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Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:24 am

It had been years since Jove joined the Rune Knights. Thinking back on his time, there hadn't been much which really distinguished this time as special, at least not at face value. He had made the decision originally only due to the fact that the Rune Knights felt like a better alternative to office work with his parents merchanting company. He had yearned for a career opportunity which would allow him a relatively easy approach to life, something which would not make him overburdened with responsibility and yet would also allow him the opportunity to build a steady retirement. In a world of might and magic, sword and spell, dungeons and dragons, there were very few with his lack of ambition. Surrounded by mages with their own desires and greed for more, he often felt as if he were frozen in time, seeing those around him speed onwards through their life goals. Yet it never bothered him, not even today.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:29 am

Memories of Shichiro, Sho, and even Seika flashed through his mind. None of them had ever become more than coworkers for the knight, and yet they had all left impressions in their own right. Whether it be desire for money, an eagerness to live ones life, or hopes to enforce ones ideals, they had all found a reason to work towards something. Jove, however, seemed to content to just drift along the stream of time and accept the flow as it took him from event to event.

So then, when did it change?

His feet had carried him from the center of town to the outskirts, and with the sound of the busy individuals behind him, there was an appreciation for the absence of clutter which made up the plains around Baska. Looking around him, seeing nothing but green hills before him, he smile lightly and fell back onto his bum, propping his eight on his hands as he leaned back.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:35 am

Perhaps it was the years of doing his job his own way? His inability to sink himself into his work had allowed him to tackle problems in a rather unique way. He got the opportunity to explore the confines of his own mind, and to allow his own line or morals and ethics to meld with the tasks which were lay before him. He had been given the opportunity to meet others within the Knights, Nobility, and Royalty, and to take his rather laid back approach to their otherwise intense worldviews. In actuality, it was his ability to search out the nuance in situations which allowed him to become more confident in himself, and more sure of the fact that his approach to his own life had gone awry. It hadn't been a single moment in which he had come to his realization that he needed to be more hands on in his life, but rather a buildup of small decisions which made it almost self evident.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:49 pm

Perhaps it had started when he began widening his circle? He had stopped only taking on quests and missions for the leadership of the Knights, and instead had begun simply patrolling the towns he was in. He would often run across individuals who needed help, yet hesitated to even call out to a knight. In doing small tasks for citizens throughout the towns, his name had been known, as well as his personality. Conversations would be light, mostly them sharing their troubles with the man who always seemed to listen and give back an answer. His direct responses to their inquisitive prodding into his life likely gave him extra points, causing him to be called the "9 to 5 Sorcerer". It was an apt name, as he was always quick to emphasize his distaste for overtime, and yet it had become something of a joke. After all, even when he was off the clock he never hesitated to help those who asked for it.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:53 pm

Perhaps one of the major things which fueled his change was his interaction with dark guilds? Some of the interactions were in a way which he would have never hoped for, such as being forced to hunt down Erebus. A man with heinous crimes associated with his name, yet still Jove would have preferred the ability to talk with him first, and to get to know him. It felt strange to enact a justice on a man whom he knew nothing about. Then there was his rather strained meeting with Odin, the leader of Eternal Nightmare. He was a strange individual, charismatic enough to be a leader, but seemingly so deluded in his own ideas that the idea of alternative approaches didn't even register as possible in his mind. Still then there were those who hardly seemed villainous; Venus, the Vampire, who was nothing like the rumors surrounding her. And Nuala, potentially the most innocent dark mage he had ever met- well, aside from her kleptomancy.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:56 pm

Even recently he had been given the opportunity to meet individuals from light guilds, and to see the other side of the spectrum which Seika so desperately wished punished. There was Miroko, the wandering artist of Emperors Divine who seemed like a wisp of reality who had found herself stuck in this plane. She held about her a sense of innocence that made it quite clear that she had joined a guild for her own reasons, and didn't necessarily wish to involve herself with battles of supposed good or evil. Then there was LeeAnn Nakamura, the leader of Infinity Wolves who was more like the artist than he would have expected. Innocent, perhaps even naïve, but with a heart which wished to do good. Perhaps she had not been out hunting down dark mages and guilds, but her guild worked to allocate help to immigrants to Fiore, to protect refugees, and she actively sought out members of the Rune Knights to sync these duties on. Both brought good to the world in their own way.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:58 pm

Then there was his own musings of the world. Taking all the interactions, the nights alone to contemplate, the overtime and the days off, it all contributed to changing him over the years. A man who came across as often standoffish or stuck in his ways, the reality was that Jove was an extremely open individual. He wished to know more, to further his understanding of the world around him, and of himself. He hadn't known what it was he wished to do, only that he didn't wish to be inundated with it. Yet here he was now, beginning to question that approach to the world. Laziness had its purposes, and there was truth to the concept that one shouldn't overwork, but could he really say that he was content to live this way forever? He had given it some thought, albeit partially subconsciously, but now he came to the understanding that he couldn't keep that up any longer. Especially not as the country seemed so close to the precipice of change.


Decisions Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:01 pm

He would have to change with it.

That was the only solution. Standing from the ground and brushing his pants off, he felt as if this was the first step into who he needed to become. He would tackle the world in a straight forward manner that would get him closer to his goals, and he'd do that step by step. Things wouldn't change overnight, and it wasn't as if his personality would be altered, but his view of his surroundings would shift ever so slightly. That meant that he would have to take on the first obstacle in his path, one which he had been avoiding desperately.


Being a Captain was no longer enough. His prowess with his mana and his fighting sense could no longer compensate for the lack of proper authority within the Knights, and he knew that he would have to begin working more now so that the day could come where he could truly retire and be happy with the change he made. And it'd all start with that first step.


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