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Decorator [Q]

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#1Khalfani † 

Decorator [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:17 pm

Khalfani †
Betty seemed to enjoy khalfani's company. It was strange really though because Khalfani simply cleaned her home. There was no real conversation and the two were practically still strangers. Perhaps that was the effect of his irresistible melanated charm. The spell sword didn't mind though, because today was a simple task and of course he would be paid well for it. With his black jeans, black shirt and white sneakers, he made his way through Orchida city to get to betty's apartment. She lived in the giant complex at the heart of the town, much like most of the residents of this city. Today the task was to help Betty set up for a party. Khalfani didn't know who's party it was but he was excited to do the decorating party. It allowed the creative girl in him to bloom. It was unlikely that he would actually stay for the party, since he didn't do birthday parties, much less daytime parties, but he would be sure to give this his all.

#2Khalfani † 

Decorator [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:17 pm

Khalfani †
Whoever was being celebrated deserved the best of the best no doubt about that. So, in about twenty minutes he had walked from one side of the city to the other and entered the building complex. Music could be heard from Betty's apartment. She was feeling festive and the energy was contagious. As he strolled he lightly bopped his head back and forth to the melody. He preferred a harder genre of music but he also appreciated good art.Though good art was subjective. When he reached Betty she was running around the house, baking cookies and cleaning. It reminded him of the little bit of memory he had of his guardian back in the day. Betty approached him all excited and pulled out a wad of cash. She wanted him to go to the store and get decorations for the house. Without another moment of hesitation, the dragon slayer nodded, took the money and was on his way.

#3Khalfani † 

Decorator [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:17 pm

Khalfani †
The beat of the music still in his had, he bopped as he happily trekked through Orchidia to one of the stores. It said "99 cent dreams." He entered and bought all of the good shit. It was easy too since he was one of the few people in the establishment. He got stringers, balloons, cups, plates, happy birthday signs. You would have thought this party was for someone he knew personally. With about five bags he traveled back to betty's home. There she was, tasting the cake batter. She was excited to see Khalfani with such a hefty amount of supplies. The two immediately got to work. Khalfani stood on chairs hanging up the decorations, Betty spotted him to make sure he didn't fall as if he needed the protection. He didn't really have as much of a soft spot for old people as he did children, but he loved feeling the love. It didn't take long and the end results were amazing. Betty was pleased and paid him well before sending him on his way. Happy Birthday, whoever you are. This one for you.


- EXIT -

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