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Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul

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Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:05 pm



Forsaken Daughter

The sun cast down upon the sands of Hargeon, the warm weather of the incoming spring season pairing magnificently alongside the blending yellows and oranges reflected up against the sand. It was euphoric, to some degree. Contrasted against the rough winter, it lent to a new feeling within the world, especially for the Demi-Human, Vyra. She sat where she had almost two years ago now, where she had bonded alongside Alisa Vollan, on the day that everything in her life had changed. The natural formation, the rocks that formed around themselves, creating a natural enclosure, an almost-hidden place of privacy that provided in them each other while parting from the rest of the world, at the time a much more frightening thing than what she had come to view it.

For a time, perhaps.

The sun’s bright gaze gave similar focus towards the crimson that gleamed across her skin, adorned within her hair. The reminder to her that the world had remained just as cruel as it had before.

Worse even.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:06 pm



Forsaken Daughter

The woman lingered a bit more behind, having allowed Vyra the chance to venture forward, feeling comfortable, feeling a sense of longing towards the area. Never beyond eyeshot, she proceeded, allowing just enough space as to not feel smothered, but neither far enough to feel alone.

A hand raised shielded from the intense light, the reflective sand doing its part to as much impede the visibility of anyone that sought the idea of venturing onto the beach. Not to say that there were many there. Besides Vyra, whom had already ventured upon the secluded beach, there stood only Seras there.

Not a particular shocking reality.

Hargeon, though greatly known for its beaches, was not known for this long strip. To the locals, it were more a secret place, one in which the existence was loosely known by, but few ever ventured out this far. The areas if one were to follow the coast west were far more habitable, far more common. It was the true premier area, where one stood to be able to sit, relax, and enjoy the sun to its fullest potential.

Not being blinded as they were now.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:07 pm



Forsaken Daughter

She noticed Vyra as the girl sat upon the sand, some few meters from a reasonably-sized rock formation, the appearance of a natural-like cave becoming more into focus as she moved closer. “Dear? Would you prefer us relaxing there?” She asked with a gentle hand upon the girl’s shoulder, the Demi-Human not seeming to register the woman’s presence. “At the least would allow us to step out from this damned sun. Can understand why seldom anyone comes to this part of the coastline under these blinding conditions.”

Little more than a few steps towards the enclosure, a part of her had expected the girl to follow. Turning her head though, the lack of motion by the girl, her focus having been locked dead set upon the tide that slowly echoed closer and closer towards her, at times receding and at times almost drawing close enough to reach her, it gave Seras pause.


Moving back, she wanted to say something, to ask if the girl were alright. But the small blotches of wet sand, standing out like blood upon a white canvas under the unrelenting sun, answered that easily enough.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:08 pm



Forsaken Daughter

Try as she could, she struggled to hold back her tears. It hurt. Everything about it hurt. The trauma; the physical toll her imprisonment had taken upon her, the ordeals that she had been forced to survive against at the behest of the pale woman, the sheer time that she had spent confined within such a world, long enough to make the brutal sun that cast down upon them still feel like a welcome change.

That was not even considering whatever may have happened when she was not in control, when her other had assumed that privilege. How much of what happened had been because she had helped organize it, giving them the chance to prolong or continue whatever she had envisioned. What may have Seras thought about it? Did she know?

The Demi-Human closed her eyes, wishing to never have thought that scenario. Seras had as much helped her survive as whatever it was that had provided circumstances for them to leave. Just the idea that her revelation stood to scare away the woman was enough reason to keep quiet.

But silence did not lessen the pain of it all.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:09 pm



Forsaken Daughter

A lone gust blew through the coastline, making contact with Vyra as it brushed some of her hair upon her eyes, obscuring the sight before her to little more than as though looking through blinds. What should have been a reprieve from the blinding light of the sun, the Demi-Human did not seem to react that way, instead hastily moving the hair out of her face as though it were more the obscurant than that of a benefit. For the time being, to see the light, even as vicious as it may have been, was still more rewarding despite everything.

“It’s not fair,” she said underneath her breath. Her gaze did not depart from that of the open sea, the clear blue seeming to fade as the sun’s glare burned through, painting it almost all white.

“Dear?” A sound came from behind her, a sound of concern. But the Demi-Human did not seem to pay heed towards it, at the minimum not providing with the turning of a head to indicate recognition of the woman’s concern.

“It’s not fair!”


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:10 pm



Forsaken Daughter

“What isn’t fair?” There were no shortages of things from which the girl could have taken to find unfair. Her plight, the circumstances that she had gone through, Seras could not say for certain just how miserable it had been, the ordeal it had taken upon the girl. Only that the girl were OK, that was all that mattered right now. And to watch as she simply lay there in the hand, holding her hands to her knees, empty-mindedly staring out to sea, it saddened her.

“It’s a beautiful day, long overdue for one,” she knew the dual meaning to her words, knowing that with how Vyra was behaving that she may have responded peculiarly towards it, but it had to have been said. The girl may have been hurting; she certainly had reason to be. But she was still alive, more than what could be said of the rest of Aegir and her company.

It were nothing short of a miracle that even she stood there still. To be able to remind the Demi-Human of the gift that they had given, truthfully all one had to do was look ahead to the sight before them.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:11 pm



Forsaken Daughter

She had been looking out for so long that she did not seem to register the tears that had begun to fall, the droplets cascading down her cheeks, dampening the dried blood that at points had been smeared upon her face. Vyra could hear Seras’ questions, her concerns being broadcast outwards only for her ears, and yet, she couldn’t bring herself to talk to the woman.

There was something that Seras, despite all of her best intentions, would never truly understand. To have your worth equated to nothing more than someone’s pet. To know that the perceived value was little more than that of a pawn, a device that stood to be used by others. The term radiated through her head, “Alisa’s Pet.” It was as demeaning. It made her feel worthless.

It made her want to die.

And as she gazed out into the sea, the same sea that Alisa had held her close, ensuring her that she would be alright, the thought went through her mind more than once. Maybe the life she had now, when she stripped away the Blue Pegasus perks, was not much different than before.

“I just… I just want someone to care…”

“I just want to be loved…”


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:11 pm



Forsaken Daughter

It broke Seras’ heart, hearing the young girl confess the pitfalls of her sorrow to her. They had known one another for only the short while in which they were captive together, and yet, both could likely tell of the bond that existed between them. It took her a moment to figure just what to say, finding instinctively instead moving towards the Demi-Human, taking a seat just beside her.

Turning her head, she looked right into Vyra’s eyes, the stains on her cheeks becoming more and more prevalent as time went, her gaze just fixated upon the sea, upon the sun that gleamed overhead.

She did the same, watching as the sun’s gaze coated the sea in white, the yellows and tints of purple that started to appear within the sky giving a beautiful contrast to one another. It was a delightful sight, one capable of captivating the hearts and minds. A thought or two came to her, an idea of just what to say, but rather, she found herself draping her arm around Vyra’s shoulder, gently pulling her in as the two started to watch the sun begin to set.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:12 pm



Forsaken Daughter

“You saved me,” Seras said softly, her hand having moved up from Vyra’s shoulder and now gently patting the girl’s hair.

The Demi-Human did not respond, nor did she much expect her to. A response was not required; the only thing that mattered was that Vyra knew this. The two simply sat there for a time, watching as the sun continued to glare down, at this point far more tolerable, if not even more enjoyable, than it had been before.

The sounds of Vyra crying ceased the silence as the woman turned her head slightly, seeing the girl having broken down in tears. Turning around entirely to embrace her, she found herself gripping hold of the girl as tightly as she could, for as absolutely long as the Demi-Human would have needed, letting out all of the pain that had begun to accumulate.

This would not be the last time that this happened, she knew already. But she did not care.

It would take time for Vyra to recover through all of this.

Seras would be there for her.


A Soul Divided


Sun Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:14 pm



Forsaken Daughter

“It’s a beautiful sunset, don’t you agree?” Seras asked, her tone innocent as she continued to pat Vyra’s head. A motion through her arms signifying Vyra turning her head towards the sun, watching out once again as she had before, it brought a weak smile upon Seras’ face. “It’s OK. We’ll stay here as long as you would like…”

Vyra said nothing in response, just continued to watch out upon the sea as the sun which shone over it began to slowly but surely disappear. The once blinding light that reflected upon the water, that reflected upon the bright sand, gave way instead to a lovely scene, the orange sun, almost as though dying whilst in the sky above, painting against the yellows transitioning to reds transitioning to purples that slowly but surely were transitioning to the blacks of night.

Time passed, and the sun’s potency further died, leaving little more than the onset of the star as it gleamed over the horizon line, less than half of it remaining before disappearing behind the sea. The tears at this point had ceased.

The two had watched on for a time, nothing said between them, but the world communicated instead.

“Can we go home? I want to find Alisa.”

“I don’t want to be alone anymore.”


A Soul Divided

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