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Possesed Youth [Erebus]

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#1Salem E. 

Possesed Youth [Erebus] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 8:59 pm

Salem E.

Salem picked up the yawning Frosch. The duo had a really fun time in Joya. It was a shame that it was almost time for them to go. Between the parties, drinking, and staying up late even Salem was feeling the fatigue. It was almost sad that the times had to end. Well only a little bit. Salem was sure he could find better parties in other places. Joya was not bad but they were a sexually repressed group of people, except in the areas that most of the other countries would have a problem with. Like the fact that they could sell used women’s panties but no men’s. It was the blatant discrimination that bothered him. Still the went to their room.

The red moon started to rise in the sky. Salem made sure to tuck in Frosch gently before doing some last minute checks, and a bit of meditation. Meditation became a habit for him in terms of training. It helps build up his mana reserves and allows him to feel his mana better. Salem was pretty into it when a scream rippled through the air. It was enough for him to know that he was not going to be sleeping well tonight. The fae had to make his way to the lobby to see what the problem was.

When Salem reached the lobby in question things looked bad. There was blood everywhere as an injured man started to pool it. Salem checked to make sure the man was alive before using his magic to heal him. They were grievous so it actually took Salem three minutes to heal them all.It was a testament to his healing abilities. Anyone else would have probably just called a coroner. Salem needed to know what was going on so he made his way into the town to see if he could find someone coherent.



Possesed Youth [Erebus] Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:24 am


The Quest Giver wrote:Objective: Uncover the origin of the Yoki curse afflicting the village, defeat the corrupt spirits and powerful Yokis within the castle, and restore peace to the mountain.
Elder Takumi wrote:- Subdue the possessed boy without killing him.
- Ensure the safety of nearby villagers.

The sound of boots crushing orange and yellow leaves could be heard from outside the window, a sudden shriek of a woman blurted out amongst the confusion, so loud that Salem would no doubt hear it from inside the lobby, the lobby of a recently ravaged tavern setting. The smell of blood and corpse wafting through the midnight air. There were not many lights, only those over different paintings of Sakura trees and samurai that lined the walls, the brown and gold carpets stained in hemoglobin and occasional intestines that had been ripped from the underbelly of something, possibly other guests.

As Salem healed the man, this man’s eyes began to open. He stared forth into the iris of the kind mage, a blue haired man from another country. Instantly he coughed a glob of his own blood, grabbed the healer at the chest, gripped his shirt or coat with everything in his old bones and pulled himself in close. Against the ear of Salem, the words escaped him in short breaths. His voice was shaky, sulking, and anxious. He seemed as though he’d seen a monster, perhaps a dead person, or a poltergeist.

“It has taken them… The children.” whispered the old man, Takumi. Into the ears of the mage. “Please find my grandson, he told me they were speaking to him. I could not bring myself to the belief in it. Now I know that it’s all true.” He said with tears streaming, his missing front tooth busted and lying next to his hip. At his leg, one was twisted, sticking as if it were backwards and had been ripped by something huge.

Suddenly the light began to flicker out over the lobby desk, before the bulb popped roughly. At the front door, two doors that were easy to push open, flew open as screws danced against the floor unhinging one of the gates at this doorframe, the same sound of crunching leaves from beyond the window; at the backside of the desk, started again. As it passed by every window, the shade of a figure seemed to drift against the building until it was right there before the open door. Entering as if he himself were a mysterious omen in a forsaken place.

The form of black shadow in the darkness, it carefully inspected the room. Moving silently as if to hover across the floor, and bend down at the mess. He then stood up after carefully peeling away the sight, and traced his fingers against the rips and tears of the wall liner.


#3Salem E. 

Possesed Youth [Erebus] Empty Yesterday at 10:22 pm

Salem E.

Salem took the speech with stride. The issue was the fact that he was not fluent in Joyan. The last time he was in the country they had no problem speaking to him. He was on vacation and they all spoke Fiorian to him. Since he was not fluent all he could make out was something about taken. Salem wanted to think that it was about someone taking a dinner order but he was not slow. He pieced together that someone was taken. Who? He did not know.

Things started to get creepy with the lights flickering and such. Salem took out a piece of gum and popped it in his mouth. His eyes started to glow in swirls of gold and blue colors. That was when he saw the dude enter. Well he assumed it was a guy. Salem did not hear a sound but his eyes started to give him a lot of information to deal with. What was revealed was that this was not a dude he would have fun messing with. Since he looked to be searching around Salem reached the conclusion that this was most likely not his doing, unless he was admiring his handiwork.

“Sooo…. Erebus. Watcha doing?” Salem had his standard issue smile on his face. Calling out to the guy as if he was a familiar face. He made sure to keep the awkwardness off his face and out of his voice.”First time I am meeting someone from Phantom Lord. Would you mind double checking for anything dangerous?” Salem pretended to look back down at the man that passed out. In all honesty he was very nervous. He did not doubt his ability to defend himself from the man but from the others reputation, even before using his World’s eye. This man was top level dangerous and a pain in the butt for most to deal with. Not to mention that if he recalled correctly. Salem’s own guild may have been behind the others' incarceration. Not that Salem was going to be the one to bring that information up.

The man that had acted as a doctor would check up on the man to the best of his abilities while watching his back. Salem could swear that the man traveled with his own personal air cooler. It was like when the guy first approached and the light blew out that there was a chill in the air that grew. One that made it feel like if he started to sweat he could use the frozen sweat peas to chill a drink.


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