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Escort the Employee (Bad)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Escort the Employee (Bad) Empty Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:34 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge had been doing amazing in Hosenka, but he figured he would take on a job that would give him quick jewels. He was working for Madam Suzumi, and he was meeting with one of the new workers who had arrived in the city. Luci would be on his shoulder as they would see a carriage coming toward the city right now.

“Don’t you got other things to do right now Toge?” He asked him waiting to see what he would say.

“Everything is running smoothly and the guys knew I was stepping out for a bit. Don’t worry about it.” He said to Luci as the demon would shake his head.

It wouldn’t take long, but the person in the carriage would arrive at the city gate. He would walk over to the carriage, and it would open. A woman would come out as pretty as she could be and she would look at Toge.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Escort the Employee (Bad) Empty Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:35 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would nod at her and he would show her the job paper to show her he was legit.

“I will be escorting you to the brothel.” He said to her as she had explained everything to him and why he was needed for this job.

Toge was fine with that and the two of them would start walking through the streets. The paladin was by her side, and he was making sure that nobody would try anything slick. A lot of people were nervous to see him around and would just back off and mind their own business. Still, while they were walking it would seem like the female worker would notice something. She would get closer to Toge and she would look at him.

“I feel like someone is following us.” She said to Toge.

He had felt it too, but when he looked around, he wouldn’t see anything.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Escort the Employee (Bad) Empty Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:35 am

Go D. Drakkon
“You don’t have to worry about anybody following us. They will be in a world of hurt if they show themselves with me around. I will protect you; Madam Suzumi wouldn’t have hired me to do this if I wasn’t capable of doing this.” He said to her.

This would reassure her that she was protected, and she didn’t have to worry about anything. She would smile at him, and they would continue walking through the streets of the Crimson Quarter. The paladin was getting to know the woman more. He didn’t speak, but she wanted to speak to make herself feel at ease. He wasn’t going to stop her because he was getting paid at the end of this.

They kept moving as he knew that they were getting close to the brothel. This was good because he had a business that he had to attend to. It wasn’t just that, but it made more jewels for him anyways.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Escort the Employee (Bad) Empty Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:36 am

Go D. Drakkon
The group would soon end up in front of the brothel. When they got there, Toge would look at the place and he would open the door for the woman. She would enter the place, and Toge would follow behind her. When they entered, they would see Madam Suzumi waiting for her. Toge would tell her everything that had happened throughout the trip. He had even told her that there might be someone still following her. The owner would hear everything that Toge had to say, and she would thank him for everything. It wasn’t just that, but she would hand the man the jewels that she was going to pay him. Toge would weigh the jewel and he knew this was all he needed.

He would wave at the females there, and he would leave the place. Once he was outside Toge started moving to the area where he was doing business for the Dragon gang.


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