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Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:18 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge and Luci the demon had made their way to the building with all the drugs that they had. It would seem like things were going smoothly within the territory they were taking care of. This was perfect, and he didn’t mind this lifestyle. It would seem like Dracon had kept supplying them with more stuff, and they were able to sell them to the people around the crimson quarter. They didn’t have anybody bothering them and it was because of how tough Toge had gotten.

He was wondering how long this would last and how far he could take this. The people under him had done their part and they were loyal. It would seem like they were fine with him leading them, and that was a good thing. The people who came here to keep an eye on the entire thing also felt comfortable with Toge now. This was good because he was teaching them the ways of his religion.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:19 am

Go D. Drakkon
There were only around three people in the building that they were occupying. The others were out and selling the merchandise as things were going well. Toge hadn’t been at the tavern for quite some time, but it would seem like now he would get a message from one of the members of the Dragon gang. He would look at the message and it would seem like he was needed at the tavern. Luci the Demon had read over the letter, and he would have a smirk on his face.

“It seems like Dracon wants to talk to you. It seems like something has come up.” He said to Toge.

Toge would hear this and he would shake his head as he was looking at the letter.

“Yeah, I guess heading to him wouldn’t hurt. Alright, guys keep making sure we have everything secure and that everything counts right. I got to see Dracon about stuff.” He said to those that were in the building.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:19 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would make his way to the tavern that belonged to the Dragon gang. He was still working for his client, but he was truly working for Dracon. When he got close to the tavern, he would notice how much had changed since he had come here. It would seem like Dracon did exactly what he had recommended him to do. When he got to the place, there was a man in front of the door. At first, they weren’t going to let Toge in, but when he remembered who he was, he would step to the side.

The paladin would enter the place and he would see how much had changed as well. It would seem like the place where Dracon had sat had changed as the man was in a VIP section and he would walk over to the area. There were a lot of people that weren’t a part of the gang, and he figured this was also a good way to make revenue.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would make his way to the area Dracon was in, and he would walk by the guards who would let him in. When he got to his leader, he would sit down on the couch across from him and he would look at him.

“I see you’re enjoying your upgrade?” He asked him waiting for an answer.

“Of course I do. It was a perfect idea, and with what you’ve been doing in the streets, we can afford it. I want you to do something for me.” He said to Toge as he waited for a response.

“Sure, what do you need me to do?” He asked Dracon.

“There is a gang that has been trying to mess with us recently. I don’t like that because they have hurt some of our men. I need you to get rid of them. Think of this as a way of proving to me you are worthy of becoming more than what you already are.” He said to Toge.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge had done this before for him but on a smaller scale. He wondered how big this would be.

“Where are they and do I need my group to come with me?” He asked him.

Dracon would hear his words and he would have a smile on his face. He would drink some of his alcohol on the table and put it down.

“I already sent a message to everyone in your group. They will be meeting you at the location I will give you. Their boss is there, and of course, once you take him out make sure you take everything they own. I wish you luck.” He said to Toge as he would give him a piece of paper.

Toge would take the paper and he would get up from his seat and he would walk down the steps and out of the tavern. Once he did that, he would unfold the paper and move to his next destination.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:21 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge kept moving as he would put on his helmet now. He figured that the sooner he was ready for this battle the better. The earth mage kept moving through the streets as the people around him would bow out of fear when they saw him. He wouldn’t pay any mind to them as he kept moving. Luci the demon would see this, and he would smoke his cigarette as he figured he would voice his opinion.

“It seems like Dracon wants to see if you are capable of doing things like this at a bigger scale. It would seem like he’s trusting you even more. If you fail, his gang will become a laughing stock and other gangs will attack.” He said to Toge.

Toge would have a smirk on his face because he wasn’t planning on losing.

“Good thing I don’t plan on losing.” He said as he would arrive at the destination with all his men waiting for him there.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:21 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would move to his men and he would see that they were glad that he had shown up. He would look at them with a serious look on his face as he was pacing back and forth.

“We’re here today because our boss Dracon wants us to take this gang out. They are in that building and it would seem like they have hurt some of our own men. We will take what’s theirs as it now belongs to us. We take out everyone that stands in our way and bring along any who wants to join us in the end. Now let’s prove to Dracon that we can do these things without a problem.” He said to them as if they would agree with him.

Toge would turn as he would make his way into the building with his group behind him. It wouldn’t take long, but they would all enter the building, and the first person they saw would be taken out without a problem.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:22 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would keep moving as he would open the door, and the others would follow right after. When they got in, the other gang members would look over at them as if they were surprised that some random people had gotten in.

“Get them, boys.” He said to his group as they would run and they would start fighting.

They would catch some of the people off guard as they were taken out without a problem. The others would be given time and they would start fighting against the intruders. There were those who would come to Toge, but he would dodge their attacks and he would headbutt them with his helmet on him.

Luci would drop to the ground and he would swipe at the person that attacked Toge as he would also attack the guy. They would be able to take that guy together and he would keep moving as things were getting hectic.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:22 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would see that there were more people trying to go after him, but he kept moving as he didn’t care about them. When they got close to him, they would be stopped by people from his group. It was a nice distraction, which allowed them to take these guys out easier.

“Where’s your boss I head he would be here today. He needs to show himself.” He shouted out loud for them to hear.

It would seem like the boss of the place was taking too long to come out, but he would show up. He would open the doors and he would look around to see a guy wearing a helmet walking around.

“You must be the piece of shit that is leading these guys to their death. After I take care of you, their morale will go to shit.” He said to Toge as he would make his way toward him.


#10Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:23 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would have a smirk on his face, but he knew that the man couldn’t see it. He would walk over to him, and the man would attack Toge without hesitating. The paladin would see this coming, and he would take the hit straight on. He was using a katana and when he felt the blade hit his armor, Toge would go for an attack of his own. He would punch the man right in the gut as he was hoping to do some damage to the man. It would seem like he would, but it wasn’t enough.

Toge’s target would swing again, but this time, it would hit Toge on the head. He was protected by his helmet, and he would kick the man this time on his left knee. The man would grunt from the pain, and he wondered why Toge’s armor was so sturdy.

“Attack me and show me what you got.” He taunted the man as he didn’t mind the fight.


#11Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:27 am

Go D. Drakkon
The man would hear this and he would come at Toge with everything he had. When he did, he would swing his blade straight through Toge’s armor. He would feel the wound that would be inflicted on him as his armor would break. He would have a smile on his face as he grunted from the pain, and he would grab the man’s head and he would bring it forward to him as he would headbutt him. Once he had done that, he would tackle the man onto the ground, and he would start laughing as he would strike him in the face. The man was too close to him for him to use his sword, but he would strike the wound that was on Toge’s body.

The paladin would grant from the pain, and he would strike the man back. This was going to be a battle of who had better willpower.


#12Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:31 am

Go D. Drakkon

While they kept going at it, it wouldn’t take long for the man in front of him to go unconscious. He was a bloody pulp and his face was all bashed in. The people that were fighting would hear laughing coming from where Toge and their leader were. The young man would get up from the ground as he was standing tall now.

“Your leader is dead, what will you do now? Fight to the death, or join us? I give you this option right now and only now.” He said to them as he waited to see what they would do.

The men there would stop fighting as they saw that this was a lost fight. The man had offered for them to join, which they would take.

“Alright boys clear this place up. As for you guys, I will make sure you earn my trust before doing anything else.” He said as everyone would get to work.


#13Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 9 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:34 am

Go D. Drakkon
Once the place was cleared, Toge and his men would leave the place. They would make their way to the tavern to make sure to report to Dracon. Once that was done, Yuurei would have some of his men partner up with the newbies in his group. He would make sure that everything was going well before he would return to his other client. Dracon had paid him, but he was making sure to give some false information to his client. He would tell them the location of the place where the leader of a gang was located.

He would tell them that when he got there it was too late and that there was nothing he could do. He would explain that he didn’t know who had done the deed, and he didn’t know where they had taken the drugs or the jewels. Still, he told him that Dracon was starting to trust him more.


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