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Where There's Smoke, There's Pipes (Bad)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Where There's Smoke, There's Pipes (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:12 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge and Luci the Demon had taken a job from Akabo and they were going to the same spot they had met him last time. It would seem like they were going to be doing something quick for him. Toge would make it to the spot that Akabo would be, and he would enter the place. The big guy would look over to see the person who entered the spot. When he saw it was the guy from last time, he would smile because he had a job for him to do.

“Ah it’s you. Perfect timing I need you to do a job for me. There is a guy name Davis and he sells medicines. I need you to find out where he gets his supplies from without him being hurt or threatened, and after go to his supplier and get them to never sell to him with any means possible.” He said to Toge.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Where There's Smoke, There's Pipes (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:13 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would look at him and he would have a smirk on his face.

“You don’t have to worry I will be getting everything done.” He said to him.

Toge would leave the shop, but not before Akabo would give him where to find Aavis. He would move through the area of Hosenka City as he was looking for Aavis. He was glad that he knew where to go as he didn’t want to go crazy looking for this man. It wouldn’t take long, but he would find the place where the guy who was selling medicine was located. It wouldn’t take him long, but now he was trying to figure out what to do next. He needed to get him to drop who their suppliers were.

He would go and buy something from Aavis and once he had done that they would talk for a bit. Once he had done this, he would get information and soon exactly what he had come from.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Where There's Smoke, There's Pipes (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:13 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would make his way to the next place, and it was the person who had supplied Aavis with his stuff. It wouldn’t take long for him to arrive at the location, and when he did, he would see someone at the storage. There, he would see him about to go in. The paladin would intervene with him, and he would threaten him to not sell to Aavis. He was hoping that the man wouldn’t agree to it, so he could beat him into submission. The man would tell him no as he wasn’t going to listen to a stranger. He also explained why he wouldn’t do that because Aavis paid him good money.

It wouldn’t take him long, but he would start beating on the man, and he would scared and cry out that he was sorry. Still, he kept going because he needed him to understand as the man was screaming in pain.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Where There's Smoke, There's Pipes (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:14 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would finish beating up with the guy. It would seem like this man would understand what would happen if he kept selling to Aavis. He was brutally beaten, but Toge made sure that he couldn’t walk away from this. Now that he was done with this, he would head over to Akabo. He moved through the city, and he would make it to the store. He would enter the place and he would see that the man was waiting for him. He would wave at him, and he would tell him everything that he had done.

Akabo was happy to hear this and he would hand him his jewels. This would bring him to count everything before he left the store. He was glad that he was able to do this easy job, and now he could be on his way to enjoy the day. Luci the Demon would be glad that his friend got paid.


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