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The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.)

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The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun 15 Aug 2021, 15:44


The woman seemed to back down. It was not necessary a bad thing but at the same time, it did not make Tempris particularly feel better. The best it would do was let the memory sink back into the icy vault from which it was open, but that would require a true distraction. Unfortunately, she did not sense one coming, so the thought continued to rest on her mind. Only, the woman would suddenly as a new question.

"I... I don't like thinking about the past. I don't like cold memories. Especially memories which hide things. So I try to think about what I'm doing and going to do. But what I do is not work... It is fate. Its... like community service. Like picking up trash by a lake... but the trash fights back and is annoying." Tempris continued lying down disappointed that the the question ended up having the opposite effect. Now, she was thinking about her cold past. She started to shiver until she felt the woman pat her head.

"I... I'm not a child... people don't need a child to help them. If I don't do it... nobody else will. So even if I am younger... I don't have the luxury to stop. I don't have a place to go if I did stop either. Well... maybe I do now... but... mmm... I don't want to talk about it." When the woman mention the snacks, Tempris simply shook her head, she did not have an apatite. Anything she hate would be tainted with the cold dull her thoughts were slowly drilling through her body.

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon 16 Aug 2021, 17:18

At these points in some manner it felt like odd almost insane rambling. So it seemed maybe this could be resolved in some manner. and in some manner Miriko was still trying to figure out if this was serious or an act. But since it was something she so far assumed to not effect the painter, So maybe just letting it be would be a better idea.

Maybe another topic of conversation? it was maybe a good idea, Or a better distraction as well.So she would pull out her drawing book again and a pencil. scrolling through the various other drawing, thinking she had an idea for a moment to quickly draw."That could be the case here, Just only mentioning it, As I can see it being."hopefully it was just more of something to move on from.

After all she seemed far less interested in snacks and more just what else she had gotten. Miriko would flip through about 10 drawn pictures she had just happen to have at that time.

Just moving on to."Do you wish to have a drawing to keep?"Considering Miriko mentioned she always had ones to spare, It might be a good measure of friendliness between them."I could offer you a painting, But I keep them in my room within the guild i am a part of."Then again a painting might be harder to transport around in general depending on size, since sizes were already up in question for how much in size her largest painting was, Off hand the painter she could not remember.

Nonetheless that motion was left there as well as a chance to learn more of Miriko since she left the possibility open for some one to learn more of her. or a free drawing too, whichever was the fancy of the moment.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon 23 Aug 2021, 01:28


Tempris opened her eyes and looked up at the umbrella. She was not sure what she could do to distract her mind. The cold thoughts were not going away and the woman was becoming less talkative. She sat up and watched as the woman started to go through her papers. They were probably her drawings. She continue to look at the woman until she spoke up again.

She offered Tempris a drawing or another piece of art which she had at her guild. Tempris attached her focus onto that word. An artist working in a guild? Were guilds meant for fighting. Thinking back, she remembered doing silly things in the rune knights. Maybe it was not as silly as she initially thought. "Oh, you are in a guild? Which one?"

It was something to think about. Was it Blue Pegasus? The woman did seem to take care of herself and she was an artist. Beauty should not be that hard for someone of her type. Tempris was sure she was not a Rune Knight, not with her perceived hobby and interest. She has been wrong before. The only other option she could think of was Fairy Tale. Though she has never seem a member of Fairy tale. Were they even still around?

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon 23 Aug 2021, 13:59

If it was not too distracting Tempris could see all of the drawing Miriko had kept in the book, Some of them being drawings of people sitting on a bunch under neath either the sun or the moon, So much into detail that you could make out their faces and age, What clothing they were wearing, hair length and style, Even their expressions, It was small perfectly as if she you could picture yourself at that exact time and area. Even what was around the bunch and the condition of it.  It was not an area around here it looked like maybe a part in Magnolia's South Gate Park.

Stopping at a picture that was Alistair standing by a gravestone in a grave yard, behind it was a stand holding armour pieces on it, Flower recently left by the grave. The details of there were equally as the same of the rest of the drawings easily seen in her drawing book, Even if it was all just pencil and no colour. How smooth and polished the grave stone was reflecting light so it was outlined to show it. The name of the gravestone being clearly ingraved, Judina Charlotte Karlinus.

Stopping at that picture."I am a part of  Empyrean Divine."It was an answer, Unsure if it was the expected one, But nonetheless it was an answer."I am fairly new to the guild, often times doing this unless something comes up that is requested of me."So Tempris had answers to who this odd woman was, In some manner Miriko thought it might lead to more questions.

"I have been getting better to make sure not to leave things I have been working on, out in the open when i am not around, Only because I do think it is rude."Miriko had to wonder if she was just a ghost in her guild at this point, Spoken about but almost never seen, She only recalled a few members  by name she heard in passing.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed 01 Sep 2021, 23:16


"Em-Em-Empyrean Divine, Tempris stood up startled." Never did she think that the woman would be apart of the same guild she was in. No, even worst. Tempris did not even recognized her. It was embarrassing if not rude? Maybe a little jarring. A little voice said she should share that they were in the same guild but a bigger voice wanted her to keep quiet. So the girl swallowed the thought and tried to feint into a different reaction.
"Oh... that is.. neat. So you work for Ka-Karisa right. Does the guild do... art stuff? Oh, maybe they sell your work. Empyrean Divine must be... Really a... nice place? Maybe."

Tempris's eyes were darting all over as she looked for things to say or a way to sell this belief of wonder and happiness she was faking. Inside, her dread just built up. What if the woman was baiting her? What if she was just being nice and did not want her around like the other people? The cold feeling creeped around making her hands restless. If only she could do something else. Maybe if she was lucky, some sinner would come over and she could beat them up. Though until such a thing happened, she had to keep playing pretend.

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu 02 Sep 2021, 21:09

In some manner it was interesting almost interesting to talk about herself. in some manner because most people are always buried into the art and sometimes the one holding the brush could just be an after thought. Even if she froze up slightly Miriko would be nice about it only because it might help smooth out the problem."I am the most recent addition, I have mostly kept myself hidden away."Which might not be entirely out of reason that she would do.

"Between the various things I do, I often tend to be sleeping a bit more than I should, If I am entirely honest."So a lot of showed she was hiding or sleeping, Maybe both. Even if most likely seen at the guild she would stand out.

When it came down to what she did in the guild. Before answering that, Miriko went off a bit of the path of the conversation."It is a nice place, I should be introducing myself to the rest of the members and interacting with a few more,I just get distracted, Which is rude for there are a few I should really consider talking too, Along with maybe a few other mages here in Magnolia."Considering all learned about Miriko it was easy to see how she kept her mind distracted. With just mentioning in general."Even if there is one person I am unsure where to find them."It would be the only moment with them where she almost sounded unhappy, Even if it was just for a small amount of time.

Then she would get track."Oh..silly me going off of the path of conversation."It was some of the still slightly childish of Miriko focused on casual fun hobbies rather then being a bit more of an adult that she was.

So before starting into what she did she had to ask."Oh, you know of my guild master too? Interesting,Then I do figured her name is known fairly well  for various reasons."Now however she would most likely to focus on herself.

It was a good question."My entire place in the guild I do seem to ponder often, I make clothing, paintings and draws for people."But Miriko did not leave out she would still be doing things for the guild if requested."If I am however, Ever asked to do something, I often do what I can."So Miriko seemed to be trying to keep a balance between guild work, normal work and other things she wanted to do, It just made Miriko think she was putting too much up front for her to do.

Even realizing aside from her guild master, Miriko had not attempted to learn of the other guild members in her guild name yet, Which she realize was rather stupid of her. Then again Miriko had wanted to do a different kind of interaction. She would take the drawing book she had and turned it to a page that was free, Then well she would also take a pencil.

What Miriko had in mind was to get Tempris to try drawing."My short comings aside, Here even if you do not have much experience, I would like you to try and draw something."Miriko was making sure she did not pressure Tempris at all, She wanted her to honestly give it a try and see what happens, With Alistair's tail quietly moving about like he was paying attention because he found it interesting.

Miriko was hoping, Tempris did actually try. She had no expectations or judgment to what came out. She just wanted Tempris to try and draw. it gave a chance for Miriko to bond with another person, in her own way.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed 08 Sep 2021, 19:19


Tempris could relate on hiding due to being new. However Tempris's experience was a bit different. People were afraid of the girl and or did not like her. There were nice people for sure, but the glares were more then enough of a tell to have Tempris leave the area. Being feared was a nice thing though. It meant people respected her power and it saved her from having to deal with annoying people. She did not really need them. As long as she had a place to stay and rest her head that was out of the black doritoe, Tempris was happy. At least that's what she told herself.
"Oh... Do you think people won't want to see you? Assuming you get enough cat naps."

The woman would soon apologize for talking but Tempris did not see why. "I like listening about others. I can't always help... but It can be nice sometimes to talk to people... sometimes though. If it is not distracting me from my goals or mission. But its not like I want or need to talk to anyone. Like. Its only there choose. It doesn't matter to me."

"Ms. Karisa Rinmizukmi... I think that is her family name... I... know of her... I... she is really well known. Most people know of her. Even from my corners of the world." The girl tried to smile but she did not have the will to lie with such a straight face. The truth was, she met the woman. She met her in a dark time. Tempris was told things that changed her life. She was told things that challenged what she thought was her existence in life. Everything was different and well... here she was. It did not make Tempris feel cold. In some ways, she felt like she had a new reason to do things. But, it did hit something inside of the girl. She felt like something was attacking her on the inside. It was surely something she was not going to bring up with a stranger.

The girl remained low energy until the offer to draw was brought up. Tempris was unsure if she should draw but it was better than thinking about the past or her situation. With a nod, she waited for Miriko to give her the paper and pencil or pen. The girl wasn't sure. Though she did know what colors she would want if she was offered crayons.

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu 09 Sep 2021, 14:18

There was a other reason that was actually the case too, But that was easily guessed as one of them."Two are fair guesses that are correct in some way."Miriko was just playing around having to say she just liked sleeping and sleeping in as well."Doubt in some manner always exist in my mind, I just don't display it easily."There could easily be other things as well, The growing content of just working and painting away just made her not really do much else.

With that admission Miriko just took it in the manner of that could be viewed as more positive outlet down the road."Eventually, we our meetings and connections progresses stronger, I might keep that in mind, I do feel as if it will be something I could want down the road."Miriko was leaving it in the open that she will still want to continue talking to Tempris beyond this day and conversation, Well there was other reasons but that might be other another time.

Miriko in some manner did honestly forget her guild master last name, It was in a manner of her own focuses."It is something I should have remembered, But I have at least met her when I joined."Well in reality it was more then one time, But it was not details she was ready to get into yet.

Now if anything, Miriko would show, in some manner the happier side of what Miriko enjoyed, The art and the creativity."Do take your time, The best pictures are ones with the most thought."She sounded really happy about the consideration that Tempris was really going to do it. Miriko just wanted to see what would happen. So far it did just seem like a single sole pencil.

But she seemed happy about it, This was not the only person Miriko has done this too. it was something she had done to a few other people over the years."I do welcome you to visit me if i happen to be around my guild, I do not mind you end up seeing what I have painted over the years."she was trying to open up a bit more, Mostly because her life was the art she made."Even if need be, I could maybe consider sewing or knitting something for you too."It was a  general offer of kindness.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu 09 Sep 2021, 19:11


She poked the end of the pencil on her cheek and stared at the blank paper. She was not sure what she wanted to draw but she knew she wanted it to be something pretty and yet powerful. She thought back to the different books she read and something popped out of her head. The Nephilim and Seraphim from old tales would descend onto the land and bring salvation to the suffering people or they would battle heretics to save the world. It would be a complete lie if she said she would not want to be one of those holy heroes. She would even settle for just meeting one at least once in her life time. But why settle for such a weak image.

Tempris eyes glowed with fire as she pushed her penciled into the paper. As much as she wanted to hide behind over confident boosting, she was not an artist. The proof was right in front of her. Crude circles for heads with rough square and rectangular shapes for the body was pressed into the paper with a big more force than needed. There was no erasing, she learned the hard way as a couple of smudges of grey and redrawn lines covered the more complicated body parts. Still she kept going as in her mind, all she could see was her dream, her idea. Soon the figure was given simple wings which were a bit sharp with its triangular feathers and a halo which. A couple of clouds randomly dotted the sky and a wobbly sky light engulfed the figure. Only then the girl realized she was missing an important part. The girl tired to force her sword into the picture. At first she tried to put it behind the figure but she soon realized it did not look right. So she tried to erase what she could and then stuck it awkwardly into the figures hand. Finally she was done her dream was on the paper and it looked... terrible. Mimi's artwork was like a billion times better...

"Umm... I think I changed my mind. I don't want to draw anymore.."

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri 10 Sep 2021, 08:22

There was a good amount effort put in, If anything it seemed to make Miriko happy she tried."You were doing well Tempris."Miriko would say about it. Which Miriko was being entirely honest about it."Some practice, then you could start trying to rival me."It was words of encouragement by the painter, Taking a moment look at Alistair to see if he was still managing well.

If anything even if Tempris did not believe her, Miriko did kind of see what was trying to do, Then again it was just more of her practice compared to others."I would not mind developing your skills in this one day, If you will allow me too?"Miriko posed this as a question because she wanted to be sure if she wanted to do it, It was not something she would truly try to force some one to do.

She would not force anything else beyond that.Miriko then mentioned."Makes me feel nostalgic, the days I use to draw around my sister when I was younger."It was leading into more about Miriko since she seemed to be thinking about it.

"The days where I was so stuck into my books and learning to draw, Makes me regret I did not try to play with her more." It was something small surely just random to make more conversation. Mostly likely she was thinking about the days she had drawn like that."If you do not mind me asking, If you know what my guild master? Or is it just her name. I am curious."What would she learn with this? something interesting she hoped, Only because until she had the time and chance too this was some chance to learn more of what she asked about.

Even to note, Miriko did not touch anything Tempris had done with that page of paper if anything she left it alone. Since it had a different meaning to Miriko to not touch it current at all.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri 10 Sep 2021, 22:55


This well doing well? Tempris was confused. It did not look like the pictures Mimi was drawing. What standard what being applied. She could not believe it one bit. However, she did like being complemented. After all, she worked really hard trying to get her vision on the paper and it was her first time doing it as well. Also, it was suppose to be her as a Nephilim. Even if she said she would, she could not fathom balling up her dreams, no matter how childish they where. Of course, her dreams were not childish at all.
"Well... then... fine. Maybe I can try again. If faith will guide my hand."

The mentioning of family latched on to the girl's thoughts. She had family now, something she was without until recently. Tempris wondered if this was something she should asked about... After all, she was told she had a sister. Still, she kept her wall up. Such things was not meant for a stranger to know. Especially a stranger who was in her own guild.
"Oh... umm, I... I..." Tempris's eyes darted around as she tried to build up a lie in her head, "I... only know of by name. That's it. Only that. She is just really REALLY famous and stuff. That's it. As one of guild members, you should know at least that much." Tempris folded her arms and started to pout in hopes of further drawing attention away from her own lie.

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun 12 Sep 2021, 06:30

If faith will guide my hand?"Such the days that have gone by when I use to hear that..I do not miss that church.."Miriko seemed to in passing for a moment, She had her moments where she spaced out."But keep in mind, Art isn't it looking the best, It is about reflecting what you find wonderful, Even if you need practice."Miriko was not judging in fact she was, encouraging."To learn through doing, Is what I found best."Miriko was even still happy about the situation still, She did not give up which is all she wanted to hear.

However picking upon the nervousness.Miriko just simply patted Tempris on the head."It is fine, I can leave it at that."There was a hint to her knowing more, But maybe it was just too soon to ask Miriko would have to learn eventually or another time."It is some what more of what I already know."Tempris in some manner was found out she was lying, But Miriko was just going to leave it there more for Tempris' comfort rather then her own wanting to know. This was most likely a good relief for Tempris, Since it meant she could settle her mind.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed 22 Sep 2021, 03:23


Tempris's eyes widen after hearing the woman's words. She could not believe she let her own beliefs slip out. Worst, this was another individual, like Karisa who had a bad experience with sinners pretending to be exulted with his blessing. The pretended to be warm but they were cold. They were snowman like abominations feeding of the purity of helpless souls. "I been hearing that a lot..." She kept the rest of her words to herself. It was not a topic she wished to dwell on. Especially since there was so much more that could be focused on... like her drawing skill.

Regarding their guild master Karisa, Tempris was a little surprised that the woman did not have anything else to say. It anything, Tempris did not want to let this stay quiet. The girl did say she was new in the guild so Tempris was not sure if she could say something. "Oh... she must really be mysterious then. Do you think that is a guild master thing? Maybe... they should tell us more..." Tempris let out a sigh before moving her pencil to her upper lip so she could balance it. "Though... there is a lot of things I don't know that I wish I did..."

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu 23 Sep 2021, 07:27

Thinking on it a bit."I would not mind learning more, I do admit it most likely does not help, I tend to just show up and leave fairly often."Which would not help the case because she never just out right tried to talk to the guild master right away either, But Miriko had her flaws even if she was not trying to hide them either.

"I will have to remember to attempt to free some of my time, to this cause, I could do to put the pencil down for a bit."
Or any of the other varying objects she uses for her hobbies, not just the pencil. Currently it was just the pencil that was the main one she had on her for the moment.

But it could wait if really need be."But such plans could wait, Until we are done here."Which was still something they where doing after all, The casually relaxing was nice and everything so she had to ask."Do tell me, is there anything else do you wish to do? I can consider travelling with Alistair and yourself to it if need be."Even now it seemed she was considering a commitment to spending more time with her guild members.


The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat 25 Sep 2021, 11:19


Tempris gave a smile. "Thank you. But I think I took too much of your time. I also been idle too long. I have to go back to practicing my magic. There are still people I want to help and I'm not strong enough to save them at the moment. Maybe you can join me one day."

Tempris would return the book and pencil to the woman and give a small bow. She enjoyed the time with the woman. It was like spending time with Karisa though without the conflicting beliefs and feeling of being inferior. Not that it was a bad thing or not expect. Karisa was a very powerful mage and been around of a long time compared to Tempris. "Oh... and um... Maybe in the future we can do a painting in my room at the guild." With that reveal if information Tempris quickly grabbed her things and tried to run off while waving to Mimi and Alister. It was a little embarrassing hiding the fact that they were in the same guild. She hoped that the woman would forgive her but if she didn't then that was fate.

Tempris had a smile on her face happy at least to have a good time. It now another reason why she had to save this world.



The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Beauty In Ink.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat 25 Sep 2021, 20:27

Well this seemed to be it, Not that Miriko entirely minded in the end, If anything she was use to being the one who left first, with it being a change of a pace."That is fine, I will fine you another day hopefully."It was also on a good note as well, Miriko did feel rather delighted at the thought of finding Tempris again.

It did reveal that fact she did not know, But she was not made about it at all in fact she laughed about it slightly."I guess we will have some one else to look out for Alistair."They both did have a good chuckle but out of more the joy it could bring.

Then well they would prepare to be on their way as well."But if she happens to sneak in while i am still sleeping, Do not worry about it too much, I do not think anything too horrible would happen."They were guild members after all and Miriko never set a sleeping schedule, So it was a good chance to have that happen, At this with Tempris she did not mind, There were worst people to have attempt to wake her up.

Then Miriko figured it would be a good idea to maybe go out exploring to somewhere else because it might be a find idea maybe heading out to the West would be fine.


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