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Granny-Sitting [Q]

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#1Khalfani † 

Granny-Sitting [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:17 pm

Khalfani †
Khalfani stood in front of the apartment complex in orchidia, waiting for his next client to meet him. The mans name was Mitya and he ran a bar in the heart of the city. Rumor had it that he had serious competition. For good reason too. Apparently most of the people didn't bother with his bar anymore because he was an asshole so the other bar got all the custies. Khal hoped that the task at hand wouldn't be something involving Mityas competition, he didn't want to get involved in things like that. The rivalry he had with another was none of his business because Khalfani wasn't his employee. Either way, if the money was good and nobody would be harmed, there was a slim chance he would scare all the people out the competitions bar or something. Leaning on the brick building, the commander folded his arms and peered into the distance.

#2Khalfani † 

Granny-Sitting [Q] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:17 pm

Khalfani †
It was sunset, sooner or later the soon would be completely down, asleep for the night. Mitya began approaching in the distance, wobbling as he walked towards the panther. He was obviously drunk. With a sigh Khalfani shook his head. Imagine if this was one of those quests where he was hired to drop his pants? The spellsword would have to leave at that point because there was absolutely no way he was doing that, especially not for some drunkard, the dragon slayer thought. When Mitya approached him, the drunken bar owner threw his hand onto Khal's shoulder, thanking him for coming. His breath reeked of alcohol. It was like Mitya hadn't drank water in days and had been brushing his teeth with liquor. The paradise dawn guild mage stepped back. There was no way on earthland that this man did not have alcohol poisoning. With a sigh Khalfani asked the details and Mitya told him straight up.

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