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Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank)

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Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:33 am


Revy and Kaito come out of the forest after finishing their day of fishing and foraging for herbs to use for cooking, they are talking and laughing talking about the close scrapes they just had while doing it. They see and hear a woman screaming and crying and Kai runs toward the panicking woman and he realizes who she is, she is Isabella the mother of the boy he had been helping fake to be a mage and he wonders if the worst had happened and her son got hurt or killed while playing a dangerous game he didn't have the pieces to be playing in. Kai gets in front of her and she grabs onto him and he kneels down and he gently rubs her back and waits for her to calm down enough to make sense to him, because of her being in such a state he walks her into her home and he waits as she calms so she can tell him what she was so distressed about.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:34 am


The woman finally calms down and she starts speaking clearly. "My husband, he has been taken and some how Luca caught wind of it and he Left me a note telling me he was gonna save him and I don't want him to get killed can you please save him and I will give you anything just don't let him or my husband die I beg, you I know it has been hard keeping up the lie, you even expressed it was dangerous to keep his up from the look you gave me outside the forest I asked you to kill that boar." Kai knows he really doesn't have a choice here and he knew it would come to this. He nods then sighs thinking of how he is gonna pulls this off he looks at the table with all the planning and ideas on it and he thinks of where they could be and how Luca would have known which way he would have to go and how far he was going, it was like someone set him up to be killed so maybe the kidnappers had a man on the inside of this that leaked him info on purpose.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:34 am


Kai sends Revy out to scout for clues to which way thee boy had went and he keeps looking over the maps and he has a decent knowledge of the area so he knows where some unmarked caves and buildings are. Once Revy returns to him he has an idea of which way the boy went, she gives him the details and he knows where the boy is heading and he bows to the woman promising he is gonna bring back her son and husband in one piece or he will kill himself in front of her and her face went dead pale. Kai laughs and explains it was a joke and he will get them back without needing to end his own life. He runs out of the house with Revy the pale faced woman watching him take off hoping for the best cause she is sure the man would actually harm himself if he would fail to be able to help her.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:34 am


Kai follows with Revy pointing the way for him they have worked on their team work since the early days of him and her meeting they have become a well oiled machine of guiding the other as fast as they can or to help or save the other like they were a part of the other they have become in the truest terms terms partners. They see the boy as he runs up on one of the goons out side that just straight punches the boy right in his mouth, Kai throws out a slash of wind backing the goon off from grabbing the boy he had just knocked out on the ground. Kai drops Revy to move the boys body away as he fights with the three and she is now on body guard duty unless he sends her a signal to come to help him with what ever problem he has run into.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:34 am


The goons seemed pretty while organized if one was attacking the others would come in and try to use the opening the first made to get attacks in and Kai is just barely able to evade them and their attacks, he finds an opening of his own and kicks the second goon into the third one that was coming in and she starts yelling at the second that starts yelling back at her. Kai keeps fighting the first goon and ignores their fighting but the first goon looks annoyed by them. Kai raises his hand and Revy opens her bag and Kai's steel katana appears in his hand and he clashes weapons with the goon. They make room and Kai throws wind magic at the goon gets hit again and they go down then Kai turns his attention to them and he runs at them and they both turn to him and try to fight him and they accidently hit each other.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:35 am


Kai stops his attack and he laughs at them then he restrains the first goon while the other two are still fighting each other. Then he speeds himself up then he runs into the second and he kicks him into the wall then kicks the woman and she is out cold he stops and restrains them and me makes the second goon tell him where the leader and their captive was before knocking him out as well, then he walks inside looking around for where the goon had told him, he puts his hand on the wall and he walks along it and he wonders how bad this fight is gonna get and if he is ready to take down such a thing. He follows the stairs to a higher street that has the ware house on it and he wonders if he is too late to save the husband or not.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:35 am


He gets over to the ware house and he walks in and he keeps an eye out for people, he only sees two of them one is a goon and the other seems to be their leader he doesn't look like he is gonna be easy to fight or be very fast to be taken down. But the goon will probably be easy enough and he sneaks close on the back side of a shelf in the ware house and he reaches out and grabs the goon and he does a quick take down on the goon who had no idea what was about to happen to him, Kai restrains them and then he walks out knowing the only way he was gonna get this down was with him fighting this mountain of a man, man to man no sneaky tricks no hey we could so this alone with swift moves this man scared Kai to his core end though he could probably touch the man with his cursed skin and the man would topple like a snack of potatoes that wasn't kai's style of fighting.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:35 am


The leader laughs at Kai who was so bold to just walk up to him like that "You got alot of guts to just walk up to me like that boy!" He cracks his knuckles and he starts throwing punches at Kai who dodges and he shoves into the man pushing him back a little and the man looks at Kai surprised he was able to do that to him. "Strong then you you look huh ?" The man takes a running start at kai and Kai takes him and flips the man, the man pulled loose mid flight and lands on his feet. "You are a skilled fighter huh ?" The guy isn't sure he can fight Kai but he wasn't gonna just give up a cash cow like this for anything and he knew he was gonna have to tear this mage apart fast or he was gonna get destroyed by them.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:35 am


Kai pulls back and lets frosted fists with spikes loose, the man starts breaking through the fists with him own fists and running at Kai but just before he can hit Kai, Kai flips back catching the man under his chin the mans eyes go cloudy and he goes down like a sack of gravel hitting with a loud thud as he fell over and Kai restrains the man and sends the signal for Revy to get the knights. He walks over and frees the clients husband and he helps him walk out and gets to where the boy is hidden and he gets the boy up and on his back and he keeps walking with the man and the man keeps thanking him for saving the boy and that he will have to properly teach the boy and make sure this kind of thing never happens again saying he woulda been fine with dying but not his son being killed.


Anti-Kid-napping (Solo G A Rank) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:35 am


Kai nods and he gets the man back to his home and he puts him down then he places the mans son down on the couch and the mother instantly runs over and starts cleaning the two up and hugging her husband, Kai backs up so he is out of the way of this woman who just probably got back two people she thought she had lost. The woman stops for a second and looks around for where he went, she sees him leaving and she hurries to him and hugs him thanking him for saving the two most important people in her live and that she is so grateful he is still okay as well. She pulls out his reward as Revy rejoins him getting back into his hood and Kai takes the reward and then he heads out of their house hoping there was a lesson learned by them and that their house will be a better place from now on.

(163) (1675/1600 20%word cut. 10%guild 10%companion)

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