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Living On A Prayer [Manzo]

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#1Esperia the Cruel 

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:12 pm

Esperia the Cruel
O how absolutely delightful, to think that such events had transpired without her own involvement. It was euphoric in a way to find out just how twisted this universe truly was. In a way it almost felt like her presence might had been unneeded, just letting events unfold as they were would be enough to bring Earthland to its knees at some point. But she couldn't let that happen, not without giving it a helping hand, or a nasty shove in the right direction.

Speaking of cruel intentions, she had been preparing quite a spectacle herself. Although she had heard a certain raider from her world had decided to show up, she dismissed the rumor, caring little about their involvement as long as they wouldn't get in her way.

A pair of cultists approached her, bowing their head in reverence to her. "I presume you have completed your task?" The vampire inquired with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

"We did as you instructed. The sacrifice has been collected." Her gaze softened as she looked up ahead toward the sacrificial altar where several cultists were preparing for the ritual.

"And our guest?" To which the cultists replied proudly. "en-route to Dahlia, our scouts saw him approaching the cemetery a bit ago."

Perfect, all the actors were in place, now it was just a matter of the play to begin.


Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:46 pm


The smell of death filled the air, as was common inside of a cemetery. But given his keen nose, it was hard for him to just ignore. Not only that, he was overcome with the smell of iron, as if the slitting of wrists were as fresh as this morning's produce.

His summons to this place had all the hall marks of his past a cultist hunter. It wasn't missing anything, howling wind, the darkness of night, all that was missing was a castle to complete the whole scene. Though the real question was very simple, who wanted him here.

Were they cultist from the past that managed to escape slaughter and now wanted revenge. Surely they would be smarter than that. Surely. Though he knew that they themselves weren't stupid enough to bring him here without the prodding along of someone with far more power than they had.

Which meant we had a new puppet master in our midst. As he entered the cemetery the sound of ritual chanting filled the air, the smell of scorched flesh follow. Which meant, the only thing missing, was him. He was going to be the guest of honor in this place.

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] LGnxHvk
#3Esperia the Cruel 

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:58 pm

Esperia the Cruel
Ah, there he was. Right on time. The cultists at the altar were quick to notice his presence, a few rushed in front of him, yet a familiar voice called out to them. "Let him through~ That's not how you're meant to treat an old friend."

The vampire chimed softly as she stepped away from her higher vantage point that overseen the sacrificial altar. She smiled gently at him, a hand gently resting on her chest as she sighed softly. "My condolences my dear~ I heard the news, of how you were unable to prevent that tragedy from unfolding: How your dear friend was betrayed and murdered by the very people she worked with. Doesn't it fill you with anger and disgust? To know Esperia died simply because she trusted the Rune Knights?"

Her voice was soft and gentle, sickening sweet and melodious as she approached the manslayer. "It is a loss I am intimately familiar with, for in my realm it was such a loss that drove me to the extremes I am today."

She paused as she stopped a few steps away from Manzo. "But it does not need to be a fate for you to share. Should you desire to, you can easily call upon her from the beyond."

She snapped her fingers lightly, causing the cultists to reveal that upon the altar was a figure, her wrists and legs chained to the altar, and her mismatched eyes gazed in a frightened state toward Manzo, pleading for him to save her. "All it requires is a sacrifice: Will you be prepared to sacrifice the young flower, so that Esperia can blossom once more?"

She stepped behind him, whispering tenderly into his ear. "Surely you want to be reunited with her? This is your chance to make right of the things that went wrong. After all, what is but one life in exchange for that of your beloved friend?"

One of the cultists approached Manzo, hesitatingly showing him the sacrificial dagger, likely intimidated due to the man's reputation.


Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:12 pm


"I wondered how long it would take you to find me." Manzo said in response to the alternate version of Esperia. The voice was the same, but smell, the smell was of death. It was the same stench that covered him. Both slayers of men in their own right. But, the difference here was as plain as day, one of them hadn't lost their humanity in the process.

Her words were like honey to his ears, watching someone with even the slightest resemblance to Esperia was enough to send chills down his spine. Though he would have to snap out of it, because he could tell there was far more going on here than what she let on. Because all Vampires were the same, every one of them wanted you to let go of your humanity, so they could feel better about trading theirs away.

Like clockwork the mind games began. But he had no idea how far they would go, because not even he could foresee the hostage she would have taken. With the presentation of the ceremonial dagger, he would see just how far it went. When the cultists stepped aside, the final sacrifice was none other than his student Lily.

"Funny." He said with a bit of a chuckle as he took the ceremonial dagger from the cultist and walked over to the altar where she was chained. Looking over the dagger slowly as he looked down at her. "Tell me, what was the Manzo in your dimension like?" He said as he brought the dagger to his side.

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] LGnxHvk
#5Esperia the Cruel 

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:21 pm

Esperia the Cruel
"Manzo?" She asked, a hand raised to her cheek as she seemed to be thinking for a moment, her twisted smile fading for the briefest of moments to show a more somber and genuine look of sadness. "He resembled you in a certain way. Although he was a slayer of men, he respected life all the same, and considered the life of his friends sacred. In my world he spilled his own blood in order to give me a second chance. In a certain way, I am glad he did: In the aftermath of these events my universe became even more twisted. Only the strong and wicked survive, and at some point our world started to die. No matter how many heroes sacrificed themselves, no matter how many villains died in the process. In the end, my world is doomed and these of us here seek only one thing: To sacrifice your world for ours. It is a future I do not want for my Manzo to see or experience."

The vampire stepped closer to Manzo, a light shake of her head following. "And yet, you could say it is nostalgia that makes me want to grant you this opportunity: For surely you know the girl's fractured state will inevitably kill both if one was not to pick. At the very least Esperia will prove to be more beneficial and entertaining to your cause in stopping me and my kin compared to the young girl that was left in your care."


Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:46 pm


Her words about her Manzo brought a small chuckle about. So, they were exactly the same except for one regard. He wouldn't sacrifice anyone, not now and not ever. He took the dagger and began to saw the bindings away from Lily's wrists. As he did so, he turned his head to the side in Esperia's direction.

Tears cascading down his cheeks and smile on his face. "You're an abomination in my sight." He said in a matter of fact tone of voice. "If your dimensions Manzo could see what you've become, he'd be ashamed of his sacrifice." He rubbed lily's rope burned wrists tenderly as he continues to maintain side eye contact.

"I loved her, I loved her more than anyone. But I refuse to damn her to the same fate as you. So bring your army, bring everything you have. In the end, none of it will be able to stop my wrath." He said turning his head once again and picking up Lily bridal style.

A smile still on his face, turning to a solemn scowl. Green and red scales popping up all over his body. "If you ever lay a finger on her again, even if it kills me, I will snuff out your twisted light."

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] LGnxHvk
#7Esperia the Cruel 

Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:55 pm

Esperia the Cruel
Heaving a sigh, the vampire smiled briefly at these words. "Foolish to the last moment, dooming you and the girl to a needless death~ In that regard you two were alike as well."

The vampire snapped her fingers, causing the nearby cultists to draw their daggers as they attempted to lunge at Manzo. However, the moment they would try to plunge their daggers into the man's body Manzo would feel something, something peculiar: In a way it was akin to a tender wind breeze that blew against his cheek, and in that same instant the two had emerged at the entrance to the graveyard.

The cultists blinked in bewilderment as they could have sworn their daggers had pierced flesh, but instead the after-image disappeared after a few seconds. The cultists turned toward their leader who simply shook her head and laughed softly. "If that is your choice~ it will make your suffering grow only worse in due time Manzo~ Whether it is 'I' or your beloved Esperia that become the root of that suffering remains yet to be seen~"


Living On A Prayer [Manzo] Empty Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:02 am


It was when Manzo gently undid her bindings and picked her up in that tender manner, that Lily's soft sobs subdued. For Manzo it might had been initially been difficult to pick up on the events that transpired due to their sudden nature. But as the cultists moved toward him Lily's hair started to turn an obsidian color, and in that same instant their daggers pierced and that gentle wind blew against his face a familiar voice called out to him.

"Let's go home Manzo~"

The soft and gentle voice that carried a hint of playfulness in it was unmistakable that of his late friend. Meanwhile as she rested her head slightly against Manzo's torso she whispered softly. "Whether it is life or death, we chose it on our own terms." Her gaze lifted up, causing the witch to gaze gently into Manzo's eyes. "I'm happy that you didn't give in to her temptations, not that I expected anything less from you~"

The witch had awakened, but if Manzo was to look at the distance, they would see that neither the cultists or the dark raider were following them. In fact, the latter had a glint of mischief in her eyes and that wicked smile of hers on her lips once more.

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