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Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus

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Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:15 pm


They say that revenge is a dish best serve code but to the girl she prefer to dish it out with a warm plate. The girl was in Stella, the home operations for Empyrean Divine’s dinosaur hunting event. She heard talks about how the larger dinosaurs were terrorizing villages and that shady people were taking advantage of that due to the fight for the throne in Bosco. Due to her own relationships for that event, she felt like it was time for her to pack her bags and focus on her own dreams. What were those dreams, even the girl was not completely sure. She wanted to cleanse the world of sin and send everyone to Illumin in a baptism of fire but now… she wasn’t sure she could complete that goal. She met so many people with so many ideas and yet, she has yet to meet anyone who shared her own beliefs, aside from Brunhild the divine. Still, Illumin, did not deem her ready to rule as the demon Hildegard was able to kick her out of the running with her lies and deceit. So if a woman as high as her couldn’t achieve her goal and create a better humanity, what could a small being such as her do.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:15 pm


It matters not, for now she was working under a new flag with its own limitations. The difference was that now she had a family, or at least a mother. Thus, here she was, still in Stella, still traveling through their forest. Only today, she was acting in her own interest. The guild master wanted a dinosaur and Tempris was going to get her one. Since dinosaur hunting was not something taught to those of the Illumin faith, the girl knew she would need some help. Unfortunately, do to her work as a supporter of Brunhild, she wasn’t welcome in the areas dominated by that demon Hildeguard. So she needed to hide herself a lot and look for anyone who was not of that faction.

Girl wore an outfit with colors of jungle green, brown, and grays. Her veil was dark green with a brown cloth covering their head. Her dress was very light and form-fitting which kept her from wearing an undershirt. Their colors were mixture of dark green and brown splotches to give off a more camouflage effect and the skirt portion of her dress was very short barely reaching her thighs. Due to this the girl also wore grey spats.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:16 pm


Protecting her feet were tan boots. The dress itself had a couple pockets and hooks on it to carry important things like her wardrobe key which she could use to change her outfit. In fact it was due to this key that she was able to bring such a unique outfit with her because originally she came to this country wearing her normal navy blue attire. On her back was a grey hook which she used to hold her sword. She also had her gear.

Fortunately for her not every supporter of the demon beastmaster was smart enough to recognize how powerful the girl was. This was apparent as she saw a man down the road leading a woman. Tempris hid, not wanting to alert people of her presence in case he was a hildegard supporter and became alerted. It was a good thing to as the man was not alone. Trailing him was a woman, a Stellan, in chains. Tempris could not be to sure the man was a member of Hildegard but she was sure that the prisoner would have more useful on her side.

The woman was covered in face paint and bruises probably from a scuffle.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:17 pm


Her attire resembled that of a native to live in the jungle. Perhaps she was a member of the resistance that still wanted to fight for their country's freedom and was preventing the supporter from stealing one of the precious beasts from their Forest. That meant only one thing. She knew the forest really well.

When the man entered her effective range, Tempris jumped, cleaving off his arm. The girl laughed while pushing him to the ground. "Sinner, how do you stand bearing so much heresy over your shoulders? I hope your lost lessen your burden"
The man cried and cursed but Tempris shoved her foot in the man's face and turned to the woman. The woman stood speechless watching as the girl raised her sword. She was happy to be freed from the man who attacked her but she also knew who this girl was. She was seen as much of a blessing as a curse and her unpredictability made her still dangerous despite her actions.

When the man vanished under the swarming holy flames, the woman came to her senses and tried to run away, however Tempris had the chains and easily won the tug of war.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:18 pm


“Where are you going,” Tempris chuckled with her signature grin, “Would you turn your back on faith so soon.” The woman trembled as the girl slowly walked towards her. “Divine forces have fated us to meet. Maybe we can help each other.”
The woman looked at her chains before turn back to the girl, “What would you have me do?”
“Hold your hands out, spread apart.”

The woman followed the girl’s request. She had no other option, with the girl holding her leash. Then she closed her eyes, opening only after hearing a loud *Chink.* A flame sword stood driven into the dirt with her chains covered in white and blue embers. The woman looked at Tempris confused. Tempris giggled. “Ms, I heard that there have been frequent attacks from the wild life on the villages. Would you be able to guide me to one of those beast?”
The woman was skeptical but eventually she agreed, not trusting the girl would let her go if she refused.

With the woman as her guide, Tempris followed the woman into the forest. She wondered what kind of beast the woman would take her too as the woman was not very talkative. Most people she traveled with lacked a talkative side.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:19 pm


Only now, the woman suddenly stopped. Taking a knee, she seemed to be searching for something on the ground. Tempris climbed forward to see what made the woman stop. She was sure it was something stupid.
“What’s that… brown stuff. Did we we stop to look at poo.”
The woman sneered, “Dung. It’s a sign that that creature is near.”
“That so… heretical. Using poop to find dinosaurs… But Illumin has chosen you to be my guide.”
“I feel soooo lucky…”
“Good, I did save you after all.”
The woman shook her head and then began march forward.

A loud cry flooded the air bringing both girl’s to their knees and covering their ears. As soon as the ear shattering noise died down, dropping trees shook the ground along with the woman’s heart. Tempris drew her sword with a half hearted grin. She was confused, started, but she did not want to appear scared. She did now think some animal would best her. After all, it wasn’t her first time killing one. Still, she needed to know what was happening.

“That’s the creature. It found us.” The woman said with a voice still trembling despite the ground becoming still. “I did my part. You are on your own now. Small one of Fire.”

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:20 pm


The woman darted off into the forest. It would be impossible to track her, given Tempris even had the time. Large eyes poked from behind the trees. Teeth drenched in saliva growed at the small bite size girl. Then Claws.

The beast lunged at the girl jumping into the air despite all the trees. The creature moved so effortlessly. It was clear it was his or hers, Tempris did not want to assume, domain. But, this was Illumin’s world and Tempris was chosen by her guild leader and her god to take it’s head. Tempris rolled forward with her sword above her. The creatures seemed weary of the girl’s flaming sword for good reason. The previous dinosaur she fought had the same reaction. The only problem was that this one was smarter as it was already out of the girl’s reach. It was standing with the girl facing its side. The creature was trying to look bigger showing of its sail.
“Very pretty… but i only need your head” The girl roared. Then she Ran at the dinosaur screaming bloody murder as she attempted to murder the creature.

The dinosaur flexed one more time but since the girl was not backing down.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:21 pm


It sprinted forward into the trees and disappeared. Tempris tried to follow it but she did not know where to look. Her only clue was the thumping of footsteps. She looked to her left to see the creature charging her. In this position, she could easily impale it in the head, but she wanted a better trophy for Karisa. So she ducked out of the way and tried to hit the creature’s tail. The Creature was too fast and she ended up missing again.this time though, she lunged forward and managed to grab onto the creatures tail. But moving so fast with her sword dragging along the ground along with the tail swing around sent the girl flying into a tree.

The girl grunted, picking herself off the ground. The dinosaur rushed her trying to pick her off while she was lying on the ground. However, the girl managed to grab her weapon with two hands, setting it ablaze. The creature became startled again but it would not dodge her completely as tempris managed to chop off one of it’s arms. The creature cried in pain, forcing Tempris to drop her weapon and cover her ears again. With the girl down protecting her ears, the creature bolted into the forest behind the cover of trees.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:21 pm


Tempris stood up rubbing her sensitive ears. She felt like she was going to go deaf if that creature screamed again. She was not going to give it a chance to scream again. She was going to get it’s head. She was going to cleanse it of it’s sinful existence, even if dinosaurs are not sinful. She ran in the direction of the creature, following the trail of blood. Her sword burned behind her as she dragged it along the ground. The creature was slowing down. The wound was draining it but it remained quicker than the girl. Only the creature lacked the devotion the zealot had in her determination.

The creature would eventually slow down when it thought it was far enough away but within minutes Tempris would appear screaming her fury to instill her own fear in the animal. The creature would try to run but every iteration of the game of mouse and cat would lead the creature running shorter and shorter distances until the creature couldn’t run anymore. The creature lied on the ground kicking the dirt as if it was slowly swimming but it wasn’t moving. Tempris grinned walking up to the creature’s side. She watched it heave from exhaustion acting as if it was escaping the girl’s presence. It wasn’t escaping. Tempris stood at its head with her foot over it’s neck. Had the creature not been weak, Tempris would not be able to perform this maneuver but now was the perfect time. She raised her sword and brought it down, cleanly separated the head from the body.

Tempris laughed before falling on her butt. She has been running herself exhausted chasing after the thing. She did not forget how the woman ditched her. She was not upset, as she did not need the woman’s help but she did want to thank her. Well, it was too late now. She had what she wanted. Now she just needed to bring it over to her guild master. Hopefully she liked it. If she didn’t… well, Tempris knew she could keep the memories.

Hunting Grounds: Taking a Spinosaurus Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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