It did almost seem to make her laugh for a moment because of the timing of it. But Averie did always have to make sure in some manner."Hopefully you do not hurt him with that."She assumed the answer was she didn't and she had heard it before because Averie did want to be sure in some manner since well the strange idea of being sure some one was okay even if they were really not at risk was new. Then again it seemed nice to have a such a life now."It was about how I thought about it too."Sure it might weird to be talking icebergian in joya, Even leaving in a remark about things."One of these times, I should practice some other languages."It seemed to be a general thing of mention for herself to think over, But the fact she was always thinking over other plans to consider showed she was comfortable.
Even being an odd one Averie might have to admit, She did not really have had food standards only because she was far too use to just okay food to get by when your going from places as quickly as she was these kind of foods were a bit more of a luxury."This is a lot better then most things I eat, I am not a masterful cook and merely just put a few things together before i quickly leave an area for whatever reason."She mentioned as she was still pretty happy about it.
But Averie over all attempt again to continue conversation."This is delightful over all for a change, However i am curious of other things here, maybe something that has to do with bread or a bun."Averie then quietly went back to eating some of her food, waiting to hear if that was an option after all she did not know and was expanding her options to see if there was something that here since she did not know joyan food. For the moment she seemed to have forgotten anything about drinks she might need a reminder of that.
As for anything while she was here to look at."I am sure side from the normal studying of the dead and being here, I might look into clothing and other styling attiring, if they will let me anyway."This was a sign that Averie might not have a lot of clothing, But she might not have a lot of stuff over all which might not be shocking to figure out.