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IV. Serpyn's Soul Scything

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IV. Serpyn's Soul Scything Empty Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:24 pm



Name: Serpyn's Soul Scything

Slot: Weapon

Type: Scythe

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Limited

Element: Darkness

Damage: +120

Durability: 2x S-rank


Description: An embodiment of the cycle of suffering and ruin. One swing of this spectral scythe clad in the miasma of the abyss carves out scars of resentment, devouring even the soul.

Measurements: The shaft of the scythe is 2 meters long. It has a 60 centimeters long curved blade at its end. The curved blade has a height of 10 centimeters.


Requirements: None.

  • Speed: -40

  • Phantasma: The weapon ignores armor and deals direct damage to the target instead.


IV. Serpyn's Soul Scything Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:40 pm

Buying this with 20% lvl 4 rune knight discord

IV. Serpyn's Soul Scything TBD
#3Khalfani † 

IV. Serpyn's Soul Scything Empty Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:11 pm

Khalfani †
Jove has purchased Serpyn's Soul Scything for 2,000,000 Jewels.

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