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Begging to Beckon [CQ: SOLO]

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Begging to Beckon [CQ: SOLO] Empty Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:34 pm

Maneki didn't understand how famous Magnolia City is in Fiore until he was asked to visit Magnolia Station; after all, Magnolia City is a merchant-city, so transactions and trading is more common than expected. "Oh yes, I've got lots to do in this city!" Maneki told himself when he looked at the main picture of the Magnolia Station, seeing it packed with people of different ethnicities and colors. Maneki held unto the strap of the large crate, for he was assisting in the carrying of individual goods. Eventually, his client would stop on a spot, place down the shabby cloth and then present his jewelry. Knowing that the cat won't do much help other than assist in carrying goods, the client ordered Maneki to either scram or to sit somewhere else. After all, payday will be received at the end of the day, so all Maneki can do for now is wait for the client to give him the pay.

Since Maneki was a lucky cat, he was used to either scramming or sitting somewhere else, but he preferred doing the latter just in case the client deceived him and left without paying Maneki a single coin. He used this chance to scan the clients' goods, spotting a very distinctive writing. Without permission, Maneki picked the good up and inspected it, and then reading that it was a bronze badge with Sinese signatures on it. Thus, Maneki read it out loud, "Stupid foreigner...?" is what the pendant says. When the merchant heard this, he swiped the item off of Maneki's hands. "Ehhh? Why're you trying to sell silly items, old man?"

"You fool! The people that don't understand Sin thinks Sin is amazing! They'll buy ANYTHING related to Sin!" was what the merchant said, right in time as the arrival of a customer, which the merchant willingly welcomed with a smile. Of course, the sinister (no pun intended) Maneki wouldn't dare let this customer become a fool and get his efforts taken for granted! Thus, the cat would jeer into the conversation, "Hello, foreigner! What would you like to buy today?" was what he said, giving the merchant all the daily dose of anxiety that he needed for the day.

#BB8399 (Fiorian) | #413A5B (Joyan) | #A09FB6 (Sinese)

Begging to Beckon [CQ: SOLO] Empty Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:57 pm

"You naughty Nekomata, you better not say anything rude!" the Sinese merchant scolded the kitten, as he did not understand the Fiorian language as fluently as Maneki does. Sooner or later, with charm and enthusiasm, the pendant which says "Stupid foreigner" in Sinese was bought, and Maneki waved them good-bye. The profits, of course, were given back to the merchant, and that successful attempt left Maneki in an overwhelmed state, enough to sit back and yawn at his own relaxation. "What did you do? You told him the truth, didn't you?" the Sinese merchant asked, in huge doubt as he already was.

Maneki giggled, "Hah? Of course not—then he wouldn't even buy that pendant. I told him that it's a Sinese philosophical symbol," out of nowhere, Maneki pulled out a xiao long bao, and then took a bite from it, "I'm great, aren't I?" Throughout the whole process of the request, Maneki has been nothing but trouble, so the seller wouldn't expect a very well-behaved Maneki that would side by him. The air was filled with silence until it finally gave Maneki enough discomfort to break the ice between the two of them. "You see, old man, I'm that maneki-neko from Joya," he said, "if you don't know what that is, then you're probably more stupid than that foreigner, aye?"

The merchant took his time before answering Maneki, and that he even attempted to ignore the Nekomata by giving his attention to a customer every time. Now, it was time for him to answer, "You mean... that rumored Nekomata that gives luck to the clients?" he asked, uncertain from his own answer. Finally! the cat thought, while calmly nodding at the merchant's answer, waiting for him to say this one specific thing. Instead, the Sinese scoffed, "You're kidding," he said, which revived a childish side of Maneki, causing him to brag with energy. "It's true! here, let me show you!" then, Maneki raised an arm up.

#BB8399 (Fiorian) | #413A5B (Joyan) | #A09FB6 (Sinese)

Begging to Beckon [CQ: SOLO] Empty Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:39 pm

Before Maneki could release the expected—to bring great fortune using his magic—the merchant had stopped Maneki from swinging his arm downwards by grabbing his wrist before he could even do so. "No! You can't, that's cheating!" he said, making Maneki raise his brow. Merchants and businessmen often love to cheat, so what makes this certain one a different fellow? "Hah! So you know what I do, what's stopping you from giving your the fortune you want?" the cat wasn't interested at all. If ever, he was even ticked off for being halted like that.

"You see..." the merchant would start, coughing first before he say another word, "kid, we shouldn't always rely on fortunes. We pay the maintenance here and if you want to win, you need to get the highest sales without magic." Hmm, Maneki wasn't quite pleased with this answer, especially when he looked down and spotted a small lucky cat figurine for sale—he thought that magic is no different from giving out luck, so he pouted at the old man, thinking that he was a hypocrite. "I do better than that darned beckonin' cat!" with haste, Maneki grabbed the tiny lucky cat figurine and threw it away, causing the merchant to panic. Then, on the spot, Maneki swung his arm up and down in a fast motion, until they were finally being circled by many buyers and customers. No one knows for sure, but they were undoubtedly attracted to that one specific shop. Using this method, surely, Maneki will "win" for sure, won't he?

In the end, the merchant's products were all sold out. The lucky cat that Maneki threw away has been missing ever since, and Maneki will be forever known as that one kid that kept swinging his arm up and down for no apparent reason. Looks like he wasn't so known, after all—that merchant client was just pretty lucky, it seems.


#BB8399 (Fiorian) | #413A5B (Joyan) | #A09FB6 (Sinese)

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