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Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green]

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Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:13 am

Just like many moons ago Lucretia found herself outside of the infinity wolf guild hall. Spending her afternoon doing exercises and generally trying to get a feel for the equipment that she was regularly working with. While she hadn’t used the mask’s ability too much it was something she felt would be good in long term hunts. Her armor was sturdy and would let her tank blows that would otherwise send her flying. Though it was a tad heavier than the sort of thing she wore as a hunter.

The real name of the game here was the spear or something better known as an Assegai. One of the fabled nine hero weapons had made it into her possession somehow and Lucretia could only hope to do that hero proud. She still felt she was a bit undeserving and it honestly felt weird in her hands. Like it was made for someone else or made for someone that was a lot… stronger?

Not that she felt weak by any means; but it just felt odd using someone else's weapon. Much like the magic that she had studied from her time in the northlands. She had to get used to the reach of this damn thing; it was much bigger than the blades that she was used to wielding. Quite literally almost twice the size.

Honestly I feel like a child swinging this thing around…

She’d mutter and sigh; pausing her practice swings and glancing up at the sky. Not a cloud in it and the sun was still pretty high up there. She had to wonder why it picked her or who ever left the damn thing in the ring thought it was a good idea to sell it to her. Was she worthy of this weapon?

Most of the weapons she spent her time with either broke over and over from her harsh lifestyle but this one hadn’t even chipped with her using it. It was made of sturdy stuff just as she was. But that also raised another question for the white haired woman. Which would break first? Her or the spear? She felt it was the latter but… it was hard to really know.

A weapon like this deserves respect. Can I really give it to it?

Another question she didn’t really know the answer to; grunting she’d give it another swing. Damn thing was heavy too; felt like it was making her blows far stronger than they actually would be on their own. She didn’t even want to get into feeling the heart of another beast within her breast. A wolf and a lion; a deadly pair if used right… or if properly tamed.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:01 am


In the months that had passed its formation, the guild building began to take shape as renovations took place aided by Kon’s contractors. In spite of their efforts, It was not up to the same glory of his old guild building. Instead he had resorted to renting out a room in a local tavern and travelling to the guild training fields on a regular basis. He was still largely unfamiliar with his newly acquired Rama’s Bow, obtaining it was astounding given the rarity of just a single nine hero relic, he had been in the possession now not just of one or even two of them but now a third in the span of a few months. Losing the Midas Gauntlet, the first of the three nine heroes had caused him the most grief with it having plaguing his mind many months after losing it, Midas’ very spirit taunting him. Musashi's sword was a far smaller pill to swallow when it was lost to the winds neither having established a sentimental value towards it nor finding the weapon suitable for his personality.

No, instead he was gladdened to now be the owner of a bow once more, he had used a bow, many times before, in his adolescent on targets, while in his early adult years using majestic bow referred to as the stormcaller said to embody the very essence of the gods and bend them to the archer’s will. Many were slain through that relic and Kon could almost feel the blood from his future fallen enemies drip from his fingers when he wielded Rama's Bow. Of course, while he could already predict the deaths of these foes, Kon lacked the practice required to ensure that he didn’t slaughter innocent bystanders or injure his own allies.

Kon was a changed man after all doing something so heinous would be certainly out of the question for a Good Guild member and would definitely be looked down upon by his Guild Master and Guild Mates, many of whom had already questioned his allegiances and moralities. To ensure that even his training didn’t accidentally kill anyone or torch the surrounding areas with undying flames, Kon was heading to the field with training arrows rather than entirely relying on the spells that his bow had been blessed with. Things at almost any point could at any point, with him always relishing a fight, friendly or otherwise.

A slight smile grew upon Kon’s face as he spotted in the great distance, the faint outline of a fellow guild mate. While he wasn’t familiar with the new members, Kon was curious to see what they could do. Raising up his golden hand to greet and reveal himself to his comrade, Kon spoke out. “Good Day, Friend, lovely weather we’re having.” Continuing to draw closer using his Hawken’s Eye, a stellar piece of art came into sight; Another Nine of the Hero Relic Weapon. He had almost been in the presence with over half of them, perhaps one day he will encounter all of the nine heroes either holding them directly, fight against them or just interact with them in general. With the presence of his guild mate, the chance for some target practice had shrunk significantly but getting some experience was still definitely on the tables.


Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 8,750/8750



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:43 am

The woman’s focus was primarily on her swings, on testing the reach and the range of the weapon that she was gripping tightly. To say the least that her senses weren’t exactly paying attention to the area around her. Her expression shifted and she’d pause as she realized that someone had gotten close to her; closer than she could have expected. She’d slowly stop her swings and turn her head.

Seeing the wave and the golden hand the woman blinked; reaching up and pulling her mask up so that she could see a little better. The other called her friend and even seemed to be wanting to make a little bit of conversation. Weather? She’d shoot a glance up towards the sky. Yeah this would be considered good weather wouldn’t it? She’d break out in a grin and lean slightly to one side, crossing her legs and letting the butt of the spear rest against the ground.

Good day to you as well. I’ll take this over a blizzard in the north any day. But I think I’d welcome a little chill.

Lucretia took in the person in front of her; she wasn’t entirely familiar with all of those within her guild. But there was something about the person standing in front of her that said ‘you should know this person.’ But that was something that the woman felt about all of her guildmates. Old. New. Founder or not. She’d smile warmly and take a few steps forward, offering her hand and the rest of the distance to close for the other. If they felt comfortable enough at least she’d give them a firm shake of the hand.

Name’s Lucretia, Lucretia Wolfenstein. Pleased to meetcha. Fixin to do some training yourself?

Truth be told lucretia figured that was the case; like why would you come all the way out here for it? But you know something could be said about being courteous. Not to mention maybe this particular individual preferred to just sit and watch. Who knew how skilled they were with the weapons they possessed?



Active effects:


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 5:45 am


The furry individual proved to be one of few words providing their name, but also revealing a critical aspect of their wellbeing. A preference towards Cold, or even snowy weather, which was polar opposites with what they were experiencing now. It was completely understandable given their furry hide, it was likely cooking them alive, and tolerating such heat was impressive. Though they were quite forward, he was met with nothing but courtesy, even as they offered to train with him. The difference between the two of them was significant, but note the less Kon would never decline a fight, though he didn’t want to put a guildmate in any peril. Directly or even indirectly harming a guildmate would certainly muddy his already rocky reputation with the other founders, but even so Kon answered with a simple nod and affirmation of his position. “I’d love to train with you, though it may be a bit conflicting, me using a bow, you using a halberd from the looks of it, nonetheless I’m sure it will be educational to both of us.” Separating the two of them with a few steps back roughly 15 to 20 meters from one another as he spoke, prepared to continue his retreat increasing the gap further.

There was a significant difference between the two of them, made apparent with Kon’s Millenium Eye, most notable Kon’s vast mana pool outclassed Lucretia’s sizable one, however, this could determine a fight between the two of them. It was the contrast in speed that would help him maintain a large enough distance to keep their spear from poking through his defenses. As the pair were sparring to train as opposed to fighting for a victory or the death, it was apparent Kon could take his time with his aim still being largely reliant on his Hawken’s Eye, having now become awakened, while his strength was more than capable of sending whatever arrow he used farther and deeper than his counterpart archers in the post.

Time not being a factor with the assumption of his sparring partner doing so in a kind, Kon drew a bolt at a steady pace rising from the ground and pointed the bow directly at Lucretia or more importantly their right leg. As while his opponent was far more defended around their body, Kon felt aiming at his comrades head would be a bit tactless, plus getting more practice on a moving target would be a bit more satisfying also why he chose not to end the fight nor create a mess through his greater spells. Instead, the arrows drawn started with an S-Rank Basic Shot, hoping to soften up the werewolf’s armor so they could truly spar. Guided with his rusty aim enhanced with Hawken's eye, the arrow ought to begin the fight properly.


Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 7,950/8750
Spells Cast: Lock-On (upon Lucretia), Arrow Shot (S-Rank) (Aimed at Lucretia's right leg)



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:06 pm

Lucretia tilted her head to one side, staring at the individual in front of her. She received no name but she did instead get an agreement to spar. Honestly she was surprised at such a quick agreement on that matter. But given the fact that they were in what amounted to the closest thing that the wolves had to a dojo or training area that really shouldn’t have surprised her. Along with those surprises; this one wasn’t. The archer was backing away from the person holding what equated to a pointy stick. Which… definitely boded poorly for lucretia who wasn’t the fastest individual out there. She had to wonder how fast this archer was and how quickly they could shift gears if she got close.

The woman flicked her head and the mask settled back onto it’s spot she’d start to move forward but. It was quickly evident that the other fighter was going to try to inhibit her movements further by aiming at her leg. Oh that was something she probably should have figured. She wasn’t the fastest anyways and getting hit in the leg would earnestly make this more annoying. Growling a bit she’d clasp her hands on her spear; moving forward and figuring she’d have to tank through the pain.

But tanking through it wouldn’t be the only thing she’d do no, the woman’s stature shifted and her body as it were quickly distended. Her limbs lengthed and her body seemed to broaden a bit. Stretching and filling out her armor quite a bit. Her eyes seemed to grow a bit more wild and well. The woman wasn’t exactly as friendly looking as before; her appearance was far more rugged and she stood another meter taller. Making her around ten feet tall. Easily a bigger target sure but there was a toughness to her that could shrug off many a blow.

That being said, she did try to move out of the way of the arrow. But what she wasn’t expecting was how the arrow moved to follow her movements. She’d huff a bit as she felt it sink into her leg armor. She wasn't sure how many more shots it could take. Growling in irritation she’d pull her arm back and would give a heave. The Assagai would shoot forward; she wasn’t sure how agile Kon was but this would be a good test of that. This was a spar; so that didn’t give her the right to throw it at kon’s chest or head. She wasn’t about to hurt someone seriously like that. Instead? She’d do the same and aim for the legs. Given that lucretia was left handed it would likely be obvious that she was aiming for the same side; meaning that if kon didn’t avoid it it’d likely hit the other’s right leg as well.

Regardless of that fact, the spear wouldn’t stay put for too long, shooting back to lucretia’s hand. While she still attempted to approach the archer.



Heavy dwarven Armor durability:


Ability Used

Item Spell used:

Active effects:


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:06 am


The sudden and immense growth that his opponent experienced was startling, to say the least, but it wasn’t the strangest thing he had ever seen. Gaining a bit of fur here and there was definitely a sight to behold, but behind that now even thicker hide, there was still vulnerable flesh albeit it further defined muscle. Kon himself was impressed with the sheer size that the aptly named Wolfenstein had grown to. They would have to discuss just how they had come to gain such a feat at a later date. For now, however, Kon witnessed his shot land true on the now stretched out armour taut against Lucretia’s enlarged body causing it to hiss and burn. Kon had held knowledge of many nine hero relics at this point, but the Assegai remained a mystery, the boons were unknown. Only its original owner and origins were known but that was something everyone knew. Perhaps he’d be able to glean some information from either observation or directly probing his comrade, guildmate and most importantly opponent in this fight.

His wish to learn more about the relics had been granted with Lucretia drawing back as if to throw the spear at Konyo. More interested to see what the weapon could do and overcoming his flight or fight response, Kon remained steadfast as he instead drew back his bowstring once more allowing the assegai to strike him dead on the thigh. “Oof.” The mage turned archer let out as he felt the impact of the spear land upon his armoured lower limb. Immediately the spear returned to the source just as Kon let loose his own attacks at a far faster velocity undoubtedly arriving before the very spear itself. His first spell was far more precise, capable of piercing through the already damaged armour that was melting around his guildmate. The protection would likely melt away over time, but Kon knew that a werewolf was something to be wary of, especially one which held an illustrious nine hero weapon.

The second of his shot would reach the werewolf just as their spear would return into their hands. This would be far more devastating, perhaps excessively so, however when Kon got into the swing of things, he just couldn’t stop himself. Even if it did mean that the guild building that they had been inadvertently fighting near would maybe take a teeny, tiny amount of damage. This spell consisted of a bolt transforming into a monstrous 20 metres in diameter aided in growth by some unknown means. The damage would extend onto the environment itself with an enormous ditch being created roughly 8 and a half metres deep, 20 metres wide and 50 metres long from Kon. Of course whether or not such a big ditch were to be created was up to Lucretia’s response, in the tiniest of moments that would be available to them.


Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 6,650/8750
Spells Cast: Lock-On (upon Lucretia), Searing Shot (aiming Lucretia's chest), Meteor Shot (S-Rank) (aiming Lucretia's chest)
Damage Taken: 1x S-Rank to The Singularity from Assegai, 2x S-Rank remaining



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:57 am

Being able to tap into her more primal self was something that lucretia had grown to enjoy; something that she had started to rely on in one way or another. Whether it was the lion that the spear granted her or her own body’s traits the woman just felt right being in that form just as much as her ‘lesser’ one. Though calling a fighter’s natural form lesser was to also diminish those that didn’t have a transformation. Which was something that lucretia would never do; she treated every fight and every fighter with the respect they earnestly deserved.

Which is why she was taking this fight even thought it was a spar so seriously; with the spear returning back to her hand she had maybe a second to register the shot that had come from the bow along with it. It was like watching something move in slow motion but you had no real ability to deal with it. Her eyes flicked from that shot that not only damaged her armor, causing the chest portion of it to break apart and the rest of it to start to fall to pieces. But it also slammed into her and caused a small grunt; her body was tough and it wasn’t quite enough to send her off her feet. Though she was glad she didn’t have any momentum. It was likely that it would have stopped that dead in her tracks.

That was when she realized judging by both her opponent and the brief shadow above her that there was something well. Above her. She’d look up and with a somewhat surprised expression was greeted by the sight of a twenty meter meteor. She had a moment to brace herself given there was no way in hell she was avoiding it; a curse escaping her just before impact.

She was engulfed in the meteor’s impact and for a brief moment she’d be lost amongst it as it created that fairly enormous ditch in which she was more or less in the center of. Though…. Surprisingly she seemed relatively in fair health for just taking a meteor to the face. She’d look around briefly finding that… She was kind of stuck in the middle of a big damn hole and with a bewildered look she couldn’t help but look up. Was kon even in her eyeline? She didn’t think so and would start to move towards the last spot she figured they had been in. She felt the mask she had been wearing crumble to dust and she could have sworn the tingle of jewelery could be heard as her ring slipped off her finger. Did that meteor also hit all her equipment? Made sense she guessed there...

I think that’s the first time I’ve ever had a meteor shot at me. ‘Dear mom, got into a fight today. Had a meteor for lunch. Much love. Lucretia.’’

Was all she really could mutter under her breath; how the hell was she supposed to get out of this big ass hole?

Fighty bits: [Lemme know if there's anything wrong]


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:37 am


A giggle rather than a hint of laughter left Kon’s lips, surprisingly uncharacteristic for such a stoic individual. Kon was honestly shocked about the damage that had actually been done to the ground and the guild building itself. Rather than looking where Lucretia was, he now had to tilt down his head to see them standing in the great ditch with everything around him smouldering. The distinction between the werewolf and the devastation around them was a bit hard to define with their albino hair now a sooty black. And while Kon could certainly rain down further fire upon his guildmate, it would be entirely inappropriate. So being an honourable fighter, Kon slid down the dip that had been created around the ditch that he had created only moments ago. Able to ignore the heated ground through his insulated armour, Kon met with Lucretia still holding his bow tight while his golden hand lingered close to his string.

Continuing on with his amused expression, Kon shook his head, before trying to get a word edgewise before turning to the spar at hand. “My sincerest apologies, I’ll have to fix this, I didn’t intend to do all this…” Empathising by motioning with his bow from the left and right of Lucretia. The overall damage he had caused had been far more than just a giant crater, but portions of the guild building itself were either absent or on fire only eased by the humid air carried over from the sea breeze. Shrugging with his focus more upon the spar than the aftermath he created, he returned to his opponent at hand. Drawing back his string he hoped to shoot his opponent once more square on the leg even in the short 8-meter distance between the two. Obviously had Lucretia stopped him or closed the gap before he pull off a full draw, Kon would attempt to counteract by whatever means at his disposal, whether it was to evade or take them head-on.


Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 5,950/8750
Spells Cast: Lock-On (upon Lucretia), Arrow Shot (A-Rank) (Aimed at Lucretia's right leg)



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:05 am

A small flick of the ear came from that small giggle that she could hear amid the cracking of the earth around her. The heat was rather uncomfortable and Lucretia would rather not spend too much time in this ditch given that it would likely wear her out a little bit more than she’d like. But that wasn’t really an option as her icy blue eyes found themselves looking at kon; the other fighter clearly in sight. She had a moment where she might had thought that the other would continue their assault but much to Lucretia's surprise the archer approached her. It was definitely the honorable thing to do which lucretia was undoubtedly pleased at this action even if it was a surprise.

I’ll give you a hand with it. Part of this is my fault too. If I had known that you had this much of a destructive ability I would have suggested out on the plains or in the woods.

Lucretia glanced at the guildhall noting that there was quite a bit of damage to the hall; some missing and some ablaze. Though the latter part would probably burn out sooner rather than later. She’d set her hands back on her spear; noting that Kon was quick to draw his bowstring back again. Eight meters was pretty close and if she lunged well…

Kon was likely faster than she was but she didn’t have much of a doubt in mind that if they had taken the action to approach her that they were trying to keep it interesting for the both of them. A momentary strain of her muscles and she’d leap forward spear drawn back and after a moment she’d reach the crest of her lunge, spear plunging forward towards the armored body of her combative partner for the moment. The weapon was definitely dangerous but her thought was maybe if she took out the other arm the bow would be less than useful.

That being said approaching from head on meant that Kon’s arrow would find it’s mark in her leg, but the damage from it was something she quickly had gotten used to. A small grunt being the only thing that escaped from her.



Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:22 am


Even in the short distance between them, Kon in his haste was able to shoot off a single bolt allowing for the fiery rage to continue on the albino werewolf who was still draped in a layer of lingering flames. Lucretia would not remain stationary during this bout, with them instead of charging directly at him strangely going for Kon’s golden gilded prosthetic arm. Hoping to shield both himself and his Rama’s Bow, Kon shifted his stance leading towards his opponent with his right side at the forefront and left turning back with a quick sidestep back with his left foot. This allowed him to fully use his arm to bear the brunt of the force from Lucretia’s penetrating strike causing Kon to feel a resonating shock across his body almost vibrating the man with the level of force. Much to Kon’s surprise, a light scratch formed where he had blocked the blow. Continuing to feel the blade of the spear slide down his prosthetic arm, Kon readied himself to dash past the overextended weapon towards his foe directly.

With the strength of ten men, Kon pushed off from the charred ground with both feet causing the blackened soil to spew out from the immense force and two craters to take form. Somewhat counterintuitive to his previous actions, Kon would utilize his bow in a far more offensive capacity at close range using its great length to add his reach. As he had already done so multiple times in this bout, Kon would go after Lucretia’s now heavily injured leg which would either put them out of action from the sheer overwhelming overall pain they had received from Kon’s successful, consecutive series of blows dealt with the white wolf. He was frankly surprised to see that the beast was still capable of standing but the durability and fortitude of that subspecies were renowned for a reason.

Given the short distance between them and Lucretia's position, Kon would more than likely be able to strike the werewolf, the question at hand would be how much would he suffer as a consequence. Already he could tell from his millennium eye that his opponent was struggling and they were engulfed in the still lingering flames but he would be a fool to let down his guard. The sideswipe would begin just as Kon made his initial step on his left, with the upper limb of the bow itself mimicking the blade of a sword in all but its cutting edge. The sheer power that Kon would deliver in this strike would more than overcome the durability of his fellow guildmate’s leg leaving them crippled at a minimum. Should Lucretia somehow still remain standing from such a blow, He’d continue to assail them with a backswing upwards to their chest.

Alarm bells were still going off as was appropriate for being within the melee range of the werewolf. In all honesty, he hadn’t experienced fighting all that many werewolves, so this was a fantastic opportunity. It was also one that he’d like to repeat again in the future, perhaps after the two had fought and they had recovered from the various injuries they had sustained from one another, the two would fight again. Hopefully the next time they did fight it would be away from the guild building or any building in all honesty as Kon would undoubtedly attempt to do something similar once more. Whether or not Lucetria would fall for the same trick again would be questionable, he’d definitely have to up his game if they were to fight in earnest.

Maybe in a less open environment, perhaps a thick forest that would make Kon’s current strategies a lot harder to achieve, or something even more restrictive such as a fixed zone of fighting rather than the freestyle they were doing right now. There wasn’t much in the way of an arena or tournament that the two could sign up to fight against one another with the exception of the Baska Tournament but he wasn’t a large fan of the gutter fest, to begin with. He had heard of such things in other countries, only rumours and speculation, but nothing concrete. There were hints that something in Seven was growing but he was still hesitant to believe such things. The most important thing for the two of them was the person directly in front of them, Lucetria Kon, Kon Lucetria. Of course, Kon was more concerned with Lucetria’s well being at this point, they would be on the downturn very quick and Kon didn’t want to be burdened with the knowledge of their harm or even death.


Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 5,950/8750
Spells Cast: Lock-On (upon Lucretia), Arrow Shot (A-Rank) (Aimed at Lucretia's right leg)



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.



Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:49 pm

Lucretia was rather surprised to find that not only did kon have quite a stellar reaction to her stabbing motion to her overextended spear but he also was able to use that nature to his advantage. The spear barely damaged that prosthetic if you could even call giving a scratch any real amount of damage. The fact that kon was dashing so close to lucretia also meant to her that he had something in mind. The woman was about to try for another swipe but before she even could Kon jumped with such force that it’d make lucretia stagger backwards.

Holy shit-

She’d whip her head up to follow the other’s movements; that was some serious height that he got from that little maneuver. The woman drew her spear in and with the other so close to her she was barely able to respond with a grunt of pain as her leg gave out from the repeated attacks. He really didn’t want her to use that leg did he? But that being said lucretia was a tough cookie. Though from that one swipe alone she felt her entire body hitch for a moment.

Her spear wasn’t exactly in the best place to stop kon from slashing at her chest either; so she felt the world hike a bit and she’d fall backwards onto the ground. Looking as though kon had knocked her down and out for a brief few moments.

But; there was something to be said of her tenacity that came both from within and without. Shrouded in black there was a moment that Lucretia was enveloped with some sort of darker magic. A ragged breath was drawn and while her wounds didn’t seem to heal outright... they did stop the bleeding that was going on. Like a demon possessed there was a momentary image of something horned before vanishing. This woman was a holder of the death tarot and as such she was gifted with the ability to cheat it. Not like kon was looking to kill her but it seemed to active on it’s own and for the first time. A certain intensity was about her that far surpassed her earlier attitude.

Lucretia slowly sat up, hand grasping at her spear that lay close to her side and she’d look to kon; there was fight left in her yet but this would also be a good moment for the both of them to stop as lucretia slowly started to get herself back up onto her feet. Her spear clutched in one hand while the other pushed on her good luck to help drag herself up from the ground. Her voice was ragged and she’d adjust accordingly. Looking as though she was down to keep fighting but ultimately seemed as though she was on her last legs.

A Meteor. Blades for an arm. Rain of arrows and all that. You’re one hell of a fighter. I bet you could make a real dent in just about any monster out there. Where the hell did you learn how to do all this?

There was a heavy amount of respect in lucretia’s voice; it wasn’t often that she was totally bested like this by a fighter. She had barely landed a scratch on kon but the difference was both in their physical natures and their choice of weapons. An archer who was faster than a physical counterpart would win and even though that the other fighter had gone the route of honour he still prevailed. Something lucretia could healthily respect. Even if she did feel pain throughout her body.

To state that fact that she was willing to continue fighting she'd ready herself with the spear; it was up to kon if they wanted to keep going. But once again. It was clear that lucretia wasn't in the best of condition.

[fighty bits]


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:42 am


A sigh of relief was the first thing Kon let out as he stepped back a few meters only to see his sparring partner rise from what had been a complete knockout, the strikes had been clean with Lucetria all but incapable of deflecting, blocking, or otherwise evading his attacks. This had been reaffirmed by their own comments being little more than expletives on their way down. Kon had respected and admired their tenacity, durability but most importantly their willingness to face him as equal opponents despite being so widely renowned for committing so many heinous deeds. Perhaps they wanted to overlook those achievements and only address Kon as the person he was before them. It was a peculiar thing to be sure just how Lucretia had seemed to rise from the dead with a dark mysterious aur taking form, one which even his millennium eye couldn’t identify a truly unusual thing. His visual abilities were unparalleled and if he was having difficulty identifying whatever it was keeping them up definitely suggested something otherworldly.

Their formerly hindered leg had been reinforced by the same aura that had maintained the werewolves' consciousness, but would it be enough to stop Kon. Even now he could tell that it would only be a few more minutes until Lucetria’s reborn state would taper off as Kon’s flames still persisted on the albino’s fur and one clean strike on them from Kon would take them out of commission, funky aura included. A dialogue between them was opened once more as Lucetria listed off his arsenal at least a small part of it only to question its origins. An honest answer was better than anything in this regard. “I had lost the ability to use my magic to what end, for how long I do not know, in neither a blaze of glory or a bang just slowly could no longer bend things to my will, and so instead of retiring from adventuring to just become a civilian, I honed my physical body things took a toll on the rest of me, of course, the years spent crafting what you see before you meant little time for study. Meanwhile, this bow served as a perfect medium to achieve my goals from afar, to be honest, further than even I had been able to achieve when I could use magic.”

It had been hard for the former ice mage to reveal so much about himself, it was purely out of respect for his guildmate that he had done so in the first place. And even now rather than pitying the ranger, Lucetria in their bloodied and burnt state doubled down their position with their spear bravely pointed at Kon. Rightly concerned for the wellbeing of his new werewolf friend, Kon nearly called a halt to the fight, but felt only doing so would cause a rift to form between them, perhaps they would feel belittled by their decision. Instead, Kon drew upon his bow-wielding as though it were a sword once more he’d focus on his stagger opponent's lower extremities now primarily focused sheerly because of their accessibility compared to Lucetria’s torso or worse still their head. And so bravely, perhaps foolishly so, Kon thrust forward towards his opponent, redirecting their attack/s where needed before this time slashing at the opposite leg. Even with the remarkable durability and otherworldly fortitude they possessed, their second defeat would be all but assured for the werewolf.

Much like before Kon would immediately take possession of what would become an unconscious body of Lucetria and take it to a doctor for them to adequately heal. Fortunately, since arriving in Port Astera, the guild for better or worse had become quite well familiar with the local doctors, whether it following a would be raid, after a difficult quest or sparring with one another just as they had done, they would be able to look after whoever had suffered. Kon was all but uninjured and so would only serve as the carrier rather than the patient.


Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 5,150/8750
Spells Cast: Lock-On (upon Lucretia)



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:54 pm

Lucretia wasn’t really a fast person, she wasn’t really the sort that believed in avoiding a fight as it came to her either. So the fact she didn’t avoid most of kon’s attacks also sort of felt like she didn’t have the ability to really avoid those arrows. They were simultaneously one of the more painful attacks she had dealt with ontop of also being the most powerful. Something she’d admit was a bit humbling but that didn’t stop her from wanting to fight. No she felt the wolf in the back of her head urge her on; not to spill blood but to prove herself again and again.

Hearing his answer about how he had lost his magic he instead took the chance to hone his body. Hone his body so well that it put a werewolf; a physical powerhouse on the backfoot till their genuine defeat. Or at the very least near defeat. She’d nod her head slowly as she seemed to understand where he had been coming from.

Well I’d have to say this suits you. Even if you didn’t have to get close to me it proves that you’re just as dangerous up close as afar. Do you think even if you had retired that you’d be able to sit around idly?

She felt the burning of that bow still on her body and she’d grit her teeth in pain; she knew that she was damn well near getting knocked out for probably a day or two but she wanted to press on. She could see that kon understood her tenacity and her desire to fight. With kon coming at her in what was probably the last attack he’d make against her; not because she’d down him in one strike or anything but because of her durability being near it’s limit she’d shift off of her bad leg in a manner that would let her make one last strike at her guildmate. But given the difference in their abilities it was unlikely it’d land even against their armor.

The woman felt the world tip as that blade cut into her before she stumbled, tripped and planted her face into the ground. It was maybe a few seconds longer before her body started to shift back to the normal state that lucretia was in. Albeit slowly as it looked like she still was trying to get back up. But with her body practically screaming to stop lucretia could only let out a sigh and just let it go at this point. Her body rested in her natural state and she was left unconscious in front of her guildmate.

At least as a werewolf the woman was fairly workable as a patient; even if she was knocked the hell out. It’d be a bit before she’d get back to her feet; maybe a day or so depending on her vitality…

[Fighty bits]


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:59 pm


His honest response had Lucetria intrigued with them questioning the man amidst their conflict, a truly foolhardy attempt with Kon being more than willing to take advantage of that mistake. It would have to be one that Kon answered after they had recovered from all the injuries that they had sustained in their quick bout. This was made swiftly evident as the dark aura that had protected and resurrected them earlier was now absent as they fell head first to the charred soil. Even their transformation had begun to fade away, reverting them back into their more human-esque appearance. “Truly an odd one…” Kon remarked as he slung his bow onto his back and lifted up their body now grey from the soot stuck to their fur. Humming a happy tone, Kon strolled towards the local doctor enjoying the oncoming shower that would stifle out the flames not just on the guild building, the ground but also Lucetria themselves. The walk there would be long and made longer still with the sheer weight, awkward size of Lucretia and the heat that still radiated from them caused Kon to shift and readjust them every few minutes. “Such a shame that I can’t just teleport you with me…” Shaking his head as he moved them from his left side to right side. “Ah much better”

Even though Lucetria might not be able to hear the ranger, Kon gave his answer in a lengthy dialogue. “Retired, lounging about, twiddling my thumbs waiting to die just isn’t in my nature, hence why I’ve begun my own goals, long term ones at that, but ones I could still achieve even without magic.” Looking down at his free left hand now balled into a fist. “It’s through these hands of mine I will push past the limits that have been placed upon me.” A gentle smile grew upon his face. “You know it’s funny, you have been one of the few people I’ve been able to talk honestly to and yet you’re not going to remember any of it…” In between the idle humming and one-sided conversation, the trip flew by. Entering the medical center, Kon was confronted by a bloodied nurse who ushered them into a spare room, before leaving just as quickly as they had seen them, clearly there was someone else to attend to. Knowing that they were in the best of hands, Kon’s presence was no longer needed and so departed as well.



Strength: 501 + 60 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 561
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 251 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 191
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 121
  • 4x S-Rank Durability
  • 7 Post Running Duration
  • Dash Thrice per post

Endurance: 126
  • 2x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 30% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 251
  • 50% Mana Reduction
  • 50% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 5,150/8750
Spells Cast: Lock-On (upon Lucretia)



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Lightning
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +60


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Lock-down
    Rank: A-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wave of energy 4 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wave will then compound into itself and dealing 1x A-Rank damage to everything in the area.

  • Name: Gravity Push
    Rank: B-Rank
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 2 meters
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams their hands together creating a powerful blast that surrounds them pushing away everything that is within 2 meters of them at spell speed before dispersing shortly after.


Name: Pilot Cap
Slot: Head
Type: Cap
Class: Legendary
Weight: Light
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Wind
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Windcaller: The user receives a 1 post cooldown reduction on Wind-type spells.
  • Top Gun: The user can fly twice as high with Flying-type spells.
  • Aerial Pursuit: The user's acceleration period to reach their maximum speed is reduced by 1 second while flying compared to their movement speed on land.


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: Everfrost is an enhanced gemstone that allows the user to change their item and magic spells cast to frost. Doing so will increase the mana cost of the spell by 50%.

    Note: This does not affect racial transformations, spell transformations or innate abilities such as consumption.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Name: Timcanpy
Slot: Companion
Race: Construct
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Light
Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Constitution: 121
  • Speed: 31


  • Matched Speed: While tethered, the wisp may travel at the same speed as their tethered partner.
  • Flight: The companion is capable of flight, and can cover up to one meters above the ground or match the height of their tethered partner.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Nil
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy may overcharge itself allowing it to use the rest of his abilities more frequently and more efficiently, contextually receiving a 1 post cool-down reduction and a 10% mana reduction. This effect carries over to those tethered to Timcanpy.

  • Name: Tether
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: None
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Timcanpy throws a beam at a target which will pull the spirit within 5 meters of them if they are more than 15 meters away while Io is tethered to the target, the target will receive 1xA rank worth of healing that Timcanpy receives on top of any healing that the target gains from other methods. If the target or Timcanpy leaves the maximum range of 20 meters the tether will break.


Bow & Spear [Konyo][Green] Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:41 am

Lucretia was a curious sort; honest to a fault and even amidst a fight if she was on well enough terms wasn’t against asking questions. The dark aura did well to bring Lucretia back from the brink but it was quickly evident that the second wind wasn’t as powerful as one may think; bringing her to the ground a second time.

She didn’t really respond to Kon as he talked to her; given that she was unconscious but the stimuli of hearing something would have caused her ears to flick were she transformed. In this case there was a small bit of evidence that she could hear him but not understand what he was saying. But were she conscious she likely would have agreed that was ill suited to the man; ill suited to her as well. Probably part of the reason she was more okay leaving her flesh and blood under the care of someone else.

The humming definitely was helpful in making sure that lucretia in her unconscious state didn’t flail around or the like. Some people were known for that. With the trip being fairly quick even though the man couldn’t teleport with her, Lucretia would be left with the medical team at the center. Once Kon had left all that was required of Lucretia was just to get better. And better she would get after a time…


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