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Fun & Games (Open)

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#1Azure Fenic 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:06 am

Azure Fenic

Normally Azure would never visit another guild without good reason but today was different as he had plans to try and meet with his former boss once more if they were around that is. Dressed up in his Rune Knight uniform complete that he used to get most of his information back in the day the informant couldn't help but feel a little sad that they wouldn't know it was him that visited.

The child-like side of him had packed so many gifts for the members of the guild, each one personalized to the member and what he thought they liked. Getting a list of the current members was more or less child's play for him though it did surprise him on just how many people flocked to such a guild in such a short time. "To think he would join a group like this...Bleee." the information he gathered was useful but at the same time very disappointing for the most part given the roaster of people.

The building itself was okay even though it was a bit dull and the interior wasn't much better Man could they find any more Wolfe decore? he asked himself as the child side of him pretended to vomit while the adult side keep them with a straight face. He wasted no time heading what would only be the living quarters but while on his way the constant thought of exploring the place was just too tempting.

{Sheet / Magic}
Fun & Games (Open) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Amir † 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:30 pm

Amir †
Amir was enjoying a peaceful day so far. He found himself in the lounge participating in one of his pastimes. Amir was watching people go in and out of the guild. It was a fun little thing where he tried to pick up any details about people that he could get from just watching. It was a habit he developed back from his days as a slave. A sad little habit the people just pegged him as being odd about.

The present him was a far cry from the skinny slave boy. He was wearing a black tank top, sandals, and pants, he had on a white shawl for warmth. Amir would have dressed more warmly if he went out. It was a shame he preferred to be inside due to the cold weather. It never agreed with him and had him sneezing. If he did not have a job he would spend as much time as possible indoors. Reading the few books he was able to nab.

A strange looking person that Amir would assume to be a man entered. Amir could not recall seeing the face before. Not that he believed he had seen everyone that had come to the guild. It was a big place and keeping track of things was not his job. The man wore a uniform that gave him the identity of a Run Knight. That was the main thing that grabbed Amir’s attention. Amir heard a rumor that dark magic was a signature of dark creatures. Amir was not in the mood to be judged or captured. Even if the person gave shady vibes he still had on the uniform. It was reason enough for Amir to be distrustful.

#3Lee Nakamura 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:42 pm

Lee Nakamura
The guildmaster stood strong. She sniffed something strange. The building was old and needed a bit of outside work needing to be done. The inside was extravagant with aquariums and floral decor. Silently, she paused in her office. The stingray behind her seemed to perk up, he noticed her tensing. A small snarl rumbled in her throat. The lizard hissed, lashing her tail back and forth. Her draconic behavior was starting to show through. Caspien gave into her demands this time sensing something was wrong. She walked outside, eyes darting.

LeeAnn walked downstair near the entrance. Sitting, people watching was the new member. LeeAnn trust him. It was not him she was worried about. A boy in a rune knight outfit made her skin crawl. Bad intentions. Even if she were a light guildmaster, she still was wary some of ways of the Rune Knights. From pervious experiences, she was a member and knew how things ran. She looked at Amir and motioned him to watch in case.

"Can I help you? I didn't know the members of the Rune Knights were coming today? They always inform me if you guys are coming. How may I help you" she spoke. Her town was serious yet calm. Her lizard-like tail swayed back and forth, waiting for an answer. Some of the members were already starting to see something going down. There was more than just members were, but also, refugees. People who had no where to go. She had to protect them.

Fun & Games (Open) Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#4Azure Fenic 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:17 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure wasn't the best when it came to holding in excitement, well half of him wasn't that is but none the less a Rune Knight all be it fake skipping around a guildhall was not something that people see every day. Though everything about the uniform was made to perfectly blend in with the Knights the pendent was the one thing that he couldn't replicate but it was more so about the look than authenticity when you want to get in and out of places. The building differently, not his cup of tea that was for sure

They really have outdone themselves with this place he thought to himself as he made his way to what could be a meeting room or a broom closet given just how large everything else was. It didn't take long for someone to come and try kill his game but every good strategist has a plan for everything even when the person killing the game is the GM of the guild he's walking around in. Lee Nakamura a rather odd guild master from the information that he gathered on her that is but it didn't really matter "Oh I'm not here on official work I just wanted to see the inside of a guild hall." the child part of him was telling the truth for most of that given that they don't really visit other guilds all that often if at all.

Azure had noticed that Lee wasn't the type to deal with things discreetly or in a more Guild Master type fashion so playing his next card correctly would be key and so with a quick-expression change from happy to worried/concerned "Does me being here create uneasy for you?" with a few quick glances he saw a number of places to run or just escape from. Now this game had just become far more interesting with new additions.

{Sheet / Magic}
Fun & Games (Open) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:07 am


A low and slow gritting noise droned on as the white-haired adventurer sharped their blade on a whetstone. Watching from above he saw as his former guildmate, Azure, and new guildmates spoke to one another. "Just what was he doing back here?" Kon thought to himself. With only the constant noise of his sharpening and his legs peaking out through the shadows revealing his presence. Putting an end to the monotonous task, he sheathed the weapon back into its wooden scabbard, before finally calling out to his comrades aiming venom at Azure. "This man no longer represents the Rune Knights, I recommend caution and be wary of anything he does, there's no saying whom he has declared his allegiances." An unfortunate truth, even when Kon recruited him into the syndicate, he knew little about him and time had not revealed anything more about the fledging mage.

While it was apt for him to warn his comrades, the threat he could overall pose to them was minimal at best, rather the potential for the distraction he might cause. "I'll be honest, Azure, I'm surprised to see you once again considered the state you were in last time we met one another, surely you knew that I was affiliated with this guild by now..."

#6Amir † 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:26 pm

Amir †
The area Amir stood in was only slightly shaded. Any of the people could notice him if they cared. The only thing that made it easier for Amir to blend in were all the other people coming and going. Following the only person that looked like he did not belong was easy. It was like looking at a walking advertisement. Amir tried to lower his presence as best as he could. He did not want to draw attention to himself. It would be weird if people associated him with the intruder. Instead he would be the fly on the wall to get the inside scoop of what was going on.

Amir was feeling nervous until the guild master approached. Then felt better when he heard her voice. If the guild master could not neutralize one person the guild would be a goner. Amir felt as if he was watching a show as he could cut the building tension. The tension that was diffused just as easily as it was built. Even if the tension disappeared Amir wished he had popcorn from where he stood. Who would have known the Unyielding Blizzard herself knew the intruder. She was a decently known what Amir would assume to be ice user. His mind wondered what her relation to the strange man was.

The flow of information Amir was getting felt satisfying. Amir could have tried slipping away. A specific feeling of curiosity is what kept him in place. Amir started to note some escape routes as well just in case. He could flee if fighting broke out and still watch the fight. Live action experience would be a great mental reference for himself. It was risky but any chance to learn more was a chance to better himself. The notion kept Amir in place as he paid attention to what was happening.

#7Lee Nakamura 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:00 am

Lee Nakamura
Lee's gator-like tail twitched in anticipation. She was in the Rune Knights for years as she was her family for generations. This was odd of her to think. There were a few things she took seriously: her guild, family, and her friends. The smell of distrust was very potent in the air around him. Her draconic sense of smell could make her almost taste it. Visiting guilds? There had to be more of a reason. Rune Knight armor? Exploring? She read people for fun. The hairs on her the back of her neck stood up.

Her senses came when she heard her cousin, Kon. A bit of relief came over her as she heard his voice. Lee was literally about to rip this guy a new one just from the sheer anger and frustration.

"So you know this guy? Eh. So you two have a history, interesting" she spoke. Her eyes turned her cousin then at Azure. Her fangs were bared with arms crossed. "Cuz, did he threatened the guild by any chance? Or the family or you? This would be interesting to hear" she spoke. She stared at Amir and walked over to him. "You were here before we were. Was he doing anything...odd" she asked, in a hushed manner.

Fun & Games (Open) Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#8Azure Fenic 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 6:57 pm

Azure Fenic

The situation had been on the right track until someone who he had hoped wasn't around it was almost like it was all planned to be this way or something to that effect. It wasn't as though he didn't notice the Lil pup following it was more so he didn't really care but should things take a turn there is a plan for them Great now I have to deal with him or is it still her? he thought to himself as Kon made their way over to them going on about things he already knows.

With Kons big mouth, all their hard work had now gone to waste which was not very good at all, the other people wanted to try and see what was unfolding but they knew better than to stick around though it was very unlikely for any real fighting to happen. Both sides of his mind had become focused on their former employer as their game had now been ruined by them but another idea popped into their head while Kon was talking to them given that no one present had no information about him it was the best card he could play. "You know my Brother?! I'm sorry for any trouble he's caused!" playing the part of one's own missing brother was easy when you are the only one with all the cards.

"I'm sure he's been a handful but if he caused you any problems I'm to blame." A part of him was actually being serious about being sorry to some extent that is. Azure wasn't all that happy the game had gone through so many changes in such a short time but it was still fun for the child half of his mind.

{Sheet / Magic}
Fun & Games (Open) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#9Khalfani † 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:00 pm

Khalfani †

Astera was always a beautiful place to be. It thrived with life. People were busy and the fragrance of positivity always seemed to fill the air. Khalfani was a fan of West Fiore, primarily because they were safest on this side of the country but also because the west inspired them. However, Astera was still the one place out of the entire west coast that they weren't entirely familiar with. Admittedly, there were elements here that put them on edge- like how close they were to the ocean. Today they wouldn't be fighting off any sea monsters though so they were in the clear. Instead, they would be exploring. Now that they were an official member of Eternal nightmare it was probably best for them to get familiar with all of the other guilds, so why not start with the most popular guild in the city? Infinity Wolves. A fairly new guild that quickly became a favorite amongst civilians here. They were a safe haven to races most folks discriminated against. Lycans, Vampire, elves, Nekos, dwarves- you name it. They all seemed to find solace there. Just from what Infinity Wolves stood for alone, the young vampire respected them as a unit. Apparently their guild master was strong...but there was an even stronger mage that Khalfani had taken interest in. The vampire wondered what Odin's stance on them was. It was for the fact that they didn't know that they weren't looking to kill any of them. Plus, Khalfani didn't expect them to get in their way. They were a neutral guild after all.

And so with their hands in their pockets, they casually walked up to the guilds door. It was beautiful from what they could see from the outside. Statues of wolves danced around the building. It looked quite old and beaten up, but there was a humble energy that radiated from the structure. Slowly the Chaos mage pushed open the door and they immediately spotted a few things. The mages of Infinity wolves seemed to be on guard. Silence rang through the halls as the guild master and... "That's her." Khalfani thought as they realized the most famous person in the room. She had a cold aura while the guild master seemed to radiate this fiery energy. Polar opposites, if you will. Annnnnnd of course, at the center of it all was the one man they wouldn't have expected to see here; Azure. Of course the last time they met Azure had given the young Desiertan a different name, now they were fully aware of who they were. Khalfani had grown since the first time they met. It made sense as to why all these folks would be on edge. Azure had a knack for stirring up trouble. He was like a roach in many ways. Quickly Khalfani's eyes bounced around the room. In the corner they spotted a beautiful person. Bronze skin, gleaming eyes. Probably the most beautiful person the vampire had seen in a long time.

Yet, the energy was slightly off. So Khal's gaze quickly shifted back to the back of Azure's head who stood 10 meters from where they were. Just in front of the door, Khalfani sighed, their hands warm in their pockets. "And what's going on here?" they said coldly, almost uninterested. Their eyes couldn't help but to attach themselves onto Konyo.


Fun & Games (Open) Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:07 pm


A small chuckle left Kon’s lips as Lee even suggested that Azure had threatened the guild. The idea itself was entirely lost on him, with him, waving away even the possibility that he could harm them. “I highly doubt that he’d be foolish enough to fight me again let alone us as a collective, or have you forgotten the last time we met, Azure?” The response Azure gave to the guild was strange, why the obvious lie, “His brother” Had he lost his senses?, Kon was not foolish nor naive enough to believe them, instead doubling down. “I find the idea that you have a brother holding the exact same book, having an identical magic quite unlikely.” Shaking his head in disgust at the very thought that someone he had thought quite highly of was now just this liar to be disappointing. Before he could truly begin to interrogate his former guild mate to learn just why he was there in the first place, another entered the Guild Building. Similar to Azure, little could be identified from the man, apparently lacking a substantial reputation, he could glean little from him outside of their physique. While he wasn’t against newcomers in the slightest, Kon was on edge with just Azure’s presence. Wanting no unwanted ill-will between the two, Kon waved casually with a slight smile. “Welcome friend, come sit down, let me greet you in a moment.”


Fun & Games (Open) Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:11 pm

Ever since joining the infinity wolves Luc had stuck around in the general area not so much because she loved the area or anything but more because things kept on happening and kept on prompting her to stay. The zombie attack on the port, the flow of refugees; not to mention it was a town with it’s own host of problems that could use the attention of a once hunter.

She was out and about running when azure made his entry into the infinity wolves hall as was the case with Khalfani. So with that in mind she’d look to open up the front doors of the guild hall only to find it slightly ajar. Raising her brows a bit she’d hook her foot to push it open a little further.

Bit odd to leave the door open yeah? Unless someone’s cook…ing.

Lucretia blinked a bit; there were quite a few people she didn’t recognize standing in the guildhall right now. The two closest to the door seemed to be standing a bit off from… More individuals she didn’t recognize. Great. She’d sigh a little bit and would move away from the door. Figuring that she’d rather not spill the mead on someone by mistake. The only person she did know was lee. Who looked a wee bit different than she remembered.

Hey Lee? What’s with…

Lucretia would motion to the whole of the room. She recognized Amir from their prior meeting so he was out of that range of motion but. Kon? Azure? Khalfani? Nope. No clue. She wore a puzzled look on her face and was clearly just ready to try to crack open the keg to make things a bit better…

Last edited by Lucretia Wolfenstein on Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to bookmark rip)

#12Amir † 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:43 pm

Amir †
“Nope, besides showing up, nothing odd.” The answer Amir gave was crisp and clear. He had his eyes on the man from the beginning. Amir did not see him do anything except observe and walk. He had Amir feeling odd before as he only knew the man to be an intruder. A random person walking into your home is always odd to see.

The words barely left his mouth before the other lady answered. She confirmed that the man was most likely to be harmless. Even if her words left room for doubt. Amir was momentarily confused by the talk. He thought the intruder meant Kon to be his brother. It made for a momentarily confusing gender reveal. If he would have claimed the guild master as a male it would have made more sense.

Amir was feeling amused by the continuous addition. Another stranger walked into the guild hall like he owned the place. At least this one was handsome in a way that had him recalling his time in Desierto. It was a golden tan that looked like fresh sand in the morning sun. If he had muscles like that werewolf Lucretia, he would have already started flirting. Even if the man was an intruder.

It did not take long for the werewolf he just thought about to make an appearance. If Amir did not know himself he would have sworn he was psychic. If only jewels would show up the way people did.

“Hey Luc~” Amir gave a greeting in a singsong way. “We have some intruders. Not sure on a scale of 1-10 how bad they are. I may have to see myself out in a moment. Don’t want to weaken the guildmaster by having her protect me. Nor do I want to get hit by a stray spell.” Amir tried to speak in a low and fast voice. He hoped her were hearing, if it existed, would be able to pick it up without disturbing the other people in the room.

#13Lee Nakamura 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:45 pm

Lee Nakamura
All members of her guild flocked to the drama. Lucretia, Kon, Amir. Everyone, including her daughter. The small girl watched her mother become on edge. She knew better than to step into a heated situation like this. Luckily, another member ushered her away from the situation with the tortoise. Her lizard-like tail twitched. Internally, as a guildmaster, she couldn't act rash with intruders. It was 4 against 2 fight. Kon could easily flick his fingers and they would fly away. The dragon slayer consulted with her spirit to guide her. "I would not loose your temper and warn them. Kon seems to have this under control. I would let him take over, since he seems to have a past with them" spoke Caspien in her mind. Luckily, Kon had the reigns on this one.

"Lector, Shonle" she spoke to her exceed. He nodded, knowing what to do. She and him had created a small code language that only they knew. He flew away to find something and gain some distance to protect her daughter. She walked with Konyo, sitting next to him. "Since this is getting heated, I am going to lay this down. I trust Kon's judgement 100%. All I will say, be careful what you say and do. All eyes on are watching everyone's moves. I protect everyone under my roof, all young, old, and refugees, so will all my members. Cousin, do as you wish" she spoke. She leaned back letting her cousin do as he wished. It was probably a rash thing to do in other's eyes with Kon's background. Though, she did trust him a lot, more so than her own fiance. She looked at Lucretia and Amir, hearing that they said. She gave a thumbs up. Getting up, she walked over to them and observed Azure and the newcomer. "Let's keep an eye out," she spoke. She wanted to remain quiet, letting Kon talk.

Fun & Games (Open) Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#14Azure Fenic 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:31 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure walked up to Kon and Lee slowly as he pulled out Elem from his bag hoping that this would put the two of them on edge to some extent as he needed them to be more alert than normal which was already the case for Lee that is. The game was still on as he finally solved the issue that was Lee and Kon even though it was there five to one, "Oh my so many Lil pups in one place and only one of me..." he stated as he didn't try to ignore the fact that Khalfani was even there to begin with. Even though he wasn't planning on using the spellbook currently he needed to make them think he was going to do something when in reality he was just playing around with them. The informant turned around while standing in front of the guild's strongest members currently "Consider this a gift from me to you..." Dumping the contents of his bag on the ground revealed roughly ten grenades that were ready to go off any second. Oh man, this is not gonna end well for me his mature side thought as Lee and Kon could take him out with no real issue.

{Sheet / Magic}
Fun & Games (Open) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#15Khalfani † 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:53 pm

Khalfani †

The intensity in the guild hall was ridiculous, but Khal couldn't say that it wasn't for good reason. Anywhere Azure went, trouble followed. The guild master of Infinity wolves was on guard. A hot headed one for sure. Konyo was the cooler of the two, seemingly caring very little about what was going on. In fact, she called Khalfani over. The vampire rubbed their head before sighing. This wasn't somewhere they wanted to be. Plus, whatever bed Azure made it was best that he lay in it to learn his lesson. A drunken wolf followed behind Khalfani and the desiertan couldn't help but chuckle. With a shake of their head, they turned around and casually walked out of the guild. Admittedly, this was also a defense mechanism. How the fuck could they actually fight anybody in the state they were in. Virtually powerless. It was idiotic. Why was Azure like this? He had to have had a death sentence. With another glance over at the dark skinned male, the young Morningstar slipped out. Nope. Not today Satan.

- Exit -

#16Lee Nakamura 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:50 pm

Lee Nakamura
The Demi-human sighed. She frowned upon the rat that snuck in here. The demi-huamn remained in the area. Personally, she would set in ablaze if the rule allowed it. Though, due to her role as guildmaster, that was probably not a good idea to begin with. She had to maintain a peaceful role with a level head on her shoulder. Otherwise, others may see her as a flight risk for the guild's future. Something she knew rather well, too. The redhead stayed with her cousin until further notice.

"I will remain here with Kon until he deems its right" she spoke. The other stranger had already left the building, bored of the situation. He was probably looking for Kon. That was a popular debate right now having people show up just to catch a glimpse of his power. LeeAnn was powerful, but Kon had the reputation of his past, something Lee knew of. She personally didn't care as long as he didnt do any of that shit to her guild, family or her friends. That's all she cared about. Leaning against the post with her arms crossed, she had her reptillian tail sway back and forth, waiting for someone to come by or someone to do something.


Fun & Games (Open) Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#17Amir † 

Fun & Games (Open) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:05 pm

Amir †
The entire situation felt above his pay grade. Amir was having fun at first. It was cool to meet some of his other guildmates and watch the drama. The problem came from no drama happening. It was so much build up for nothing. The only thing Amir got out of it was finding one of the intruders to be to his taste. Amir did not want to waste extra time and decided he should head out as well.

“Well. I can see I am not really needed here. If you will excuse me I have some books waiting for me. I will be glad to get back to them.” Amir made sure he spoke politely to his guild master as he left. He gave a wave to the remaining guild members that were still present. He believed he would have another chance to talk and get in contact with them later.



Fun & Games (Open) Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:29 am

This entire situation was one that Lucretia wasn’t really sure to handle given how everything was panning out, people were stepping back left and right and the only non infinity wolf member was practically in the wolf den. She’d just sigh a bit as amir explained what was going on following by leaving quickly. Not that she blamed him; he was a bit uncertain of himself and if that was the case it’d be better to step back.

With lee leaning up against a post and giving Lucretia a thumbs up. If she trusted Kon’s judgement then lucretia best just move on. With the other stranger leaving, amir leaving and Lee standing by… Luc shook her head and hoisted the keg back up. They’d give her a yell if they needed her but for now she’d just go and deliver this to the backroom for the moment…

Well… just give me a yell if you need me I guess.

Not that she was armed in any real capacity at the moment; but that could very quickly change given a few factors…


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