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Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys]

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#1Odin † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:30 am

Odin †

The turnout to Zane's impromptu gathering was nothing short of fantastic. Members had all returned to their home after their time away. Even Caius, who almost all of the guild members would never have met, finally made his reappearance after his work in Central Fiore. And yet, of all the Eternal Nightmare members who had gathered, there was one whom Odin did not recognise: a young woman with dark hair. Despite being an unknown to the Lich, she exuded an aura that definitely betrayed her power, instantly making her a person of interest. After listening to Zane's speech; which answered all of Odin's questions about where he had been, and impressed him even more at the growth of his oldest ally, the Wizard Lord approached this stranger. He'd ensure that he was approaching her from the front, so that she knew where he came from, and he tried his best to smile, raising a hand to wave as he walked in her direction. However, with the permanent smile of madness etched upon his skull, maybe he wouldn't look so friendly.

"Hi there, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Odin Morningstar, what's your name?"

#2Achlys † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:33 am

Achlys †


It's funny how the members of Eternal Nightmare are appearing one by one to this roof and how Achlys never really met any of them before. Being a stranger surrounded by your guild member is not easy, especially the respected leader who is also there with everyone. It's true that she never meets any single one of them in person but their face and their name are familiar to her ears. She knows all of them because she learned and read all the data about her guild seniors and leader, but she never expected to meet the leader of EN this soon. As the crowd was focused on Zane’s speech Achlys tried hard to calm her down. But after the speech, someone started to walk and approached her. That guy is the leader of Eternal Nightmare Odin Morningstar, her idol Wizard Lord.

"Hi there, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Odin Morningstar, what's your name?"

Being really shocked, Achlys tries to answer him politely even with her voice trembling a little bit.

”My name is Achlys sir… I believe I’m your newest member and never met you in person. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”




#3Odin † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:37 am

Odin †

Odin chuckled slightly at Achlys' reply. Not in a mocking way, but as a father would when their child reminds them of their youth. It had been so long since someone in the guild had been anxious around Odin -Zane, Nuala and even Azure weren't scared to be around him anymore. It was almost refreshing in a way, as the Lich replied with a calm voice, "There's no need to call me sir if it feels unnatural. My name is Odin, just as your name is Achlys." Fear was something Odin wanted to instil in his enemies, it had no place among his guildmates and friends.

The Lich would then gesture towards the edge of the rooftop: an area more secluded from the others as he found the time to speak to Achlys. Looking out over the vast lands of Fiore, Odin couldn't help but admit aloud, "This view never gets old. It reminds me why I'm fighting, who I'm fighting for." He'd turn back to his newest member, still surprised at the woman's power despite her young age, curious to know her thoughts, "What do you see?"

#4Achlys † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 7:20 pm

Achlys †


Following Master Odin, Achlys moves a little bit closer to the edge of the rooftop, Achlys finally gets a nice view of Fiore from the rooftop of Eternal Nightmare guild hall. For the first time ever, she gets the chance to enjoy this view and unexpectedly her first time seeing this is with Master Odin. Achlys looks at Master Odin as he looks over the vast lands of Fiore and is shocked a little bit when Master Odin suddenly asks Achlys about what she sees. ”I see a broken country, I see people who don’t get what they deserve, I see a country that needs a leader who is willing to break some rules for the sake of their people, not a leader who uses the rules to break their people.”

Clear sadness and disappointment can clearly be seen on her face while she finishes her sentence. ”I see some people that need to be punished because of their foolish actions led by greed and selfishness. Some people who don’t deserve power and authority. I see a country that needs help to be fixed.”



#5Odin † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:36 am

Odin †

Odin was awestruck at the reply he received from Achlys. This was a question that many couldn't answer properly, let alone someone who was brand new to the guild and possibly didn't have many experiences. It seemed that Odin was wrong in the latter assumption, and the response the girl gave him was nothing short of excellent. Had the Lich posed Zane the same question, no doubt his reply would've been 'a cloud' or something equally infuriating, but Achlys understood the question perfectly, and she saw just as Odin did: a broken country in need of healing.

"Exactly, I couldn't have said it better myself. That is the purpose of the guild." Odin glanced back to the rest of his group, who were all beginning to split into their individual groups and converse with each other. They weren't the perfect remedy, but between each member they had enough experiences to understand the world. Perhaps Odin would never understand or visit the Abyss, but he could trust Zane's judgement on any matter.

"Many think that I am to be that leader, both inside the guild and in the wider world. I want to quell those rumours. I am not suited to the role, nor do I aspire to it. Instead", as Odin's eyes were fixed on one individual in the crowd: his own child, "there is someone much better for the role. Someone who will treat Fiore with the care she deserves."

#6Achlys † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:36 pm

Achlys †


After hearing what Odin says about his plan to make someone else the leader of Fiore instead of himself, Achlys feels a little bit disappointed and that feeling can be clearly seen on her face. She turns her head to the rest of Eternal Nightmare’s members that now talk in a small group of few people. She is trying to figure out which of those members that Odin talks about, the one that he wants to make as the leader of Fiore, but Achlys can’t figure it out. All of those people are amazing in her eyes, even though she didn’t know all of them personally, but they seem strong in each different way. Achlys tries to understand the way Odin thinks, but she can’t.

But her respect for Odin takes over her feelings, makes her smile and look back at the land of Fiore. There are only a small number of cases where the mastermind behind a plan takes the most appearing part at the same time. Seeing you as the leader of this guild and the mastermind of this guild plan, it must be hard if you are going to take another big public role.” Said Achlys as she looked back at the rest of the guild members. “All of those people over there must be amazing individuals, so when you choose any of them to take that role, I wouldn’t mind at all. For now, my loyalty goes to no other but you. So whatever your plan is, I want to go along with it.”



#7Odin † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:24 am

Odin †

"I wouldn't have enough time to lead Eternal Nightmare, rule Fiore and complete my own goals."

It was honestly as simple as that. Quite frankly, Odin didn't want to be King. It wasn't a role suited to him, and he knew he wouldn't be good at it. His world was in pursuit of Morrigan, in freeing the being that had granted him new life. he was too busy to become the ruler, and there were better people for the task. Besides, "I can't imagine anyone accepting a skeleton as their ruler, people are still scared of me after all." No, there were enough reasons why Odin didn't want the job. That's why it was his job to ensure the true heir was up to the task. He was preparing Khalfani for the journey ahead, that was all he could do.

Odin appreciated the trust placed in him by Achlys, someone who was loyal even before truly meeting the Lich face to face. It was a rarity but one that was welcomed wholeheartedly. "That is exactly what I want. The one I choose for the role should not have your blind respect. They must earn it, just as I have. Do not follow someone based on the words of another. Do what is right by you." It then prompted a follow up question from Odin, curious as to this powerful mage that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"So, Achlys. What is it you desire in this world? What are your goals?"

#8Achlys † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:29 pm

Achlys †


Achlys show a little smile on her face when she heard what Odin said, she is glad that Odin won’t force his people to trust and follow the lead of the future king he choose and the fact that he want that person to gain respect from others make she feel like Odin have the right plan to fix Fiore. But when Odin asks her about her goal, she stays quiet for a while before she answers him.

”My goal is pretty simple sir, I just want to get stronger. That is the reason why I’m looking for a Demon this whole time, trying to make a deal with one of them. That is also the reason why I’ve spent my time in my family house in Joya to train and get my family relic.” She stops for a bit and looks at the crowd before she continues her words. I can’t imagine if I have to feel weak again, the feeling when I’m not strong enough to protect someone is something I tried to avoid. Once is enough and I don’t want to feel that way anymore. I hope when the time comes, I won’t be the one that safed by other people and runs to safety, not again.”



#9Odin † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:49 am

Odin †

Achlys wanted to become stronger: a goal Odin could understand all too well. He had given up his mortal body with the aim to become stronger, given up the power of Lucifer to become stronger. That had brought him to becoming a Lich, so many years ago. Odin hadn't wanted to be weak again, didn't want to experience that power of helplessness ever again. In many ways, it was exactly as Achlys described. She had already spent her time away training herself. She was a daemon, looking for a demon to gain the power they possessed. It was a goal to be commended, and one Odin could definitely help her achieve.

"I will help make you stronger. You are in the right place to gain that power. Many of us have lived with demons of our own." Zane had Beelzebub, Hitomi had once had Asmodeus, and even Odin himself had once been the vessel of Lucifer. They were in a position where they could help the young one achieve her desire.

It was then that Odin decided to have his final discussion with Khalfani. It was time to start the declaration. Bowing low to Achlys, Odin would say his goodbyes and re-enter the crowd, glad that he had taken the time to meet another up and coming member of the guild. She was going to go far, he knew it.


#10Achlys † 

Long Overdue Meeting [Achlys] Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:14 am

Achlys †


Hearing Odin ensuring that she is in the right place makes her feel like she really is. All the people around here look like they know what they’re doing. Learning from all these strong people surely can make her grow stronger as well. Maybe ask for training sometimes? Or talks about spell creation? Have a discussion on magic applications? All these people here can easily be a big help for her. She feels glad that she is surrounded by a lot of strong people and she feels like she is in the right guild right now. Her respect and loyalty to Odin just grew higher after this conversation. She never thought that she would have this chance to talk to Odin one on one, even when she joined this guild, she never thought of this. She will be more than happy to help this guild get bigger and cover more area under the leadership of Odin. Maybe an alliance? As her mind starts to be somewhere else.




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