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Barside Manner [Amir]

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Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:04 pm

The infinity wolf guild hall was certain something that lucretia had mixed feelings about. Finally putting a name and a face to the guild was something she didn’t know what to do about. Before it had been assumed that this would be the guild hall but then again things could change. She liked it but she was apprehensive; a symbol was something people could go after and with the way the world was was it a good idea to set something up here now? She’d bite the inside of her cheek and consider briefly…

It was probably for the best really; now that things had gotten sorted out they could set some goals and figure things out. Well. The founders likely had an idea of what sort of direction to take the guild and Lucretia would just follow along.

The woman wasn’t dressed in her armor at the moment, no that resided in her ring. Neither did her spear. Today in fact was a day she was fussing around and trying to get used to being in her werewolf form. Which likely would put a lot of folks at a distance from her; which is also part of the reason she was at the bar in the first place!

Adjusting and reaching over the bar she’d pour herself a stein of the local drink; she wasn’t sure about it’s taste since she had never really had it before and would go about testing it with a mild layer of indifference. Stuff tasted weird normally when she was in this shape.

Unlike a lot of her werewolf brothers or sisters Lucretia opted to wear loose fitting clothing which was impressive given that she grew a whole couple feet from the experience. Meaning she had to go get the stuff custom made; sticking out her tongue a bit as she realized that this stuff was made for the human palette she’d try one of her more favorite drinks: Mead.

That on the other hand seemed to hit it off a bit better and she’d sigh, leaning back against the bar and watching the coming and going of nameless guildmembers. People she wasn’t sure if they would stick around or those that wouldn’t survive in the harsh world of today. A few people seemed to be chattering about their most recent adventures and she had to wonder if she’d get to go on those with anyone in particular.

She’d breathe out and glance at the timepiece above the bar; it was just a little bit before dinner… maybe she could get something to eat from the bar too. Scratching at her ear she’d consider just asking for some steak or ribs. Stuff sat a bit better in her stomach honestly...

Last edited by Lucretia Wolfenstein on Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Amir † 

Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:59 pm

Amir †
For a person that could be considered a traveler like Amir. It was the small differences that made him feel like he was standing out. Amir was rarely allowed to drink back in Dieserto. The only time he had a swig was to pass it back to one of his keepers orally. Amir actually found it as one of the more enjoyable drinking games. If they took off the chains back then, he would have even had more fun. Probably even have less of a desire to destroy them all. The fact that Amir was allowed now gave him a desire to drink more. He only had to adapt to the swill the people of Fiore called alcohol.

At the moment Amir was dressed lightly. His attire resembled his upbringing. It was light and only covered the important parts. If Amir was in the red light district he would have attracted even more attention as he walked in. Amir could feel some eyes slowly rake over his body. He returned some glances with a smile. He gave the bar a once over till his eyes caught sight of a furry body.

Amir felt his heartbeat quicken and his eyes grew slightly wider. His vampiric family in Minst talked about it. This was the first werewolf that Amir had actually come across. The reason for his reaction was about what he learned. His family talked about some of their habits and basically treated them like lesser creatures. One day during his studies he came across the possibility that the old man that treated him like a grandson was one such creature. He owed the man a debt of gratitude. A part of what his family said is why he wished to expand his mind, and part of the reason he joined this particular guild. He did not want to dwell in prejudice or preconceived notions. Who knew he would see one of them now.

Crossing the room Amir sat not too far away from the were. “Bar keep. Two Ales. One for me and one for my new found friend.” Amir gave a gentle smile to the person he just noticed was a lady. A slight disappointment that he kept from showing. Instead he was cordial. “I hope you do not mind. I just think it sucks to drink alone. May as well drink and make a friend at the same time.” When the drinks came out Amir slid one down to her. “My name is Amir. Amir Nuit. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Amir gave his name as a form of courtesy. He wanted an introduction from her as well.

Amir could feel the eyes start to bore into him as he talked to the were. He found her enchanting and wanted to run his hands through her fur. Amir knew better than to try it without getting to know her. A patient fellow he did not mind waiting till she knew him better. It was part of the reason he brought her the ale as well.


Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:10 pm

Lucretia yawned a little bit as she sat at the bar; ignoring the various looks she got from those that were in the hall. They’d have to get used to her somehow and she’d have to get used to being in this form. She knew that if she wasn’t careful it could drain her of a lot of her mana but she had to also get used to that feeling as well. The werewolf stretched and downed the rest of her mead, figuring that she could probably handle easily a dozen more with the way it wasn’t even registering on her body in terms of a ‘buzz’.

Feeling yet another set of eyes on her she’d turn her head slightly; flicking her ears and taking in the accumulated scents here. Many of them were new but this one also had the scents of the city. Scents of travel. Her eyes would adjust and find that the one that held all that travel was a fairly interesting man. His smile was returned by a friendly one; full of sharp teeth. Not hostile but just… well. As a wolf she had many of them!

New found friend indeed. Thanks.

She’d accept the drink from the man; raising it in a toast to him as he introduced himself. Amir Nuit huh? Was he new to the guild or just passing through? With there being many refugees or otherwise people that came by it was hard to really know who was a part of the guild and who wasn’t.

I don’t mind at all Amir. My name is Lucretia Wolfenstein. As you can see I’m a werewolf.

She’d let out a soft laugh and practically down half of the ale in one go; ears flicking a few times before leaning on the bartop. She agreed with the sentiment that it sucked to drink alone. She was a social drinker but many that were here wouldn’t want anything to do with her; distrust of her kind ran incredibly deep. Even if the guild was all about acceptance some things were hard to get past.

I agree with yah there, I’m more of a social drinker myself. But most of my friends are cross country or don’t drink. Least. Don’t think one of them does. You new to the guild Amir? Or just passin through?

It wouldn’t be hard to see that her own tattoo was on her left shoulder since it stood out against her fur. So it was easy to guess that she was a part of the guild too!

#4Amir † 

Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:16 pm

Amir †
Amir was having a hard time following the conversation for a bit. He found himself being too focused on the fur of the were in front of him. It looked so nice and warm. Amir could barely restrain his try to pet urge as he valued his hands.

“Oh yes. I am a new member of the guild. I have joined more recently and I am trying to adapt to things around here. It has been a fun experience and I like being here. I guess that makes me a wolf in my own right.”

Amir actually tilted his head towards his right shoulder giving a better view of his neck. The white guild mark stood against his skin, making it an easy target to spot. He noticed the guild mark on the Lucretia at the same time. Judging by her ability to peg him as a new member Amir had inferred that she was his senior. He quickly chugged down the ale in his hand as if it was water. It had the content of it instead of the rich wines and strong drink he craved. He stopped tilting his head before continuing.

“It is harder to get used to the culture here in Fiore. I feel like I must ask, is Wolfenstein your original last name? Or the one you choose?  I feel like it would have been a tad ironic to be named that at birth then bam full werewolf.”

As he waited for her to talk he ordered another drink. This time he asked the server in charge to give him something semi sweet and really fruity. A drink that would remind people of Amir himself. He did not want the drinks to stop. Drinks often made people more honest. Amir did not want to lose the chance to learn more about the guild as well.


Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:30 am

Lucretia wasn’t entirely aware of what the other wanted to do; petting her fur wasn’t something she usually let people do right away. Nor was her being in her werewolf form openly something she practiced so casually. But you had to get used to it somehow right? She’d hum a little bit and take in a good portion of that ale; eyeing it when it got low.

Explains why I haven’t seen yah before I suppose. I’m not too much older in terms of membership. What? A few months at best I think? Glad to hear that you’ve been having fun and can enjoy the locale. That it would hah.

Noting the gaze of the other and then to her own mark lucretia distinctly recalled how lee was excited to stamp it and just how giddy she was when they went about making sure it was official. She’d pause and then let out a sharp barking laugh.

My family, The wolfenteins are hunters. Going back to ancient times beyond the names that would come here. It was a title once and one we carried proudly. But as for me? My mother was a werewolf at the time I was conceived. So I’m naturally one.

Amir would quickly find that lucretia was nothing short of an honest person. Lying was not in her nature and she’d lean on the bar flicking her ears a few time as she considered asking a question of him.

So why don’t you tell me where you’re from Amir. I’ve never heard the surname of Nuit before. Then again most of the names I HAVE heard of would be animalistic ones or long age old titles. Though in my case that’s both heh.

She’d snicker and shake her head; ancient times didn’t even really quite say it with her name. They practically lost track if you went far back enough. Like when did they actually start? It was really impossible to tell at this point and was she actually a blood descendant of the wolfensteins proper? Or just someone who’s parents decided that they’d take on the name? Another mystery for another time….

#6Amir † 

Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:06 pm

Amir †
Amir held great interest in learning more about his drinking companion. He was shocked to learn that being a werewolf could be hereditary. The information he knew had all of them turning after a bite or some similar accident from another werewolf. The fact that they could make more of their kind by doing it wolf style was amazing. He doubted his vampire kin could do that. The fact that his relatives could become functionally immortal was why they reproduced while they are still human.

“Me? I am actually from outside of Fiore. My paternal lineage is from Minstrel, my mom’s side was from Desierto. Making me a mix of two different cultures.”

His face flushed red. Slightly in anger from the thought of his maternal side and the living relatives he may even have from those people, a little bit from drinking. Amir was the type that was always able to return in kind. He was being just as honest as Luc was.

“My last name is from my fathers so it is Minstreli. It means Night. The Nuit name is pretty moderate, even if it is old. My family tends not to stand out so most people would not know about it. So if you are familiar with old names from other places then it may ring a bell.”

Amir made sure to neglect a lot of information. He wanted to be honest. He also did not want the two of them to end up dead. Amir was unsure but he often held a suspicion that he was being watched. Not that he could blame his family as a blabbermouth could ruin a lot of things. That was why his family just masqueraded as an old but moderate family.

“How have you been feeling since joining? Any cool adventures.” Amir was making sure that their mugs never ran dry. He was developing a good impression on the guild hall servers.


Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:30 am

Lucretia didn’t seem to mind sharing about her past too much; the fact that she was a born werewolf was something some might avoid sharing or even being in the form in general! She was one of both once upon at ime but after fighting so often with the form and getting her hands on a weapon that turned her into another beast… She started to see it as a tool rather than a curse. Her friendly yet icy eyes turned to look at Amir as he spoke.

Interesting. Both my parents were from iceberg. Mom was the werewolf and dad was the human. So scratch the werewolf bit and I’d just be the average run of the mill woman with a big golden spear.

Hearing that the other’s name was from his father ontop of also meaning night brought a curious tilt of the head. Her family name was wolfenstein and she never knew which side it came from. Had it been her mothers? Fathers? It was very hard to say.

Interesting. I’m not very familiar with older names from other cultures. But if we went to iceberg I could tell you about most of them there. Or at least the old ones that used to help us protect that land.

She didn’t really mind not being told everything by the other; not everyone would share everything. She didn’t share the subtle pain about being a werewolf hunter and learning that her entire life that she had been hunting her kin. Or that her mother was a werewolf and that her father had contracted the same curse forcing her daughter to kill him. It was a nasty history really. She’d pause at his question, the drink she had stopping before her lips and she’d set the mug down.

The guildmaster lee is a good friend of mine I’d say. So I’m honored she’d ask me to join. As for adventures. Most of the ‘cool’ stuff I’ve done was before coming here. I was working in Dahlia curbing the feral werewolf population there before ending up here.

Lucretia looked down at her mug; staring at the liquid in it before lifting it up to drink. Giving a little toast to those that she had slain before. Not all of them had picked that life after all… Like the wild younglings.

I was a hunter before becoming a spellsword but I still make a living off of hunting creatures of the night. Or at least the ones that cause havoc on innocence. Not like I’m going to go fight a werewolf or vampire that’s just minding their own business or even trying to help others.

#8Amir † 

Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:56 pm

Amir †
The pleasant sensation of making a new friend was better than the terrible ale he drank before. It was a type of sweetness that improved the atmosphere. Amir could admit that Luc was great company to keep. He would have had no qualms hitting on her if she was just a little more his type. The Icebergian descendant was just that cool.

Amir barely kept from flinching at the word Vampire. It was not a word he liked to hear thanks to the negative connotations associated with it. He felt better when she said she would be cool with them. At least the old hunter was not as likely to hunt the few kin he had left.

“That still sounds exciting enough. Getting into great battles. I know I need more combat experience. I just find the thought of actually fighting myself to be scary. I guess it explains why I am better at support type magic. Like weakening the enemy and the like.”

An interruption in the form of a drink being delivered had him stop. He glared at the bar tender when he saw what it was. Earlier the drink request was for something fruity and as sweet as himself. The barkeep bought a lemon drop, a citrus drink that was more sour even if sweet. Amir made note of the man's face. He accepted the drink. It was well made. He smacked his lips and gave it a flustered lick, before continuing.

“Feel free to order anything else. Tonight can at least be my treat as a gift for meeting you. Anyway, My life cannot compare. The most exciting point I have had so far was leaving Deseirto even back then it was less exciting and more surviving. I am pretty sure the old man who helped me was a werewolf. Muscles for days and a great body.”


Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:31 am

Lucretia was fairly pleased with Amir in terms of chatting him up; it was easy to converse and honestly the fact he approached her so openly was something she appreciated. Even though the infinity wolves were an accepting bunch that didn’t mean that everyone that visited them or the like wouldn’t be nervous around her. There’d be a small flick of her ear as he seemed to think getting into battles was exciting. She’d consider it and nod her head after a few moments.

I’d be hard pressed not to agree. There’s a large part of me that relishes the challenge in combat. But if you ever need a practice partner it’s not like i do much more than patrol or dealing the the various problems in this part of the country.

She’d shift a little bit and down a good portion of her own drink; noting the reaction that amir had to the drink he was given. Honestly she wasn’t entirely sure what he had ordered since they were talking about other stuff. Maybe she could give whatever he got a try later? She’d pause at the offer to host her drinks.

Mm. I’ll probably order a few more drinks, don’t want to get too toasted. It’s a pleasure meetin yah Amir, next time I’ll buy the drinks yeah? Deseirto? I don’t think I’ve been there before. Or heard much about it.

Hearing that he likely had met another werewolf who had helped him out brought an earnest smile to her face. Though muscles for days and a great body? She’d blink and look down; she fell into the same sort of category for the first part. But the second? That was up to whomever saw her. Beauty was in the eye of the beholder or some nonsense like that.

Most werewolves are pretty physically adept. So that’s not surprising to her. Did you ever catch his name? And trust me, stickin around a guild is a good way to get things more exciting.

#10Amir † 

Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 4:22 pm

Amir †
“Sure. You can feel free to buy me the drinks sometimes. I would not mind sparring when I get a little bit stronger. The moment I am more squishy than what I would like.”

Amir blinked his eyes slowly as he contemplated. His mind had gone to a faraway time to remember a darker part of his history. He was mentally trying to recall if he had ever learned the old man's name at any point. The entire time they met the man had never given it. Amir really just referred to him as grandpa. Amir took a long swig of his ale ahead if giving his reply.

“I cannot say I remember his name. To me he was just a kind old man that was like a grandpa to me. I treated him like family but I never learned his name.”

The new infinity wolf member was enjoying the drinks with his senior. It was the first person he had met in the guild and his only friend so far. During the exchange and drinks Amir hoped he would make a ton of friends in the guild. The chance to go on quests and bond with the other members of the pack felt surreal.

“I plan on sticking around at least for a few years. After that I want to see what it feels like to explore. At that point who knows what the future holds.”

The young scholar was being truthful. He would stick around with the guild for a bit. He would just not pledge his undying loyalty to it, unless the guild would do the same first.


Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:55 pm

It takes some time; but don’t worry I’ll be gentle.

Lucretia laughed a little bit and raised her mug to the man; she was a fighter through and through. If people didn’t know better she wouldn’t even have magic at all. The woman was surprised to hear that the other couldn’t remember the other’s name. If they even gave it; sometimes it would be like that and she’d nod her head at that fact.

Can’t say that’s surprising to hear. But then again there were many a hunter I didn’t learn the name of but only can barely remember the faces before they passed in service to the people.

Many comerade of hers had fallen fighting bitterly against the darkness in the north; many gave their lives time and time again. This woman however stood above all that now and she was glad that she had the time to chat with this new guildmade of hers. Made her feel like her work there had been important; that there was this option.

A few years can be a long time even so; but just do what you want and what you can. No one here will ask anymore of you. Lucretia’s ears flicked and she’d glance up at to where she could see the sun out of the window.

She’d let out a soft sigh and stand up; adjusting the barstool and glancing at the remainder of the ale in her mug. Shrugging she’d give a small toast to amir before downing the whole thing.

Bout time for another patrol. I’ll see you round Amir. If you ever need help just come and find me. Shouldn’t be hard heh.

With that she’d set the mug back down before heading out; figuring that the young scholar would be fine. Especially if he could drink in pace with her.


#12Amir † 

Barside Manner [Amir] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:05 pm

Amir †
The entire time Amir was enjoying the ambiance with his new found friend. Luc was insightful and a joy to be around. The alcohol and the rippling muscles on her fur covered body biased his opinion a bit. It was not too much but it was there. Amir was sad when the werewolf announced that it was time for her to head out. Amir looked at the rising sun and was impressed with how much they drank. It just went to show him how much the alcohol in Fiore was 3rd rate. Diesertian drinks would have knocked him out in a barrel.

]“I wish you luck as well. Enjoy your patrol and travel safely.”

Amir waved his newfound werewolf compatriot off. She was a joy to have around. If she was the future of the Infinity Wolves guild, Amir believed that he could feel at home in the pack. He made sure to cover the bill with a decent tip for the staff. He walked back to his room desperate to get a few hours of sleep.


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