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Kaida-Doji Empty Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:17 pm



Name: Kaida-Doji

Age: February/18th/X766 (28)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: (Can I fight it? No? Get outta here.) Asexual

Ethnicity, Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan

Class: Adventurer

Race: Demi-human: Oni

Rank: D-rank

Guild: None, for now.

Tattoo: Upper right arm.

Face: Hakuryuu-Azur Lane.


Height: 1.9 metres.

Weight: 77.3 kilograms.

Hair: Grey

Eyes: Very light green/yellow

Overall: Kaida sports hair that can only really be described as a mane, extending down from her head to reach her waist, a grey growth that flows as freely as her spirit. It frames the skin of her white, just shy of being tanned bronze, face and light green/almost yellow eyes. The final thing to mention is her handlebar horns. She has two of them, a larger grey one and a smaller red one from which hangs a small incense burner suspended by rope that wraps around the horn.

Moving down from her face we reach her torso and bodily features in general. She has what could best, and most maturely described as, a generous build. A rather plump chest belays a hidden amount of strength, her body bristling with the developed musculature of a genuine martial artist, and now we reach the last thing to mention: her fashion sense.

A bold personality is matched by a bold sense of dress, with her main attire being a black Haori (with a blue pattern on the inside) worn over what is essentially a very low cut apron. Contrary to the above picture, she does in fact wear a pair of Monpe trousers beneath a pair of Suneate shin guards open topped shoes.

Extra: Other than the horns, she has a gigantic tattoo of a dragon on her back.


Personality: Bold, loud, dramatic and without fear. Kaida is many things but a coward is not one of them. She wishes to fight the strongest opponents, to taste the greatest victories and drink the heartiest alcohol. Nothing and nobody can deter her from this, so indomitable and immortal is her spirit. It should be obvious but she’s a true blue red oni through and through, focused very much on her feelings and passion (which she has in bucket loads) for life.

Of course, while this is all very much true there is more to Kaida than her hot blooded and forceful nature. She’s very physically affectionate, taken to acts of embracing people, of clutching them close and hugging them with her (by the standards of her village) freakish strength despite her complete and utter unawareness of things like love or lust. She’s capable of affection but love…? It’s not something she understands well, entirely due to a lack of exposure.

Morality is something Kaida takes very seriously. She doesn’t give a damn about justice or even the law but doing the right thing, protecting the weak and standing up for what she perceives to be right, no matter what! You wanna bully her friends and her cute juniors?! You better get ready to have your ass kicked…! Suffice to say, she’s always up to the fight, best evidenced by how the moment she finds someone stronger than her? She will challenge them over and over and over again, until she wins but only if they’re a martial artist of some sort. Magic bears no interest to her.

Now, while she is a hot blooded alcoholic that seems to be very preoccupied with earthly desires, that could not be further than the truth. Her one goal, her only goal, is to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship. She wishes to stand above the world as the greatest being under heaven, a pinnacle of war, a mighty being akin to Bishamonten or the Buddha. Call her crazy for aiming for the impossible but…that kind of boldness, that desire to touch the very heavens…isn’t that exactly what you’d expect from a wannabe god of war?

That mention of magic brings us to one very crucial point in her goal: she does not want to use magic to achieve it. Using magic, borrowing strength from others, investing in magical arms and armament…that defeats the entire point! If she can’t reach that peak on her own skill, with her own ability, off the back of her own strength….then there’s no point in doing it! Her pride is something she absolutely will not compromise, no matter what….!

  • Alchohol: Kaida likes being drunk. She likes it a lot. Sake, wine, beer, vodka, cider, rum, and every other kind of alcoholic beverage imaginable. All of them are things she wants to drink and consume endless quantities of. Don’t be surprised to see her being rowdy at a bar…
  • MEAT!!!!: She likes meat! She likes protein!!! What else could be expected from a hot blooded muscle head?! Fish, chicken, beef, pork, veal! If it’s meat, she likes it! There’s nothing else to it!!!!

  • Moral purists: You don’t like drinking?! You’ll judge her for drinking?! Her being a glutton is a bad thing?! Get out of here!!! She’s half-oni! She can do whatever she wants!
  • Pacifism:Just…what’s the point?! If someone’s trying to kill you, you fight them, if someone’s trying to stop you, you fight them, if someone’s in your way, you fight them!!! It’s why she does not understand pacifism. If you’re a coward too afraid to fight, just admit it! Don’t dress it up as a virtue…

  • The pinnacle of Heaven: Kaida desires one thing and one thing only: to be the greatest warrior under heaven. She doesn’t want to be the strongest, or the fastest or the toughest. She wants to be the greatest, to have the most skill, the greatest ability and to be an entity considered akin to a god of war!

  • Old age: Old age, entropy, decay. These are enemies that defeat even the strongest warrior, can lay low the greatest castle, can undo the mightiest achievements. It is one of Kaida deepest fears that she’ll become old, frail and weak before achieving her desire.


Strength: 11

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: N/A

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Enhancement: N/A due to Adventurer.

Magic Description: N/A


History: Joya. A land of feudal samurai, regional warlords and the supreme shogunate ruling over all. This was the world Kaida was born into, her parents lowly farmers living in the metaphorical shadow of a nearby temple. Now, from the day she was born Kaida was different to her parents. Human parents having a half-oni child…it simply would not have looked good for their family, given how fearful of the inhuman their village actually was.

At first, she managed to be able to actually fit in with the children, her horns being hidden by some clever clothing choice, but the older she got the more prominent they became. Couple this with her very blood, the result of secret ancestry on her mother’s side, causing her to develop a very aggressive and hot blooded temperament eventually resulted in her parents having to make a very difficult choice: To send her away.

And where did they send the young, and understandably angry, Kaida to? Why, that temple near their village. It was a perfect idea actually. Kaida could learn to control her temperament, while her parents could still visit under the guise of making donations, with their village being none the wiser. It would have been a perfect plan…except kaida didn’t feel the same. Being the hot blooded girl that she was, she REFUSED to so much as see her parents. She felt as if they abandoned her, even though they only wanted to protect her.

Luckily enough, the temple was filled with very understanding monks but not just any monks. Religious and seeking enlightenment through detachment from the mortal world they may have been but do not mistake them for peaceful or even pasificts. They worshipped a God of War, considering martial supremacy and strength over all aspects of the self the path to enlightenment.

This was a belief that Kaida took to heart, finding a great deal of comfort within it. She trained…and she trained…and she trained, getting stronger and more skilled, constantly fighting each and every single one of her fellow monks. She lost. Each and every single time, no matter her ability. Battle after battle, spar after spar, challenge after challenge. She lost them all and only grew angrier and more frustrated at herself, not understanding why she couldn’t put up even a paltry resistance.

Yet, while  They still wished to see her, they still wished to bond with their daughter but for a hot blooded sixteen year old? Of course that wouldn’t be enough! They cast her out at age six, shoved her off onto some monks just to protect themselves! Like hell Kaida would accept their words! Not after what they did! This was the mere stubbornness of a child but it was stubbornness nonetheless.

Meanwhile, the monks thought differently and decided to bring daughter and parents together whether Kaida liked it or not. Suffice to say, she did not like it and so simply ran away into the forest, amid a storm of thunder and lightning. She ran..and she ran..and she ran and then, amid the deluge, she witnessed enlightenment: Thunder cracked the sky and lightning struck the ground before her, splitting apart a mighty boulder.

In that moment something clicked for Kaida. A realisation struck her, divine inspiration almost, and a new found source of drive: She was too focused on trying to be stronger than the other monks, desiring to defeat them just to satisfy her ego when even if she was that might, even if she was that strong…she would never match the power of the heavens. She felt so incredibly small in that moment but it was the most beautiful thing she had seen in her life.

It made her realise that her frustrations were why she could never win. That her own inability to control her emotions was what led to her downfall and that her own pride was defeating her. With this revelation in heart, a glimpse at enlightenment being revealed to her, Kaida returned to the temple. She made up with her parents and got back to training with a new found sense of purpose! No longer did she desire to just defeat her fellow monks for her own ego but to pursue a mastery over herself and to surpass that peak she saw, to become the very strongest under heaven.

What helped was that the god the temple was pledged to happened to be a God of War, one who had apparently reached enlightenment not through a detachment from worldly desires but from a mastery of the self cultivated through martial supremacy. That story had never been something Kaida really cared about…until now. It very much served as a peak to aim for, as a pinnacle of ability to strive for.

And strive for it Kaida did. Over the next twelve years her ability increased, honed through constant defeat until one day she systematically defeated each and every single monk in the temple…except for the head monk. She was at the very height of her ability, confident and considering herself peerless. She challenged the head monk and was defeated. It happened in the mere blink of an eye, a technique that defied reason, one that cut through karma and defeated Kaida before she could so much as make a move.

It was another humbling, one that made her yet again realise just how utterly out classed she was. For all her mastery over every weapon imaginable, for having absorbed knowledge of every stance, of every technique, of every movement she could not even comprehend the technique that defeated her. Were she her younger self she would have gotten angry, gotten frustrated, given into fury but…no. She only threw back her head in laughter, lying on her back upon the ground, staring up at the very murals decorating the ceiling.

She laid her eyes on the story depicted, a tale of how the temple’s god travelled the world, seeking out stronger and stronger opponents and again, divine inspiration struck her. She leapt to her feet and made a bold announcement:

“Master! I will travel the world! I will fight the strongest! I will return and surpass even you, becoming the strongest under all Heaven! If my karma says I am to be defeated by you thenI will surpass even it! ”

That was the declaration she made before leaving that day, a thing that to any other god’s followers would be blasphemous but to the followers of a war god…? It was exactly the indomitable spirit one needed. Kaida journeying has now brought her to Fiore.

Reference: Ikanbi.

Last edited by Vaiśravaṇa-Doji on Fri Aug 19, 2022 5:03 am; edited 2 times in total


Kaida-Doji Empty Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:15 pm

This character name has been denied on the ground that it is a gods name, once you have changed it please bump the topic.


Kaida-Doji Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:49 am

I have changed the name.


Kaida-Doji Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:22 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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