempris had her own sword but they knew about her record. Nobody wanted to use an actual weapon against her flaming beast. So they agreed to help her on the condition that she used a practice weapon instead.
Coupon 34/36


Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:54 pm


They promised that it had the same dimensions and weight of her weapon so she would feel no different. Tempris huffed and laid her weapon against the tree. She was the one who needed help and once again, she did not want to get in trouble with Guild Master Karisa. Tempris held out her hand so that they could give her new “training” weapon. Jeremy put down his bag and pulled out this large sword. Then he tossed the large wooden weapon towards Tempris. Tempris caught it in one hand before quickly controlling it by placing her second hand around the weapon. Then she spun around to regain her balance, or at least make it seem like she never lost her balance.

The three people all had various expressions for what just happened. Simon chuckled seeing spunk in the girls moves. Nemu scoffed thinking the girl was a show off. Jeremy just whistled happy he would not have to fight. He was just here to treat anyone who was injured which was meant for just the girl. Was this girl actually a mage they all thought to themselves. However after looking at her moves, he questioned if he would have to worry about the two who came with him, Simon and Nemu. Tempris stood her ground waiting for someone to attack her. The first one to step up was Nemu. She pulled snapped to Jeremy to signal him to toss her, her weapons. He did so throwing two short swords.
Coupon 35/36


Tempris Weapon Mastery Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:55 pm


Nemu caught the blades one after the other. Only right as she caught the second blade, she immediately started dashing towards Tempris. Tempris chuckled while standing her ground. The woman did not respond as she already closed the distance was had both her swords coming down on Tempris. Tempris held up her weapon, blocking both strikes. She was not strong enough to overpower the woman as she was falling down from her lunge but after she hit the ground and Tempris did not have to fight gravity she pushed the girl back by slamming her sword down. The weight of the weapon as clearly too much for the woman to handle so she was forced to back down, something Tempris took full note of. Of course Tempris had to remember that the woman was clearly faster so she would be on the defensive probably this whole fight. It was a terrible position but what could she do.

Her weapon was too heavy to moving around at speeds like that. But she was sure that if she got stronger physically, she could eventually switch over to be a faster combatant. Also, Tempris was not going to wait for the woman to just attack again. She was going to strike a bunch too. Though she did not expect to make as many attacks as the woman. Tempris would push her sword forward and then dashed at the woman. Then she would strike down. The woman sidestepped Tempris but Tempris seen this move before. She then spun around.
Coupon 36/36

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