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WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor]

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WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:44 pm

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] CEP5Eq0

Everything was running smoothly, perfectly even. The DJ was beside the Archfiend at all the way in the back, blasting music through the roof. It had been an hour since the doors open and people had been swarming in ready to unleash the fire inside of them. The crowd was growing bigger and bigger by the second. Dancers were stationed in their own little booths, putting on a show as men and women alike found their way around the giant club building. It was truly amazing that Za had even been able to get this place, but it was only thanks to the connections Luci had, and of course, the guild Master of Blue Pegasus herself, Alisa Vollan.

The Archfiend smirked, his intentions became clear the moment he spotted the faces of beautiful men and women. Tonight, he was going to sin. His Obscura would be set free without bounds and souls would embrace the darkness that was so frowned upon by the rest of society. Tonight the club would flood with alcohol, because tonight was a night to live. The red headed man stepped onto the Dj's portion of the stage and picked up the microphone beside his Djing equipment. It was time for the grand speech. With a cup of pure Dragon-scale Tequila in his hand, he nodded at the Dj to turn the music all the way down for a moment.

Luci was somewhere around here probably doing devil knows what, but besides him there weren't any other faces the Daemon found familiar. Either way, it didn't matter. Whether the faces he had personally invited came or not, he was too pumped up with different substances to give a hell. For a moment, Za paused, watching the large amount of people slowly stop from moving. They realized the music had stopped but it'd only be for a little while. "Ladies and Gentlewhores, Happy motherfucking pride month and welcome to Club Abyss!!!" He roared with a devilish laugh as he threw his head back. The crowd cheered, roaring through the roof loud enough for even the gods to hear them.

"My name is Zaza, I'm your host and I just wanted to take the time out to thank all of you beautiful people for being here tonight. This is our first official night open and our first ever event, so you know what that means...we've gotta set this shit on fire!!" The crowd roared again, clapping and cheering, whistling and jumping in excitement. "I'm talking shots on top of shots, bodies on top of bodies, smoke in the air..." the Archfiend shouted, "I wanna see you dance until you drop!!" The crowd cheered. They were undoubtedly ready to party.

"Of course I have to give a personal thanks to our Friends, the Chief of Luluhawa and of course the beautiful Queen of Pegasi, Alisa-wherever she is-" The crowd cheered again. Both people were famous for one reason or another, so they were favored by the people, naturally. "Thanks to them, we were able to put this all together; Club Abyss' summer kickoff!! BUT- Before we continue sinning like we've never sinned before, there are just one rule..."

This time the crowd didn't roar. Instead they waited..."Don't be a bitch and drink until you can't drink anymore!!" He laughed as he raised his cup before downing the entire drink. The crowd roared and Za dropped the mic. With another nod at the DJ, he turned the music back up and the party was on.


WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:08 pm



Now that was a damn good dip~... Alisa didn't always go for a swim in the middle of the night, not even in Hargeon... But something about Luluhawa made the whole experience look... Almost mystical even~ So here she was, slowly climbing out from the ocean like a nymph setting foot on dry land for the first time, water cascading down her eye catching curves in long, steady trickles as she brushed it behind her shoulders... What a lovely evening... Far too lovely to go to sleep, even an early bird needs to fly a little later every once in a while. With a subtle, eager smile drawing on her face, she walked up to the tree where she'd left her clothes, loving the soft sand sifting between her toes as the odd chilly breeze brought goosebumps to her smooth pale skin:

"Now, I wonder what's happening around town... Maybe that club finally opened~?", Alisa received the invitation of course, a gesture of courtesy from its owner to the island's guardian and her Guild. She hadn't had the chance to meet the one known as the Archfiend. Pulling up her denim shorts over her long, luscious legs until they sat snugly around the fullness of her hips, the tall woman slipped on that breezy, casual hoodie as she strode off from the beach back towards Halawai town and places beyond, wondering what the Abyss might have in store for her.

Not really a woman of faith, she never cared much for the religious undertones and for the most part assumed it to be just another title, belonging to someone of exquisite taste. Not even in her own guild had she found someone who'd come up with the idea of opening their own club in Luluhawa. In the end, Zaza met her expectations long before she even reached club Abyss. An appropriate choice of name for a den of depravity, considering the experiences she herself had during those days trapped in the demons' land. The beat alone had lured her all the way here, for even if she didn't know the exact location of Zaza's club, she could hear the booming in the distance as soon as she sat foot in town, and needed only follow it, like a Siren's song beckning her further, until that pleasant chill of the night air gave way to a heady, intoxicating heat of people gathered around the club, with many more awaiting her inside:
"Ufufu~... Well said, Zaza...", she arrived just in time, the crowds making way for the woman known as the Island's Guardian, their eyes a mixture of shock and awe with a healthy bit of want, earning an amused chuckle.

Far from the owner of this island, many Fiorians tended to look at her as such when they looked at her relationship with the islanders. No matter how many times she corrected them, many still thought alike. Now, Alisa didn't really dress like the remaining clubbers. While many opted for form fitting shirts or dresses, Alisa strode in with nothing but an unzipped hoodie hanging loosely off her shoulders, tight, revealing denim shorts stained with a salty wet patch shaped like the swimsuit underneath, a flattering, stylish show of pinks and purples, oh so flattering around her her full, generous curves as they jostled ever so visibly with every step. Even now her long, wet hair still clung to her glistening, salt slicked skin, that subtle scent of sea mixing with her natural lavander and leaving little doubt as to where she'd been just a few moments earlier. Wasting no time heading over to the bar and grabbing herself a drink - something strong, she'd ask, not even caring what so long as the kick hit home - and the sculptress stood there, driking in slow, steady gulps, resting her rear against the counter as she hung off every single word from their host:

"Oh, hardly... This is alllll you~", Za couldn't hear her all the way from the bar through the cheering crowd, or even have noticed that she'd casually made her entrance unless they looked around for the turning of heads, waving if they looked her way, relishing the strong, eye opening burn as that inebriating brew slid down her throat with ease, "I suppose I'll see you on the dancefloor."

After all... No way the openly pansexual, polyamorous guildmaster of Blue Pegasus would turn down the invitation like this during pride month of all times. She'd have enjoyed it even more with her better half here in the dancefloor beside her... But at the same time~... She wouldn't mind bringing home a first hand experience to share with Sofia and hopefully tempt her into coming along with her next time. For now though... She had a long overdue meeting with the club's owner:

"Hey Zaza...~?", she called out as she walked up to the DJ's booth, elbow resting on the nearest surface as she spoke up, loud enough to hopefully get their attention, hooking her finger, beckoning her host over... Truly, the daemon wasn't the only one with sin in mind.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:52 pm


WORDS: --- | TAG:

Cylinder stages in sections with the middle area open for ravishing on the floor itself, above her were lights of blue and red giving the area a dashing rave. She left Suza with a babysitter, her friend of course as her friend wasn't the type to join in. Not Akuko, no, a friend she has yet to introduce to her journal. Her eyes that glistened golden brown like jewels of topaz blazing in the flames. Her pink hair was put up in a ponytail as it sparkled like the pink night waves of the horizon. She wore a white crop top with fishnets underneath, a skull in the middle of the shirt. Her pants fit perfectly on her hips as it revealed her curvy form of her waist. Her pants are tight jeans with bell bottoms as her assets are formed of a perfect large apple.

She wore her dancing shoes that had beautiful heels, glistening onyx black with silver sparkling laces. Quilla stood at the entrance as she was wondering who she will meet at this party. Before she got here, she had to get ready at some hotel that she was invited to stay at. This outfit was someone else's that she stole, her shirt being from some teen and pants from a tourist. Her shoes were a pair she stole from Crocus some time ago. Quilla showed her pass, the Bouncer of course checked her out as she walked in.

Once again, she gazed at this party. A party she will surely enjoy and if she didn't, perhaps she will make it more enjoyable in her own fashion. A playful smirk appeared on her calm cold face before letting it die down and moving forward. She swayed her hips and went towards the bar to get a drink as she simply felt like she had to enjoy the beverages here before hitting the dance floor. Too bad her dear friends were not here, but perhaps that is for the best as another part of her wishes to play soon.

Once she went to the bar her finger grazes against the smooth table and flashed her eyes at the bartender. "I'll take a few shots of your strongest," she let her eyes corner and look around to notice a few people she has never met, but has heard of. She smirked as she had her rainbow shots trialed out for her. "Thanks," she nodded and carefully placed all the colors on her finger tips before shotting one after another into her mouth. The burning liquid went down her throat as each one was different than the other in flavor. Her heart was pounding as it took it all in. Her pupils were enlarging as the lights felt hypnotic till the last drop hit the satisfying spot. A puff of air escaped her sweet soft mouth to take a breather before standing straight and licked her lips to enjoy the last taste of what was.

Sometimes, you have to make

your own fun.

credit to nat of adoxography.


WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:57 am

WC : --
Tags : @
He had heard about a new club that opened recently on a local island, even though he was not one for crowded and loud areas, he was one for a little bit of celebrations, and considering the time of year it was, there was no way the young wood elf could pass this opportunity up. After all there is always that saying; live fast, die young. Wait no that wasn’t the one he was trying to remember, oh well too many sayings to strife through within his memory to correct himself. Stepping into the club, the first thing that hit him was the bass of the music, cerulean eyes glanced around, squinting a little every time one of the strobe effect lights would catch his eyes directly, he’d get used to that later on in the night that was a definite.

His blue tie loose around his neck, waistcoat unbuttoned completely and just hanging freely, along with the first few buttons of his button up undone, Fell slipped his hands into the pockets of his casual smart casual smokey grey shorts, the shorts perfect for island weather but also a party. Maybe he was a little overdressed for this party, no for the club in general, but he also was not fond of showing off all his scars that he has gathered over the years, even if this month was about embracing oneself and throwing caution - to a certain extent - to the wind, his scars are something he was still very self conscious about. Making his way to the bar, first things first was a drink or two, just to get the night started. Then mingling was the next action to take, maybe dancing with random strangers, he needed to loosen up a little and live his life more. He might be a wood elf and live longer than humans, but he was way too tense for his age, he was still practically a teen in elf years, though he was almost a full fledged adult in human years, but Fell just did not act like that at all.

“Yo, I’d like a few shots of your most funkiest spirit drinks.” Nodding to the bartender, shouting as loud as his voice could allow him over the music so they could hear him, as he slipped into his seat, leaning against the surface, relaxed but slightly tense. His cerulean eyes glancing around the club, a small grin lacing his lips at how much fun everyone was having, he will be there soon enough. When the barkeep gave him his shots, Fell spent no time before downing them both, shaking his head a little at the burn before letting out a chuckle. “Not bad. Keep a tab open, won't be the last of them, that’s a promise.”

"My Mother told me that the world has got it's plans...
I wanna hold'em till they burn right through my hands."

Minstrel #F99245 ☽•☾ Desiertian #ED2939 ☽•☾ Fiorian 59A074
☽•☾ Elvish #9E7D36 ☽•☾
STR : 5 | SPD : 8 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 9

Fell's Files ☽•☾ Fell's Journal ☽•☾ Fell's Logs


WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:56 pm

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] CEP5Eq0

The MDMA in Za's bloodstream was running its course, and soon it was bound to cause the Archfiend to crash. However, in this very moment all he could truly feel was bliss. His eyes averted to the side of him, the DJ nodding his head as he tapped the buttons on his magical floating screens, each screen for a different sound. A talent unlike any other if Za had anything to say about it. The lights bounced from off the magical screens, onto the Dj's head gear and then back onto the screens. It felt like Aliens were among them, but of course the truth was that there were no aliens here- not any from other planets at least. Only demons, devils and all the desires and temptations that they had filled into the minds of every being in this building. The DJ didn't realize it, but the host had been smirking. It was happening. He couldn't contain himself. First it was his left shoulder, with a mind of its own it moved to the bass in the beat. Then it was his feet. With every tapping noise his foot followed suit. Drugs, they induced yet another feeling the fiend couldn't explain.

Z'Aleel grabbed the Dj's arm and swung him around, bringing him closer before their lips met, greeting each other at the intersection and finding themselves struggling to move away. The music continued to pump and thump as the two men shared an extremely intimate kiss on the stage before the crowd. Nobody cared, and why would they? They too indulged in activities that brought them excitement and enforced emotions they no longer had to ignore. As dark and sin-filled as this place was, it was safe for people like the Nimulli. In the midst of it all, his hand began to wonder, slowly finding its way down the Djs back, gripping his backside as their bodies pressed against each other. The man who was obviously on the receiving end in this situation found his own hands trailing down Za's front side and aiming to reach the most intimate part of the hosts body until that nectar flavored voice belonging to the goddess that no man could tame rang softly in his ears, yet powerful enough to override the tune playing to no end.

Breaking away, the young red headed prince turned around to see one of the most beautiful women he would probably ever see. "Alisa~" He said as he faced the leader of Pegasi with a devilish smirk. Just like that the Dj was free to go back to doing what he was here to do in the first place. That would be his moment with the devil for the night, greater things called upon him. In the distance he could see a woman he had heard a lot about, one the Daemon didn't actually expected to be here, let alone on this island. The reaper herself, a woman not many would ever cross and soon, a woman who would be his advisor personally appointed to him by his father. She too was a mesmerizing woman- certainly more brutal than Alisa, but just as strong and deadly; like a mighty panthera. An entity that mortals could only dream of being in good graces with, a bad bitch indeed, her name was Quillareine.

Before he jumped down off the stage to Alisa, he waved his hand for Quillareine to come- and then he saw a man beside her. He glowed in the Abyss. Fuck it, Za thought before waving him over too. Then he turned his attention back to the woman who commanded it first. "Alisa~ You made it..." Almost drawing blood, the Daemon bit his lip as his sun-lit irises scrolled down her perfectly sculpted body. If there was one thing Illumin didn't suck at doing it was creating the most beautiful creatures. Za just couldn't help himself. It'd be a lie to say he didn't desired her, much like most men in this country. Thirsty as ever, he opened his mouth to say, "Damn...". That single word was all he could manage to breath out. Truly, there was no other word that he could find to better explain how undeniably sexy she was. What was even sexier though, was that she knew the power of her beauty.

The daemon's eyes slid back up her body to meet hers. "You're the highlight of my night." If the mistress would allow it, he'd gently pick up her hand before planting a gentle kiss upon it. To her it may have been a kind gesture, but to the Archfiend it was much much more. If anybody was the reincarnation of Satan, it was him. His mind was already imagining scenarios. "You here alone?"

#6Valeria Hildegard 

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:35 pm

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone

The reverberations of the loud music invaded her ears, growing louder with each step she took towards the destination. The clicks of her black heels against the ground were easily drowned out in the sea of noise; the shuffles on the dance floor, the loud talking, the clanks from glasses kissing each other at the rims. Having made her way to Luluhawa island to enjoy a few days of peace, the rumors of the club that had spread like wildfire reached her ears. Valeria had quite a soft spot for rumors because they always sourced the most entertainment, after all. Unable to contain her curiosity, she found herself inside, having slipped in with others quite easily. She was someone who often stood out. Perhaps it was because her silver hair perfectly blended with her pale skin and contrasted with her bloodshot lips or perhaps it was her snake-like crimson gaze that gave away her status as a predator. However, in this vicinity, where she found herself standing amidst a sea of sin, nobody cared for her, and she enjoyed it.

Her pale hair shined underneath the flickering lights, adorning its color momentarily before it changed again. The curls cascaded down her bare back where two mere strings, sitting in a crisscross pattern, held the shiny black dress onto her body, cinching it perfectly at the waist. The front of the dress was rather low, held up to cover her by two strings that tied behind her neck. Hugging her curves, the dress halted just slightly above the middle of her thigh with a little slit that carved up dangerously high. It was a rather impractical outfit to fight in but luckily, the vampire was not here to fight. Considering that it was quite a large-scale event, however, she was looking forward to witnessing a few brawls here and there. After all, where else can one find the best entertainment if not in a place swarming with mages, adventurers, and various monsters, all of whom were viciously under the influence of alcohol and perhaps even drugs.

Her painted lips lifted into a smile at the prospect of that happening. With a wandering gaze that was nearly blinded by the various flashing lights, she looked around, noticing some people near the bar while others looked like shadows on the dancefloor, swaying mindlessly to the music. There were people in all corners of the club, indulging in various forms of pleasurable activities. The scent of alcohol and sweat was heavy in the air, mingling with the distant smell of blood as well. It would come as no surprise to her if there were vampires swarming around, feeding on individuals. That was yet another reason for her arrival. She wanted to take a look around, attempt to gather some information, and perhaps, if she were in the mood, even find herself a delicacy amid the crowd.

The music stopped, letting the voice of the host echo through the walls before resuming again. Picking up a glass from the tray held by a server, she gulped down whatever liquid was contained in it. Alcohol was one of the few things that she could stomach and while she generally avoided it due to her aversion to the bitter taste and burning sensation, she felt no reason to hold back today. The host gave off a vibe that was eerily familiar but she wasn't quite concerned about his identity. Tonight was a night for Valeria to let loose and indulge in the services this party had to offer.
Party Time woop woop


WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] HWpjwHq

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Sat Jun 25, 2022 4:01 pm



With the deep, powerful beat reverberating down every single inch of her body, Alisa could barely hear a thing other than the music, hell, she could feel it even as she stood this close to those booming speakers. Even then, she could still hear his voice, filled with temptation as he returned the greeting, her lips curling wider by the second. She could only scarcely peel her eyes, away, but she did it nonetheless, glancing over to where she saw him waving, hoping to find who else had caught his eye, trusting in his impeccable taste, brow arching as she caught sight of at least one person she remembered from the beach earlier:

"Ohoo? She never struck me as the clubbing type. People always seem to find ways of surprising you.", she mused aloud, unable to hear even her own voice, chewing her bottom lip as she took in the sinuous sight of the siren at the bar. She may have never laid eyes on them before, but two more people at the bar caught her eye, a man with hair as dusky as the night sky and a pale, breathtaking beauty with eyes as red as the brightest rubies, both tall enough to stand out among the crowd, "Well hello~"

She commited both their faces to memory, making a little mental note to try and find them later on. For now though, Za took up the lion's share of her attention, especially once he hopped back down from the DJ's booth. Alisa stepped over to him, closing the distance, her eyes washing over the Daemon's chiseled frame, the striking, vibrant golden hues and fiery red hair. She knew right then and there that she couldn't have asked for a better host... No, perhaps even before that, right from the moment she heard him crying out to that boisterious croud loudly enough that she could hear it right from the moment she sat foot inside:

"As if I could resist such an invitation this tempting~", she greeted, winking at him as the two stepped in close, still idly running her hands down that wet, glistening hair before flipping it behind her shoulder. She caught his wandering eyes, but not for a second shied away from it, quite the opposite. Instead, her hand slid down to the swell of her wide, womanly hip as she cocked it to the side, idly brushing the edge of those wet denim shorts... Not that she herself was much better with the way she returned every single look, if a little more subtly, her hand raising over her chest at his words of praise, "Myyy~... How flattering... Besides, you're one to talk~"

Alisa didn't know what manner of substances he'd already been indulging in, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't interested... Feels like far too long had passed since she'd cut loose. After this, she could never doubt the man's devilish status if he could tempt her into debauchery so quickly. Letting out a low, breathy chuckle, almost a husky purr as he took her hand and kissed it ever so gently, admiring the contrast between the elegance of his motions and the wildness she saw with just one single look into his eyes. Oh, she defenitely made the right decision coming here:

"Indeed I am. Why, were you expecting to catch a glimpse of Sofia as well~?", she chimed back as she nodded, a sly hint drawing on that cool, collected smile, casually dropping the name of her wife while knowing fully well she'd defenitely enjoy it here. Za had made quite the impression so far, no more than a few minutes in enough that Alisa couldn't help feel a tantalizing tingle shooting through her body as she mused, "Though you have me wondering... What you have in store for us here~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Sat Jun 25, 2022 4:36 pm


It was near the dance floor that a small commotion was taking place, albeit an endearing one in its own way. "Make way! make way! You don't want to be here when she arrives, unless you like to be stepped on--- you never know what type of things people in the abyss enjoy...."

A small exceed was exclaiming excitedly as he started to redirect some part of the clubgoers to make some way. Whatever the exceed was planning, it seemed some of the party-goers had been curious whether he was part of the attractions the club had organized for the night.

"Me? I'm no attraction! I'm Silas, the great vampire lord of the exceeds! And I am an ambassador of the Queen of All Slimes, her majesty-"

Yet before he could finish his declaration a tear in the air above the exceed started to open up, expanding as a throne descended right down onto him, although equally peculiar was the fact there had been a blue slime seated on top of the throne.

"Silas, what are you doing under the throne?" The slime chimed in a soft feminine voice as the throne rose slightly of its own volation, making the exceed mutter under its breath. "I was there cause someone drives worse than my grandma..."

The slime's gaze drifted around the area, muttering softly. "Are you certain she is here? You said the same thing in Hargeon..." But Silas quickly recovered, hopping back onto his feet and declaring proudly. "Of course, I am as certain as can be! My sources tell me the White Empress is on this island, and since this is the only party going on tonight, she must be here!"

After hearing those words Esperia's gaze drifted around, some of the clubgoers observing her throne with curiosity, others amused at the exchanges between the slime and the exceed.

"Aha~ There she is, and seemingly she caught the attention of someone. I'm going to say hi, how about you go and have some fun Silas?"

The exceed nodded his head eagerly, a sweeping motion with his cape being made when he suddenly started to move toward the dance floor, likely to showcase his dance moves.

Meanwhile the slime on the throne hovered closer to the ongoing conversing duo, parking her throne next to the pair as she eagerly hopped up and down on the throne. "Aha~ So Silas was right! You were here Ali! And who is your new friend?"

Tilting her head slightly to the side in confusion, the slime chimed happily. "My name is-" Yet before she could finish a proud voice exclaimed above her. "Her Majesty, queen of all slimes: Osbornes!" Yet Esperia sighed audibly as Silas balanced his footing on the top of the back of the throne while Esperia hummed playfully, hopping up and down on the throne with the bouncy excitement of a child. "Esperia~ An ordinary traveling lewdling, and apprentice to the White Empress~"

With those words spoken Silas hopped down on the arm support of the throne and looked at the slime in confusion. "Why not use your official title master? The slimes would be distraught if you don't start to act like the queen!"

Yet as her body morphed into its human form, albeit aptly dressed for the climate the slime girl bopped the exceed slightly on the head and spoke in a softer tone. "We can talk about it later, for now I'm sure you gave Ali a legion of questions with your fancy introductions~"


WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:33 am


WORDS: --- | TAG:

Quilla looked around and saw some familiar people, yet some new ones as she only knew some by their fame or in other cases, infamy. After her rainbow shots she flipped her pink hair and shot her cold gaze towards the dance floor. Too bad she couldn't bring her horse here, but he'd just take up space. Ignoring those who were at the bar, she walked in the middle of the dance floor to then swing her hips slowly, arms up with her wrists grazing against each other as her body was moving in a hypnotizing motion.

Her head tilted the way her large hips were circling as she was in a slow motion, belly dancing trance, but once the music started to speed up, so did the woman as she then saw a man try to dance his way in. At that moment her hips swayed the opposite way as her hand motioned towards the guy, making it look like part of the dance, but making him take a hint that he was being rejected. Her heart was only dancing for one person, but he wasn't here nor was the one acceptation, Death. The God that she worshipped, and her father was working for.

The lights were lit up in different colors as they changed her hair color to fit the lights going into a rave. She stayed her cool look while dancing to the groove.

Sometimes, you have to make

your own fun.

credit to nat of adoxography.


WE PARTY ALL NIGHT [Open][Club Abyss][Club Floor] Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:38 pm

WC : --
Tags : @
Fell glanced around the club after his second glass of whatever he was drinking, he never did get the name from the bartender but it didn't matter, he wouldn’t remember in the morning anyway, so why bother now. Whilst he was drinking, he did notice the two women that had appeared at the bar around the same time as him, or just a bit after, he was too immersed in watching all the people dancing on the floor and in every corner of the club to care, but there was one thing that Fell wasn’t going to brush up, and that was how amazing the women looked. They looked like absolute godsends. He never really mingled much growing up, so being a young adult, he wanted to let loose and he wasn't going to be a blushing fourteen year old surrounded by skimpily dressed people, or in the case of some others here, perfectly dressed beings who showed off their assets the best way they could.

Now he really felt a little overdressed. “Maybe I should’ve just ditched the tie and shirt… the waist coat would’ve been fine on its own, honestly.” Picking up the glass, he glanced at the women beside him, her flowing curls changing to the colour of the lights, and her crimson eyes almost mesmerising to anyone who was close enough to see them shine. “What do you think, Mooncake? Should’ve ditched the shirt and tie right?” Taking a whisk of his drink, his eyes trailed back to the dancefloor. Maybe he should just get up and dance. Fell noticed that the other women had already made her way to the floor, and honestly good for her, she seemed to be enjoying herself, and what more could you do at a club right.

Cerulean eyes scanned the room again, noticing that there were two people overlooking the club from near the stage and to say that they were ethereal was an understatement. He wouldn’t mind getting to know them a little later on either, make connections and it could really help a guy later on in life, but also he wasn't gonna subject himself to not closing on eye candy like those two. “Fuck it.” Setting the empty glass down, Fell soon slipped away from the bar, and decided to roam the floor, either he would just get dragged into the crowd of dancing drunkards or whatever the hell half of these people were on, or he would just head back to the bar. The young elf was going to let the club itself decide his fate.

"My Mother told me that the world has got it's plans...
I wanna hold'em till they burn right through my hands."

Minstrel #F99245 ☽•☾ Desiertian #ED2939 ☽•☾ Fiorian 59A074
☽•☾ Elvish #9E7D36 ☽•☾
STR : 5 | SPD : 8 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 9

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