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Possessed youth- Salem

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Possessed youth- Salem Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:17 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki had already cast the spell Metamorphose on Yumi as she happily hummed as she held on to his left arm with her head resting on her old perch spot as she felt she was still entitled to this shoulder. Yuuki wondered about his feelings for Yumi as they walked down the road towards the village he and one other whom he had not met yet as they were traveling separately from each other were sent to the village to investigate a recent string of violent possessions targeting children. Yuuki sighed a bit at the thought of anything in this world wanting to harm children who were innocent in a lot of ways.

Yumi heard Yuuki sigh as she tilted her head up at him a bit "What's bother you Yuuki, you only sigh like that when somethings on your mind." she said in a warm but concerned manner as her emerald orbs met the gaze of his sapphire like orbs "Hmm, Just the fact that someone or something would willingly want to harm children." Yuuki said as they came upon a crossroads which Yuuki elected to guide the pair left as he remembered the directions indicating that a left turn was required when they reached a cross road near the village. Yumi lifted her head from his left shoulder and gently placed a kiss on his left cheek before resting her had back on the same shoulder.

Yuuki slightly blushed at the Public display of affection but also knew it was her way of trying to cheer him up and make him feel better "Thank you." he said softly his cheeks felt a tad warm as they walked Yuuki noticed as landmark to his left which took the form of a giant rock that was mentioned in the directions to the village which told Yuuki they were on the right track. They walked for a while in silence until the village could be seen a few miles in the distance from the top of the hill "Pretty." Yumi exclaimed from the top of the hill before they started their descent into the valley and before long arriving at the village.

Yuuki and Yumi arrived at the village and began to look around as they made their way to the village chiefs house, as they walked they happened to notice a lot of weary and beleaguered faces on the people of this village alot of them looking very tired and drained, which Yuuki could understand if the events described to him when the quest was given to him. After a few minutes of walking Yuuki and Yumi arrived at the village chiefs house, Yuuki walked up to the door and knocked and heard hurried footsteps coming from within.

Post Word count: 458

#2Salem E. 

Possessed youth- Salem Empty Yesterday at 10:44 pm

Salem E.

“Sweet Nightbloom!” Salem spoke to himself with an ample amount of excitement. Picking the poisonous flower Salem got back to the task at hand. He had taken a mission to this creepy place. Accompanied by a lower ranking person in Dawn’s affiliated guild. Not that accompanied would be the right word. He accepted the mission to go since the guy was said to be talented. Taking care of the talented juniors in the world was a fun enough job for him. That and he was already in Joya enjoying his vacation so this was not too much of a big ask for him. He was even making an effort to brush up on his Joyan language skills.

He carefully tucked the plant away. As a fae he was naturally attuned to the forces of nature. It was more noticeable in aquatic environments but anywhere there was wild held a slight sway for him. This time he was happy because he managed to grab a rare and deadly flower. Well it was deadly to humans. To the fae and other members or descendants of the spirit races, it worked as a great tea. It was full of flavor and packed with a lot of fun things.

Making his way over to the village was pretty uneventful. The gaunt faces of the people did not phase him a bit. The misery that they felt was a different story. Salem was feeling feelings and was not liking what the people felt. It was all sadness and depression. A real bummer on the otherwise perpetually happy person. He skipped to the chief's house and whistled while he did.

Upon entering Salem was greeted with the sight of three different people. The chief and two others. Salem’s eyes started up. They took on the blue and gold swirls that showed he was using his magic. He verified that the two was from the guild he was supposed to work with. A dude named Yuuki and his companion. Salem mentally laughed at the fact that Yuuki sounded like Yuurei. If his guild mate elf was Joyan he would have asked if the two could be cousins.

“Hi hi~ Pleased to meet the both of you. My name is Salem. Sent here as the representative to work with you.” Salem kept his voice leveled from the introduction. Even if he was not too happy by what he could see. The kid looked talented but only in his aspect of speed. He was very much lacking in other aspects. Like his defense and even offensive power. From what he could tell. The gear did not look that great either. “Did the two of you find out anything from the chief here?” Salem asked them first. He was trying to show them respect as fellow mages.


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