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Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)

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Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:06 am


Yuurei and Renji were back home in the North. It was weird being away from home for so long, but it was a nice feeling when they were home. The reconstruction of the guild had finished, which was a good thing. It would seem like everything was closer together than it was before. That was good, but now that they were home, it would seem like Yuurei had a lot of paperwork to do. It wasn’t just that, but it seemed like people needed his help here as well. The messenger within the guild would find out that his boss had returned. He would rush over to Yuurei and soon enough he would hear the door knocking.

“That was quick. Come on in.” He said as he leaned back on his chair.

It wouldn’t take long, but they would both have a smile on their face. He would motion for him to come over to him.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:07 am


The messenger would make his way to Yuurei and he would hand him the letter. The light mage would take it without a problem, and he would nod. The messenger had done his job and he would leave Yuurei’s office. The Nephilim would read the letter and when he was done, he would chuckle a bit. He didn’t think he would miss killing rats, but here he was. He was getting ready now as he would get up from his seat. His cape would move over to his back, and he would smile as it would seem like he had gotten a lot of things ever since leaving the North.

“Renji we’re going to kill some rats, so wake up.” He said to his friend.

Renji would get up from his desk, and he would stretch his arms into the air. He would look over to Yuurei and walk over to him and climb on his shoulder.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:07 am


Renji would look over to Yuurei and he would tell him that he was ready.

”Okay I’m ready to go on this adventure.” He said to Yuurei.

The berserker would hear these words, and he would laugh a bit. Still, now that his friend was ready, he would move over to the window, and he would open it. Once he had done that, Yuurei would jump out of the window before closing it behind him. It wouldn’t take him long, but they would start flying toward Orchidia City. He moved through the sky without a problem and Renji was enjoying the nice breeze on his face.

Yuurei was using his cape as their way of transportation. It seemed to enjoy being used, so he didn’t want to ignore it right now. He wondered how many rats he was going to have to kill today. He figured it would be a lot as it was in an apartment they were going to clear out.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:08 am


Yuurei would move through the sky without a problem as he was heading toward his destination. It wouldn’t take long, but he would see the city not too far from him. That was good because it meant that they would be able to take care of that rat problem for their client. When he got to Orchidia City, he kept moving through the sky as he was looking for the apartment complex. It wouldn’t take long, but he would find it, and he would soar down to the ground. He would land without a problem, and he would look around as he was trying to figure out where to go.

Once he understood where he was, Yuurei would start walking off in the direction of where his client would be waiting for them. While he was walking Renji would get off his shoulder and onto the ground. He would walk side by side with Yuurei as he wanted to keep himself in shape.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:08 am


Yuurei would navigate through the streets without a problem and while he was doing that, he would see people waving at him. The Nephilim would wave back as he was happy to see them as they were with him. It wouldn’t take long, but he would be around the area where he and his client were to meet. While he was looking around the area, he would see someone in front of a building.

The Nephilim would walk over to them and when he got close enough, he would come to a stop. He would wave at the man, and the man would look over to Yuurei and Renji.

“We’re here because you sent a letter to my guild. It seems like you want our help with a rat problem?” He asked waiting for him to say something.

The client would hear his words, and when he noticed that it was Yuurei that was there, he would get excited. He would walk over to the two that were in front of him.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:09 am


He would bow slightly as he was in front of the most famous mage within Fiore.

“Let me start by saying I’m happy you are on the side of Fiore. But yes, I asked if you could come and get rid of all the rats that are in my building. It seems like they are huge, and they are on every floor. Are you fine with doing this on your own?” He asked Yuurei.

The light mage would smile when he heard those words, and he would rub the back of his head.

“Yeah, you don’t have to worry about me taking care of the rats for you. I just need you to call someone to get rid of their dead bodies. I also need you to get someone to cover up the hole that should be somewhere within your building. Also, don’t come into the building until I come out of it.” He said to his client.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:09 am


Yuurei’s client would nod as he would understand everything that Yuurei had told him. Still, now that the talking was done with, the duo would walk over to the door. They had a lot to deal with, but they both seem prepared for it. The half-elf would open the door, and Renji would go in at the same time as Yuurei. When they entered, they would close the door, so the rats couldn’t make their way outside. Now that they were inside, they were looking around the hallways and started moving through the first level they were in.

They would move through the place fairly smoothly, but then they would notice that there was a group of rats around the area. These rats would notice that they weren’t alone. Renji knew what was going on, and he would open his bag. This would bring out Yuurei’s equipment as the fight was soon to start.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:10 am


The group of rats would come straight to Yuurei, and the Nephilim welcomed it. He would pivot his feet to move to the side and watch the rat lunge and miss. He would swing his arm straight toward the rat as his right hand would stretch quickly. It would connect a jab straight behind the creature and take it out. The other rat thought it was slick, but Yuurei’s cape would take him up into the air by using his mana. It would miss, and Yuurei would come from behind and he would kick the rat without hesitating on the blow. It would be another rat down, and he would look over to the next one.

It would screech as it was warning the others throughout the building. It would start running toward Yuurei.

He would shake his head as if it was the same thing with these rats. Once it got close enough, Yuurei would punch it with all his might, and he would put it out of its misery.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:10 am


The berserker was done with this room, and he would move on to the next area. He would move around the first floor and the rats would be taken care of. Renji was looking for something else and that was to see if there were any valuables here. It wouldn’t take long, but the Exceed would find what he was looking for as he would put it in his bag. Still, now that they were done with the first floor, they would be able to go to the next floor. The duo would walk up the steps and when they got to the second-floor things looked different.

Yuurei knew that there were rats here. He could smell how dirty this place was, and he felt bad for anybody who had enhanced smell. The two of them would start walking through this floor as they were wondering how many rats would be there. It didn’t matter because the result would be the same.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:11 am


They would walk through the place without a problem. It was normal for them or at least for Yuurei. He tends to be the strongest in the room, so he didn’t have to worry about much. His travel through the second floor though would leave him to see six rats here. There were more here than there were in the lower level. He had a smirk on his face as it seemed like they hadn’t noticed that he had arrived. The berserker would run to one of them and he would grab it and slam it onto the ground before it could react.

The other five rats would see and hear this as they would start running toward Yuurei. This was good as he would step back and avoid their attacks. They were trying to slash at him and even try and latch themselves on him with their mouths. Still, he was quick on his feet as he would avoid their incoming attacks.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:11 am


Yuurei would launch his counterattack though. While they were moving toward him a second time, the light mage would start using his right arm to punch their lights out. They couldn’t see it coming, so their end was quick. The rats kept going, but they should have known how this was going to end. Renji was busy looking around the area. He didn’t have time for this, and it would seem like the rats didn’t care about him. The berserk would swing his right arm every time they would come at him. He would end their lives one by one, and soon there would only be one rat left.

Yuurei would look at it as if it would run straight to him. He would shake his head as it seemed like he didn’t know better. When it got close enough, Yuurei would take it out with one punch and it would drop to the ground.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:12 am


Yuurei was done with this floor, but he would look to see where Renji was. When he found his friend, he would move over to him. It would seem like Renji was looking for something or at least he was. The Exceed would put the things away, and he would look over to Yuurei as he was ready to continue pushing forward. The light mage would see this, and they would look throughout this level. The rats didn’t exist here, which meant that it was time to move onto the next floor. The two of them would walk up the stairs. While they were doing that, Yuurei would notice that there were rats running down the stairs.

He would shake his head because this wasn’t good news. He would start attacking the incoming rats as they would fall to the ground, and the others would have to run over their bodies. Yuurei would keep taking them out as he had to check the other floors to make sure there weren’t any more rats.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:12 am


It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would take the rats that were on the staircase. When he got to the third floor, he would check to see if there were any rats here. Renji was looking for valuable things to give to the client. The light mage would notice that the rats that were on the staircase were probably from this floor. While he was making sure that everything was clear, the Exceed would collect everything that he needed to collect.

Yuurei would look at him and it would seem like they were ready to go. They would make it to the next floor, and there they would take care of the rats that were there too. They would move through the rest of the floors, and they would make sure that there weren’t any rats standing. Renji made sure to collect everything that he could. He knew that their client would be happy with everything they found.



Pest Control PT. 19 (Neutral)  Empty Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:13 am


Yuurei was done with this place, and now they had to find the hole in the wall. They would move through the building, and they would find it on the first floor. It wasn’t hard to find, but if they weren’t actively looking, they would have missed it. The Nephilim would cover the hole without a problem. Still, now that they were done here, the two of them would leave the building. Their client was waiting for them, and they had more people with them now. It would seem like he had listened to him, which was a good thing.

Yuurei would explain everything that happened and where to find the hole. His client would be happy to hear everything, and he would hand him a huge bag of jewels. Yuurei was impressed with the weight of the jewels. He would put it away and he would walk out of there. Renji would hand everything that was in his bag before he ran off to catch up to Yuurei.

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