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Clean Up Crew [Q]

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#1Khalfani † 

Clean Up Crew [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:46 am

Khalfani †
After a long hard day of working, doing the absolute bare minimum, Khalfani stood in front of the apartment compelx in Orchidia city in the North region of Fiore. He was minding his business, simply smoking a spliff of the best herbs purchased from the best herb seller in town. He exhaled the smoke after taking a long pull. It felt great. His body was relaxed, his mind was at ease. Soon he would be heading back to Paradise to sleep. By now most of the guild members were probably in their own homes sleeping, enjoying the peaceful night. A lot of them had been traumatized by the titan attack. For others, it was normal to have dealt with something like that. For Khalfani, it was always a sad day. Every day after the attack from those hairless giants was a bad day. Hopefully the guild would never have to go through something like that again.

#2Khalfani † 

Clean Up Crew [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:47 am

Khalfani †
Unfortunately, that probably wasn't reality. Realistically, they were a guild of monster hunters and mercenaries. There would always be casualties and lives lost. The thought of that alone was enough to plunge Khalfani into a deep state of thinking. In the end this would all be worth it, it had to be worth it. Failure wasn't an option, at least not at this point. They had all come too far. As the spellsword stood there smoking his spliff, the thoughts kept rolling. Little by little he was becoming sadder. Trauma, it was a real thing. Luckily there was someone around to take his mind off of things. Granted this old woman probably was only pacing back and forth outside because she was going through her own shit, it was better to deal with someone else's problems than the haunting thoughts in his own head. Before Khalfani could approach the woman, the woman approached him.

#3Khalfani † 

Clean Up Crew [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:47 am

Khalfani †
She began explaining that she had a very serious problem and she didn't know what to do. Apparently there was something bad in her house. So bad that she couldn't even sleep at night. Of course, the panther would be a horrible person if he didn't help the woman so he tended to her needs. She walked him inside the apartment complex and up the stairs into her apart and what Khalfani had seen was enough to make him throw up. Her apartment was filthy. It was like an army of children had walked through mud and stomped through her entire house. The godsblood asked what happened but the woman known as Betty refused to give details, she just needed help with cleaning. With a sigh Khalfani got to work. He started with her living room, but then moved onto her kitchen, then her bathroom and lastly her bedroom. It was embarrassing really, he had become a maids. No longer was he the fearless leader of Paradise Dawn. However, Khalfani knew how to clean well. His time as a slave taught him great house keeping skills. The results were spectacular and satisfied betty paid him well before he took his leave.


- EXIT -

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