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What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank)

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What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:48 pm


Kaito got a request to go into the mines, he wonders if he will really be any good at this but with Revy at his side he figures she should be able to help him as well and he would not back down from this and he walks there making his way to the mine to go in side and make sure he gets into it and he walks up and he sees a group of miners and other bigger wig looking people who look like they are gonna be pushing to make this place theirs and theirs alone so he wasn't gonna be dragging it along he had to get this show on the road and he wasn't gonna let this all these people beat him to it so he starts walking around them as he goes and he stays out of their sights as he is not looking to cause a fight he just wants to find the hidden great pieces.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:48 pm


He checks along the walls with Revy's help and she spots somethings and she wonders what the people are doing down here and why Kai is being so sneaky around them, she guesses after fighting a dragon and another horde of rats he is just looking for some just time to relax and not get into any trouble or any fights that could be ended up into more blood shed and trouble for anyone else that could end up having trouble with it from down the line. They kept going deeper as he felt like maybe what he is looking for is there deeper down there. He senses something stronger down there in the mine and he follows it out and he ends up finding a mine that looks like it comes to a hard end and it looks like it had collapsed in on itself and he uses his warp field to remove the debris out of the way while putting supports so make sure his employer will have less of a struggle to get to here.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:48 pm


He comes out into a more open area and he hears growling and he wonders what he is going to be doing and what he is seeing he sees some claw marks and he feels like there is gonna be some sort of gem beast here and he wonders what he can find in here and he walks in with Revy sorta shaking and he pets her head and he makes a portal and Revy refuses to go into it and he laughs softly then he runs in and he is met by a giant cat like gem beast and he can't tell what it is protecting or why it would want to out right attack him and not flee deeper into the cave system to avoid them and he has Revy give him his sword and his cape as he clashed with the beasts earthen claws cutting through them as his swords element changed.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:49 pm


The beast recoiled and backed up swiftly and looked at him as if it understood he was fighting defensively, he thinks all the mining going on around must have been causing the beast trouble and he can see that it is having troubles and  he puts his blade away and he walks over to where it was and he sees the crystalized body of a different gem beast and it looks like it was dead and he looks up and he sees a hole in the wall that had collapse in on top of the other beast. "Oh your mate is dead." Kaito walks over and he kneels at its body and he feels it and makes a mark on it with his mana and he breaks it to return it to the earth it belonged and the other beast lays by his side and he notices that this one is carrying babies in side of her body.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:49 pm


Kaito is going to have to reclose off this place and reroute the client around this area and make it far enough off that she is never bothered by them mining near by and he was gonna make sure of this so she can live with her children in peace and not fear that something is going to come and kill her or steal her children, then she makes a sound and a half green and half red eyed young crystal beast split in color down the middle with the color of the eyes being sapphire blue and then she looks at Kaito and makes a sound like she is asking him to take the best with him and he smiles and he accepts. "Thank you I will take good care of it." Kaito knows that this beast understood he needed help and she knows her kind is better for helping him find the good minerals.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:49 pm


Kaito waves and Revy watches the creature that is now tagging along with them and once they are out he collapses the way into there and he keeps digging in a way that takes them away from a path that would cross with the one that they had just seen and he has the creature point him in the ways that he should head in the future to find what he was gonna need and he finds a decent vein that was virgin ground for the employer to use and dig in to make sure that they will get their monies worth. Kaito just has to fight some monsters and clear the area out to make it safe for the team that the employer will be sending down here to mine and make them money. Revy makes sure to keep the smaller crystal beast back so she could make sure it doesn't get hurt even though she is sure it could probably help Kaito fight.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:49 pm


Kaito takes off his shirt and cloak then goes his wild force dragon form he wasn't going to back down and he wasn't gonna run away from this fight he nearly felt detached from fighting in this form as he was gonna keep getting stronger and stronger as he goes, it feels like he is a whole different person and the power was going to his head. Revy worries that he is starting to slip again to the darker side like he had done a few times before but she thought this shift in direction had saved him from it. Kaito has a voice in the back of his head telling him that he shouldn't let other tell him what to do he is strong and a smarter then them he should stop acting dumb and just shift them to their deaths and not give them any ground to hide on or hide behind just throw them into the void.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:49 pm


Kaito keeps fighting this nagging voice and he wonders if they will allow him to live without it the voice had been gone for a bit but after the dragon fight it has started to come back to him slowly but surely telling him that he is worth more than this that he should use his power to purify them and weed out the weaker mages and keep the strong ones to bend the knee to his dimensional powers and make them regret coming after him and making him feel weak when really right now he could hold their lives in his hands. They were puppets dancing on string but he and some others could pull on those strings and make them move how they want them to move in the right beat to boot, he doesn't want to do this but he wasn't gonna let this all break down and fall apart his friends are important to him.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:50 pm


The creatures start fleeing from him and regrouping and he starts closing off the ways they were getting in to make this area at least appear safe to be around and dig in and he hopes there isn't anything else that might just start popping up and causing them issues and the small crystal beast walks over and is pointing deeper in and Kaito finds another crystal beast in what looks like an egg. It looks like it is scaling like a lizard and he puts it into his domain for safe keeping for the time so that the miners don't hurt any more of them and the crystal beast rubs against his leg like he is thanking him and he pets its and Revy's heads and he points at something that is getting closer and he runs and he fights with the creature and he smiles as this creature is stronger and Revy turns around and sees miners looking at them and Revy puts down a fake claim flag showing this area is claimed by someone and they look at the crystal beast, that is worth money as well and Revy looks at them. "You stay away from Mineroar they are loyal to us you can't have him." Revy points them the way out.


What's mine is mine 1 (NQ solo A-rank) Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:50 pm


Kaito is proud of Revy for handling that so well and protecting the gem beast from them, he can tell she is turning into a good woman, but he wondered which exceed she is gonna end up with. He rechecks the vein then he opens a portal to send the gem beast back to be with the other gem beast, it refused to go through back to there he wanted to stay with Kai and he smiles and he allows him to come with them cause he must be a rare one even among it's own kind being made of the big three types of sought after gemstones so he guesses this is another weird lucky streak pieces he will get so he won't fight it just embrace it. He found a heavily profitable spot for the employer and he leaves with Revy and the beast to go report it so it may be taken care of and mined the right way, after reporting he went to start training the gem beast they now called Mineroar with Revy to help him do it.
(1698/1600 20%wordcut=10%guild+10%companion)

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