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Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster]

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#26Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:27 am

Odin †

His skin was blue, something he had not expected as the primate, who’s skin had also changed to a similar shade to his, was still laughing, her fingers pointing towards Odin’s new face. He realised, as a warmth filled his cheeks, that he was blushing!? Every thought he had just experienced, from the confusion of his new senses to the awe of seeing the primate, they had been written almost explicitly across his face. He had never needed to hide facial expressions that he had no idea how to. Looking around, he realised that all the villagers were the same race. A form of demi human, and yet something different. Primates for sure, stronger than the average human, but only recognisable by one of their own. To the outside world they were simple demi humans, but to each other they were something truly unique. The wonder spread across Odin’s face as a smile, and event he village chief: the old, wizened man that he was, cracked a smirk at the naïve look plastered across the face of the outsider, who had come into the village thinking he knew everything. It was only now that Odin realised the truth. In reality, he knew nothing.

#27Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:27 am

Odin †

Aisha. That was the first thing Odin heard, his elongated ears perking up at the sound and instantly trying to find its origin. It came from the female, her name, and a beautiful name it was. She even pointed towards herself, treating Odin as if he were a new born child, not knowing who his mother or father were and having to have them point to themselves to teach him new words. Odin gestured towards himself as he said his own name, but frowned at the shaken head he was presented with. He definitely knew what his name was, and he definitely wasn’t wrong or had pronounced it differently. It was the exact same name he had been telling her for the past twenty minutes, when she had been conveniently ignoring everything he had been saying. She then moved her hand to point towards him, and uttered a single word that said everything to Odin. Arko. It was so simple, and yet it was everything. It somehow encompassed the Lich’s entire person into a single word, a single name. His name. He was no longer Odin, he was Arko. He was one of the Bula tribe, brought into this world anew by Aisha, daughter of the chief.

#28Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:28 am

Odin †

The next few days all passed in what felt like the space of three hours. Odin, no Arko, spent all of his time with Aisha during the day, learning the true language of the Bula, how to read and write in their tongue, and understanding the forest in a way he had never done before. He was introduced to the flora and fauna, becoming more and more proficient in naming and analysing the properties of each of them. Aisha said he was a quicky study, but Arko knew that his new physique also came with a powerful connection to the forest that honestly couldn’t be easily explained by the former Lich. He was a different person, more powerfully attached to nature than he had ever been before. He knew things he hadn’t known before, felt things he couldn’t feel, and understood the importance of what he had been missing for all those years. The more he experienced, the more he longed for more. He couldn’t explain why, he just needed it. His studies moved past the flora and onto the fauna shortly after Aisha had decided him proficient enough not to die from accidental poisoning by eating a nightshade when he was looking for a specific mushroom.

#29Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:28 am

Odin †

He had met the horses of the area, but they too were different. A connection between the Bula and these Equus, as they were called by the tribe, also existed. Riding one wasn’t simply using the creature for its strength and use, as one would often use a horse. There was a deeper connection between them. A Bula didn’t ride any Equus, one had to choose the other, they had to be compatible. Arko found this out the hard was as Aisha introduced him to many different Equus. Each and every single one of them had shaken him off, kicked him, or otherwise refused to enter into a pact with him. He was starting to think that maybe he just wasn’t compatible with any of them, until a glorious Equus approached. Aisha had kept it away from him as it had once been ridden by her mother. She didn’t talk about her much, only saying that she had been taken by outsiders and her father had spoken nothing of it since. Her Equus was a sacred creature to the tribe, and had remained riderless ever since the mother’s passing, despite being the alpha of the entire herd of Equus in the village.

#30Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:28 am

Odin †

It approached Arko quietly despite its large size. It was the largest and strongest Equus, clearly having cemented its place as the leader of the herd without any question from the others. Expecting another beating from a horse, Arko had braced himself as he lay, beaten and bruised, in the dirt and mud. He was covered head to toe from having been tossed and, without sounding too dramatic, bullied by the Equus population of the hidden Stellan forest, and yet this one approached him with a silent knowing. It felt almost familiar to the Bula Arko, who reached out with an open palm, hoping the beast would accept the, admittedly human, expression of meaning no harm and attempting a greeting. If it failed, it was quite likely that the Equus would not only kick Arko, but quite possibly even remove his arm or kill him from its incredible strength. Maybe Odin was immune to such destruction, but Arko certainly wasn’t. And yet, despite the looming threat of death and even Aisha’s words of warning and attempts to interfere, Arko put everything on the line to accept his fate. The muzzle of the beast sniffed his hand briefly, before setting itself neatly within its embrace.

#31Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:28 am

Odin †

Aisha seemed as shocked as Arko at the latter not having been brutally ripped apart. Standing up slowly, the Bula would run his hand over the Equus, feeling the connection solidify and grow stronger with every moment they spent together. It would only be moments later that Arko, without a doubt feeling overconfident in that instant, slinging himself onto the back of the beast. Aisha had told him previously that, after starting the connection, it would take days before the Equus would trust him enough to get close, and longer still before he was allowed to ride it. That explained the audible gasp from her as she witnessed what she thought was the stupidest stunt anyone in the Bula tribe had ever pulled. Maybe it was the human within Arko, something that had been buried deep for so long, that was bursting to be free once more, but the risk he took paid off. The Equus, who revealed its name to be Skalko, didn’t even budge at the mounting, allowing Arko on and allowing him to stay. The gasp became louder, and the people from the village started approaching as well. For someone, an outsider, to connect with Skalko and mount him in the same day was unheard of, and Arko was becoming something of a celebrity.

#32Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:28 am

Odin †

More importantly to him, he was becoming closer to Aisha. His feeling for her hadn’t changed from their first true encounter and, while he could now hide them better rather than splaying them across his face any time he looked at her, he was beginning to feel like they were reciprocated. Aisha was becoming more calm around him, dare he even say she was flirting with him, as they spent each day together. It culminated in the final night before his trial. Arko approached Aisha after they had left each other for the day, having waited a few hours to make sure everyone had gone to sleep as well as to psyche himself up for what he was about to try. He approached quietly, having become much better at it since he had become Bula. He didn’t even need his cloak anymore. He was soundless to any with average hearing. Unfortunately for him, Aisha did not have average hearing. Long before he even got close to her she was awake, and she was working on approaching Arko from the side. She gave him a heart attack that almost caused him to scream and wake everyone else up at the same time.

#33Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:29 am

Odin †

Of course, she thought it was hilarious while he was mortified, but she quickly composed herself and grabbed him by the hand. It was the exact same motion as when they had first met, but this time they locked hands instead of one pulling him by the arm. It wasn’t as forceful as dragging him, she was inviting him to go somewhere with her, not that he had any idea where she was taking him. They went out into the forest, somewhere deeper than their training had ever taken them. They scaled a tree with expert precision, all the training Aisha had given him paying off immensely. Even if she was faster, and much more graceful, Arko could definitely keep her in sight. She would win any race between them, but he wouldn’t let her get too far ahead anymore. They climbed higher than he had ever been, until the reached the summit of a tree that felt like a mountain. Arko had no idea how he hadn’t spotted it before, but the runic lettering on the bark suggested an answer. Perhaps, much like Odin’s guild hall, this tree had been hidden except for those who knew where it was. Regardless, the view was breath-taking.

#34Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:29 am

Odin †

Aisha and Arko, in that moment, professed their love for one another. They week they had now spent together had given them a bond stronger than any Bula and Equus. The connection they felt was more powerful than anything Arko had ever experienced. Odin would compare it to his love of HER, but instead of being a being sealed away and out of reach, Aisha was here, directly in front of Arko. He could see her, feel her, touch her. And so they did. That evening, high in the treetops of Stella, the two Bula loved each other more than they had ever loved before. Everything else had been wrong compared to how they now felt. Their bond grew with each moment they spent together, and that night they both slept high in the tree. Arko woke to the feeling of his love beside him, lying across him in a way that could only be described as perfect. He didn’t want to disturb her, but he looked to the rising sun and knew his trial was coming up. He had to succeed for them both to be together. He knew he could do, she knew he could it, all he now had to do was prove himself to her father, the tribal chief of the Bula, and the rest of their people.

#35Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:29 am

Odin †

Arko made it back with an hour to spare, so he quickly refreshed himself, ignoring the looks both he and Aisha got from Skalko, who had felt everything from the connection and was clearly thinking himself very funny for the thoughts he was transmitting to his Bula partner. Arko pushed it all to one side very quickly, knowing that he had to focus. His partnership with the Equus was stronger than anyone’s had ever been at his stage, so he knew that it would give him an excellent grade, but his knowledge on the flora, the fauna, that would test him, as well as his physical prowess. Aisha had trained him well, and his new body granted him incredibly high athletic abilities, more so than he had ever had before. But, as much as he hated to admit it, even if the only person who knew was Skalko, last night had tired him out and he wasn’t feeling as strong as a fresh night’s sleep would’ve helped. It was almost comical, he had spent so many year without ever having needing to sleep, being able to function just as well if not better than any living organism due to the nature of his being.

#36Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:29 am

Odin †

And yet, when it mattered most, not getting a good sleep might’ve been the thing that would ruin him. He approached the tree once more, the same tree at the centre of the village that had started everything, that had turned him from Odin and Arko, that had opened his eyes to the truth. It had changed who he was, making him better and granting him access to things he never even knew he wanted. It had given him Skalko, a true companion and friend who felt everything Arko felt and vice versa, a bond that could never be shaken and would never waver. It had given him a deeper understanding of life in the forest. He understood the relationship between the different animals and the plants around them. Everything part of an ecosystem he could never fully understand, but was beginning to grasp the importance of. And most importantly, it had given him Aisha. Aisha, who smiled as Arko looked at her, knowing he would succeed in his trial and they would be able to live together forever. For a moment, everything was perfect for Arko. He was almost ready to leave Odin behind, to leave everything behind for this chance that he had been given.

#37Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:29 am

Odin †

There wasn’t even a need to think about the trial, Arko passed it with flying colours. His mastery of flora and fauna was beyond even what the chief had expected, and bond he shared with Skalko was unparalleled for any Bula at this stage. It was at that moment that the chief smiled, the first time Arko had seen it for some time but it was different. Before, it had been a knowing smirk, the look of someone that knew more than you, and enjoyed seeing you be proved wrong. It had been shrewd, wry even, but this was not that. This was the smile of a father embracing a son, as he then did to Arko. He was a member of the family, part of the tribe, a true Bula forever more. No matter what happened, even if he went back to his old life, Arko would always have a home in Stella. He would always be Bula, and Skalko would always be there in his heart, even if the day came when he couldn’t feel him anymore. Arko know it was all for ceremony, but he wanted nothing more than to proclaim that he would never leave, that he had found his love and found his home.

#38Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:29 am

Odin †

If only that could have been true. Maybe Odin could have never returned. Perhaps Hildegard wouldn’t have gained the throne of Bosco but that wouldn’t have mattered to Arko. He would have been safe, protecting his people and protecting the forest until his dying breath. He would train his sons and daughter to do the same, as would Aisha, and they would love each other until they both passed from this world and became one with the roots of the forest once more. That was all Arko wanted, to stay and love and be. He just wished to exist, but fate had other plans. Arko’s time was about to come to a close, and Odin was to make a resurgence. Perhaps it was the world’s equilibrium: requiring a darkness for their to exist the light, that made Arko disappear and returned Odin to the world. Whatever the truth, it was the cruellest thing that could ever happen to the Bula people, to Skalko, to Aisha and, most importantly, to Arko himself. He had finally found himself among his own people, he was content and ready to live among them together. All he wanted was to stay. That wasn’t too much to ask for.

#39Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:30 am

Odin †

At least, for the moment, Arko’s story was not over. While it was never to last, that was purely the nature of living things, he still had much to do. It had been three days since his trial, three days of being a true Bula, and they had been magical. He had spent all his time, as anyone could have expected, with Aisha, but also with her father. Having now embraced him as a son, and with Arko having told him about his love for his daughter, his words of encouragement and joy at the occasion was more than Arko could have ever hoped for. He had finally found love, found the person he wanted to spend the rest of his mortal life with, and nothing was getting in the way of it. He had the adoration and love from his people, he had somewhere to belong, Arko had finally found the peace that Odin had never even realised he was missing. He had moved out of his own tree hammock, as the Bula lived as much in the trees as they lived with them, and closer to the chief and his daughter, signifying his new status not only as a true Bula but, as the tribe were about to learn and celebrate, as the betrothed to Aisha.

#40Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:30 am

Odin †

As well as having found love, Arko had also become much stronger in his Bula form, even more so than he had before. He spent many hours riding alone with Skalko, learning the map of the forest himself. He was even more accustomed to the location than he could have ever been before. If Hildegard were to require a mapping of this unknown area of forest, it would be Arko’s pleasure to draw it entirely, and he would be able to do so from memory without any difficulty. That was what it meant to be Bula. This was their forest, they knew it better than anyone else ever could. Lifetimes could be spent here and the surface could only be scratched. It would only be by living their lives, becoming one of them, that anyone could even begin to understand. Arko knew that now, this wasn’t just a random patch of forest in Stella anymore. This was his home, these were his trees, as were they the trees of the rest of his people. A map was impossible to create by just anyone. This was a magical location, hidden away from the eyes of man. A cradle of truly ancient magic.

#41Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:30 am

Odin †

He had been, in his spare time, drawing a map of the location as he scouted around with Skalko, much to the displeasure of the Equus. He, Skalko, felt that Arko was working too much for a life he was all but ready to discard completely. He didn’t know Hildegard, didn’t know what she represented for the people. If they were to meet her, if she were to see the Bula as they truly were, she would regard this place as sacred. Of all the Boscosi heirs, only Hildegard would truly protect this area. The others would harvest it for its bounty, use it for its significance, stamp it out for its heresy or, in the case of Cassia, try to use her wits to gain some other kind of advantage. Only the Beastmaster, who knew the true value of nature, could ever come close to comprehending what this place means to the Bula. And so, even though it displeased Skalko and, in his heart he knew, would also upset his beloved Aisha, Arko worked hard on creating the map. He needed to give his liege something before he left her and joined the Bula as one of their own.

#42Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:30 am

Odin †

When he told his wife to be, she was indeed upset. It killed Arko to see her this way, crying at the betrayal she told him he had brought upon her home. Her father shook his head, the disappointment in his eyes doing even more to make Arko wish he could take it all back. His life, his perfect, beautiful life, was falling apart right in front of his eyes, and there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to explain it to them, why he had come to the forest in the first place, who he had been sent by and why. He even tried to arrange a possible meeting between Aisha’s father and Hildegard, but that only made the situation worse. Bringing in outsiders was expressly forbidden, Aisha had only been allowed to do it because of the curious nature that Odin had presented himself with, and to even consider breaking that rule was taboo in the eyes of the Bula. No one could understand them truly, or their forest, unless they were Bula. It didn’t matter how good Hildegard’s intentions could be, someone else would have different ones. Someone else would try to use the forest for their own gain, whatever that was.

#43Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:30 am

Odin †

To atone for a grave mistake in the Bula tribe, one was sent out into the forest to find themselves once more. It was a temporary exile, one which would allow Arko to explore the forest more. He was given nothing to leave with, not even the clothing or items he had first arrived to the village with. Stripped of everything Odin and Arko had ever had, including the ancient relics of the shield and staff, he set out into the forest, not even sure what he was supposed to do. Aisha had not been allowed to say anything to him by way of assistance, not that she was particularly in the mood to help him with anything. This was something Arko had to understand, and progress through himself. He had to solve the mystery of what finding himself meant, and he had to return to the village as a Bula once more. There were many reasons that he needed to do it, not just for Arko to be reunited with Aisha but also for Odin to complete his mission for Hildegard. He had not forgotten about his promise, and he still believed the Beastmaster had to win the throne of Bosco.

#44Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:31 am

Odin †

Skalko’s connection to Arko had also been broken, a sign of the true exile should the young Bula fail to return. If he were to die in his exile, he did not want this Equus to experience that death without being able to help, so it was a punishment that he had accepted, as much as it made his mind feel emptier now than it had ever been. It was strange, having only been a Bula for a few weeks now it almost made no sense that it had overcome everything Odin had lived with for a century. The feeling of the wind through his hair, the touch of the tree bark as he passed by, the smell of the grass and the calls of the animals that filled him with awe and dread at the same time. They were all things Odin had, to some extent, felt during his lifetime, but he had never felt them so strongly. Arko was more a person than Odin had ever been, could ever been, and maybe that was the true trial. Maybe he had to reconcile the differences between Odin and Arko. After all, they were two people in the same body, almost akin to Odin and Lucifer, however with a much less malevolent aura.

#45Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:31 am

Odin †

That would make sense to the Bula. He had wronged the village, his family, by being someone who he wasn’t. He had shunned his Bula ways to complete a mission for an outsider, something that went against the creed of the people. He had committed a grave sin, and he had to atone. He had to make it back to Aisha and the people of the village. No matter what happened, he wanted to be there again. The first night yielded nothing, no great revelation came to Arko as he slept in the trees, but the next morning he was awoken by the sound of a loud boom. It instantly woke him, almost as if an explosion had gone off directly next to him. It was surely something the village would have heard too, worrying Arko as he descended the tree and began to make his way, with trepidation, towards the source of the sound. He had to find out what was happening, what was causing it. Another loud boom sounded through the forest, the power of the sound even knocking him to the ground. This time, as he made his way closer, it didn’t even sound like an explosion.

#46Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:31 am

Odin †

It sounded, almost, like an animal call, but that made no sense. If it belonged to an animal, then the creature had to be at least the size of the Eternal Nightmare guild hall, which already loomed over an entire city and pierced the heavens more than any other building Arko had ever seen. There was no way that an animal could have made such a cry. More importantly there was no way he wouldn’t have heard about it before if it did. The Bula would’ve known about such a being, there would have been stories or something that signified its existence, but there was nothing as far as Arko knew. He hadn’t heard any of the mysteries of the giant animal that roamed their Stellan forest. Apparently there were just things that Arko hadn’t been told by his family. Either things he was too young to have ever heard or just things that an outsider was never allowed to know. It hurt him inside to consider the idea that he was still thought of as an outsider, but all he had done was cement that decision by his recent actions. He was an outsider, he would always be one.

#47Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:31 am

Odin †

He couldn’t be trusted, that was how they would now see him. He had to repent. And the only lead he had to go on was the booming animal call from a giant creature. It only took Arko a few more steps before it appeared in his view. Over one hundred feet tall, a gorilla that commanded the power of the very earth. Arko could do nothing but freeze in place at its majesty. Whatever this was, be it Bula, a natural creation or some form of magically infused being, it was the closest the young Bula had ever come to seeing a God. The beast wandered through the forest, clearing even the tallest trees with its smallest steps. Arko needed to get a better look, he had to see its face. All he had seen so far was its muscular legs, which already dwarfed the mountains he could see in the distance. The fur, the feeling, something that Arko couldn’t place told him that it was a gorilla. A giant ape, a King of the forest. It could not be put into how he was feeling in that moment. The Bula were an ancient and magical form of primate demi humans.

#48Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:31 am

Odin †

This King could only be something of a God to them, to Arko included. He scouted a tree some hundred or so metres far away from his position. It was taller than many of the ones surrounding it, granted a good vantage point of the entire forest and, most importantly, was not in the path of the gorilla. He set off at full sprint towards the tree, taking no time to wait and using the most of his athletic ability. He was fit, fitter than he had ever been before with his Bula form granting him incredible powers, and he was fast, but the strides of the ape cleared more than Arko could ever hope to do in twenty bounds, let alone one step. He had to be fast, he had to climb the tree and look into the eyes of the being. Thoughts of repenting and atoning had briefly left him, everything else in the young Bula’s mind had been completely taken over by the appearance of the creature. He couldn’t explain it, but something about it called to him. It was calling him with its majesty, and its call had to be answered no matter what. You wouldn’t refuse a king.

#49Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:32 am

Odin †

The climb to the top of the tree was expertly achieved, even Aisha would’ve been pleased. Arko took a brief moment as he reached the top to allow himself a small smirk at how far he had come. He wondered if Aisha would even be able to beat him in his current state. He had pushed himself harder than any other Bula had before the trial, and even after had been practising to truly become the best of his kind that he could be. Perhaps it was the perfectionist of Odin leaking through, but Arko needed to be better. Any time he saw Aisha beat him, or name a mushroom before he could even see it, or ride farther than him despite Skalko’s position as the alpha of the pack, it had only filled him with a greater desire to push past those limits. If Aisha could do it, why not Arko. He was young, he had more energy than he honestly knew what to do with. He could push himself further and run longer and climb higher than any Bula had before. He knew that was something he could achieve, he just had to let himself know it. And once he knew it, he would be unstoppable.

#50Odin † 

Embracing Nature [Support: Hildegard the Beastmaster] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:32 am

Odin †

When he reached the top of the tree, he had known it was the correct decision to pursue the creature. Had he left it alone and tried to find something else to help him repent, he knew it would’ve have both cost him dearly and stayed on his mind until the day he died. This was a once in a lifetime chance to see what could very readily be called a god, no one was going to pass that up and Arko was no different. He didn’t believe in Illumin, in HER, or any of the other deities that were praised and worshipped throughout the continent. Instead, Arko had been brought to believe in the forest. Hildegard used to say ‘the forest will provide’ and Odin had never really understood what she meant. And, while the Beastmaster had no idea that the Bula or a creature such as this could ever exist, she felt almost the same way as the reclusive tribe. They had a similar saying, a mantra of sorts where they praised nature. There was no translation, it was spoken purely in the ancient language of the tribe, but it gave love to nature, and thanked creation for their blessings.

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