Judith and a still recovering husband of her's Anders had spent the day before this happen setting up the stall and putting a sign up that said."The Fairy Mother's Wonder Treats."Then she would also put up a sign that stated."Everything is free until supplies are out, Limits do apply."Just so some one did not come over and ask for all of it and sell it later.
Judith had a section of various baked goods, A stall of drinks both cold and warm, A stall of various hot foods. The smell of meats,pies and various other hot foods. With them all having their own sections, She had set up and prepared for the day.
Then putting a cup of cinnamon apple tea for herself on the counter or window fixture of her massive display of free things, Judith had arrived early enough where there was a starting build up of a line. Taking a sip of her cinnamon apple tea. A vine slowly reached out and placed a sign that said open on the top.
For the moment everyone seemed to stare thinking about what to order, Then Judith realize she did not make a menu sign, But surely some one would ask for something or test something. Eventually Judith would start lining up some of the free things she had lined up on the counter top, So far it was the starting hand outs of the very tea she was drinking.
Hoping more people would ask for things, After all Judith set up and made sure she could manage everything alone, after all if her own guild members even wanted to try the things she had set up here, She would not refuse. The only thing Judith did not have set up was seating or tables, Because well she did not have the materials for that. However for not it was rather slow and everything seemed to get along.