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Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.)

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Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:28 am

There was a kind of fun to be had being free to roam, Sure she was by herself currently for the moment, Even going a bit far away from Fiore. But Akuko could not help but wonder what other places were like beyond Joya. So she ended up finding her way on a boat to the first place that just might fit her fancy, Bosco with her only starting idea was just to keep it simple and actually behave herself a rarity in it's self.

She considered it a very different situation for her, Magically dying her hair white for the situation at hand. It was an interesting and new place for it seemed like the youthful idea of seeing new things was something that she still had in her age. There was people to meet, things to try a nation to explore parts of. What better way to see what it was like then just going about it like a normal person, Rather then just a lingering shadow.

At least so far it was pretty normal just getting off of the boat and being with in the ports. She seemed to make sure to leave the docks first and move to some one a bit more with in the population. Then she would have to ponder where she would start first. At least to start with Akuko could enjoy the first look of Bosco and observe. Keeping in mind she should not stand in place for too long. She would need to get a move on eventually but it was just that kind of peaceful take away to be able to relax and just seem a bit different, Rather then a lingering shadow daemon who would mess around with things just a normal person, Unless she got bored, then that might be a problem.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:28 pm


Walking around when it was a nice day outside was an enjoyable day. Even though the weather may not necessarily hold the perfect ideal conditions to be outside. Winter had came and thus put a cold chill on everywhere. Thankfully it had not snowed, but it was definitely cold enough for that to happen. It was a wonder how the water by the ports were not frozen. The paths still open for the country of Bosco, at least here. The boats came in with their normal items, some fish, spices, building materials, and precious metals.

All good things that were welcomed to be in flowing into the nation. With the hostility within that nation's borders from in fighting about would be rulers, the volatility of the nation had decreased. However, there were still concern of the Stella forces vying for their independence. Many hoped that the current ruler would find a way to settle the situation with no bloodshed and a positive outcome for their home and people. Supply lines were just opening up, and it would distasteful if they closed again after just opening up once again.

These concerns were with the people, but as they went on their everyday lives an outsider would not guess something was hanging on their minds. And Jikan wanted to keep it that way.

Taking up a job for the town, Jikan was doing minor security for the incoming ships and supplies. So far everything was calm, but one never knew. She stayed alert, watching as things came off the boat, boxes and people. No one stood out, besides this one woman with white hair. It was a stand out from the normal black, brown, and blonde hair people could normally have. Jikan's hair stood out sure, but a pure white hair color was something you did not see often.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:29 pm

There was always some one watching, There was always something lingering there was always something who stood out in their own way. Then again Akuko did as well. Even at times if it gathered the wrong attention it did keep most people away, if it didn't surely turning into daemon solves it too. It almost made her realize there was something positive in her death, It gave her a new lease on life, As well in some way a new feeling on envy towards other people much like the people here in Bosco she saw now.

But Akuko was not one of these lingering always talking villain types. These people were free, They where happy and they were content with their lives, Something Akuko never had a chance at, It made her some what bitter internally. Maybe it was a good thing she only spoke Joyan and just a small amount of Fioran, She could put on an act to fool people if need be. Did she act like a mute to cover up the fact she did not understand the language here? It was a good thing to keep in mind.

It would only happen when she finally interacted with a person, At least for now, She was just a white haired young looking lady in black who just arrived in port seemingly pondering what to do next. Then well she would pull out a cigarette, match from a bundle of matches and have a smoke while thought.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:45 pm


Jikan let the soft cloak of her breath come. Blending into the air to give an opaque white cloud in front of her empty of expression face. As cold as the temperature was it did not feel too cold thankfully. Jikan eyed the people that came with her head partially concealed under the white scarf she had wrapped over the bottom half of her face.

People were here in a few ways. Some men, some woman, some children. There also seemed to be people with specific jobs even. Some fisherman and woman, a few people in some clergy work, a person or two carrying a small suitcase, so perhaps there were business individuals as well. Jikan would have to assume that they all had different reasons for being here. Wishing to help the people in the country of Bosco rebuild, others who were already on the way for a vacation and just resulted in them being stuck during the arrival, and lastly, it could be person who were desperate enough, or crazy enough, to seek employment in a nation that was going through a civil war.

She spotted the white haired lady again, closer now. She wore black clothes and was puffing on a cigarette. Jikan turned away from here, there was a person calling to her to ask her a question.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:15 am

There was something back this place that seemed like she would be okay, It was maybe at least time for one look of the sea again before she headed off to do her own things, Had to guess how long she would stay nice before she got bored and started to mess around with people around here. So far unless some one would stop her she would start walking towards the dock again pondering to herself what all she could do here, For nothing she ever read before really told her how to act even in Fiore when she first arrived there.

So because Akuko was the she was, because no one else was really speaking to her and she was still figuring out what else to do, She could just for go the idea of faking being mute she could, Because she would just speak Joyan to herself while walking past Jikan."Hmm..I do wonder where to go from here, After all these...spontaneous trips are horribly planned."Keep in mind this was spoken in Joyan. Since they where in bosco it might not be something expected and so far no signs of other languages where known by her were not shown.

An interesting situation for Jikan, After all did she now finally have a chance to talk to Akuko if she spoke Joyan. if it it almost seemed if Akuko was speaking something out there that Jikan could not understand at all. But she was smoking near her and the people of this boat crew so if that bother them or not was something she really had considered. Akuko was not really paying much to attention to anything around her just more what was in front of her, after all she did not feel like she was risk in anyway.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:31 pm


The figure was a young person that appeared to be a teenager at least, or perhaps a young adult eighteen to twenty one years old. A male that was wearing a soft looking brown coat with a matching brown hat over his head and ears. They had a black set of snow boots on and some thick looking pants. This person was dressed up fully to handle the cold weather. "Excuse me Miss?"

Jikan turned to the young man. "Yes?".

"I am tryin' to find the Bosco Inn".

"Go down about four blocks then turn to your left. It will be right there, can't miss it", she pointed behind him to make sure he knew where she went to start.

"Thank you!", he waved goodbye headed to the inn. Passing Akuko along the way.

Akuko was passing by now. Speaking something in a lanuage that Jikan did not know. And from her ear, sounded like it wasn't the language of the Bosco citizens that she had gotten accmstmed to. She turned towards the lady, wondering if she was someone asking for something or was just thinking out lord. She tilted her head a little as she spoke to the lady, "I'm sorry. Any chance you speak the Bosco, Fiore, or Minstrel language?".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:37 am

It seemed Akuko took her time to answer Jikan. it would be explained later on in their eventual conversation on why that was the situation at hand. being content with just finishing her smoke and taking her time. Then would look Jikan in the eyes. Since it was a bit more of a respect part for Akuko, Still trying to be good in terms of her behaviour, Akuko made sure she was not getting any smoke in Jikan's face. It gave off that she had some kind of negative behaviour, But in reality it was something entirely different that was.

Her answer to Jikan's question was in Fiorian, But broken Fiorian."I speak Fiore, Just limited."She knew what language was her best and Fiorian was not it, But their communication could happen just limited. She had considered getting another one out to smoke, But for the moment just choose to not do that for now, For there was something on her mind.

"Is, there something you want?"
Yes it was still broken for the most part, But she was still trying out of a starting amount of respect for Jikan. Internal thought for a moment was sometime when sneaking around Akuko would try red hair.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:10 am


After Jikan called out to the lady walking and doing her own thing, she wondered if she should not have. Firstly, she was not the person to feel a need to call out to a complete stranger, specially if she was not in a dire need such as here. She did not even always respond to the sight of a person being a need. The only constant exception to this trait of hers were children she saw in a tough pickle. Maybe the citizens in the country of Bosco had her in the mindset and mood to be a little more helpful or outreaching than normal?

She wanted to go into her old mindset though when Jikan saw her reaction. The lady was just taking a long drag before finishing her smoke before looking at Jikan finally. If anything it was a subtle signal that Jikan was interrupting something, maybe even annoying her. Although, Jikan did not really care if she was annoying her. She would just have to make it simple and short with why she stopped her for a moment.

It sounded like the lady was speaking in broken Fiore. She understood it, that was good. However, it was a language barrage from the sounds of it. She would have to speak to make sure she understood but did not come off as offensive. "Heard you talking, wondered if you was lost or something".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:12 am

Maybe it was a good thing to ask but Akuko could not help herself, she partly needed to see what happen with this."Ahh you did? What did I say?"This was still in Fiorian mind you because well she would still be some what respectful about it. Sometimes however if some one was being nosey and listening in might not be a good thing. But she laugh but at Jikan's expense just because it was funny to pose that question.

But at least there was going to be more to it."If I am honest, Lost is what i am here. I had no plan when I got on the boat here."So maybe just maybe Jikan could help in some way, maybe give Akuko some kind of suggestion would help her as well, But slowly something could happen.

Then well sneaking in something that sounded a bit strange."I hope the people on the boat I was on, Did take the heart I was taking their food...not that anyone noticed that I did."Jikan just caught wind this lady got sneaky and hid her way on a boat to here. But Akuko seemed friendly so far.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:50 pm


Jikan titled her head to the side. A little confused about what the lady meant? What did she hear? Well...she heard sounds, syllables, phonetics of a foreign language. "Well I do not know what you mean by that, but I only heard you speak in a language I could only guess what it was. Maybe, Joyian? Beyond that, I did not know what you were saying specifically". She was thankful this was in Fiorian, she had about two other languages and had no idea what else this person could use in communication.

It was odd. This person must have known that Jikan would not have any idea. Was she high on something? She was smoking after all. A good enough substance or long enough, or a person being enough a light weight, could be a little out of it. It may even more of a case because she was laughing now for no reason.

...Jikan had a weird one on her hands.

"Wait wait wait. You got on a boat and did not know why?".

Yep. A werid one or a lady in trouble.

"Did you, get on by yourself?". And then she said she was taking the food of the people on the boat. But that no one noticed. ...either she was a mischievous thief, or she was missing up a lot due to a language barrier. "So..now that you are here and have no plan, how are you going to make a plan?".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 4:20 am

This lady was pretty good at guessing in terms of the language, Not that she minded that in the end it just made since with even if she looked a bit different the defining futures of Akuko when she was human looking was a joyan woman."Are you are right, It is Joyan."Akuko for the moment would just at least make sure Jikan knew the few things she pondered, Akuko was a trickster yes but she was also an honest woman."I was, Thinking about what to do here."Yet again she was a horrible planner but at least she was trying to still Fiorian even if it was still horrible sounding.

But Jikan was now gonna know and learn how Akuko got around."I can not explain it clearly with in the Fiore language."Akuko mention then well looked around for a moment and walked over to where Jikan was standing. Looked at Jikan's shadow and simple said."Look."There were better words for it, But Akuko did not know it yet. Still needing to get better at learning Fiorian.

But she pointed to Jikan's shadow,Then Akuko put her hand though her shadow and with in the boundary of Jikan's shadow closer with in a hands reach. Akuko's hand came out of it and slightly poked Jikan. she was showing she had magic that had to do with shadows,Now playing the full hand but showing how she got around.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:44 pm


The conversation would continue as it. Jikan trying to figure out what was really going on with this woman. Being it who she was, or what she was doing, or what she was trying to do. Then again. It was not something Jikan cared about in the end. It most likely had nothing to do with her nor would impact her. She would just have to guess until she found herself content. Either aiding the lady or moving on to do something else. Just another normal interaction with a random person.

In the broken language spoken to her, Jikan was able to understand that the woman was speaking in Joyan. She had never heard the language before but she found it quite beautiful and pleasant to the ear. She was slightly curious now. From her knowledge, Joya was quite a bit from Bosco and many other places. Just what was this lady doing here? She...couldn't be here just because she felt like it. Really?

This day was wondering what to do here, this, was all weird.

Akuko approached Jikan, and from what she understood, was saying she could not explain it well in Fiorian. Well, she wouldn't disagree with that. But, how would they communicate then? She said something but it was odd and unclear. Look? What could she..

It came to life. A shadow. Her shadow? Anyway, AKuko put her hand on it and it became attached to it. But then, it seemed that Akuko's body became able to use it. A hand came out and poke her slightly.

All Jikan could think while seeing this was, 'interesting'. "Can you use shadows to talk?"

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:28 am

With it being left so vague, Akuko took to answering this a different way by just walking into the shadow it's self and seemingly disappearing. But it still sounded like she was close enough to Jikan for a face to face conversation.Answering still in Fiorian."Did you mean, this?"it was a starting level of explaining how she could get around with out even really speaking a word of it. She was not gone but yet to really be seen as well.

She would not stay in hiding for long really she would just some how pop right back out with in a few moments of showing of one of her magics. Then well she had to relight what she was smoking because it was now put out from moving so quickly. But she would be sure anytime she would exhale the smoke from her system she would make sure she was away from Jikan's face."Or, were you thinking something else?" It was a fair question to ask

Then it was back to waiting and pondering since she wanted to see what would go beyond this. so far expecting Jikan to be even more confused or unsure how to explain anything she might want to, Language barriers were always a pain in the butt between people, But Akuko seemed to be trying to be friendly for now.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:25 pm


Jikan had hoped that she was not being vague in her question. With the language barrier she feared that it would be hard for this lady to understand her. She would soon find out about this. For Akuko walked further into Jikan's shadow. Walking closer and seemingly pop away and vanish. Jikan could still hear her though when she spoke, was she invisible then? That was a possibility with how close the lady felt. She was not sure where this lady was exactly but she could still hear here. "Yea, kinda? I meant if you could communicate using them. Although this is interesting".

This magic of hers would not last long for after Jikan had answered the woman she had slide out of the shadows and popped up. It was impressive how she moved at ease. This magic...was perfect for stealing and other acts of trickery. More and more this person was becoming more than just another person in an everyday interaction. "I was more thinking of shadow puppets honestly. You know what I mean right??". Jikan kept her composure and normal face so far between their interaction. A straight face that plain and didn't stood out besides her Auburn hair and beautiful eyes.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:29 pm

Akuko was getting bored, you could tell from how even if Jikan was really trying to talk to her, she started just going back into the shadows just likei it was nothing. Yup entirely bored now you could tell because when she went back into the portal Akuko would just start reaching out and poking her randomly. Not set pattern at all some were as soon as a second sometimes it was three minutes. A bored Akuko after just randomly spoke Jikan would just start walking away since she was bored with the questions.

Even remarking about it."Well, this is boring."Now Jikan had get Akuko to stop in some way or find a different subject of conversation for them to talk about it seems about herself was just a subject. She was gonna go explore now because it was something better to do then just standing here listening to questions.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:56 am


Simple conversations could be enjoyable, and at other times people needed a little spice to happen to keep their interest ups. Talking about a topic they related to or getting involved in some sort of event could be used to further conversations or social interactions. This may be the general case for most people while for others it may be more or less.

As Akuko went about poking Jikan from various spots she was begining to feel that that was the case for the this foreign joyan woman. She was bored and her actions not much in the mood to talk while she was doing so. The contact was not painful so Jikan just chose to let her go on through the minutes, sort of a child being annoying to someone without doing much or any harm to them.

Jikan was a person that had a set limit of patience. Not a short attention span but one that did not value chasing a person nor attempting to talk to someone that seemed to have lost their int-rest in a conversation with her.

"Oh? Well I guess there's not much I can help you with if you're going to go".

As this was spoke by Jikan. Numerous balls of white snow would come flying. A few aimed at Jikan but most aimed at the walking away Akuko. Kids were playing nearby and decided to be mischievous. Throwing snow balls at the two nearby adults before attempting to run away. They knew Jikan and sometimes played games with her, most likely Akuko was just in the cross fire of this since she was near.

"ahahahahahaha", the children laughed as the made a dash to get away.

Akuko was bored and it seemed the kids heard her about it. Since she was seeking entertainment and had no were else to go or do. Maybe this was the world giving her something? If not, it at least gave Jikan something to talk about, or more specifically. Laugh about.

She covered her mouth as best as she could as a soft chuckle was left out. "Oh, they got you goood".


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:03 pm

They might have but if there was ever some one else who knew how to play along, it was Akuko."Maybe, But do not think they are the only ones playing now."With that Akuko would make a few snow balls herself and and throw them at Jikan.

Akuko would hint at making it a bit of a deal."Here, Let's us enjoy. Maybe then you can ask more."So relax and have fun for a bit then she could ask Akuko a few more questions, It seemed pretty simple. But you could tell that Akuko was laughing and enjoying herself after being hit with snowballs.

Being reborn was a daemon gave Akuko a now lease on life, being in different lands show how different it could be."What do you think miss fire hair? Shall we?"Akuko did not quite get how to say red head quite yet but was just making it something different. or was Jikan going to be a stick in the mud and deal with getting snow balls thrown at her.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:01 am


It seemed that the mysterious lady indeed found something to entertain herself with. Jikan was not sure what kinda of response she would have. Would she huff and puff and say something in a foreign language? Would she laugh or give no response and simply continue leaving. Or, would she rather choose to partake in the fun the kids were having a little or do something else that was unexpected?

Jikan got her answer to this uncertain to AKuko's words, or more so her actions.  Unexpected. The woman moved and collected her own balls of white snow. Not throwing them at the trailing kids moving away, but at Jikan!

The few balls hit her before she raised her hands up to shield herself. "Pffffft", she left into a soft laugh. She did not expect this. Not at all. "Fine fine, but I am gonna have to get you back for that". With a blur of speed, Jikan would scoop of snow and form them into balls. Throwing a few out at Akuko and a few of the nearby kids that had returned with smirks. Aiming snow balls at them one after another. No one innocent from her playful wrath! Jikan probably should not be doing this, she was supposed to be working after all. But, she had a good ability of sensing the general things around her, and from what she was picking up, everything was fine and normal. A little break would not cause any harm.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:01 am

Sure it was not the right time, But sometimes you needed moments to feel like a person to know that you find things interesting and new, Then again Akuko was just going about things this way because she had not working she was just exploring."You can yes, I won't cheat the joy away from it."Since Jikan knew some what of the powers Akuko had that was just something to show it was for the fun of it, She was not just gonna go spooky hiding and use her magic to dodge there was joy in that, It took away the fun. It ruined the whole point.

As it would slowly reach it's end she would just simply state it as."Life is too short to take everything too seriously."Akuko mentioned because it was how she felt. Even if she was now slightly wet from being hit with snow balls. But everyone seemed to be happy and a it more relaxed."For you never know when it will be cut short."Akuko seemed to hint that she knew that from experience, Just being sure to get some of that board energy out her system, Which means maybe Jikan can get a few more questions in.

So then she would just ask Jikan."Well, What else do you want to ask?"She was being fair at least, you appeased Akuko when she was board she would return the favour and going back to being ready to be asked questions again.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:35 pm


Time was a conept that mattered more when you had a shorter life. A human regular life span. Immortality, elfs, half elfs and magical influence. Those were the only factors that could give someone a longer life span, a longer time to experience the world and its people... more, time.  Chances and opportunities. As a human Jikan had known that things were not always best at specific times, but she believed you had to make it the time to instead of waiting to materialize. One had to let themselves take the step forward to have fun and explore and see the interesting things that were available to them.

She supposed this was one of them?

Akuko could easily use her magic right now but she was choosing not to. It seemed that she was after settling her boredom after all. Acting normal allowed her to have more fun it seemed. If she did her magic to easily get out of the way, it would take the fun out of it.

After playing this snow dodge ball for a little bit amongst themselves besides the kids, it seemed Akuko was ready to talk again in the middle of it. "Yes, I suppose being all serious about life takes away from it. One must give it is proper respect though to take care of one self and be able to fully enjoy it though with time".

Jikan threw another snow ball. "Life is short, and can be even shorter in the cruel world. But, as long as you spend as much time you can with who you can, I think that's a full life, no?" It was interesting how Akuko spoke about it, she looked young but it felt like she was indirectly saying that she had lived a long time, a long time of events aging her soul and giving out pain and joy. "Does your belief of a short life make you take random trips to an nation often? Or are you always moving to different places?".

These would probably be boring question to Akuko. She seemed to have a short attention span. But Jikan did not have any other questions she thought would be appropriate to ask yet.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:17 pm

So this the question, one she was figure out an answer for slow. after all she did not want to out right tell Jikan she was a daemon. Maybe she could go about it another way"It is questionable, For what if one had to throw away all in which they knew would care for her, For something they did not know ever consider happening?"It was a good question to pose, For it Akuko had to assume Jikan had to never make that choice, It was also one Akuko never thought she would have too but the cards dealt to her were different.

But at least it was a good question at least to have to ponder about, They both mentioned life experience, Sure it was never really a good thing to answer a question with another one but they where a reason for it."My way and reason for choosing to see the world is based off of the little experiences I have seen other people have in life." Then again with little context it made no reason at all. Akuko not only seeing her own life pass but other people with in her nation die she realized maybe it was a bit short and it was time to see what she could.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:42 am


Jikan felt a little ping when Akuko began to speak. What if you had to throw everything away. Positions, people, things you cared about and held close? She knew that situation, she seen it dozen of times, experienced it....lived in it. It was a sour spot that she wished not to and would push away as far a possible if it ever came up in her head. "...if you had no choice you would throw it away...if you did, one should fight tooth and nail to keep it...".

Jikan guessed that Akuko was saying that Jikan asked a good question. But from their response heaven knows what kinda of situation Akuko may have been in in the past. Anyway Jikan spoke her words a little bit colder than her normal voice. Not out of irritation but of an edge that was seeing to come out of her. Difficulties and challenges...pain. Shit hated those times, loathed those experiences. It was why she seeked power...craved it....needed it.

Akuko was kinda dodging the question though by giving another one.... Meh.

Her next answer was...a little bit confusing. Jikan was not sure any sense. "And what little experiences have you see other people in your life that has caused this way of thinking?".

Last edited by Jikan on Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 3:54 am

Yes now Jikan was in deep and Akuko just kind of had a feeling that with the missing context it made almost no sense at all.So she would make sure to be a few feet back and get back to having another cigarette."Even if fighting to attempt through it ends pointlessly?" It ending pointlessly could mean many things and that might be entirely the point of her statement to think about it's possibilities. Jikan was a big girl, she had a big enough brain to maybe figure it out.

With it being first knowing of one another her question Akuko just simply said."There are other places that exist that cold and empty, in places no one should willingly want to go."It was long winded and still seemed to make no sense but Akuko did not want to just out right tell the truth to a stranger if she was honest."Many go to this land only to never return from it, Just only having to be sure to pay the ferry man."If some one was up to date on their reading lonely places with a ferry man could easily be other ways of talking about the other side."All meet the ferry man wait their turn and pay the feed, having come here  weather for: honour,protecting others, illness or being victims."Akuko then just stopped talking, for she felt it was a bit wordy and waited to see what would be said since she was now curious.


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:17 pm


"Whether you know the attempt fight through it is pointless or not. You still do it because it is yours. It is yours and you would want to keep it, obviously". She waved her left hand in the air half hardheartedly. "Hope, Love, Pride. They are many things that make you go on when it seems a dark empty path. Emotions or mental, its because of a need to protect and secure it, be something or someone". There was an unknown factor about what Akuko went through. And in hindsight it might be arrogant t say thee words without caring or knowing ones backstory. It wouldn't be allowed to show sensitivity to the topic. But, Jikan believed hr words held truth. whether Akuko needed that truth or wanted it was up to her.

This conversation was a bit hard though. They had broken pass the language barrier it seemed but Akuko was purposely being a wordsmith with her sentences. She just had to try her best to rinse through the words she spoke. "Indeed there are other places that are cold and empty. No would want to go there willingly but once they are there they have to face it". It continued on in her words....and a shock came. The ferry man. Did she almost die, someone close? ...or....did she die and come back?

It was hard to think about, and really how much of a toll that could take on someone's spirit and mind. "The ferry man waits for no one. But...it does call for others early.
Be it by themselves in their own actions or by the actions of other...sadly that is a truth. But, you are here. Isn't that something?"


Looking Beyond The First Step Free.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:30 am

It would be the most bitter thing Akuko could say to a person in the most serious manner were starting to starting to build up in her mind, But she had to think. These ideals were something different. Far different then the path and life she had in Joya."Oh how one wishes, It was that simple."Akuko was starting to consider that she was not dumb, Just going thinking what she believes and had the chance to believe."How delightfully free such emotions are. Yet the dead no longer feel."Then again, Jikan was getting it slowly, But Akuko could not help but feel bitter in some way.

In fact she figure out exactly how to express it."Then let me know when you experienced a return from that a trip, Maybe your thoughts will open up."Maybe that was enough to confirm, what she had been through and how her feelings where a bit different then anything Jikan was mentioning to her."This is, if you ever grasp upon what makes life's value visible."It all felt like the most bitter and despair ridden thing a person could ever mention in broken fiorian and it was not the words it's self it was just how it was spoken.

Was it something? well she was here now in some strange land just exploring, was harmless exploring good went it felt like it has no purpose at all."One must find meaning, For that something to feel correct."It was another one that got a person to think, But Akuko seemed to be settling down from that almost black painting bleakness that was her bitterness towards the conversation of pushing forward and fighting, Since her life in Joyan and what had happen was different that way compared to Jikan.

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